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    The Detector

    The detector observes the correlator or matched filter outputs ro and r1 and decides
    on whether the transmitted signal waveform is s0 ( t) or s1 ( t) , which correspond to the
    transmission of either a 0 or a 1, respectively. The optimum detector is defined as the
    detector that minimizes the probability of error.




      Note that,  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q-function

      In statistics, the Q-function is the tail distribution function of the standard normal distribution.[1][2] In other words, {displaystyle Q(x)}Q(x) is the probability that a normal (Gaussian) random variable will obtain a value larger than {displaystyle x}x standard deviations. Equivalently, {displaystyle Q(x)}Q(x) is the probability that a standard normal random variable takes a value larger than {displaystyle x}x.

    The derivation of the detector performance given in the example was based on the

    transmission of the signal waveform s0 ( t). The reader may verify that the probability
    of error that is obtained when s1 ( t) is transmitted is identical to that obtained when
    so (t) is transmitted. Because the 0's and 1 's in the data sequence are equally probable,
    the average probability of error is that given by (5.2.23). The probability of error decreases exponentially as the SNR increases.

    Matlab Coding

     1 % The Matlab script that generates the probability of error versus the
     2 % signal-to-noise ratio.
     4 initial_snr = 0;
     5 final_snr = 15;
     6 snr_step = 0.25;
     7 snr_in_dB = initial_snr:snr_step:final_snr;
     8 for i = 1:length(snr_in_dB),
     9     snr = 10^(snr_in_dB(i)/10);
    10     Pe(i) = Qfunct(sqrt(snr));
    11     echo off;
    12 end
    13 echo on;
    14 semilogy(snr_in_dB,Pe)
    15 xlabel('SNR')
    16 ylabel('Probability of error')

    Simulation Result


      1. <<Contemporary Communication System using MATLAB>> - John G. Proakis

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/zzyzz/p/13621876.html
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