Matlab Coding

1 % MATLAB script for Illustrative Problem 10.2. 2 echo on 3 pn0_db=[-20:0.1:30]; 4 pn0=10.^(pn0_db./10); 5 capacity=3000.*log2(1+pn0/3000); # equation 10.2.5 6 pause % Press a key to see a plot of channel capacity vs. P/N0. 7 clf 8 semilogx(pn0,capacity) 9 title('Capacity vs. P/N0 in an AWGN channel') 10 xlabel('P/N0') 11 ylabel('Capacity (bits/second)') 12 clear 13 w=[1:10,12:2:100,105:5:500,510:10:5000,5025:25:20000,20050:50:100000]; 14 pn0_db=25; 15 pn0=10^(pn0_db/10); 16 capacity=w.*log2(1+pn0./w); # equation 10.2.5 17 pause % Press a key to see a plot of channel capacity vs. bandwidth. 18 clf 19 semilogx(w,capacity) 20 title('Capacity vs. bandwidth in an AWGN channel') 21 xlabel('Bandwidth (Hz)') 22 ylabel('Capacity (bits/second)')
Simulation Result
a plot of channel capacity vs. P/N0

a plot of channel capacity vs. bandwidth

1. <<Contemporary Communication System using MATLAB>> - John G. Proakis