There are nn cities and mm roads in Berland. Each road connects a pair of cities. The roads in Berland are one-way.
What is the minimum number of new roads that need to be built to make all the cities reachable from the capital?
New roads will also be one-way.
The first line of input consists of three integers nn, mm and ss (1≤n≤5000,0≤m≤5000,1≤s≤n1≤n≤5000,0≤m≤5000,1≤s≤n) — the number of cities, the number of roads and the index of the capital. Cities are indexed from 11 to nn.
The following mm lines contain roads: road ii is given as a pair of cities uiui, vivi (1≤ui,vi≤n1≤ui,vi≤n, ui≠viui≠vi). For each pair of cities (u,v)(u,v), there can be at most one road from uu to vv. Roads in opposite directions between a pair of cities are allowed (i.e. from uu to vv and from vv to uu).
Print one integer — the minimum number of extra roads needed to make all the cities reachable from city ss. If all the cities are already reachable from ss, print 0.
9 9 1
1 2
1 3
2 3
1 5
5 6
6 1
1 8
9 8
7 1
5 4 5
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 1
The first example is illustrated by the following:
For example, you can add roads (6,46,4), (7,97,9), (1,71,7) to make all the cities reachable from s=1s=1.
The second example is illustrated by the following:
In this example, you can add any one of the roads (5,15,1), (5,25,2), (5,35,3), (5,45,4) to make all the cities reachable from s=5s=5.
1 #include<cstdio> 2 #include <algorithm> 3 #include <stack> 4 #include <vector> 5 #include <cstring> 6 using namespace std; 7 8 const int MAXN=1e5+10; 9 const int inf=0x3f3f3f3f; 10 struct node{ 11 int to; 12 int next; 13 }edge[MAXN*4]; 14 int head[MAXN]; 15 int val[MAXN]; 16 bool instack[MAXN]; 17 int cnt; 18 int dfn[MAXN],low[MAXN]; 19 int sum[MAXN]; 20 void add(int x,int y) 21 { 22 edge[++cnt].to =y; 23 edge[cnt].next=head[x]; 24 head[x]=cnt; 25 } 26 int Time,num; 27 stack<int >st; 28 int du[MAXN]; 29 int color[MAXN]; 30 int x[MAXN],y[MAXN]; 31 void tarjan(int u) 32 { 33 dfn[u]=low[u]= ++Time; 34 st.push(u); 35 instack[u]=true; 36 for (int i = head[u]; i !=-1 ; i=edge[i].next) { 37 int v=edge[i].to; 38 if(!dfn[v]){ 39 tarjan(v); 40 low[u]=min(low[u],low[v]); 41 } 42 else if(instack[v]) low[u]=min(low[u],dfn[v]); 43 } 44 if(dfn[u]==low[u]) 45 { 46 int x; 47 num++; 48 while(1) { 49 x=st.top(); 50 st.pop(); 51 color[x]=num; 52 instack[x]=false; 53 if(x==u) break; 54 } 55 56 } 57 } 58 59 int main() 60 { 61 int n,m,s; 62 scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&s); 63 cnt=0; 64 memset(head,-1,sizeof(head)); 65 memset(instack,false, sizeof(instack)); 66 memset(sum, 0,sizeof(sum)); 67 for (int i = 1; i <=m ; ++i) { 68 scanf("%d%d",&x[i],&y[i]); 69 add(x[i],y[i]); 70 } 71 for (int i = 1; i <=n ; ++i) { 72 if(!dfn[i]) tarjan(i); 73 } 74 for (int i = 1; i <=m ; ++i) { 75 if(color[x[i]]!=color[y[i]]) 76 { 77 du[color[y[i]]]++; 78 } 79 } 80 81 int ans=0; 82 for (int i = 1; i <=num ; ++i) { 83 if(du[i]==0) ans++; 84 } 85 if(du[color[s]]==0) ans--; 86 printf("%d ",ans); 87 return 0; 88 }