rds 不支持账户A 给账户B 创建授权存储过程,只能是当前登录账户给自己创建,要登陆对应账户删除原有存储过程重新创建即为修改。
DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `sp_channel_report`; CREATE DEFINER = CURRENT_USER PROCEDURE `sp_channel_report`() BEGIN set @largeLoan = 10007; set @today = curdate(); select concat('[',group_concat(concat('{"name":"',a.name, '","largeLoanAccessTotal":',(select count(type) from access_url_log where type=0 and dc_id=a.id and upi_id=@largeLoan), ',"largeLoanClickTotal":',(select count(type) from access_url_log where type=1 and dc_id=a.id and upi_id=@largeLoan), ',"loanEntranceClickTotal":',(select count(type) from access_url_log where type=1 and dc_id=a.id and upi_id>@largeLoan and to_days(create_time)=to_days(now())), ',"loanEntranceAccessTotal":',(select count(id) from (select id,dc_id from access_url_log where type=0 and upi_id>@largeLoan group by dc_id,ip_addr) t where dc_id=a.id), ',"todayUserAccessTotal":', (select count(dc_id) from (select dc_id,ip_addr from access_url_log where create_time>=@today and upi_id>@largeLoan group by dc_id,ip_addr) t where dc_id=a.id), '}')), ']') as str from download_channel a; END;