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  • 英语----定语从句----限制性和非限制对比


    Anyone who leaves litter in these woods will be prosecuted

    prosecute: 检举、告发某人;对某人提起公诉;继续从事(某事物);担任控方律师

    He is being prosecuted for two criminal offences.

    // 非限制行 有时候 逗号 会被省略

    they entered a big hall where Charile bought some stamps // 他们进入了大厅,Charile在那里买了票

    // they entered the big hall where Charile had bought some stamps

    3. 翻译上

    限制性: .....的+先行词


    This is the house which we bought last week. // 这个是我们上个星期买的房子

    The house, which we bought last week, is very modern.// 房子非常的现代,是我们上周买的(补充)

    4. 先行词的唯一性



    I  have a girlfriend who is dancer.// 可能有多个女朋友

    I  have a girlfriend, who is dancer.//  只有一个女朋友

    5 专有名词:人名、地点、时间

    Jhon smith, who was a mechanic, retired last year.

    They went to London, where they stayed for six months.

    I've put off the appointment till tomorrow, when i will be free.

    6 被物质代词和指示代词修饰的

    My fater  this book

    7 as/which 引导的非限制定语从句 as/which 代替整个句子

    You drove too fast, which was very dangerous

    As( 放在句首) is known to all, driving too fast is dangerous.

    8 关系代词的省略

    You're the right person (that/whom) we're looking for. 非正式 也就是口语表达

    He rushed to the hospital to see his girlfriend, whom he loved very much.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/1018475062qq/p/7047253.html
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