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  • 成都某公司笔试题

    • 请比较一下中的Dictionary类与List类(效率,特点,实用场合)。
    • 编程题,Dictionary<int,Item>dicItems中含有m个元素,请写一个方法,实现移除指定值项。
      Public static void RemoveItems(Dictionary<int,Item>dicItems, Item item)
    • 编程题,设从原点到A点, 要求在totalTime时间内以匀加速度到达,求从A点出发后经过elaspe时间后的位置。
    Public static Vector3GetDistance(Vector3 target, float totalTime, float elapse)
                       Vector3 pos=target;
    • 翻译题,请将下列Unity3D官方文档翻译成中文
    • Once a rigidbody is moving at less than acertain minimum linear or rotational speed, the physics engine will assume ithas come to a halt. When this happens, the object will not move again until itreceives a collision or force and so it will be set to “sleeping” mode. Thisoptimisation means that no processor time will be spent updating the rigidbodyuntil the next time it is “awoken” (ie, set in motion again). For mostpurposes, the sleeping and waking of rigidbodies happens transparently.However, an object might fail to wake up if a static collider (ie, one withouta rigidbody) is moved into it or away from it by modifying the transformposition. This might result, say, in the rigidbody object hanging in the airwhen the floor has been moved out from beneath it. In cases like this, theobject can be woken explicitly using the WakeUp function.
    • 请问,如何实现切换场景数据传递。
    • 请谈谈Animator与Animation差别与使用。
    • 谈谈通常Shader中是如何将图片变成灰度图。
    • 请结合渲染管线,谈谈如何优化unity3d项目。
    • 用低面的模型,可以减少渲染的运算
    • 将不重要的场景,游戏对象降低面数,减少细节。
  • 相关阅读:
    009 逻辑 + MFC CString
    008 浅拷贝与深拷贝
    007 operator
    006 this指针原理
    005 逻辑 + STL list
    004 list::sort
    003 逻辑 + mfc CList
    001 C++历史和思想
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/123ing/p/3851257.html
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