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  • arcgis时间滑块time slider工具

    1. 先在excel里导出为dbf格式。(表头改为20211101格式)

    2. 在arcgis里加载

    3. 将位置表和属性表关联。

    4. arctoolbox->mangement->fields->transpose:

    5. 定义符号时,最小值无法改变(可以改label)

    6. 右键,属性,选择“Time”选项卡,选择应用时间到图层。便出现time slider



    Make a custom time slider

    PurposeThis sample demonstrates how the map's current time can be controlled using a custom control dialog box. The sample includes code showing how to convert the time values from Windows date and time controls into ArcGIS Time objects. It also shows how you can add and subtract times using the TimeExtent and TimeDuration classes.此示例演示如何使用自定义控件对话框控制贴图的当前时间。该示例包含显示如何将Windows日期和时间控件中的时间值转换为ArcGIS时间对象的代码。它还显示了如何使用TimeExtent和TimeDuration类添加和减去时间。

    How to use

    See How to use ArcGIS samples for help on compiling, setting up the debugger, and running the sample.

    Data has been provided for your use with this sample. It can be found at <Your ArcGIS Developer Kit Install directory>/Samples/data/Time/TimeAwareHurricanes.mxd.
    此示例提供了供您使用的数据。可以在<Your ArcGIS Developer Kit Install directory>/Samples/data/Time/TimeAwareHurricanes中找到它。mxd。
    If the sample has associated data, you will find that the sample's zip file includes a "data" folder alongside the language folders. However, you will need to update the sample to point to the location of the data once you have extracted all the files.如果样本有相关数据,您会发现样本的zip文件在语言文件夹旁边包含一个“数据”文件夹。但是,提取完所有文件后,需要更新样本以指向数据的位置。
    1. Open the Visual Studio solution file and build the project. This will create a .dll and a type library (.tlb) file in the \bin folder. The .dll gets registered with the ESRI Add-Ins component category.打开Visual Studio解决方案文件并生成项目。这将创建一个。dll和\bin文件夹中的类型库(.tlb)文件。这个dll在ESRI加载项组件类别中注册。
    2. Start ArcMap and load the TimeAwareHurricanes.mxd map in the folder <Your ArcGIS Developer Kit Install directory>/Samples/data/Time.启动ArcMap并加载TimeAwareUricianes。文件夹<Your ArcGIS Developer Kit Install directory>/Samples/data/Time中的mxd映射。
    3. Open the Customize dialog box. On the Commands tab, select the Add-In Controls. The Add-In Controls appear, including the Custom Time Control.打开“自定义”对话框。在“命令”选项卡上,选择外接程序控件。将显示外接程序控件,包括自定义时间控件。
    4. Drag the Custom Time Control button onto one of the toolbars and close the Customize dialog box.
    5. Double-click atlantic_hurricanes_2000 to open the layer's properties.
    6. Click the Time tab. Make sure the Enable Time on this layer check box is selected.
    7. Click OK to close the properties panel.
    8. Click the Custom Time Control button.
    9. Note that only a portion of the hurricane data shows on the map. Drag the slider in the Custom Time Control back and forth to interactively change the time. Try using the date picker in the Custom Time Control to go to a specific date.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/2008nmj/p/15727069.html
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