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  • ROS教程

    Learning ROS 学习ROS

    Depending on your learning style and preferences, you can take two approaches to learning ROS: 根据你的学习风格和喜好,你可以采取两种方法来学习ROS:

    • Start the Tutorials - Dive in right away and start working with ROS.  一种是直接开始上手操作ROS (教程:http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials)

    • Get an Overview - Read through this written overview of ROS and its capabilities. 另一种是先学习概念再上手(ROS简介:http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Introduction)

    To get an immediate start with a pre-prepared ROS virtual machine, please see here: http://www.clearpathrobotics.com/blog/how-to-guide-ros-101/


    For more detailed information on the ROS framework, see the core ROS documentation.



    Finding Answers 找答案

    There are three places to look for answers to your questions and problems. The first is this wiki. Try the Search feature located at the top right.


    If you can't find a solution to your problem, then try searching http://answers.ros.org or the archived mailing list. Ask a question on http://answers.ros.org/ask

    如果你在wiki.ros.org搜索不到,那么试一下到http://answers.ros.org搜索一下,或者在archived mailing list(http://lists.ros.org/lurker/list/ros-users.en.html)搜索一下。或着在http://answers.ros.org/ask提问。

    Check out the Support page for more information.


    Finding Code 寻找代码

    Wondering if there is already a ROS package out there that does what you need? The Browse Software tool also lets search for useful packages. You can also browse the list of public ROS repositories to look for groups doing similar work.  

    想知道是否已经有你所想要的ROS package开发包了?“浏览软件”工具允许你搜索有用的源码包:http://www.ros.org/browse/。你还可以浏览公共ROS资料库列表查找做相同工作的群体:http://wiki.ros.org/RecommendedRepositoryUsage/CommonGitHubOrganizations。

    How to use this wiki 如何使用该wiki

    See navigating the wiki tutorial for more information.


    ROS Tutorials ROS教程

    Non-Beginners: If you're already familiar enough with ROS fuerte or earlier versions and only want to explore the new build system introduced in groovy and used in hydro and later, called catkin, you can go through more in-depth catkin tutorial here. However, going over all basic Beginner Level tutorials is still recommended for all users to get exposed to new features.  非新手:如果你已经很熟悉ROS fuerte(第5版ROS系统)或者早先的版本了,只是希望探索groovy(第6版ROS系统)介绍的、在hydro(第7版ROS系统)及其后使用的新的建立系统,叫做catkin,你可以浏览更多深度解析的catkin教程:http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/Tutorials。但是,仍然建议所有的使用者可以浏览所有基本的初学级别的教程,从而掌握所有的新功能:http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials#Beginner_Level。

    If you are new to Linux: You may find it helpful to first do a quick tutorial on common command line tools for linux. A good one is here.



    1. Core ROS Tutorials 内核ROS教程

    1.1 Beginner Level 新手水平

    1. Installing and Configuring Your ROS Environment 建立并配置你的ROS环境

    This tutorial walks you through installing ROS and setting up the ROS environment on your computer.


    (1)Install ROS 安装ROS

    Note:If you installed ROS from a package manager like apt, then those packages will not be write accessible and should not be edited by you the user. When working with ROS packages from source or when creating a new ROS package, you should always work in a directory that you have access to, like your home folder.

    注意:如果你通过像apt这样的包管理器建立ROS的话,那么这些包将不能被写而且不能被使用者所编辑。当跟源ROS包工作或者当创建一个新的 ROS包时,你应该总是在能够接触到的路径中工作,比如你的home文件夹中。

    (2)Managing Your Environment管理你的环境

    During the installation of ROS, you will see that you are prompted to source one of several setup.*sh files, or even add this 'sourcing' to your shell startup script. This is required because ROS relies on the notion of combining spaces using the shell environment. This makes developing against different versions of ROS or against different sets of packages easier.


    If you are ever having problems finding or using your ROS packages make sure that you have your environment properly setup. A good way to check is to ensure that environment variables like ROS_ROOT and ROS_PACKAGE_PATH are set:

    $ printenv | grep ROS


    $ printenv | grep ROS

    If they are not then you might need to 'source' some setup.*sh files.


    Environment setup files are generated for you, but can come from different places: 环境设置文件是为你生成的,但是可能来自不同的地方:

     Note: Throughout the tutorials you will see references to rosbuild and catkin. These are the two available methods for organizing and building your ROS code. Generally, rosbuild is easy to use and simple, where as catkin uses more standard CMake conventions, so it is more sophisticated, but provides more flexibility especially for people wanting to integrate external code bases or who want to release their software. For a full break down visit catkin or rosbuild.

    注意:贯穿本教程你将会看到关于rosbuild和catkin的参考。这些是两个对于管理和建立你的ROS代码可用的方法。一般来讲,rosbuild是容易用而且简单的,而catkin使用了更加标准的CMake协议,所以它更加复杂,但是它提供了更多弹性的尤其是对于想要集成外部代码底层的人们或者是想要发布他们的软件的人们来说。对于完整的解析请看:catkin or rosbuild:http://wiki.ros.org/catkin_or_rosbuild。

    If you just installed ROS from apt on Ubuntu then you will have setup.*sh files in '/opt/ros/<distro>/', and you could source them like so:


    $ source /opt/ros/<distro>/setup.bash

    Using the short name of your ROS distribution instead of <distro> 使用你的ROS版本的短名称代替<distro>,这里distro是Kinetic(第十版的ROS版本)

    If you installed ROS Kinetic, that would be:如果你安装了ROS Kinetic,那么将会是

    $ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash

    You will need to run this command on every new shell you open to have access to the ROS commands, unless you add this line to your .bashrc. This process allows you to install several ROS distributions (e.g. indigo and kinetic) on the same computer and switch between them.


    On other platforms you will find these setup.*sh files wherever you installed ROS.


    (3)Create a ROS Workspace 建立你的一个ROS工作空间

    These instructions are for ROS Groovy and later. For ROS Fuerte and earlier, select rosbuild.

    这些指导是为ROS Groovy及其以后的版本的。对于ROS Fuerte和早期版本,需要选择rosbuild。

    Let's create a catkin workspace: 让我们创建一个catkin工作空间:


    $ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src  //主目录下创建一个catkin_ws/src目录
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src    //走到catkin_ws/src目录下
    $ catkin_init_workspace     //初始化该工作空间

    Even though the workspace is empty (there are no packages in the 'src' folder, just a single CMakeLists.txt link) you can still "build" the workspace: 尽管这个工作空间是空的(在这个'src'文件夹下没有任何的包,只有一个CMakeLists.txt链接),但是你依然可以“建立”这个工作空间:


      $ cd ~/catkin_ws/ //走到catkin_ws/目录下

      $ catkin_make //catkin_make建立该工作空间


    The catkin_make command is a convenience tool for working with catkin workspaces. If you look in your current directory you should now have a 'build' and 'devel' folder. Inside the 'devel' folder you can see that there are now several setup.*sh files. Sourcing any of these files will overlay this workspace on top of your environment. To understand more about this see the general catkin documentation: catkin. Before continuing source your new setup.*sh file:

    catkin_make命令是一个在catkin workspaces工作空间工作中方便的工具。如果你看一下你当前的目录你现在应该有了一个'build'和一个'devel'文件夹。在'devel'文件夹下你可以看到有几个setup.*sh文件。源这些文件中的任何一个将会将该工作空间铺盖到你环境的顶部。为了理解更多,你可以看一下通用的catkin参考资料:catkin:http://wiki.ros.org/catkin。在源你新建的setup.*sh文件之前:

     $ source devel/setup.bash

    To make sure your workspace is properly overlayed by the setup script, make sure ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable includes the directory you're in.


    $ echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

    Now that your environment is setup, continue with the ROS file system tutorial.



    2. Navigating the ROS Filesystem 浏览你的ROS文件系统

    This tutorial introduces ROS filesystem concepts, and covers using the roscd, rosls, and rospack commandline tools.



    For this tutorial we will inspect a package in ros-tutorials, please install it using 要完成这个教程我们将检查ros-tutorials中的一个包,请使用以下方法安装它:

    $ sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-ros-tutorials

    Replace '<distro>' with the name of your ROS distribution (e.g. hydro, groovy, electric, fuerte etc.)


    • Packages: Packages are the software organization unit of ROS code. Each package can contain libraries, executables, scripts, or other artifacts. 包:包是ROS代码的软件组织单元。每一个包都可能包含库文件、执行文件、脚本或者其他的工件。
    • Manifests (package.xml): A manifest is a description of a package. It serves to define dependencies between packages and to capture meta information about the package like version, maintainer, license, etc...  Manifest文件(package.xml):一个Manifest文件是对于包的描述。它用于定义包之间的依赖,以及抓捕关于包的元信息,比如版本号、保持者、版权等等


    Show    Note about stacks


    Code is spread across many ROS packages. Navigating with command-line tools such as ls and cd can be very tedious which is why ROS provides tools to help you.



    rospack allows you to get information about packages. In this tutorial, we are only going to cover the find option, which returns the path to package.



    $ rospack find [package_name]

    Example: 例子:

    $ rospack find roscpp

    would return: 将返回:(这里是:/opt/ros/kinetic/share/roscpp)


    If you installed ROS from apt on Ubuntu Linux you would see exactly: 如果你通过apt在Ubuntu Linux上安装的ROS,那么你将看到:



    roscd is part of the rosbash suite. It allows you to change directory (cd) directly to a package or a stack.


    Usage: 用法

    $ roscd [locationname[/subdir]] 

    To verify that we have changed to the roscpp package directory, run this example:


    $ roscd roscpp

    Now let's print the working directory using the Unix command pwd:现在让我们使用Unix命令pwd来打印工作目录:

    $ pwd

    You should see: 你将会看到:(这里是:/opt/ros/kinetic/share/roscpp)

    • YOUR_INSTALL_PATH/share/roscpp

    You can see that YOUR_INSTALL_PATH/share/roscpp is the same path that rospack find gave in the previous example.

    你可以看到YOUR_INSTALL_PATH/share/roscpp正是rospack find在之前的例子中给出的。

    Note that roscd, like other ROS tools, will only find ROS packages that are within the directories listed in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. To see what is in your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, type: 注意roscd,像其他的ROS工具一样,将只能查找在你的ROS_PACKAGE_PATH中列出的目录中的ROS包。要查看在你的ROS_PACKAGE_PATH中有什么,请输入:

    $ echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH

    Your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH should contain a list of directories where you have ROS packages separated by colons. A typical ROS_PACKAGE_PATH might look like this:



    Similarly to other environment paths, you can add additional directories to your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH, with each path separated by a colon ':'.



    roscd can also move to a subdirectory of a package or stack. roscd还能移动到一个包或者集的子路径。


    $ roscd roscpp/cmake
    $ pwd

    You should see: 你应该可以看到:

    • YOUR_INSTALL_PATH/share/roscpp/cmake

    3)roscd log

    roscd log will take you to the folder where ROS stores log files. Note that if you have not run any ROS programs yet, this will yield an error saying that it does not yet exist.

    If you have run some ROS program before, try:

    roscd log将带你到ROS存储log文件的文件夹中。注意如果你还没有运行任何ROS程序的话,这个将发出一个讲它还不存在的错误。


    $ roscd log


    rosls is part of the rosbash suite. It allows you to ls directly in a package by name rather than by absolute path.


    Usage: 用法:

    $ rosls [locationname[/subdir]]

    Example: 例子:

    $ rosls roscpp_tutorials

    would return: 将会返回:

    cmake launch package.xml srv


    It can get tedious to type out an entire package name. In the previous example, roscpp_tutorials is a fairly long name. Luckily, some ROS tools support TAB completion.


    Start by typing: 试着敲下:

    $ roscd roscpp_tut<<< now push the TAB key >>>

    After pushing the TAB key, the command line should fill out the rest:

    $ roscd roscpp_tutorials/

    This works because roscpp_tutorials is currently the only ROS package that starts with roscpp_tut. 这工作了,因为roscpp_tutorials是当前ROS包中唯一以roscpp_tut开始的包。

    Now try typing:现在试着敲下:

    $ roscd tur<<< now push the TAB key >>>

    After pushing the TAB key, the command line should fill out as much as possible:


    $ roscd turtle

    However, in this case there are multiple packages that begin with turtle. Try typing TAB another time. This should display all the ROS packages that begin with turtle: 但是,在这种情况下有多个包以turtle开头。试着敲下TAB键。这可能会显示出所有的以turtle开头的ROS包:


    turtle_actionlib/  turtlesim/         turtle_tf/

     On the command line you should still have:在命令行你应该仍有:

    $ roscd turtle

    Now type an s after turtle and then push TAB:现在在turtle后面键入一个s,然后按TAB键:

    $ roscd turtles<<< now push the TAB key >>>

    Since there is only one package that starts with turtles, you should see: 既然只有一个包以turtles开头,你应该会看到

    $ roscd turtlesim/


    You may have noticed a pattern with the naming of the ROS tools: 你可能已经注意到ROS工具命名的模式:

    • rospack = ros + pack(age) 
    • roscd = ros + cd
    • rosls = ros + ls

    This naming pattern holds for many of the ROS tools. 这种命名模式支持很多的ROS工具。

    Now that you can get around in ROS, let's create a package. 现在你已经对ROS有了了解了,那让我们创建一个包吧。


    3. Creating a ROS Package 建立一个ROS包

    This tutorial covers using roscreate-pkg or catkin to create a new package, and rospack to list package dependencies.



    For a package to be considered a catkin package it must meet a few requirements: 要使一个包被当成一个catkin包,它需要满足几个要求:

    • The package must contain a catkin compliant package.xml file. 这个包必须包含一个catkin compliant package.xml文件。

      • That package.xml file provides meta information about the package.  这个package.xml文件提供关于该包的元信息。
    • The package must contain a CMakeLists.txt which uses catkin. If it is a catkin metapackage it must have the relevant boilerplate CMakeLists.txt file. 该包必须包含一个使用catkin的CMakeLists.txt文件。如果这是一个catkin元包的话,它必须有相关的模板化CMakeLists.txt文件。

    • There can be no more than one package in each folder.在每个文件夹下不能有超过一个的包。
      • This means no nested packages nor multiple packages sharing the same directory. 这意味着不允许嵌套的包或者多个包共享一个目录。

    The simplest possible package might have a structure which looks like this: 最简单的包可能是有一个像这样的结构:



    The recommended method of working with catkin packages is using a catkin workspace, but you can also build catkin packages standalone. A trivial workspace might look like this: 跟catkin包工作建议的方法是使用一个catkin工作空间,但是你也可以单独生成catkin包。一个一般的工作空间可能是像这样:

    • workspace_folder/        -- WORKSPACE  //工作空间
        src/                   -- SOURCE SPACE   //源空间
          CMakeLists.txt       -- 'Toplevel' CMake file, provided by catkin //顶层的CMake文件,由catkin提供
            CMakeLists.txt     -- CMakeLists.txt file for package_1 //包_1中的CMakeLists.txt
            package.xml        -- Package manifest for package_1 //包_1中的包manifest
            CMakeLists.txt     -- CMakeLists.txt file for package_n //包_n中的CMakeLists.txt
            package.xml        -- Package manifest for package_n //包_n中的包manifest

    Before continuing with this tutorial create an empty catkin workspace by following the Creating a workspace for catkin tutorial.在继续本教程之前创建一个空的catkin工作空间,按照创建一个catkin工作空间教程:http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/Tutorials/create_a_workspace。


    This tutorial will demonstrate how to use the catkin_create_pkg script to create a new catkin package, and what you can do with it after it has been created.


    First change to the source space directory of the catkin workspace you created in the Creating a Workspace for catkin tutorial:


    # You should have created this in the Creating a Workspace Tutorial
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src

    Now use the catkin_create_pkg script to create a new package called 'beginner_tutorials' which depends on std_msgs, roscpp, and rospy:

    现在使用catkin_create_pkg脚本来创建一个新的包叫做“beginner_tutorials”,它依赖于std_msgs, roscpp和rospy。

    $ catkin_create_pkg beginner_tutorials std_msgs rospy roscpp

    This will create a beginner_tutorials folder which contains a package.xml and a CMakeLists.txt, which have been partially filled out with the information you gave catkin_create_pkg. 这将会创建一个beginner_tutorials文件夹,其中包括一个package.xml和一个CMakeLists.txt文件,它们已经使用你给catkin_create_pkg的信息填充了一部分。

    catkin_create_pkg requires that you give it a package_name and optionally a list of dependencies on which that package depends:


    # This is an example, do not try to run this
    # catkin_create_pkg <package_name> [depend1] [depend2] [depend3]

    catkin_create_pkg also has more advanced functionalities which are described in catkin/commands/catkin_create_pkg.



    Now you need to build the packages in the catkin workspace:


    $ cd ~/catkin_ws
    $ catkin_make

    After the workspace has been built it has created a similar structure in the devel subfolder as you usually find under /opt/ros/$ROSDISTRO_NAME.

    在工作空间已经生成之后,它已经在devel子文件夹下创建了一个相似的结构,就像你经常在/opt/ros/$ROSDISTRO_NAME 下看到的一样。

    To add the workspace to your ROS environment you need to source the generated setup file:



    $ . ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash



    When using catkin_create_pkg earlier, a few package dependencies were provided. These first-order dependencies can now be reviewed with the rospack tool.


    $ rospack depends1 beginner_tutorials 
    • std_msgs

    As you can see, rospack lists the same dependencies that were used as arguments when running catkin_create_pkg. These dependencies for a package are stored in the package.xml file: 就像你看到的一样,rospack列出了运行catkin_create_pkg时被当做参数使用的相同的依赖。一个包的这些依赖存储在package.xml文件中:


    $ roscd beginner_tutorials
    $ cat package.xml


    In many cases, a dependency will also have its own dependencies. For instance, rospy has other dependencies.


    $ rospack depends1 rospy
    • genpy

    A package can have quite a few indirect dependencies. Luckily rospack can recursively determine all nested dependencies.


    $ rospack depends beginner_tutorials


    This part of the tutorial will look at each file generated by catkin_create_pkg and describe, line by line, each component of those files and how you can customize them for your package.



    The generated package.xml should be in your new package. Now lets go through the new package.xml and touch up any elements that need your attention.


    description tag 描述标签

    First update the description tag: 首先更新一下描述标签:


    Toggle line numbers
       5   <description>The beginner_tutorials package</description>


    Change the description to anything you like, but by convention the first sentence should be short while covering the scope of the package. If it is hard to describe the package in a single sentence then it might need to be broken up.


    maintainer tags 维护者标签

    Next comes the maintainer tag:  接下来是维护者标签:


    Toggle line numbers
       7   <!-- One maintainer tag required, multiple allowed, one person per tag --> 
       8   <!-- Example:  -->
       9   <!-- <maintainer email="jane.doe@example.com">Jane Doe</maintainer> -->
      10   <maintainer email="user@todo.todo">user</maintainer>


    This is a required and important tag for the package.xml because it lets others know who to contact about the package. At least one maintainer is required, but you can have many if you like. The name of the maintainer goes into the body of the tag, but there is also an email attribute that should be filled out:


    Toggle line numbers
       7   <maintainer email="you@yourdomain.tld">Your Name</maintainer>

    license tags 许可标签

    Next is the license tag, which is also required: 接下来是许可标签,这也是需要的:


    Toggle line numbers
      12   <!-- One license tag required, multiple allowed, one license per tag -->
      13   <!-- Commonly used license strings: -->
      14   <!--   BSD, MIT, Boost Software License, GPLv2, GPLv3, LGPLv2.1, LGPLv3 -->
      15   <license>TODO</license>


    You should choose a license and fill it in here. Some common open source licenses are BSD, MIT, Boost Software License, GPLv2, GPLv3, LGPLv2.1, and LGPLv3. You can read about several of these at the Open Source Initiative. For this tutorial we'll use the BSD license because the rest of the core ROS components use it already:

    你应该选择一个许可将它填在这里。一些通常的开源许可有BSD,MIT,Boost Software License,GPLv2,GPLv3,LGPLv2.1,和LGPLv3。你可以在Open Source Initiative读到这几个: http://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical。对于本教程我们将使用BSD许可因为核心的ROS组件已经使用了它:

    Toggle line numbers
       8   <license>BSD</license>

    dependencies tags 依赖标签

    The next set of tags describe the dependencies of your package. The dependencies are split into build_depend, buildtool_depend, run_depend, test_depend. For a more detailed explanation of these tags see the documentation about Catkin Dependencies. Since we passed std_msgs, roscpp, and rospy as arguments to catkin_create_pkg, the dependencies will look like this:

    下一个标签描述了你的包的依赖项。依赖项被分成了build_depend(生成依赖),buildtool_depend(生成工具_依赖),run_depend(运行依赖),test_depend(测试依赖)。要想更详细地了解这些标签请看Catkin Dependencies(Catkin依赖)参考资料:http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/package.xml#Build.2C_Run.2C_and_Test_Dependencies。既然我们传递了std_msgs, roscp,和rospy作为catkin_create_pkg的参数,那么依赖项将看上去像这个样子:


    Toggle line numbers
      27   <!-- The *_depend tags are used to specify dependencies -->
      28   <!-- Dependencies can be catkin packages or system dependencies -->
      29   <!-- Examples: -->
      30   <!-- Use build_depend for packages you need at compile time: -->
      31   <!--   <build_depend>genmsg</build_depend> -->
      32   <!-- Use buildtool_depend for build tool packages: -->
      33   <!--   <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend> -->
      34   <!-- Use run_depend for packages you need at runtime: -->
      35   <!--   <run_depend>python-yaml</run_depend> -->
      36   <!-- Use test_depend for packages you need only for testing: -->
      37   <!--   <test_depend>gtest</test_depend> -->
      38   <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend>
      39   <build_depend>roscpp</build_depend>
      40   <build_depend>rospy</build_depend>
      41   <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend>


    All of our listed dependencies have been added as a build_depend for us, in addition to the default buildtool_depend on catkin. In this case we want all of our specified dependencies to be available at build and run time, so we'll add a run_depend tag for each of them as well:



    Toggle line numbers
      12   <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend>
      14   <build_depend>roscpp</build_depend>
      15   <build_depend>rospy</build_depend>
      16   <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend>
      18   <run_depend>roscpp</run_depend>
      19   <run_depend>rospy</run_depend>
      20   <run_depend>std_msgs</run_depend>

    Final package.xml 最终的package.xml

    As you can see the final package.xml, without comments and unused tags, is much more concise:



    Toggle line numbers
       1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
       2 <package>
       3   <name>beginner_tutorials</name>
       4   <version>0.1.0</version>
       5   <description>The beginner_tutorials package</description>
       7   <maintainer email="you@yourdomain.tld">Your Name</maintainer>
       8   <license>BSD</license>
       9   <url type="website">http://wiki.ros.org/beginner_tutorials</url>
      10   <author email="you@yourdomain.tld">Jane Doe</author>
      12   <buildtool_depend>catkin</buildtool_depend>
      14   <build_depend>roscpp</build_depend>
      15   <build_depend>rospy</build_depend>
      16   <build_depend>std_msgs</build_depend>
      18   <run_depend>roscpp</run_depend>
      19   <run_depend>rospy</run_depend>
      20   <run_depend>std_msgs</run_depend>
      22 </package>


    Now that the package.xml, which contains meta information, has been tailored to your package, you are ready to move on in the tutorials. The CMakeLists.txt file created by catkin_create_pkg will be covered in the later tutorials about building ROS code.


    Now that you've made a new ROS package, let's build our ROS package.


    4. Building a ROS Package 生成一个ROS包

    This tutorial covers the toolchain to build a package.



    As long as all of the system dependencies of your package are installed, we can now build your new package. 只要包的系统依赖都安装了,那么就可以生成新包了。


    Note: If you installed ROS using apt or some other package manager, you should already have all of your dependencies.如果你使用apt或其他包管理器安装的ROS,那么依赖项均已经安装好了

    Before continuing remember to source your environment setup file if you have not already. On Ubuntu it would be something like this:



    $ source /opt/ros/%YOUR_ROS_DISTRO%/setup.bash
    $ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash             (For Kinetic for instance) 

     1)Using catkin_make使用catkin_make

    catkin_make is a command line tool which adds some convenience to the standard catkin workflow. You can imagine that catkin_make combines the calls to cmake and make in the standard CMake workflow. catkin_make是一个为标准catkin工作流带来方便的命令行工具。

    Usage: 用法:


    # In a catkin workspace
    $ catkin_make [make_targets] [-DCMAKE_VARIABLES=...]

    For people who are unfamiliar with the standard CMake workflow, it breaks down as follows:


    Note: If you run the below commands it will not work, as this is just an example of how CMake generally works.



    # In a CMake project
    $ mkdir build
    $ cd build
    $ cmake ..
    $ make
    $ make install  # (optionally)

    This process is run for each CMake project. In contrast catkin projects can be built together in workspaces. Building zero to many catkin packages in a workspace follows this work flow:



    # In a catkin workspace
    $ catkin_make
    $ catkin_make install  # (optionally)

    The above commands will build any catkin projects found in the src folder. This follows the recommendations set by REP128. If your source code is in a different place, say my_src then you would call catkin_make like this:


    Note: If you run the below commands it will not work, as the directory my_src does not exist.



    # In a catkin workspace
    $ catkin_make --source my_src
    $ catkin_make install --source my_src  # (optionally)

    For more advanced uses of catkin_make see the documentation: catkin/commands/catkin_make


    2)Building Your Package 生成你的包

    For readers of this page who are about to build your own codes, please also take a look at later tutorial (C++)/(Python) since you may need to modify CMakeLists.txt.


    You should already have a catkin workspace and a new catkin package called beginner_tutorials from the previous tutorial, Creating a Package. Go into the catkin workspace if you are not already there and look in the src folder:

    通过之前的教程(创建一个包)你应该已经有一个catkin工作空间和一个叫beginner_tutorials的catkin包了 。进入catkin工作空间,如果你还没有在那里的话,看一下src文件夹:

    $ cd ~/catkin_ws/
    $ ls src
    • beginner_tutorials/  CMakeLists.txt@  

    You should see that there is a folder called beginner_tutorials which you created with catkin_create_pkg in the previous tutorial. We can now build that package using catkin_make: 你应该看到有一个你之前用catkin_create_pkg创建的叫beginner_tutorials的文件夹。我们现在可以使用catkin_make生成那个包:


    $ catkin_make

    You should see a lot of output from cmake and them make, which should be similar to this:

    你应该看到从cmake生成并输出了很多内容, 它应该像这样的:

    Base path: /home/user/catkin_ws
    Source space: /home/user/catkin_ws/src
    Build space: /home/user/catkin_ws/build
    Devel space: /home/user/catkin_ws/devel
    Install space: /home/user/catkin_ws/install
    #### Running command: "cmake /home/user/catkin_ws/src
    -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/user/catkin_ws/install" in "/home/user/catkin_ws/build"
    -- The C compiler identification is GNU 4.2.1
    -- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 4.0.0
    -- Checking whether C compiler has -isysroot
    -- Checking whether C compiler has -isysroot - yes
    -- Checking whether C compiler supports OSX deployment target flag
    -- Checking whether C compiler supports OSX deployment target flag - yes
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- works
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
    -- Using CATKIN_DEVEL_PREFIX: /tmp/catkin_ws/devel
    -- Using CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH: /opt/ros/kinetic
    -- This workspace overlays: /opt/ros/kinetic
    -- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python (found version "2.7.1") 
    -- Found PY_em: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/em.pyc
    -- Found gtest: gtests will be built
    -- catkin 0.5.51
    -- BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is on
    -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    -- ~~  traversing packages in topological order:
    -- ~~  - beginner_tutorials
    -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    -- +++ add_subdirectory(beginner_tutorials)
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /home/user/catkin_ws/build
    #### Running command: "make -j4" in "/home/user/catkin_ws/build"

    Note that catkin_make first displays what paths it is using for each of the 'spaces'. The spaces are described in the REP128 and by documentation about catkin workspaces on the wiki: catkin/workspaces. The important thing to notice is that because of these default values several folders have been created in your catkin workspace. Take a look with ls:

    注意catkin_make首先展示了什么路径它用来为每一个空间。这些空间在REP128里以及在catkin wiki中关于catkin工作空间的参考资料中描述了。值得注意的重要事情是由于这些默认的值几个文件夹已经在你的catkin工作空间中创建了。使用ls来看一下吧:


    $ ls
    • build

    The build folder is the default location of the build space and is where cmake and make are called to configure and build your packages. The devel folder is the default location of the devel space, which is where your executables and libraries go before you install your packages.


    Now that you have built your ROS package let's talk more about ROS Nodes.


    5. Understanding ROS Nodes 理解ROS节点

    This tutorial introduces ROS graph concepts and discusses the use of roscore, rosnode, and rosrun commandline tools.

    该教程介绍ROS图的概念,并且讨论了roscore, rosnode和rosrun命令工具的用法。


    For this tutorial we will use a lightweight simulator, please install it using


    $ sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-ros-tutorials

    Replace '<distro>' with the name of your ROS distribution (e.g. indigo, jade, kinetic)请用你的版本名称代替其中的'<distro>'。


    • Nodes: A node is an executable that uses ROS to communicate with other nodes. 节点:节点是一个执行过程,它使用ROS来跟其他节点交流。

    • Messages: ROS data type used when subscribing or publishing to a topic. 信息:当订阅或者发布到一个主题时使用的ROS数据类型。

    • Topics: Nodes can publish messages to a topic as well as subscribe to a topic to receive messages.  主题:节点除了可以订阅一个主题接收消息外还能够发布消息到一个主题上。

    • Master: Name service for ROS (i.e. helps nodes find each other) 管理者:ROS的名称服务。(比如,帮助节点寻找对方节点)

    • rosout: ROS equivalent of stdout/stderr  rosout:等同于stdout/stderr的ROS。

    • roscore: Master + rosout + parameter server (parameter server will be introduced later)  roscore:管理者+rosout+参数服务器(参数服务器后面会介绍)。


    A node really isn't much more than an executable file within a ROS package. ROS nodes use a ROS client library to communicate with other nodes. Nodes can publish or subscribe to a Topic. Nodes can also provide or use a Service.



    ROS client libraries allow nodes written in different programming languages to communicate:


    • rospy = python client library
    • roscpp = c++ client library

    (5)roscore ROS内核

    roscore is the first thing you should run when using ROS.


    Please run: 情运行:

    $ roscore

    You will see something similar to:你将会看到类似这样的事情:

    ... logging to ~/.ros/log/9cf88ce4-b14d-11df-8a75-00251148e8cf/roslaunch-machine_name-13039.log
    Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
    Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
    Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
    started roslaunch server http://machine_name:33919/
    ros_comm version 1.4.7
     * /rosversion
     * /rosdistro
    auto-starting new master
    process[master]: started with pid [13054]
    setting /run_id to 9cf88ce4-b14d-11df-8a75-00251148e8cf
    process[rosout-1]: started with pid [13067]
    started core service [/rosout]

    If roscore does not initialize, you probably have a network configuration issue. See Network Setup - Single Machine Configuration


    If roscore does not initialize and sends a message about lack of permissions, probably the ~/.ros folder is owned by root, change recursively the ownership of that folder with:



    $ sudo chown -R <your_username> ~/.ros


    Open up a new terminal, and let's use rosnode to see what running roscore did...


    Note: When opening a new terminal your environment is reset and your ~/.bashrc file is sourced. If you have trouble running commands like rosnode then you might need to add some environment setup files to your ~/.bashrc or manually re-source them.


    rosnode displays information about the ROS nodes that are currently running. The rosnode list command lists these active nodes:



    $ rosnode list
    • You will see: 你将会看到:
    • /rosout

    This showed us that there is only one node running: rosout. This is always running as it collects and logs nodes' debugging output.


    The rosnode info command returns information about a specific node.

    rosnode info命令返回关于一个特殊节点的信息。


    $ rosnode info /rosout

    This gave us some more information about rosout, such as the fact that it publishes /rosout_agg.


    Node [/rosout]
     * /rosout_agg [rosgraph_msgs/Log]
     * /rosout [unknown type]
     * /rosout/set_logger_level
     * /rosout/get_loggers
    contacting node http://machine_name:54614/ ...
    Pid: 5092

    Now, let's see some more nodes. For this, we're going to use rosrun to bring up another node.



    rosrun allows you to use the package name to directly run a node within a package (without having to know the package path).


    Usage: 使用方法:


    $ rosrun [package_name] [node_name]

    So now we can run the turtlesim_node in the turtlesim package.


    Then, in a new terminal:



    $ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node

    You will see the turtlesim window: 你会看到turtlesim的窗口:

    • turtlesim.png

    NOTE: The turtle may look different in your turtlesim window. Don't worry about it - there are many types of turtle and yours is a surprise!

    In a new terminal:




    $ rosnode list

    You will see something similar to: 你会看到类似这样的:

    • /rosout

    One powerful feature of ROS is that you can reassign Names from the command-line.


    Close the turtlesim window to stop the node (or go back to the rosrun turtlesim terminal and use ctrl-C). Now let's re-run it, but this time use a Remapping Argument to change the node's name:

    关掉turtlesim窗口停止该节点(或者返回到rosrun turtlesim终端,使用ctrl-C)。现在让我们重启它,但是这一次使用一个Remapping Argument来更改节点的名字:


    $ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node __name:=my_turtle

    Now, if we go back and use rosnode list:现在,如果我们回去,使用rosnode list:

    $ rosnode list
    • You will see something similar to:
    • /rosout

     Note: If you still see /turtlesim in the list, it might mean that you stopped the node in the terminal using ctrl-C instead of closing the window, or that you don't have the $ROS_HOSTNAME environment variable defined as described in Network Setup - Single Machine Configuration. You can try cleaning the rosnode list with: $ rosnode cleanup

    注意:如果你还是能在列表里看到/turtlesim,那么可能意味着你是使用ctrl -C停止的该终端节点而没有关上窗口,或者你不具备“网络Setup-单机器配置”中所描述的$ROS_HOSTNAME环境变量。你可以试着使用$ rosnode cleanup清理rosnode列表。

    We see our new /my_turtle node. Let's use another rosnode command, ping, to test that it's up:



    $ rosnode ping my_turtle
    rosnode: node is [/my_turtle]
    pinging /my_turtle with a timeout of 3.0s
    xmlrpc reply from http://aqy:42235/     time=1.152992ms
    xmlrpc reply from http://aqy:42235/     time=1.120090ms
    xmlrpc reply from http://aqy:42235/     time=1.700878ms
    xmlrpc reply from http://aqy:42235/     time=1.127958ms


    What was covered: 讲了以下内容:

    • roscore = ros+core : master (provides name service for ROS) + rosout (stdout/stderr) + parameter server (parameter server will be introduced later)
    • rosnode = ros+node : ROS tool to get information about a node.
    • rosrun = ros+run : runs a node from a given package.

    Now that you understand how ROS nodes work, let's look at how ROS topics work. Also, feel free to press Ctrl-C to stop turtlesim_node.

    现在你已经理解了ROS节点工作的原理,那么让我们来看一下ROS主题是如何工作的。而且,让我们尽管按Ctrl -C终止turtlesim_node吧。

    6. Understanding ROS Topics 理解ROS主题

    This tutorial introduces ROS topics as well as using the rostopic and rqt_plot commandline tools.




    Let's start by making sure that we have roscore running, in a new terminal:


    $ roscore

    If you left roscore running from the last tutorial, you may get the error message:


    • roscore cannot run as another roscore/master is already running. 
      Please kill other roscore/master processes before relaunching

    This is fine. Only one roscore needs to be running.



    For this tutorial we will also use turtlesim. Please run in a new terminal:


    $ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node


    We'll also need something to drive the turtle around with. Please run in a new terminal:


    $ rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key
    • [ INFO] 1254264546.878445000: Started node [/teleop_turtle], pid [5528], bound on [aqy], xmlrpc port [43918], tcpros port [55936], logging to [~/ros/ros/log/teleop_turtle_5528.log], using [real] time
      Reading from keyboard
      Use arrow keys to move the turtle.

    Now you can use the arrow keys of the keyboard to drive the turtle around. If you can not drive the turtle select the terminal window of the turtle_teleop_key to make sure that the keys that you type are recorded.



    Now that you can drive your turtle around, let's look at what's going on behind the scenes.



    The turtlesim_node and the turtle_teleop_key node are communicating with each other over a ROS Topic. turtle_teleop_key is publishing the key strokes on a topic, while turtlesim subscribes to the same topic to receive the key strokes. Let's use rqt_graph which shows the nodes and topics currently running.


    Note: If you're using electric or earlier, rqt is not available. Use rxgraph instead.



    rqt_graph creates a dynamic graph of what's going on in the system. rqt_graph is part of the rqt package. Unless you already have it installed, run:


    • $ sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-rqt
      $ sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-rqt-common-plugins

    replacing <distro> with the name of your ROS distribution (indigo, jade, kinetic) 将<distro>替换为你的ROS包的版本如:kinetic.

    In a new terminal:在一个新的终端:

    $ rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph

    You will see something similar to: 你将会看到类似这样的东西:


    If you place your mouse over /turtle1/command_velocity it will highlight the ROS nodes (here blue and green) and topics (here red). As you can see, the turtlesim_node and the turtle_teleop_key nodes are communicating on the topic named /turtle1/command_velocity.




    The rostopic tool allows you to get information about ROS topics.


    You can use the help option to get the available sub-commands for rostopic


    $ rostopic -h
    • rostopic bw     display bandwidth used by topic  显示主题的带宽
      rostopic echo   print messages to screen   打印消息到屏幕
      rostopic hz     display publishing rate of topic    显示主题的发布频率
      rostopic list   print information about active topics   打印动态主题的信息
      rostopic pub    publish data to topic   将数据发布到主题
      rostopic type   print topic type   打印主题类型

    Let's use some of these topic sub-commands to examine turtlesim.


     3)使用rostopic echo

    rostopic echo shows the data published on a topic.

    rostopic echo显示发布到主题上的数据。

    Usage: 用法:

    rostopic echo [topic]

    Let's look at the command velocity data published by the turtle_teleop_key node.

    让我们看一下由turtle_teleop_key节点发布的command velocity data。

    For ROS Hydro and later, this data is published on the /turtle1/cmd_vel topic. In a new terminal, run:

    对于ROS Hydro和之后的版本,数据是发布到/turtle1/cmd_vel主题的。在一个新的终端,运行:

    $ rostopic echo /turtle1/cmd_vel

    For ROS Groovy and earlier, this data is published on the /turtle1/command_velocity topic. In a new terminal, run:

    对于ROS Groovy和早先的版本,数据是发布到/turtle1/command_velocity主题的。在一个新的终端,运行:

    $ rostopic echo /turtle1/command_velocity

    You probably won't see anything happen because no data is being published on the topic. Let's make turtle_teleop_key publish data by pressing the arrow keys. Remember if the turtle isn't moving you need to select the turtle_teleop_key terminal again. 你可能看不到有任何事情发生,因为还没有数据发布到主题上呢。让我们通过按箭头键使turtle_teleop_key发布数据。

    For ROS Hydro and later, you should now see the following when you press the up key:

    对于ROS Hydro和之后的版本,当你按向上键的时候你现在应该看到以下的内容:

      x: 2.0
      y: 0.0
      z: 0.0
      x: 0.0
      y: 0.0
      z: 0.0
      x: 2.0
      y: 0.0
      z: 0.0
      x: 0.0
      y: 0.0
      z: 0.0

    For ROS Groovy and earlier, you should now see the following when you press the up key:

    对于ROS Groovy和早先的版本,当你按向上键的时候你现在应该看到以下的内容:

    linear: 2.0
    angular: 0.0
    linear: 2.0
    angular: 0.0
    linear: 2.0
    angular: 0.0
    linear: 2.0
    angular: 0.0
    linear: 2.0
    angular: 0.0

    Now let's look at rqt_graph again. Press the refresh button in the upper-left to show the new node. As you can see rostopic echo, shown here in red, is now also subscribed to the turtle1/command_velocity topic.

     现在让我们再次看一下rqt_graph。按一下左上方的刷新按钮显示新的节点。你能够看到rostopic echo,在这里红色显示的,现在也被订阅到了turtle1/command_velocity主题上。


     4)使用rostopic list

    rostopic list returns a list of all topics currently subscribed to and published.

    rostopic list返回一列当前被订阅的和发布了的所有主题。

    Let's figure out what argument the list sub-command needs. In a new terminal run:


    $ rostopic list -h
    • Usage: rostopic list [/topic]
        -h, --help            show this help message and exit
        -b BAGFILE, --bag=BAGFILE
                              list topics in .bag file
        -v, --verbose         list full details about each topic
        -p                    list only publishers
        -s                    list only subscribers

    For rostopic list use the verbose option: 对于rostopic list使用verbose选项:

    $ rostopic list -v

    This displays a verbose list of topics to publish to and subscribe to and their type. 它显示了一个详细的发布的和订阅的主题列表。

    Published topics:
     * /turtle1/color_sensor [turtlesim/Color] 1 publisher
     * /turtle1/command_velocity [turtlesim/Velocity] 1 publisher
     * /rosout [roslib/Log] 2 publishers
     * /rosout_agg [roslib/Log] 1 publisher
     * /turtle1/pose [turtlesim/Pose] 1 publisher
    Subscribed topics:
     * /turtle1/command_velocity [turtlesim/Velocity] 1 subscriber
     * /rosout [roslib/Log] 1 subscriber


    Communication on topics happens by sending ROS messages between nodes. For the publisher (turtle_teleop_key) and subscriber (turtlesim_node) to communicate, the publisher and subscriber must send and receive the same type of message. This means that a topic type is defined by the message type published on it. The type of the message sent on a topic can be determined using rostopic type.

    主题上的交流通过节点之间发送ROS消息产生。对于发布者(turtle_teleop_key)和订阅者(turtlesim_node)之间的交流,发布者和订阅者必须发送和接收同种类型的消息。这意味着一个主题类型是由发布的消息类型定义的。发布到一个主题的消息的类型可以通过使用rostopic type来决定。

    1)使用rostopic type

    rostopic type returns the message type of any topic being published.

    rostopic type返回发布的任何主题的消息类型。

    Usage: 用法:

    rostopic type [topic]

    For ROS Hydro and later,对于ROS Hydro和之后的版本,

    • Try: 尝试:
      $ rostopic type /turtle1/cmd_vel
      • You should get: 你应该得到:

      We can look at the details of the message using rosmsg: 我们可以通过使用rosmsg看下消息的详细信息:

      $ rosmsg show geometry_msgs/Twist
      • geometry_msgs/Vector3 linear
          float64 x
          float64 y
          float64 z
        geometry_msgs/Vector3 angular
          float64 x
          float64 y
          float64 z

    For ROS Groovy and earlier, 对于ROS Groovy和早先的版本:

    • Try: 尝试:
      $ rostopic type /turtle1/command_velocity
      • You should get:

      We can look at the details of the message using rosmsg:

      $ rosmsg show turtlesim/Velocity
      • float32 linear
        float32 angular

    Now that we know what type of message turtlesim expects, we can publish commands to our turtle.



    Now that we have learned about ROS messages, let's use rostopic with messages.


     1)使用rostopic pub

    rostopic pub publishes data on to a topic currently advertised.

    rostopic pub发布数据到一个当前公布的主题上。

    Usage: 用法:

    rostopic pub [topic] [msg_type] [args]

    For ROS Hydro and later, example: 对于ROS Hydro和之后的版本,例子:

    $ rostopic pub -1 /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]'

    For ROS Groovy and earlier, example: 对于ROS Groovy和早先的版本,例子:

    $ rostopic pub -1 /turtle1/command_velocity turtlesim/Velocity  -- 2.0  1.8

    The previous command will send a single message to turtlesim telling it to move with an linear velocity of 2.0, and an angular velocity of 1.8 .



    This is a pretty complicated example, so lets look at each argument in detail.


    For ROS Hydro and later, 对于ROS Hydro和之后的版本,

    • This command will publish messages to a given topic:  这个命令将消息发布到一个给定的主题上:

      rostopic pub
    • This option (dash-one) causes rostopic to only publish one message then exit: 这个选项(-1)让rostopic只发布一个消息然后退出:

    • This is the name of the topic to publish to: 这个是发布到的主题的名字:

    • This is the message type to use when publishing to the topic: 这个是发布到主题时要使用的消息类型:

    • This option (double-dash) tells the option parser that none of the following arguments is an option. This is required in cases where your arguments have a leading dash -, like negative numbers.这个选项(双破折号)告诉选项剖析器接下来的参数没有一个是一个选项。这在你的参数有一个先导破折号-时是需要的,比如说负数。

    • As noted before, a geometry_msgs/Twist msg has two vectors of three floating point elements each: linear and angular. In this case, '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' becomes the linear value with x=2.0, y=0.0, and z=0.0, and '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' is the angular value with x=0.0, y=0.0, and z=1.8. These arguments are actually in YAML syntax, which is described more in the YAML command line documentation. 正如之前所提示的,一个geometry_msgs/Twist消息有两个各有三个浮点型点要素的矢量:线性的和角度的。在这个例子中,'[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]'变成了x=2.0,y=0.0和z=0.0的线性值,'[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]'是一个x=0.0, y=0.0和z=1.8的角度值。这些参数实际上是以YAML的语法写成的,这在YAML命令行参考资料中描述的更多:http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/YAMLCommandLine。

      '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, 1.8]' 

    For ROS Groovy and earlier, 如果是ROS Groovy及早先的版本的话,

    • This command will publish messages to a given topic:

      rostopic pub
    • This option (dash-one) causes rostopic to only publish one message then exit:

    • This is the name of the topic to publish to:

    • This is the message type to use when publishing to the topic:

    • This option (double-dash) tells the option parser that none of the following arguments is an option. This is required in cases where your arguments have a leading dash -, like negative numbers.

    • As noted before, a turtlesim/Velocity msg has two floating point elements : linear and angular. In this case, 2.0 becomes the linear value, and 1.8 is the angular value. These arguments are actually in YAML syntax, which is described more in the YAML command line documentation.

      2.0 1.8 

    You may have noticed that the turtle has stopped moving; this is because the turtle requires a steady stream of commands at 1 Hz to keep moving. We can publish a steady stream of commands using rostopic pub -r command:

    你可能发现乌龟停止移动了;这是因为乌龟需要一个稳定的命令流以1Hz保持运动。我们可以使用rostopic pub -r命令发布一个稳定命令流:

    For ROS Hydro and later, 对于ROS Hydro和之后的版本,

    • $ rostopic pub /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -r 1 -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, -1.8]'

    For ROS Groovy and earlier,对于ROS Groovy和早先的版本,

    • $ rostopic pub /turtle1/command_velocity turtlesim/Velocity -r 1 -- 2.0  -1.8

    This publishes the velocity commands at a rate of 1 Hz on the velocity topic. 它在速率主题上以1Hz的频率发布速率命令。

    • turtle(rostopicpub)2.png

    We can also look at what is happening in rqt_graph, The rostopic pub node (here in red) is communicating with the rostopic echo node (here in green):

    我们可以在rqt_graph上看下发生了什么,rostopic pub node(这里是红色)与rostopic echo node(这里是绿色)交流。


    As you can see the turtle is running in a continuous circle. In a new terminal, we can use rostopic echo to see the data published by our turtlesim:

    正如你可以看到乌龟是以持续的圆周运动。在一个新的节点上,我们可以使用rostopic echo来看下我们的turtlesim发布的数据:

    2)使用rostopic hz

    rostopic hz reports the rate at which data is published.

    rostopic hz报告数据发布的速率。

    Usage: 用法:

    rostopic hz [topic]

    Let's see how fast the turtlesim_node is publishing /turtle1/pose:  让我们看下turtlesim_node发布/turtle1/pose的速率多快:

    $ rostopic hz /turtle1/pose

    You will see: 你将会看到:

    • subscribed to [/turtle1/pose]
      average rate: 59.354
              min: 0.005s max: 0.027s std dev: 0.00284s window: 58
      average rate: 59.459
              min: 0.005s max: 0.027s std dev: 0.00271s window: 118
      average rate: 59.539
              min: 0.004s max: 0.030s std dev: 0.00339s window: 177
      average rate: 59.492
              min: 0.004s max: 0.030s std dev: 0.00380s window: 237
      average rate: 59.463
              min: 0.004s max: 0.030s std dev: 0.00380s window: 290

    Now we can tell that the turtlesim is publishing data about our turtle at the rate of 60 Hz. We can also use rostopic type in conjunction with rosmsg show to get in depth information about a topic: 现在我们可以看出来turtlesim打印出了我们的乌龟是以60Hz的速率的数据。我们还可以使用rostopic type结合rosmsg show来得到一个主题的深度信息:

    For ROS Hydro and later, 对于ROS Hydro和之后的版本,

    • $ rostopic type /turtle1/cmd_vel | rosmsg show

    For ROS Groovy and earlier,

    • $ rostopic type /turtle1/command_velocity | rosmsg show

    Now that we've examined the topics using rostopic let's use another tool to look at the data published by our turtlesim:



    Note: If you're using electric or earlier, rqt is not available. Use rxplot instead.


    rqt_plot displays a scrolling time plot of the data published on topics. Here we'll use rqt_plot to plot the data being published on the /turtle1/pose topic. First, start rqt_plot by typing



    $ rosrun rqt_plot rqt_plot

    in a new terminal. In the new window that should pop up, a text box in the upper left corner gives you the ability to add any topic to the plot. Typing /turtle1/pose/x will highlight the plus button, previously disabled. Press it and repeat the same procedure with the topic /turtle1/pose/y. You will now see the turtle's x-y location plotted in the graph. 在这个新弹出的窗口中,左上角的文本框给你可以向图上添加任何主题的选项。输入/turtle1/pose/x将会高亮显示添加按钮,之前是不可用的。按按钮,然后重复添加主题/turtle1/pose/y。你将会看到乌龟的x-y位置图。


    Pressing the minus button shows a menu that allows you to hide the specified topic from the plot. Hiding both the topics you just added and adding /turtle1/pose/theta will result in the plot shown in the next figure. 按减号按钮将允许你隐藏图上的特定的主题。同时隐藏这两个主题,添加/turtle1/pose/theta将出现下一个图。


    That's it for this section, use Ctrl-C to kill the rostopic terminals but keep your turtlesim running.



    Now that you understand how ROS topics work, let's look at how services and parameters work.

     现在你已经理解了ROS topic的工作原理,让我们看一下服务和参数是怎么工作的吧。

    Video Tutorial 视频教程

    The following video presents a small tutorial using turtlesim on ROS nodes and ROS topics.


    7. Understanding ROS Services and Parameters

    This tutorial introduces ROS services, and parameters as well as using the rosservice and rosparam commandline tools.


    Assuming your turtlesim_node is still running from the last tutorial, let's look at what services the turtlesim provides:



    Services are another way that nodes can communicate with each other. Services allow nodes to send a request and receive a response.



    rosservice can easily attach to ROS's client/service framework with services. rosservice has many commands that can be used on topics, as shown below:



    rosservice list         print information about active services 打印关于活动的服务的信息
    rosservice call         call the service with the provided args 呼叫指定参数的服务
    rosservice type         print service type 打印服务类型
    rosservice find         find services by service type 查找服务类型的服务
    rosservice uri          print service ROSRPC uri 打印服务RSRPC统一资源标识符

    1)rosservice list


    $ rosservice list

    The list command shows us that the turtlesim node provides nine services: resetclearspawnkillturtle1/set_pen,/turtle1/teleport_absolute/turtle1/teleport_relativeturtlesim/get_loggers, and turtlesim/set_logger_level. There are also two services related to the separate rosout node: /rosout/get_loggers and /rosout/set_logger_level.

    list命令向我们展示了turtlesim节点提供的九个服务:reset, clear, spawn, kill, turtle1/set_pen, /turtle1/teleport_absolute, /turtle1/teleport_relative, turtlesim/get_loggers,以及turtlesim/set_logger_level。


    • /clear

    Let's look more closely at the clear service using rosservice type:

     让我们使用rosservice type来更进一步看清clear服务。

     2)rosservice type

    Usage: 用法:

    rosservice type [service]

    Let's find out what type the clear service is: 让我们看一下clear服务是什么类型吧:

    $ rosservice type /clear
    • std_srvs/Empty

    This service is empty, this means when the service call is made it takes no arguments (i.e. it sends no data when making a request and receives no data when receiving a response). Let's call this service using rosservice call:

     这个服务是空的,这意味着当这个服务被调用时,它不需要任何参数(例如,当发出一个请求时它不发送任何数据,收到一个回复时不接收任何数据)。让我们使用rosservice call调用这个服务。

    3)rosservice call

    Usage: 用法

    rosservice call [service] [args]

    Here we'll call with no arguments because the service is of type empty: 现在我们将通过无参数调用,因为该服务是空类型:

    $ rosservice call /clear

    This does what we expect, it clears the background of the turtlesim_node.



    Let's look at the case where the service has arguments by looking at the information for the service spawn:

    让我们通过service spawn查看信息看一下服务带有参数的情况。

    $ rosservice type /spawn| rossrv show
    • float32 x
      float32 y
      float32 theta
      string name
      string name

    This service lets us spawn a new turtle at a given location and orientation. The name field is optional, so let's not give our new turtle a name and let turtlesim create one for us.


    $ rosservice call /spawn 2 2 0.2 ""

    The service call returns with the name of the newly created turtle


    • name: turtle2

    Now our turtlesim should look like this:




    rosparam allows you to store and manipulate data on the ROS Parameter Server. The Parameter Server can store integers, floats, boolean, dictionaries, and lists. rosparam uses the YAML markup language for syntax. In simple cases, YAML looks very natural: 1 is an integer, 1.0 is a float, one is a string, true is a boolean, [1, 2, 3] is a list of integers, and {a: b, c: d} is a dictionary. rosparam has many commands that can be used on parameters, as shown below:

    rosparam允许你在ROS参数服务器上存储并操纵数据。参数服务器能够存储整型,浮点型,布尔型,词典,以及列数据。rosparam使用YAML标志语言作为语法规则。在简单情况下,YAML看起来非常自然:1是一个整型,1.0是浮点型,one是字符型,true是一个布尔型,[1, 2, 3]是一个整数列,{a:b, c:d}是一个词典。rosparam有很多能够用在参数上的命令,如下所示。


    rosparam set            set parameter  设置参数
    rosparam get            get parameter  获取参数
    rosparam load           load parameters from file  从文件加载参数
    rosparam dump           dump parameters to file  将参数扔到文件中
    rosparam delete         delete parameter  删除参数
    rosparam list           list parameter names  列出参数名字

    Let's look at what parameters are currently on the param server:


    1)rosparam list


    $ rosparam list

    Here we can see that the turtlesim node has three parameters on the param server for background color:

    这里我们能够看到turtlesim node在参数服务器上有三个关于背景色的参数:

    • /background_b

    Let's change one of the parameter values using rosparam set:

    让我们使用rosparam set更改其中的一个参数值:

    2)rosparam set与rosparam get

    Usage: 用法:

    rosparam set [param_name]
    rosparam get [param_name]

    Here will change the red channel of the background color:


    $ rosparam set /background_r 150

    This changes the parameter value, now we have to call the clear service for the parameter change to take effect:


    $ rosservice call /clear

    Now our turtlesim looks like this:



    Now let's look at the values of other parameters on the param server. Let's get the value of the green background channel:


    $ rosparam get /background_g 
    • 86

    We can also use rosparam get / to show us the contents of the entire Parameter Server.

    我们还能使用rosparam get /向我们展示整个参数服务器的内容:

    $ rosparam get /
    • background_b: 255
      background_g: 86
      background_r: 150
        uris: {'aqy:51932': 'http://aqy:51932/'}
      run_id: e07ea71e-98df-11de-8875-001b21201aa8

    You may wish to store this in a file so that you can reload it at another time. This is easy using rosparam:


    3)rosparam dump和rosparam load

    Usage: 用法:

    rosparam dump [file_name] [namespace]
    rosparam load [file_name] [namespace]

    Here we write all the parameters to the file params.yaml


    $ rosparam dump params.yaml

    You can even load these yaml files into new namespaces, e.g. copy:


    $ rosparam load params.yaml copy
    $ rosparam get /copy/background_b
    • 255

    Now that you understand how ROS services and params work, let's try using rqt_console and roslaunch


    8. Using rqt_console and roslaunch

    This tutorial introduces ROS using rqt_console and rqt_logger_level for debugging and roslaunch for starting many nodes at once. If you use ROS fuerte or ealier distros where rqt isn't fully available, please see this page with this page that uses old rx based tools.

    该教程介绍了使用rqt_console和rqt_logger_level来调试ROS,使用roslaunch来一次启动多个节点。如果你使用ROS fuerte或者更早的版本,那么rqt是不完全可用的,请查看这个页面使用老的rx开头的工具。


    The tutorial uses both the rqt and turtlesim packages. To do this tutorial, please install both packages, if you have not yet done so.



    $ sudo apt-get install ros-<distro>-rqt ros-<distro>-rqt-common-plugins ros-<distro>-turtlesim

    Replace <distro> with the name of your ROS distribution (e.g. indigo, jade, kinetic). 将<distro>替换成你的ROS版本。

    NOTE: you may have already built rqt and turtlesim for one of the previous tutorials. If you are not sure, installing them again will not hurt anything.



    rqt_console attaches to ROS's logging framework to display output from nodes. rqt_logger_level allows us to change the verbosity level (DEBUG, WARN, INFO, and ERROR) of nodes as they run.

    rqt_console依附ROS的logging框架来显示节点的输出。rqt_logger_level允许我们当它们运行时改变节点的冗长程度(DEBUG, WARN, INFO,和ERROR)。

    Now let's look at the turtlesim output in rqt_console and switch logger levels in rqt_logger_level as we use turtlesim. Before we start the turtlesim, in two new terminals start rqt_console and rqt_logger_level:

    现在让我们看一下rqt_console的turtlesim输出,并当我们使用turtlesim时切换rqt_logger_level的logger level。在我们启动turtlesim之前,在两个新的终端启动rqt_console和rqt_logger_level:


    $ rosrun rqt_console rqt_console


    $ rosrun rqt_logger_level rqt_logger_level

    You will see two windows popup:



    Now let's start turtlesim in a new terminal:



    $ rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node

    Since the default logger level is INFO you will see any info that the turtlesim publishes when it starts up, which should look like:

    因为默认的logger level级别水平是INFO,你将会看到启动时turtlesim发布的任何信息,看上去就像这样:


    Now let's change the logger level to Warn by refreshing the nodes in the rqt_logger_level window and selecting Warn as shown below:

    现在让我们在rqt_logger_level窗口刷新节点选择Warn更改logger level级别为Warn,如下图所示:


    Now let's run our turtle into the wall and see what is displayed in our rqt_console:


    For ROS Hydro and later,对于ROS Hydro和之后的版本,

       rostopic pub /turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -r 1 -- '{linear: {x: 2.0, y: 0.0, z: 0.0}, angular: {x: 0.0,y: 0.0,z: 0.0}}'

    For ROS Groovy and earlier,对于ROS Groovy和之前的版本,

    rostopic pub /turtle1/command_velocity turtlesim/Velocity -r 1 -- 2.0  0.0


    1)关于logger levels级别快速笔记

    Logging levels are prioritized in the following order:

    Logging levels级别优先顺序按如下排序:



    Fatal has the highest priority and Debug has the lowest. By setting the logger level, you will get all messages of that priority level or higher. For example, by setting the level to Warn, you will get all Warn, Error, and Fatal logging messages.

    Fatal是最高级别的,Debug是最低级别的。通过设置logger level级别,你将会得到那个优先级或更高级别的所有信息。例如,将级别设置成Warn,你将会得到所有Warn,Error以及Fatal的记录信息。

    Let's Ctrl-C our turtlesim and let's use roslaunch to bring up multiple turtlesim nodes and a mimicking node to cause one turtlesim to mimic another:



    roslaunch starts nodes as defined in a launch file.


    Usage: 用法:


    $ roslaunch [package] [filename.launch]

    First go to the beginner_tutorials package we created and built earlier:



    $ roscd beginner_tutorials

    If roscd says similar to roscd: No such package/stack 'beginner_tutorials' , you will need to source the environment setup file like you did at the end of the create_a_workspace tutorial:

    如果roscd说类似于roscd: No such package/stack 'beginner_tutorials',你需要像你在create_a_workspace教程结尾那样源一下环境setup设置文件:


    $ cd ~/catkin_ws
    $ source devel/setup.bash
    $ roscd beginner_tutorials

    Then let's make a launch directory: 然后让我们make一个launch目录:


    $ mkdir launch
    $ cd launch

    NOTE: The directory to store launch files don't necessarily have to be named as launch. In fact you don't even need to store them in a directory. roslaunch command automatically looks into the passed package and detect available launch files. However, it turned out to be a good practice.



    Now let's create a launch file called turtlemimic.launch and paste the following:



    Toggle line numbers
       1 <launch>
       3   <group ns="turtlesim1">
       4     <node pkg="turtlesim" name="sim" type="turtlesim_node"/>
       5   </group>
       7   <group ns="turtlesim2">
       8     <node pkg="turtlesim" name="sim" type="turtlesim_node"/>
       9   </group>
      11   <node pkg="turtlesim" name="mimic" type="mimic">
      12     <remap from="input" to="turtlesim1/turtle1"/>
      13     <remap from="output" to="turtlesim2/turtle1"/>
      14   </node>
      16 </launch>


    Now, let's break the launch xml down.

    现在,让我们将launch xml分解一下。

    Here we start the launch file with the launch tag, so that the file is identified as a launch file.



    Toggle line numbers
       3   <group ns="turtlesim1">
       4     <node pkg="turtlesim" name="sim" type="turtlesim_node"/>
       5   </group>
       7   <group ns="turtlesim2">
       8     <node pkg="turtlesim" name="sim" type="turtlesim_node"/>
       9   </group>

    Here we start two groups with a namespace tag of turtlesim1 and turtlesim2 with a turtlesim node with a name of sim. This allows us to start two simulators without having name conflicts.



    Toggle line numbers
      11   <node pkg="turtlesim" name="mimic" type="mimic">
      12     <remap from="input" to="turtlesim1/turtle1"/>
      13     <remap from="output" to="turtlesim2/turtle1"/>
      14   </node>

    Here we start the mimic node with the topics input and output renamed to turtlesim1 and turtlesim2. This renaming will cause turtlesim2 to mimic turtlesim1.



    This closes the xml tag for the launch file.



    Now let's roslaunch the launch file:



    $ roslaunch beginner_tutorials turtlemimic.launch

    Two turtlesims will start and in a new terminal send the rostopic command:



    For ROS Hydro and later,对于ROS Hydro和之后的版本,

    • $ rostopic pub /turtlesim1/turtle1/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -r 1 -- '[2.0, 0.0, 0.0]' '[0.0, 0.0, -1.8]'

    For ROS Groovy and earlier,

    • $ rostopic pub /turtlesim1/turtle1/command_velocity turtlesim/Velocity -r 1 -- 2.0  -1.8

    You will see the two turtlesims start moving even though the publish command is only being sent to turtlesim1.



    We can also use rqt_graph to better understand what our launch file did. Run rqt's main window and select rqt_graph:


    $ rqt

    Or simply: 或者简单地:


    $ rqt_graph


    Now that you have successfully used rqt_console and roslaunch, let's learn about editor options for ROS. You can Ctrl-C all your turtlesims, as you will not need them for the next tutorials.


    9. Using rosed to edit files in ROS 使用rosed在ROS中编辑文件

    This tutorial shows how to use rosed to make editing easier.



    rosed is part of the rosbash suite. It allows you to directly edit a file within a package by using the package name rather than having to type the entire path to the package.


    Usage: 用法:


    $ rosed [package_name] [filename]

    Example: 例子:


    $ rosed roscpp Logger.msg

    This example demonstrates how you would edit the Logger.msg file within the roscpp package.


    If this example doesn't work is probably because you don't have the vim editor installed. Please refer to Editor section. If you don't know how to get out of vim, click here.

    如果这个例子不能工作那可能是因为你还没有安装vim editor。请参考Editor一章。如果你不知道怎么摆脱vim,请点击这里。


    If the filename is not uniquely defined within the package, a menu will prompt you to choose which of the possible files you want to edit.



    This way you can easily see and optionally edit all files from a package without knowing its exact name.


    Usage: 用法:


    $ rosed [package_name] <tab><tab>

    Example: 例子:

    $ rosed roscpp <tab><tab>
    Empty.srv                   package.xml
    GetLoggers.srv              roscpp-msg-extras.cmake
    Logger.msg                  roscpp-msg-paths.cmake
    SetLoggerLevel.srv          roscpp.cmake
    genmsg_cpp.py               roscppConfig-version.cmake
    gensrv_cpp.py               roscppConfig.cmake


    The default editor for rosed is vim. The more beginner-friendly editor nano is included with the default Ubuntu install. You can use it by editing your ~/.bashrc file to include:


    export EDITOR='nano -w'

    To set the default editor to emacs you can edit your ~/.bashrc file to include: 要设置默认的编辑器为emacs你可以编辑你的~/.bashrc文件加上这么一句:

    export EDITOR='emacs -nw'

    NOTE: changes in .bashrc will only take effect for new terminals. Terminals that are already open will not see the new environmental variable.


    Open a new terminal and see if EDITOR is defined:



    $ echo $EDITOR
    • nano -w
      emacs -nw

    Now that you have successfully configured and used rosed, let's create a Msg and Srv.


    10. Creating a ROS msg and srv 创建一个ROS消息和服务

    This tutorial covers how to create and build msg and srv files as well as the rosmsg, rossrv and roscp commandline tools.

    该教程除了介绍rosmsg, rossrv和roscp命令行工具之外,还介绍了如何创建和生成msg消息和srv服务文件。


    • msg: msg files are simple text files that describe the fields of a ROS message. They are used to generate source code for messages in different languages. msg文件是简单的text文件,描述ROS的消息域。它们用来生成不同语言的消息的源代码。

    • srv: an srv file describes a service. It is composed of two parts: a request and a response. 一个srv文件描述一个服务。它由两部分组成:一个是请求和一个是回复。

    msg files are stored in the msg directory of a package, and srv files are stored in the srv directory.


    msgs are just simple text files with a field type and field name per line. The field types you can use are:


    • int8, int16, int32, int64 (plus uint*)
    • float32, float64
    • string
    • time, duration
    • other msg files
    • variable-length array[] and fixed-length array[C]

    There is also a special type in ROS: Header, the header contains a timestamp and coordinate frame information that are commonly used in ROS. You will frequently see the first line in a msg file have Header header.

    在ROS中还有一个特殊的类型:Header,header包含一个能够广泛用于ROS的时间戳和坐标轴信息。你将会频繁地看到msg文件的第一行有Header header。

    Here is an example of a msg that uses a Header, a string primitive, and two other msgs :



      Header header
      string child_frame_id
      geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance pose
      geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance twist

    srv files are just like msg files, except they contain two parts: a request and a response. The two parts are separated by a '---' line. Here is an example of a srv file:



    int64 A
    int64 B
    int64 Sum

    In the above example, A and B are the request, and Sum is the response.




    Let's define a new msg in the package that was created in the previous tutorial.




    $ roscd beginner_tutorials
    $ mkdir msg
    $ echo "int64 num" > msg/Num.msg

    The example .msg file above contains only 1 line. You can, of course, create a more complex file by adding multiple elements, one per line, like this:


    string first_name
    string last_name
    uint8 age
    uint32 score

    There's one more step, though. We need to make sure that the msg files are turned into source code for C++, Python, and other languages:


    Open package.xml, and make sure these two lines are in it and uncommented:



    Note that at build time, we need "message_generation", while at runtime, we only need "message_runtime".


    Open CMakeLists.txt in your favorite text editor (rosed from the previous tutorial is a good option).


    Add the message_generation dependency to the find_package call which already exists in your CMakeLists.txt so that you can generate messages. You can do this by simply adding message_generation to the list of COMPONENTS such that it looks like this:

    添加message_generation依赖到已经在你的CMakeLists.txt中存在的find_package call中,从而你能够产生消息。你可以通过简单地添加message_generation到你的COMPONENTS列表中实现,就像这样:


    # Do not just add this to your CMakeLists.txt, modify the existing text to add message_generation before the closing parenthesis 不要只是添加这个到你的CMakeLists.txt中,修改已存在的文本在右括号之前添加message_generation
    find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS

    You may notice that sometimes your project builds fine even if you did not call find_package with all dependencies. This is because catkin combines all your projects into one, so if an earlier project calls find_package, yours is configured with the same values. But forgetting the call means your project can easily break when built in isolation.


    Also make sure you export the message runtime dependency.


      CATKIN_DEPENDS message_runtime ...

    Find the following block of code:


    # add_message_files(
    #   FILES
    #   Message1.msg
    #   Message2.msg
    # )

    Uncomment it by removing the # symbols and then replace the stand in Message*.msg files with your .msg file, such that it looks like this:




    By adding the .msg files manually, we make sure that CMake knows when it has to reconfigure the project after you add other .msg files.


    Now we must ensure the generate_messages() function is called.


    For ROS Hydro and later, you need to uncomment these lines:

    对于ROS Hydro和之后的版本,你需要去注释化这些行:

    # generate_messages(
    #   std_msgs
    # )
    • so it looks like:从而它看上去像:

    In earlier versions, you may just need to uncomment one line: 在早期的版本,你可能需要去注释化一行:




    Now you're ready to generate source files from your msg definition. If you want to do so right now, skip next sections to Common step for msg and srv.



    That's all you need to do to create a msg. Let's make sure that ROS can see it using the rosmsg show command.

    以上就是创建一个msg所需要的所有内容。让我们确保ROS能够通过使用rosmsg show命令看到它。

    Usage: 用法:


    $ rosmsg show [message type]

    Example: 例子:


    $ rosmsg show beginner_tutorials/Num

    You will see: 你将会看到:

    • int64 num

    In the previous example, the message type consists of two parts: 在早前的例子中,消息类型包含两部分:

    • beginner_tutorials -- the package where the message is defined   消息定义的地方的包

    • Num -- The name of the msg Num.  消息的名字

    If you can't remember which Package a msg is in, you can leave out the package name. Try: 如果你不记得msg是在哪个包里,你能够忽略包名。试一下:


    $ rosmsg show Num

    You will see: 你将会看到:

    int64 num



    Let's use the package we just created to create a srv:



    $ roscd beginner_tutorials
    $ mkdir srv

    Instead of creating a new srv definition by hand, we will copy an existing one from another package.


    For that, roscp is a useful commandline tool for copying files from one package to another.


    Usage: 用法:


    $ roscp [package_name] [file_to_copy_path] [copy_path]

    Now we can copy a service from the rospy_tutorials package:



    $ roscp rospy_tutorials AddTwoInts.srv srv/AddTwoInts.srv

    There's one more step, though. We need to make sure that the srv files are turned into source code for C++, Python, and other languages.



    Unless you have done so already, open package.xml, and make sure these two lines are in it and uncommented:



    As before, note that at build time, we need "message_generation", while at runtime, we only need "message_runtime".


    Unless you have done so already for messages in the previous step, add the message_generation dependency to generate messages in CMakeLists.txt:



    # Do not just add this line to your CMakeLists.txt, modify the existing line
    find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS

    (Despite its name, message_generation works for both msg and srv.) (尽管它的名称,message_generation在msg和srv中都工作。)

    Also you need the same changes to package.xml for services as for messages, so look above for the additional dependencies required.


    Remove # to uncomment the following lines:


    # add_service_files(
    #   FILES
    #   Service1.srv
    #   Service2.srv
    # )

    And replace the placeholder Service*.srv files for your service files:






    Now you're ready to generate source files from your service definition. If you want to do so right now, skip next sections to Common step for msg and srv.



    That's all you need to do to create a srv. Let's make sure that ROS can see it using the rossrv show command.

    以上是你创建一个srv所需的全部内容。让我们使用rossrv show命令确保ROS能看到它。

    Usage: 用法:


    $ rossrv show <service type>

    Example: 例子:


    $ rossrv show beginner_tutorials/AddTwoInts

    You will see: 你将会看到:

    • int64 a
      int64 b
      int64 sum

    Similar to rosmsg, you can find service files like this without specifying package name:



    $ rossrv show AddTwoInts
    int64 a
    int64 b
    int64 sum
    int64 a
    int64 b
    int64 sum



    Unless you have already done this in the previous steps, change in CMakeLists.txt. :


    # generate_messages(
    # #  std_msgs  # Or other packages containing msgs
    # )

    Uncomment it and add any packages you depend on which contain .msg files that your messages use (in this case std_msgs), such that it looks like this:




    Now that we have made some new messages we need to make our package again:



    # In your catkin workspace
    $ roscd beginner_tutorials
    $ cd ../..
    $ catkin_make install
    $ cd -


    Any .msg file in the msg directory will generate code for use in all supported languages. The C++ message header file will be generated in ~/catkin_ws/devel/include/beginner_tutorials/. The Python script will be created in ~/catkin_ws/devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/beginner_tutorials/msg. The lisp file appears in ~/catkin_ws/devel/share/common-lisp/ros/beginner_tutorials/msg/.


    Similarly, any .srv files in the srv directory will have generated code in supported languages. For C++, this will generate header files in the same directory as the message header files. For Python and Lisp, there will be an 'srv' folder beside the 'msg' folders.


    The full specification for the message format is available at the Message Description Language page.



    If you are building C++ nodes which use your new messages, you will also need to declare a dependency between your node and your message, as described in the catkin msg/srv build documentation.

    如果你生成使用你新消息的C++节点,你还需要声明一个你的节点和你的消息之间依赖,正如在catkin msg/srv build参考资料描述的那样。


    We've seen quite a few ROS tools already. It can be difficult to keep track of what arguments each command requires. Luckily, most ROS tools provide their own help.


    Try: 试一下:


    $ rosmsg -h
    • You should see a list of different rosmsg subcommands. 你将会看到不同的rosmsg子命令

        rosmsg show     Show message description
        rosmsg list     List all messages
        rosmsg md5      Display message md5sum
        rosmsg package  List messages in a package
        rosmsg packages List packages that contain messages

    You can also get help for subcommands 你还能获取子命令的帮助


    $ rosmsg show -h

    This shows the arguments that are needed for rosmsg show: 这个将会显示rosmsg show所需要的参数:

    Usage: rosmsg show [options] <message type>
      -h, --help  show this help message and exit
      -r, --raw   show raw message text, including comments


    Let's just list some of the commands we've used so far: 让我们列出我们目前使用过的一些命令:

    • rospack = ros+pack(age) : provides information related to ROS packages
    • roscd = ros+cd : changes directory to a ROS package or stack

    • rosls = ros+ls : lists files in a ROS package

    • roscp = ros+cp : copies files from/to a ROS package

    • rosmsg = ros+msg : provides information related to ROS message definitions
    • rossrv = ros+srv : provides information related to ROS service definitions
    • catkin_make : makes (compiles) a ROS package
      • rosmake = ros+make : makes (compiles) a ROS package (if you're not using a catkin workspace)


    Now that you've made a new ROS msg and srv, let's look at writing a simple publisher and subscriber (python) (c++).


    11. Writing a Simple Publisher and Subscriber (C++)

    This tutorial covers how to write a publisher and subscriber node in C++.



    "Node" is the ROS term for an executable that is connected to the ROS network. Here we'll create a publisher ("talker") node which will continually broadcast a message.



    Change directories to your beginner_tutorials package you created in your catkin workspace previous tutorials:



    roscd beginner_tutorials



    Create a src directory in the beginner_tutorials package directory:



    mkdir src

    This directory will contain any source files for our beginner_tutorials package.


    Create the src/talker.cpp file within the beginner_tutorials package and paste the following inside it:



    Toggle line numbers
      27 #include "ros/ros.h"
      28 #include "std_msgs/String.h"
      30 #include <sstream>
      32 /**
      33  * This tutorial demonstrates simple sending of messages over the ROS system.
      34  */
      35 int main(int argc, char **argv)
      36 {
      37   /**
      38    * The ros::init() function needs to see argc and argv so that it can perform
      39    * any ROS arguments and name remapping that were provided at the command line.
      40    * For programmatic remappings you can use a different version of init() which takes
      41    * remappings directly, but for most command-line programs, passing argc and argv is
      42    * the easiest way to do it.  The third argument to init() is the name of the node.
      43    *
      44    * You must call one of the versions of ros::init() before using any other
      45    * part of the ROS system.
      46    */
      47   ros::init(argc, argv, "talker");
      49   /**
      50    * NodeHandle is the main access point to communications with the ROS system.
      51    * The first NodeHandle constructed will fully initialize this node, and the last
      52    * NodeHandle destructed will close down the node.
      53    */
      54   ros::NodeHandle n;
      56   /**
      57    * The advertise() function is how you tell ROS that you want to
      58    * publish on a given topic name. This invokes a call to the ROS
      59    * master node, which keeps a registry of who is publishing and who
      60    * is subscribing. After this advertise() call is made, the master
      61    * node will notify anyone who is trying to subscribe to this topic name,
      62    * and they will in turn negotiate a peer-to-peer connection with this
      63    * node.  advertise() returns a Publisher object which allows you to
      64    * publish messages on that topic through a call to publish().  Once
      65    * all copies of the returned Publisher object are destroyed, the topic
      66    * will be automatically unadvertised.
      67    *
      68    * The second parameter to advertise() is the size of the message queue
      69    * used for publishing messages.  If messages are published more quickly
      70    * than we can send them, the number here specifies how many messages to
      71    * buffer up before throwing some away.
      72    */
      73   ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1000);
      75   ros::Rate loop_rate(10);
      77   /**
      78    * A count of how many messages we have sent. This is used to create
      79    * a unique string for each message.
      80    */
      81   int count = 0;
      82   while (ros::ok())
      83   {
      84     /**
      85      * This is a message object. You stuff it with data, and then publish it.
      86      */
      87     std_msgs::String msg;
      89     std::stringstream ss;
      90     ss << "hello world " << count;
      91     msg.data = ss.str();
      93     ROS_INFO("%s", msg.data.c_str());
      95     /**
      96      * The publish() function is how you send messages. The parameter
      97      * is the message object. The type of this object must agree with the type
      98      * given as a template parameter to the advertise<>() call, as was done
      99      * in the constructor above.
     100      */
     101     chatter_pub.publish(msg);
     103     ros::spinOnce();
     105     loop_rate.sleep();
     106     ++count;
     107   }
     110   return 0;
     111 }


    Now, let's break the code down.





    Toggle line numbers
      27 #include "ros/ros.h"

    ros/ros.h is a convenience include that includes all the headers necessary to use the most common public pieces of the ROS system.




    Toggle line numbers
      28 #include "std_msgs/String.h"

    This includes the std_msgs/String message, which resides in the std_msgs package. This is a header generated automatically from the String.msg file in that package. For more information on message definitions, see the msg page.




    Toggle line numbers
      47   ros::init(argc, argv, "talker");

    Initialize ROS. This allows ROS to do name remapping through the command line -- not important for now. This is also where we specify the name of our node. Node names must be unique in a running system.



    The name used here must be a base name, ie. it cannot have a / in it.

    这里使用的名字必须是一个base name。它不能包含/号。



    Toggle line numbers
      54   ros::NodeHandle n;

    Create a handle to this process' node. The first NodeHandle created will actually do the initialization of the node, and the last one destructed will cleanup any resources the node was using.




    Toggle line numbers
      73   ros::Publisher chatter_pub = n.advertise<std_msgs::String>("chatter", 1000);

    Tell the master that we are going to be publishing a message of type std_msgs/String on the topic chatter. This lets the master tell any nodes listening on chatter that we are going to publish data on that topic. The second argument is the size of our publishing queue. In this case if we are publishing too quickly it will buffer up a maximum of 1000 messages before beginning to throw away old ones.



    NodeHandle::advertise() returns a ros::Publisher object, which serves two purposes: 1) it contains a publish() method that lets you publish messages onto the topic it was created with, and 2) when it goes out of scope, it will automatically unadvertise.




    Toggle line numbers
      75   ros::Rate loop_rate(10);

    A ros::Rate object allows you to specify a frequency that you would like to loop at. It will keep track of how long it has been since the last call to Rate::sleep(), and sleep for the correct amount of time.



    In this case we tell it we want to run at 10Hz.



    Toggle line numbers
      81   int count = 0;
      82   while (ros::ok())
      83   {

    By default roscpp will install a SIGINT handler which provides Ctrl-C handling which will cause ros::ok() to return false if that happens.


    ros::ok() will return false if:


    • a SIGINT is received (Ctrl-C) 收到一个SIGINT中断信号(Ctrl-C)
    • we have been kicked off the network by another node with the same name 我们被另一个同名节点踢下网络
    • ros::shutdown() has been called by another part of the application. 应用程序的另一部分调用ros::shutdown()

    • all ros::NodeHandles have been destroyed 所有的ros::NodeHandle被销毁

    Once ros::ok() returns false, all ROS calls will fail. 一旦ros::ok()返回否,所有的ROS调用都会失败。


    Toggle line numbers
      87     std_msgs::String msg;
      89     std::stringstream ss;
      90     ss << "hello world " << count;
      91     msg.data = ss.str();

    We broadcast a message on ROS using a message-adapted class, generally generated from a msg file. More complicated datatypes are possible, but for now we're going to use the standard String message, which has one member: "data".



    Toggle line numbers
     101     chatter_pub.publish(msg);

    Now we actually broadcast the message to anyone who is connected.



    Toggle line numbers
      93     ROS_INFO("%s", msg.data.c_str());

    ROS_INFO and friends are our replacement for printf/cout. See the rosconsole documentation for more information.



    Toggle line numbers
     103     ros::spinOnce();

    Calling ros::spinOnce() here is not necessary for this simple program, because we are not receiving any callbacks. However, if you were to add a subscription into this application, and did not have ros::spinOnce() here, your callbacks would never get called. So, add it for good measure.



    Toggle line numbers
     105     loop_rate.sleep();

    Now we use the ros::Rate object to sleep for the time remaining to let us hit our 10Hz publish rate.


    Here's the condensed version of what's going on:


    • Initialize the ROS system 初始化ROS系统
    • Advertise that we are going to be publishing std_msgs/String messages on the chatter topic to the master 向管理器宣告我们将发布std_msgs/String类型的消息到chatter主题上

    • Loop while publishing messages to chatter 10 times a second 循环发布消息到chatter,1秒10次。

    Now we need to write a node to receive the messsages.




    Create the src/listener.cpp file within the beginner_tutorials package and paste the following inside it:



    Toggle line numbers
      28 #include "ros/ros.h"
      29 #include "std_msgs/String.h"
      31 /**
      32  * This tutorial demonstrates simple receipt of messages over the ROS system.
      33  */
      34 void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg)
      35 {
      36   ROS_INFO("I heard: [%s]", msg->data.c_str());
      37 }
      39 int main(int argc, char **argv)
      40 {
      41   /**
      42    * The ros::init() function needs to see argc and argv so that it can perform
      43    * any ROS arguments and name remapping that were provided at the command line.
      44    * For programmatic remappings you can use a different version of init() which takes
      45    * remappings directly, but for most command-line programs, passing argc and argv is
      46    * the easiest way to do it.  The third argument to init() is the name of the node.
      47    *
      48    * You must call one of the versions of ros::init() before using any other
      49    * part of the ROS system.
      50    */
      51   ros::init(argc, argv, "listener");
      53   /**
      54    * NodeHandle is the main access point to communications with the ROS system.
      55    * The first NodeHandle constructed will fully initialize this node, and the last
      56    * NodeHandle destructed will close down the node.
      57    */
      58   ros::NodeHandle n;
      60   /**
      61    * The subscribe() call is how you tell ROS that you want to receive messages
      62    * on a given topic.  This invokes a call to the ROS
      63    * master node, which keeps a registry of who is publishing and who
      64    * is subscribing.  Messages are passed to a callback function, here
      65    * called chatterCallback.  subscribe() returns a Subscriber object that you
      66    * must hold on to until you want to unsubscribe.  When all copies of the Subscriber
      67    * object go out of scope, this callback will automatically be unsubscribed from
      68    * this topic.
      69    *
      70    * The second parameter to the subscribe() function is the size of the message
      71    * queue.  If messages are arriving faster than they are being processed, this
      72    * is the number of messages that will be buffered up before beginning to throw
      73    * away the oldest ones.
      74    */
      75   ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("chatter", 1000, chatterCallback);
      77   /**
      78    * ros::spin() will enter a loop, pumping callbacks.  With this version, all
      79    * callbacks will be called from within this thread (the main one).  ros::spin()
      80    * will exit when Ctrl-C is pressed, or the node is shutdown by the master.
      81    */
      82   ros::spin();
      84   return 0;
      85 }


    Now, let's break it down piece by piece, ignoring some pieces that have already been explained above.



    Toggle line numbers
      34 void chatterCallback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg)
      35 {
      36   ROS_INFO("I heard: [%s]", msg->data.c_str());
      37 }

    This is the callback function that will get called when a new message has arrived on the chatter topic. The message is passed in a boost shared_ptr, which means you can store it off if you want, without worrying about it getting deleted underneath you, and without copying the underlying data.

    这是回调函数,它将会在当一个新消息到chatter主题时得到调用。该消息传递到一个boost shared_ptr,这意味着只要你喜欢你可以存储起来,不需要担心它会不小心被删除掉,不需要拷贝下层的数据。


    Toggle line numbers
      75   ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("chatter", 1000, chatterCallback);

    Subscribe to the chatter topic with the master. ROS will call the chatterCallback() function whenever a new message arrives. The 2nd argument is the queue size, in case we are not able to process messages fast enough. In this case, if the queue reaches 1000 messages, we will start throwing away old messages as new ones arrive.


    NodeHandle::subscribe() returns a ros::Subscriber object, that you must hold on to until you want to unsubscribe. When the Subscriber object is destructed, it will automatically unsubscribe from the chatter topic.


    There are versions of the NodeHandle::subscribe() function which allow you to specify a class member function, or even anything callable by a Boost.Function object. The roscpp overview contains more information.



    ros::spin() enters a loop, calling message callbacks as fast as possible. Don't worry though, if there's nothing for it to do it won't use much CPU. ros::spin() will exit once ros::ok() returns false, which means ros::shutdown() has been called, either by the default Ctrl-C handler, the master telling us to shutdown, or it being called manually.


    There are other ways of pumping callbacks, but we won't worry about those here. The roscpp_tutorials package has some demo applications which demonstrate this. The roscpp overview also contains more information.


    Again, here's a condensed version of what's going on: 再一次,让我们看一下我们进行的简洁版:

    • Initialize the ROS system  初始化ROS系统
    • Subscribe to the chatter topic  订阅chatter主题

    • Spin, waiting for messages to arrive  循环,等待消息的到来
    • When a message arrives, the chatterCallback() function is called  当一个消息到来时,chatterCallback()函数被调用。


    You used catkin_create_pkg in a previous tutorial which created a package.xml and a CMakeLists.txt file for you.


    The generated CMakeLists.txt should look like this (with modifications from the Creating Msgs and Srvs tutorial and unused comments and examples removed):

    生成的CMakeLists.txt应该看上去像这样(从Creating Msgs and Srvs教程做了更改,移除了无用的注释和例子):


    Toggle line numbers
       1 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
       2 project(beginner_tutorials)
       4 ## Find catkin and any catkin packages
       5 find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp rospy std_msgs genmsg)
       7 ## Declare ROS messages and services
       8 add_message_files(DIRECTORY msg FILES Num.msg)
       9 add_service_files(DIRECTORY srv FILES AddTwoInts.srv)
      11 ## Generate added messages and services
      12 generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES std_msgs)
      14 ## Declare a catkin package
      15 catkin_package()


    Don't worry about modifying the commented (#) examples, simply add these few lines to the bottom of your CMakeLists.txt:



    include_directories(include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})
    add_executable(talker src/talker.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(talker ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
    add_dependencies(talker beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_cpp)
    add_executable(listener src/listener.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(listener ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
    add_dependencies(listener beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_cpp)

    Your resulting CMakeLists.txt file should look like this:



    Toggle line numbers
       1 cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.3)
       2 project(beginner_tutorials)
       4 ## Find catkin and any catkin packages
       5 find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp rospy std_msgs genmsg)
       7 ## Declare ROS messages and services
       8 add_message_files(FILES Num.msg)
       9 add_service_files(FILES AddTwoInts.srv)
      11 ## Generate added messages and services
      12 generate_messages(DEPENDENCIES std_msgs)
      14 ## Declare a catkin package
      15 catkin_package()
      17 ## Build talker and listener
      18 include_directories(include ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS})
      20 add_executable(talker src/talker.cpp)
      21 target_link_libraries(talker ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
      22 add_dependencies(talker beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_cpp)
      24 add_executable(listener src/listener.cpp)
      25 target_link_libraries(listener ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
      26 add_dependencies(listener beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_cpp)


    This will create two executables, talker and listener, which by default will go into package directory of your devel space, located by default at ~/catkin_ws/devel/lib/<package name>.

    这将会生成2个执行文件,talker和listener,它们默认会进入你的devel space包路径,位置默认在~/catkin_ws/devel/lib/<package name>。

    Note that you have to add dependencies for the executable targets to message generation targets:


    add_dependencies(talker beginner_tutorials_generate_messages_cpp)

    This makes sure message headers of this package are generated before being used. If you use messages from other packages inside your catkin workspace, you need to add dependencies to their respective generation targets as well, because catkin builds all projects in parallel. As of *Groovy* you can use the following variable to depend on all necessary targets:


    target_link_libraries(talker ${catkin_LIBRARIES})

    You can invoke executables directly or you can use rosrun to invoke them. They are not placed in '<prefix>/bin' because that would pollute the PATH when installing your package to the system. If you wish for your executable to be on the PATH at installation time, you can setup an install target, see: catkin/CMakeLists.txt


    For more detailed discription of the CMakeLists.txt file see: catkin/CMakeLists.txt


    Now run catkin_make: 现在运行catkin_make:

    # In your catkin workspace
    $ catkin_make  

    Note: Or if you're adding as new pkg, you may need to tell catkin to force making by --force-cmake option. See catkin/Tutorials/using_a_workspace#With_catkin_make.


    Now that you have written a simple publisher and subscriber, let's examine the simple publisher and subscriber.



    Here are some additional resources contributed by the community:



    The following video presents a small tutorial explaining how to write and test a publisher and subscriber in ROS with C++ and Python based on the talker/listener example above


    12. Writing a Simple Publisher and Subscriber (Python)

    This tutorial covers how to write a publisher and subscriber node in python.


    13. Examining the Simple Publisher and Subscriber

    This tutorial examines running the simple publisher and subscriber.



    Make sure that a roscore is up and running: 确保roscore已经启动并运行:

    $ roscore

    catkin specific If you are using catkin, make sure you have sourced your workspace's setup.sh file after calling catkin_make but before trying to use your applications: catkin确定你是否使用catkin,确保你在你尝试使用你的程序之前已经调用catkin_make源了你的工作空间的setup.sh文件。


    # In your catkin workspace
    $ cd ~/catkin_ws
    $ source ./devel/setup.bash

    In the last tutorial we made a publisher called "talker". Let's run it: 在上一教程中我们已经生成了一个发布器叫“talker”。让我们运行它:

    $ rosrun beginner_tutorials talker      (C++)
    $ rosrun beginner_tutorials talker.py   (Python) 

    You will see something similar to: 你将会看到类似于这样的东西:

    • [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931831.774057] hello world 1314931831.77
      [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931832.775497] hello world 1314931832.77
      [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931833.778937] hello world 1314931833.78
      [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931834.782059] hello world 1314931834.78
      [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931835.784853] hello world 1314931835.78
      [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931836.788106] hello world 1314931836.79

    The publisher node is up and running. Now we need a subscriber to receive messages from the publisher.发布器节点已经开启并运行了。现在我们需要一个订阅器接收发布器传来的消息。


    In the last tutorial we made a subscriber called "listener". Let's run it: 在上一节教程中我们创建了一个订阅器叫“listener"。让我们运行它:

    $ rosrun beginner_tutorials listener     (C++)
    $ rosrun beginner_tutorials listener.py  (Python) 

    You will see something similar to: 你将会看到类似于这样的东西:

    • [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931969.258941] /listener_17657_1314931968795I heard hello world 1314931969.26
      [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931970.262246] /listener_17657_1314931968795I heard hello world 1314931970.26
      [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931971.266348] /listener_17657_1314931968795I heard hello world 1314931971.26
      [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931972.270429] /listener_17657_1314931968795I heard hello world 1314931972.27
      [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931973.274382] /listener_17657_1314931968795I heard hello world 1314931973.27
      [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931974.277694] /listener_17657_1314931968795I heard hello world 1314931974.28
      [INFO] [WallTime: 1314931975.283708] /listener_17657_1314931968795I heard hello world 1314931975.28

    Now that you have examined the simple publisher and subscriber, let's write a simple service and client (python) (c++).


    14. Writing a Simple Service and Client (C++)

    This tutorial covers how to write a service and client node in C++.



    Here we'll create the service ("add_two_ints_server") node which will receive two ints and return the sum.



    Change directories to your beginner_tutorials package you created in your catkin workspace previous tutorials:



    roscd beginner_tutorials

    Please make sure you have followed the directions in the previous tutorial for creating the service needed in this tutorial, creating the AddTwoInts.srv (be sure to choose the right version of build tool you're using at the top of wiki page in the link).

    请确保你已经遵照之前的教程的指导创建了本教程所需要的服务,请参考:creating the AddTwoInts.srv(请在wiki页顶部链接上确保选择了正确的build工具版本)。


    Create the src/add_two_ints_server.cpp file within the beginner_tutorials package and paste the following inside it:



    Toggle line numbers
       1 #include "ros/ros.h"
       2 #include "beginner_tutorials/AddTwoInts.h"
       4 bool add(beginner_tutorials::AddTwoInts::Request  &req,
       5          beginner_tutorials::AddTwoInts::Response &res)
       6 {
       7   res.sum = req.a + req.b;
       8   ROS_INFO("request: x=%ld, y=%ld", (long int)req.a, (long int)req.b);
       9   ROS_INFO("sending back response: [%ld]", (long int)res.sum);
      10   return true;
      11 }
      13 int main(int argc, char **argv)
      14 {
      15   ros::init(argc, argv, "add_two_ints_server");
      16   ros::NodeHandle n;
      18   ros::ServiceServer service = n.advertiseService("add_two_ints", add);
      19   ROS_INFO("Ready to add two ints.");
      20   ros::spin();
      22   return 0;
      23 }


    Now, let's break the code down.



    Toggle line numbers
       1 #include "ros/ros.h"
       2 #include "beginner_tutorials/AddTwoInts.h"

    beginner_tutorials/AddTwoInts.h is the header file generated from the srv file that we created earlier.



    Toggle line numbers
       4 bool add(beginner_tutorials::AddTwoInts::Request  &req,
       5          beginner_tutorials::AddTwoInts::Response &res)

    This function provides the service for adding two ints, it takes in the request and response type defined in the srv file and returns a boolean.



    Toggle line numbers
       6 {
       7   res.sum = req.a + req.b;
       8   ROS_INFO("request: x=%ld, y=%ld", (long int)req.a, (long int)req.b);
       9   ROS_INFO("sending back response: [%ld]", (long int)res.sum);
      10   return true;
      11 }

    Here the two ints are added and stored in the response. Then some information about the request and response are logged. Finally the service returns true when it is complete.



    Toggle line numbers
      18   ros::ServiceServer service = n.advertiseService("add_two_ints", add);

    Here the service is created and advertised over ROS.




    Create the src/add_two_ints_client.cpp file within the beginner_tutorials package and paste the following inside it:



    Toggle line numbers
       1 #include "ros/ros.h"
       2 #include "beginner_tutorials/AddTwoInts.h"
       3 #include <cstdlib>
       5 int main(int argc, char **argv)
       6 {
       7   ros::init(argc, argv, "add_two_ints_client");
       8   if (argc != 3)
       9   {
      10     ROS_INFO("usage: add_two_ints_client X Y");
      11     return 1;
      12   }
      14   ros::NodeHandle n;
      15   ros::ServiceClient client = n.serviceClient<beginner_tutorials::AddTwoInts>("add_two_ints");
      16   beginner_tutorials::AddTwoInts srv;
      17   srv.request.a = atoll(argv[1]);
      18   srv.request.b = atoll(argv[2]);
      19   if (client.call(srv))
      20   {
      21     ROS_INFO("Sum: %ld", (long int)srv.response.sum);
      22   }
      23   else
      24   {
      25     ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service add_two_ints");
      26     return 1;
      27   }
      29   return 0;
      30 }


    Now, let's break the code down.



    Toggle line numbers
      15   ros::ServiceClient client = n.serviceClient<beginner_tutorials::AddTwoInts>("add_two_ints");

    This creates a client for the add_two_ints service. The ros::ServiceClient object is used to call the service later on.



    Toggle line numbers
      16   beginner_tutorials::AddTwoInts srv;
      17   srv.request.a = atoll(argv[1]);
      18   srv.request.b = atoll(argv[2]);

    Here we instantiate an autogenerated service class, and assign values into its request member. A service class contains two members, request and response. It also contains two class definitions, Request and Response.



    Toggle line numbers
      19   if (client.call(srv))

    This actually calls the service. Since service calls are blocking, it will return once the call is done. If the service call succeeded, call() will return true and the value in srv.response will be valid. If the call did not succeed, call() will return false and the value in srv.response will be invalid.



    Again edit the beginner_tutorials CMakeLists.txt located at ~/catkin_ws/src/beginner_tutorials/CMakeLists.txt and add the following at the end:

    再一次编辑位于~/catkin_ws/src/beginner_tutorials/CMakeLists.txt的beginner_tutorials CMakeLists.txt,在尾部添加如下内容:


    Toggle line numbers
      27 add_executable(add_two_ints_server src/add_two_ints_server.cpp)
      28 target_link_libraries(add_two_ints_server ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
      29 add_dependencies(add_two_ints_server beginner_tutorials_gencpp)
      31 add_executable(add_two_ints_client src/add_two_ints_client.cpp)
      32 target_link_libraries(add_two_ints_client ${catkin_LIBRARIES})
      33 add_dependencies(add_two_ints_client beginner_tutorials_gencpp)


    This will create two executables, add_two_ints_server and add_two_ints_client, which by default will go into package directory of your devel space, located by default at ~/catkin_ws/devel/lib/<package name>. You can invoke executables directly or you can use rosrun to invoke them. They are not placed in '<prefix>/bin' because that would pollute the PATH when installing your package to the system. If you wish for your executable to be on the PATH at installation time, you can setup an install target, see: catkin/CMakeLists.txt

    这将会生成两个可执行文件,add_two_ints_server和add_two_ints_client,它们默认情况下将会进入你的devel space包目录中,默认路径为~/catkin_ws/devel/lib/<package name>。你可以直接invoke可执行文件,或者你也可以使用rosrun来invoke它们。它们并不放在'<prefix>/bin',因为那样会在将你的包安装到系统时污染路径。如果你希望你的可执行文件在安装时存在在该路径中,你可以设置一个安装目标,看:

    For more detailed description of the CMakeLists.txt file see: catkin/CMakeLists.txt


    Now run catkin_make: 现在运行catkin_make:

    # In your catkin workspace
    cd ~/catkin_ws

    If your build fails for some reason: 如果你因为某些原因生成失败:

    • make sure you have followed the directions in the previous tutorial: creating the AddTwoInts.srv. 请保证你遵循之前教程的步骤:创建AddTwoInts.srv。


    Now that you have written a simple service and client, let's examine the simple service and client.


    15. Writing a Simple Service and Client (Python)

    This tutorial covers how to write a service and client node in python.

    16. Examining the Simple Service and Client

    This tutorial examines running the simple service and client.



    Let's start by running the service: 让我们开始运行服务:

    $ rosrun beginner_tutorials add_two_ints_server     (C++)
    $ rosrun beginner_tutorials add_two_ints_server.py  (Python) 

    You should see something similar to: 你将会看到类似于这样的内容:

    Ready to add two ints.


    Now let's run the client with the necessary arguments: 现在让我们运行客户端:

    $ rosrun beginner_tutorials add_two_ints_client 1 3     (C++)
    $ rosrun beginner_tutorials add_two_ints_client.py 1 3  (Python) 

    You should see something similar to: 你应该会看到类似这样的东西:

    Requesting 1+3
    1 + 3 = 4

    Now that you've successfully run your first server and client, let's learn how to record and play back data.



    If you want to investigate further and get a hands-on example, you can get one here. A simple Client and Service combination shows the use of custom message types. The Service node is written in C++ while the Client is available in C++, Python and LISP.

    如果你想要探究的更远并有一个可以动手操作的例子, 那么你在这里可以获得一个:https://github.com/fairlight1337/ros_service_examples/。一个简单的客户端和服务相结合展现了用户消息类型的使用。服务节点是用C++写的,而客户端是可以用C++,Python和LISP实现。

    17. Recording and playing back data 记录和回放数据

    This tutorial will teach you how to record data from a running ROS system into a .bag file, and then to play back the data to produce similar behavior in a running system.



    This section of the tutorial will instruct you how to record topic data from a running ROS system. The topic data will be accumulated in a bag file.


    First, execute the following two commands:



    rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node 
    rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key

    This will start two nodes - the turtlesim visualizer and a node that allows for the keyboard control of turtlesim using the arrows keys on the keyboard. If you select the terminal window from which you launched turtle_keyboard, you should see something like the following:

    这将会启动两个节点 - turtlesim可视化器和一个允许使用键盘箭头键键盘控制turtlesim的节点。如果你选择了启动turtle_keyboard的终端窗口,你将会看到类似以下内容的东西:


    Reading from keyboard
    Use arrow keys to move the turtle.

    Pressing the arrow keys on the keyboard should cause the turtle to move around the screen. Note that to move the turtle you must have the terminal from which you launched turtlesim selected and not the turtlesim window.



    First lets examine the full list of topics that are currently being published in the running system. To do this, open a new terminal and execute the command:



    rostopic list -v

    This should yield the following output:


    Published topics:
     * /turtle1/color_sensor [turtlesim/Color] 1 publisher
     * /turtle1/cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist] 1 publisher
     * /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log] 2 publishers
     * /rosout_agg [rosgraph_msgs/Log] 1 publisher
     * /turtle1/pose [turtlesim/Pose] 1 publisher
    Subscribed topics:
     * /turtle1/cmd_vel [geometry_msgs/Twist] 1 subscriber
     * /rosout [rosgraph_msgs/Log] 1 subscriber

    The list of published topics are the only message types that could potentially be recorded in the data log file, as only published messages are recorded. The topic /turtle1/cmd_vel is the command message published by teleop_turtle that is taken as input by the turtlesim process. The messages /turtle1/color_sensor and /turtle1/pose are output messages published by turtlesim.


    We now will record the published data. Open a new terminal window. In this window run the following commands:



    mkdir ~/bagfiles
    cd ~/bagfiles
    rosbag record -a

    Here we are just making a temporary directory to record data and then running rosbag record with the option -a, indicating that all published topics should be accumulated in a bag file.

    这里我们只是创建一个临时的目录用来记录数据,然后运行带有-a选项的rosbag record命令,表明所有已发布主题都应该被收集到一个bag文件中。

    Move back to the terminal window with turtle_teleop and move the turtle around for 10 or so seconds.


    In the window running rosbag record exit with a Ctrl-C. Now examine the contents of the directory ~/bagfiles. You should see a file with a name that begins with the year, data, and time and the suffix .bag. This is the bag file that contains all topics published by any node in the time that rosbag record was running.

    在运行rosbag record的窗口中使用Ctrl-C退出。现在测试目录~/bagfiles中的内容。你应该看到一个以年,数据和时间以及.bag后缀命名的文件。这是包含所有在rosbag record运行期间任何节点已发布主题的包文件。


    Now that we've recorded a bag file using rosbag record we can examine it and play it back using the commands rosbag info and rosbag play. First we are going to see what's recorded in the bag file. We can do the info command -- this command checks the contents of the bag file without playing it back. Execute the following command from the bagfiles directory:

    现在我们已经使用rosbag record记录了一个bag文件。我们从而可以使用命令rosbag info和rosbag play来测试它并回放它。首先我们将看到在bag文件中记录的是什么。我们可以使用info命令--这个命令检查bag文件中的内容,并没有回放。从bag文件目录执行以下命令:

    rosbag info <your bagfile>

    You should see something like:


    path:        2014-12-10-20-08-34.bag
    version:     2.0
    duration:    1:38s (98s)
    start:       Dec 10 2014 20:08:35.83 (1418270915.83)
    end:         Dec 10 2014 20:10:14.38 (1418271014.38)
    size:        865.0 KB
    messages:    12471
    compression: none [1/1 chunks]
    types:       geometry_msgs/Twist [9f195f881246fdfa2798d1d3eebca84a]
                 rosgraph_msgs/Log   [acffd30cd6b6de30f120938c17c593fb]
                 turtlesim/Color     [353891e354491c51aabe32df673fb446]
                 turtlesim/Pose      [863b248d5016ca62ea2e895ae5265cf9]
    topics:      /rosout                    4 msgs    : rosgraph_msgs/Log   (2 connections)
                 /turtle1/cmd_vel         169 msgs    : geometry_msgs/Twist
                 /turtle1/color_sensor   6149 msgs    : turtlesim/Color    
                 /turtle1/pose           6149 msgs    : turtlesim/Pose

    This tells us topic names and types as well as the number (count) of each message topic contained in the bag file. We can see that of the topics being advertised that we saw in the rostopic output, four of the five were actually published over our recording interval. As we ran rosbag record with the -a flag it recorded all messages published by all nodes.

    这个除了告诉我们在bag文件中包含的每个消息主题的数目之外,还告诉了我们主题名字和类型。我们可以看到我们在rostopic输出中看到的展示的主题,5个中的4个都在我们的记录间隔内实际地发布。当我们运行带有-a标签的rosbag record时它记录了所有节点发布的所有消息。

    The next step in this tutorial is to replay the bag file to reproduce behavior in the running system. First kill the teleop program that may be still running from the previous section - a Ctrl-C in the terminal where you started turtle_teleop_key. Leave turtlesim running. In a terminal window run the following command in the directory where you took the original bag file:


    rosbag play <your bagfile>

    In this window you should immediately see something like: 在窗口你应该很快会看到类似这样的东西:


    [ INFO] [1418271315.162885976]: Opening 2014-12-10-20-08-34.bag
    Waiting 0.2 seconds after advertising topics... done.
    Hit space to toggle paused, or 's' to step.

    In its default mode rosbag play will wait for a certain period (.2 seconds) after advertising each message before it actually begins publishing the contents of the bag file. Waiting for some duration allows any subscriber of a message to be alerted that the message has been advertised and that messages may follow. If rosbag play publishes messages immediately upon advertising, subscribers may not receive the first several published messages. The waiting period can be specified with the -d option.

    在默认模式下rosbag play将在它真正开始发布bag文件内容之前在宣布每个消息之后等待一段时间(0.2秒)。等待一段时间允许任何消息的订阅者注意消息已经被宣布了而且消息将会追踪。如果rosbag play公布时立即发布消息,订阅者可能没有收到开始的几个发布的消息。等待阶段可以使用-d选项指定。

    Eventually the topic /turtle1/cmd_vel will be published and the turtle should start moving in turtlesim in a pattern similar to the one you executed from the teleop program. The duration between running rosbag play and the turtle moving should be approximately equal to the time between the original rosbag record execution and issuing the commands from the keyboard in the beginning part of the tutorial. You can have rosbag play not start at the beginning of the bag file but instead start some duration past the beginning using the -s argument. A final option that may be of interest is the -r option, which allows you to change the rate of publishing by a specified factor. If you execute:

    最后主题/turlte1/cmd_vel将被发布乌龟将开始在turtlesim中以类似于你teleop程序中执行的模式移动。运行rosbag play和乌龟移动之间的持续时间应该大约等于原来在开始教程中的rosbag record执行以及开始从键盘发出命令之间的时间。你可以让rosbag play不从bag文件的开始端开始而是使用-s参数从开始端过去一些时间开始。一个可能感兴趣的终止选项会是-r选项,它允许你通过一个特定的元素更改发布频率。如果你执行:


    rosbag play -r 2 <your bagfile>


    You should see the turtle execute a slightly different trajectory - this is the trajectory that would have resulted had you issued your keyboard commands twice as fast.

    你应该会看到乌龟执行有点不同的轨道 - 这是一个让你键盘命令加快一倍的运行轨道。


    When running a complicated system, such as the pr2 software suite, there may be hundreds of topics being published, with some topics, like camera image streams, potentially publishing huge amounts of data. In such a system it is often impractical to write log files consisting of all topics to disk in a single bag file. The rosbag record command supports logging only particular topics to a bag file, allowing a user to only record the topics of interest to them.

    当运行一个复杂的系统,比如pr2软件套件,将会有数百个主题被发布,带有一些主题比如相机图像流,可能会发布大量的数据。在这样的系统中将包含所有主题的日志文件写到单个bag文件中是不现实的。rosbag record命令支持只记录部分的主题到一个bag文件中,允许一个用户只记录他们感兴趣的主题。

    If any turtlesim nodes are running exit them and relaunch the keyboard teleop launch file:



    rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node 
    rosrun turtlesim turtle_teleop_key

    In your bagfiles directory, run the following command:



    rosbag record -O subset /turtle1/cmd_vel /turtle1/pose

    The -O argument tells rosbag record to log to a file named subset.bag, and the topic arguments cause rosbag record to only subscribe to these two topics. Move the turtle around for several seconds using the keyboard arrow commands, and then Ctrl-C the rosbag record.

    -O参数告诉rosbag record记录到一个叫subset.bag的文件中,而主题参数调用rosbag record只订阅这两个主题。使用键盘箭命令移动乌龟几秒钟,然后使用Ctrl-C结束记录。

    Now check the contents of the bag file (rosbag info subset.bag). You should see something like this, with only the indicated topics:

    现在检查一下bag文件的内容(rosbag info subset.bag)。你应该会看到像这样的一些东西,只带有指示的主题:


    path:        subset.bag
    version:     2.0
    duration:    12.6s
    start:       Dec 10 2014 20:20:49.45 (1418271649.45)
    end:         Dec 10 2014 20:21:02.07 (1418271662.07)
    size:        68.3 KB
    messages:    813
    compression: none [1/1 chunks]
    types:       geometry_msgs/Twist [9f195f881246fdfa2798d1d3eebca84a]
                 turtlesim/Pose      [863b248d5016ca62ea2e895ae5265cf9]
    topics:      /turtle1/cmd_vel    23 msgs    : geometry_msgs/Twist
                 /turtle1/pose      790 msgs    : turtlesim/Pose

     (4)rosbag record/play的限制

    In the previous section you may have noted that the turtle's path may not have exactly mapped to the original keyboard input - the rough shape should have been the same, but the turtle may not have exactly tracked the same path. The reason for this is that the path tracked by turtlesim is very sensitive to small changes in timing in the system, and rosbag is limited in its ability to exactly duplicate the behavior of a running system in terms of when messages are recorded and processed by rosrecord, and when messages are produced and processed when using rosplay. For nodes like turtlesim, where minor timing changes in when command messages are processed can subtly alter behavior, the user should not expect perfectly mimicked behavior.

     在之前的小节你可能已经注意到了乌龟的路径可能并不能准确地映射到原始的键盘输入 - 大致的图形应该是相同的,但是乌龟可能并不能够追踪到相同的路径。这个情况的原因是乌龟追踪的路径在系统中是对于定时的小改变很细微的。而rosbag在对于消息记录并由rosrecord记录、并当消息保存并由rosplay处理的严格复制运行系统的行为能力上是有局限性的。对于像turtlesim的节点,当命令消息处理时小的定时改变可能会改变行为,用户应该不能期望完美地复制行为。



    Now that you've learned how to record and play back data, let's learn how to troubleshoot with roswtf.


    18. Getting started with roswtf 开始roswtf的使用

    Basic introduction to the roswtf tool.


    Before you start this tutorial, please make sure your roscore is NOT running.



    roswtf examines your system to try and find problems. Let's try it out:


    $ roscd
    $ roswtf

    You should see (detail of the output varies):

    Stack: ros
    Static checks summary:
    No errors or warnings
    Cannot communicate with master, ignoring graph checks

    If your installation ran correctly you should output similar to the above. The output is telling you:


    • "Stack: ros": roswtf uses whatever your current directory is to determine what checks it does. This is telling us that you started roswtf in the ros stack.你当前的路径决定了roswtf使用什么样的检查。这个是在告诉我们你在ros stack启动roswtf。

    • "Static checks summary": this is a report on any filesystem issues. It's telling us that there were no errors. 这是一个关于文件系统问题的报告。这是在告诉我们没有错误。
    • "Cannot communicate with master, ignoring graph checks": the roscore isn't running, so roswtf didn't do any online checks.roscore不在运行,所以roswtf不会做什么在线检查。


    For this next step, we want a Master to be up, so go ahead and start a roscore.


    Now, try running the same sequence again:

    $ roscd
    $ roswtf

    You should see:

    Stack: ros
    Static checks summary:
    No errors or warnings
    Beginning tests of your ROS graph. These may take awhile...
    analyzing graph...
    ... done analyzing graph
    running graph rules...
    ... done running graph rules
    Online checks summary:
    Found 1 warning(s).
    Warnings are things that may be just fine, but are sometimes at fault
    WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected:
     * /rosout:
       * /rosout

    roswtf did some online examination of your graph now that your roscore is running. Depending on how many ROS nodes you have running, this can take a long time to complete. As you can see, this time it produced a warning:

    WARNING The following node subscriptions are unconnected:
     * /rosout:
       * /rosout

    roswtf is warning you that the rosout node is subscribed to a topic that no one is publishing to. In this case, this is expected because nothing else is running, so we can ignore it.



    roswtf will warn you about things that look suspicious but may be normal in your system. It can also report errors for problems that it knows are wrong.


    For this part, we are going to set your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH to a bad value. We're also going to stop our roscore to simplify the output that you see.



    $ roscd

    This time we see: 这一次我们将看到:

    Stack: ros
    Static checks summary:
    Found 1 error(s).
    ERROR Not all paths in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH [bad] point to an existing directory: 
     * bad
    Cannot communicate with master, ignoring graph checks

    As you can see, roswtf now gives us an error about the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH setting.


    There are many other types of problems that roswtf can find. If you find yourself stumped by a build or communication issue, try running it and seeing if it can point you in the right direction.


    Now that you know how to use roswtf, take sometime to learn more about how ros.org is structured and navigating the wiki.


    19. Navigating the ROS wiki 浏览ROS wiki

    This tutorial discusses the layout of the ROS wiki (ros.org) and talks about how to find what you want to know.

     这个教程讨论了ROS wiki的布局,讨论了关于如何找到你想要知道的东西。

    This tutorial will look at the different headers, links, and sidebars through out the wiki to help you understand how ROS.org is laid out.



    1) ROS.org登录界面

    The landing page is where you are directed to when you type www.ros.org into you browser. Let's look at the ROS wiki header that is displayed at the top of every wiki page.

    这个登录界面是你输入www.ros.org进入的页面。让我们看一下ROS wiki头部,它是显示在每一个wiki页面的头部。


    As you can see each package contains tutorials and troubleshooting specific to the package.



    Let's look at ros-pkg package wiki page for tf (www.ros.org/wiki/tf). The package header for each package is auto generated from the stack and package manifest.




    Let's look at ros stack wiki page for ROS (www.ros.org/wiki/ROS). The stack header for each stack is auto generated from the stack manifest.



    As you can see each stack contains tutorials and troubleshooting specific to the stack.



    Beginners can skip this section.



    To create tutorial pages under your package 在你的包下创建教程页

    1. Once you have created your package page, open the URL with /tutorials at the tail of the URL of your package. For example, suppose your package is located at http://wiki.ros.org/foo_pkg. You should open http://wiki.ros.org/foo_pkg/tutorials. This way the wiki will create a new page. 在你的包的URL末尾加/tutorials。

    2. The page will say This page does not exist yet. What type of page are you trying to create?. The wiki is correct, because there's no (hopefully) such page. ROS wiki now shows a list of templates, choose TutorialIndexTemplate. 这个页面会说这个页面不存在。你需要创建什么类型的页面?。这个wiki是正确的,因为还没有这样的页面。ROS wiki现在展示了一系列的模板,选择TutorialIndexTemplate。

    3. Now you are redirected to the wiki page editor. Add whatever change you think you need, and save it at the end. Using Preview often to check how it looks is a great idea. Notice that, however, there are some ROS wiki macros that do not get activated until you save the page (in that case you just have to pray that your edition works, but it's okay to try and error!). 现在你被重定向一个wiki页面编辑器。添加你需要的任何更改,在尾部保存它。使用Preview预览检查一下它的样子是个很好的主意。但是,主意,有一些ROS wiki macros不需要激活直到你保存这个页面(那种情况下你只是祈祷你的编辑起作用了,但是没关系尝试试错)。


    By default, TutorialIndexTemplate uses a macro FullSearchWithDescriptionsCS, which searches all available tutorials under the URL hierarchy you chose (http://wiki.ros.org/foo_pkg/tutorials in this case). There the order of tutorials are based on the "links" between tutorials (next.0 attribute in each page's tutorial header).


    Often, you want to sort the tutorial in your own way, like ROS' basic tutorial top page does. To do so you use TutorialChain macro. See the example in ROS basic tutorials.


    20. Where Next? 下一步是什么?

    This tutorial discusses options for getting to know more about using ROS on real or simulated robots.



    At this point in the beginner's tutorials you should have an understanding of the core concepts of ROS.


    Given a robot that runs ROS, you could use this understanding to list topics published and subscribed by the robot, to identify the messages consumed by these topics and then write your own nodes that process sensor data and act in the world.


    The real attraction of ROS is not the publish/subscribe middle-ware itself but that ROS provides a standard mechanism for developers around the world to share their code. The best "feature" of ROS is its enormous community.


    The number of packages available can be overwhelming. This tutorial attempts to give you an idea of what to explore next.



    Even if you have a real robot, it is good to get started using a simulator so that if something goes wrong you don't injure yourself or damage an expensive robot.


    You can get started with the PR2 Simulator or the Turtlebot Simulator. Alternately, you might search for your robot and check whether it has a simulator of its own.


    At this point, you might try to control the simulated robot using a 'teleop' package (e.g., turtlebot_teleop) or use your understanding of ROS to find a topic and write code that sends an appropriate message to drive your robot.



    RViz is a powerful visualization tool that allows you to view the robot's sensors and internal state. The user guide will help you get started.



    The TF package transforms between different coordinate frames used by your robot and keeps track of these transforms over time. A good understanding of TF is essential when working with any real robot. It is worthwhile to work through the tutorials.


    If you're building your own robot, you might at this point consider constructing a URDF model for your robot. If you're using a "standard" robot then one has probably already being built for you. Nevertheless, it may be worthwhile to briefly familiarize yourself with the URDF package.



    At this point, you're probably ready to start getting your robot to perform more sophisticated tasks. The following pages may help you:


    1. actionlib - The actionlib package provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptible tasks. This is widely used by "higher-level" packages in ROS. 该actionlib包为你提供了一个标准和预置的任务j交接的接口。这在ROS中由“更高水平”的包广泛使用。

    2. navigation - 2D navigation: map-building and path planning. 2D导航:地图建立和路径规划。

    3. MoveIt - To control the arms of your robot. 控制机器人的手臂。


    Now that you have completed the beginner level tutorials please answer this short questionnaire.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/2008nmj/p/5980387.html
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