2019-2020-26 《数据结构与面向对象程序设计》第5周学习总结
- 保护可见性提供了继承之间最恰当的封装机制
- 可以使用super引用来调用父类的构造方法
- 子类可以重写(重定义)继承自父类的方法
第四,析构函数调用的先后顺序与构造函数相反 -
- 问题1:如何建立tostring函数
- 问题1解决方案:按alt+insert键,选择tostring
- 错题1.The instruction super( ); does which of the following?
A .calls the method super as defined in the current class
B .calls the method super as defined in the current class'parent class
C .calls the method super as defined in java.lang
D .calls the constructor as defined in the current class
E .calls the constructor as defined in the current class'parent class - 解析:instruction super表示对当前类的父类中某些内容的调用。因为除了super()之外没有消息,所以它是对父类构造函数的调用。
- 错题2.If a programmer writes a class wanting it to be extended by another programmer, then this programmer must
A .change private methods and instance data to be protected
B .change public methods and instance data to be protected
C .change all methods to be protected
D .change the class to be protected
E .none of the above, the programmer does not have to change anything - 解析:受保护项可由定义它们的类的任何子类访问,而私有项不能由任何其他类访问。因此,以前定义的私有项现在必须受到保护。先前定义的公共实体应保持公共,以便所有其他类仍然可以访问这些公共实体。不应公开以前定义的私有项,因为这将允许所有类访问它们,而不仅仅是子类。
- 错题3.All classes in Java are directly or indirectly subclasses of the ________ class.
A .Wrapper
B .String
C .Reference
D .this
E .Object - 解析:Java要求所有类都有父类。如果一个类不扩展另一个类,则默认情况下,它扩展对象类。因此对象类是Java中所有其他类的父类或父类。
- 错题4:Which of the following is true regarding Java classes?
A .All classes must have 1 parent but may have any number of children (derived or extended) classes
B .All classes must have 1 child (derived or extended) class but may have any number of parent classes
C .All classes must have 1 parent class and may have a single child (derived or extended) class
D .All classes can have any number (0 or more) of parent classes and any number of children (derived or extended) classes
E .All classes can have either 0 or 1 parent class and any number of children (derived or extended) classes - 解析:Java支持继承,但不支持多重继承,因此Java类可以有任意数量的子节点,但只有一个父级。此外,由于所有Java类都直接或间接从对象类继承,因此所有Java类只有一个父类。
- 错题5:Using the reserved word, super, one can
A .access a parent class'constructor(s)
B .access a parent class'methods and instance data
C .access a child class'constructor(s)
D .access a child class'methods and instance data
E .none of the above - 解析: 超级保留字提供了一种访问父类的方法和实例数据(不管它们是否隐藏)的机制。此外,可以使用super访问父类的构造函数。所以正确答案是a和b的组合,这不是一个选项,所以正确答案是e。
- 错题6:If you instantiate an Abstract class, the class or object you wind up with
A .is also an Abstract class
B .is a normal class
C .is an Interface
D .is a reference to an Object
E .can't exist you cannot instantiate an Abstract class - 解析:你只能实例化具体的类而不是抽象的类。但是您可以扩展抽象类和接口。
- 错题7:The protected visibility modifier provides the best possible encapsulation that permits inheritance.
A .true
B .false - 解析:protected尽可能地限制可见性,同时仍然允许继承。在某些方面,受保护的“广告”应使用继承权。
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- 本周结对学习情况
- 函数调用(IDEA快捷键)
- 计算器改编
- 上周博客互评情况
代码行数(新增/累积) | 博客量(新增/累积) | 学习时间(新增/累积) | 重要成长 | |
目标 | 5000行 | 30篇 | 400小时 | |
第一周 | 26/200 | 2/2 | 7/7 | |
第二、三周 | 235/327 | 3/5 | 15/23 | |
第四周 | 123/450 | 2/7 | 8/31 | |
第五周 | 850/1300 | 2/9 | 9/40 |
- 实际学习时间:9小时