1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int MAX = 30; 4 typedef int SubType; 5 typedef bool WeightType; 6 struct Node//结点 7 { 8 SubType sub; 9 WeightType weight; 10 struct Node* pNext = NULL; 11 }; 12 typedef struct Vertex//表顶点 13 { 14 struct Node* pHead; 15 }AdjList[MAX]; 16 void Insert_(AdjList adj, SubType v1, SubType v2, WeightType w) 17 { 18 struct Node* s = new struct Node; 19 s->pNext = NULL; 20 s->sub = v2; 21 s->weight = w; 22 if (adj[v1].pHead == NULL) 23 { 24 adj[v1].pHead = s; 25 } 26 else 27 { 28 struct Node* p = adj[v1].pHead; 29 struct Node* pr = NULL; 30 while (p != NULL) 31 { 32 if (p->sub == v2)//已存在,无需插入,修改权值 33 { 34 p->weight = w; 35 return; 36 } 37 pr = p; 38 p = p->pNext; 39 } 40 pr->pNext = s; 41 } 42 } 43 void Insert(AdjList adj, SubType v1, SubType v2, WeightType w) 44 { 45 Insert_(adj, v1, v2, w); 46 Insert_(adj, v2, v1, w); 47 } 48 int main() 49 { 50 AdjList G; 51 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) 52 G[i].pHead = NULL; 53 54 Insert(G, 0, 2, true); 55 56 return 0; 57 }
1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int MAX = 30; 4 typedef int SubType; 5 typedef bool WeightType; 6 void Insert(WeightType (*G)[MAX], SubType v1, SubType v2, WeightType w) 7 { 8 G[v1][v2] = G[v2][v1] = w; 9 } 10 int main() 11 { 12 WeightType G[MAX][MAX]; 13 for(int i=0;i<MAX;++i) 14 for (int j = 0; j < MAX; ++j) 15 { 16 G[i][j] = i == j ? true : false; 17 } 18 Insert(G, 0, 5, true); 19 return 0; 20 }
1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int MAX = 30; 4 int first = 0; 5 typedef int SubType; 6 typedef bool WeightType; 7 bool visited[MAX][MAX]; 8 bool inQueue[MAX]; 9 typedef struct Node//结点 10 { 11 SubType sub; 12 WeightType weight; 13 struct Node* pNext = NULL; 14 }; 15 struct Queue 16 { 17 SubType s[MAX]; 18 int r = -1; 19 int f = -1; 20 }; 21 Queue q; 22 typedef struct Vertex//表顶点 23 { 24 struct Node* pHead; 25 }AdjList[MAX]; 26 void Insert_(AdjList adj, SubType v1, SubType v2, WeightType w) 27 { 28 struct Node* s = new struct Node; 29 s->pNext = NULL; 30 s->sub = v2; 31 s->weight = w; 32 if (adj[v1].pHead == NULL) 33 { 34 adj[v1].pHead = s; 35 } 36 else 37 { 38 struct Node* p = adj[v1].pHead; 39 struct Node* pr = NULL; 40 while (p != NULL) 41 { 42 if (p->sub == v2)//已存在,无需插入,修改权值 43 { 44 p->weight = w; 45 return; 46 } 47 pr = p; 48 p = p->pNext; 49 } 50 pr->pNext = s; 51 } 52 } 53 void Insert(AdjList adj, SubType v1, SubType v2, WeightType w) 54 { 55 Insert_(adj, v1, v2, w); 56 Insert_(adj, v2, v1, w); 57 } 58 void dfs(AdjList G, SubType i) 59 { 60 struct Node* p = G[i].pHead; 61 while (p != NULL) 62 { 63 if (!visited[i][p->sub] && p->weight == true) 64 { 65 visited[i][p->sub] = visited[p->sub][i] = true; 66 if (first != 0) cout << "->"; 67 ++first; 68 cout << "(" << i << "," << p->sub << ")"; 69 dfs(G, p->sub); 70 } 71 p = p->pNext; 72 } 73 } 74 void bfs(AdjList G, SubType i) 75 { 76 q.s[++q.f] = i; 77 inQueue[i] = true; 78 int cnt = 0; 79 while (q.r < q.f) 80 { 81 SubType n = q.s[++q.r]; 82 if (cnt != 0)cout << "->"; 83 ++cnt; 84 cout << n; 85 struct Node* p = G[n].pHead; 86 while (p != NULL) 87 { 88 if (!inQueue[p->sub]) 89 { 90 inQueue[p->sub] = true; 91 q.s[++q.f] = p->sub; 92 } 93 p = p->pNext; 94 } 95 } 96 } 97 int main() 98 { 99 AdjList G; 100 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) 101 G[i].pHead = NULL; 102 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) 103 for (int j = 0; j < MAX; ++j) 104 { 105 visited[i][j] = visited[j][i] = false; 106 } 107 Insert(G, 0, 2, true); 108 Insert(G, 5, 2, true); 109 Insert(G, 6, 3, true); 110 Insert(G, 7, 2, true); 111 Insert(G, 9, 3, true); 112 Insert(G, 2, 3, true); 113 cout << "DFS:"; 114 dfs(G, 0); 115 cout << endl; 116 cout << "BFS:"; 117 bfs(G, 0); 118 return 0; 119 }
1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 typedef int NumType; 4 typedef int WeightType; 5 const WeightType INFINITE = 65535; 6 const NumType MAX = 6; 7 #define MAXEDGE MAX * MAX 8 bool InsertFlag = true; 9 int EdgeCnt = 0; 10 struct Node//结点 11 { 12 NumType sub; 13 WeightType weight; 14 struct Node* pNext = NULL; 15 }; 16 typedef struct Vertex//表顶点 17 { 18 struct Node* pHead; 19 }AdjList[MAX]; 20 struct Edge 21 { 22 NumType u, v; 23 WeightType w; 24 }; 25 struct Edge* edge = new struct Edge[MAXEDGE]; 26 int r = -1; 27 void Insert_(AdjList adj, NumType v1, NumType v2, WeightType w) 28 { 29 struct Node* s = new struct Node; 30 s->pNext = NULL; 31 s->sub = v2; 32 s->weight = w; 33 if (adj[v1].pHead == NULL) 34 { 35 adj[v1].pHead = s; 36 } 37 else 38 { 39 struct Node* p = adj[v1].pHead; 40 struct Node* pr = NULL; 41 while (p != NULL) 42 { 43 if (p->sub == v2)//已存在,无需插入,修改权值 44 { 45 InsertFlag = false; 46 p->weight = w; 47 return; 48 } 49 pr = p; 50 p = p->pNext; 51 } 52 pr->pNext = s; 53 } 54 } 55 void Insert(AdjList adj, NumType v1, NumType v2, WeightType w) 56 { 57 InsertFlag = true;//成功插入边 58 Insert_(adj, v1, v2, w); 59 Insert_(adj, v2, v1, w); 60 if (InsertFlag) 61 { 62 ++EdgeCnt; 63 edge[++r].u = v1; 64 edge[r].v = v2; 65 edge[r].w = w; 66 } 67 } 68 NumType min[];//存储在最小生成树内的点的编号 69 bool visited[MAX][MAX]; 70 WeightType prim(AdjList G)//返回最小边权和 71 { 72 WeightType ret = 0;//最小和 73 WeightType dis[MAX];//各点到最小生成树的距离 74 fill(dis, dis + MAX, INFINITE);//初始化为INFINITE 75 dis[0] = 0; 76 struct Node* p = G[0].pHead; 77 while (p != NULL) 78 { 79 dis[p->sub] = p->weight;//把与0相接的点距离0点的距离放入dis 80 p = p->pNext; 81 } 82 83 for (int i = 0; i < MAX-1; ++i)//循环MAX次 84 { 85 WeightType min = INFINITE; 86 int k = -1;//存储最小dis的下标 87 for (int j = 0; j < MAX; ++j)//找出最小dis 88 { 89 if (dis[j] != 0 && dis[j] < min) 90 { 91 min = dis[j]; 92 k = j; 93 } 94 } 95 if (k == -1) return -1;//不连通 96 ret += min;//更新边权和 97 dis[k] = 0;//k纳入最小生成树 98 WeightType temp[MAX];//存储k与相接点的权 99 fill(temp, temp + MAX, INFINITE); 100 p = G[k].pHead; 101 while (p != NULL) 102 { 103 temp[p->sub] = p->weight; 104 p = p->pNext; 105 } 106 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)//如果未访问点dis值由于k的纳入变得更小,则更新 107 { 108 if (dis[i] != 0 && temp[i] != INFINITE && temp[i] < dis[i]) 109 dis[i] = temp[i]; 110 } 111 } 112 return ret; 113 } 114 //-----------------------Kruskal------------------------ 115 NumType root[MAX]; 116 NumType FindRoot(NumType x) 117 { 118 NumType t = x; 119 while (root[x] != x) 120 { 121 x = root[x]; 122 } 123 return x; 124 } 125 WeightType kruskal(AdjList G) 126 { 127 WeightType ret = 0; 128 int EdgeNum = 0; 129 for (int i = 0; i < EdgeCnt; ++i)//排序 130 { 131 for (int j = 1; j < EdgeCnt; ++j) 132 { 133 if (edge[j].w < edge[j - 1].w) 134 { 135 struct Edge temp = edge[j]; 136 edge[j] = edge[j - 1]; 137 edge[j - 1] = temp; 138 } 139 } 140 } 141 142 for (int i = 0; i < EdgeCnt; ++i) 143 { 144 NumType ru = FindRoot(edge[i].u); 145 NumType rv = FindRoot(edge[i].v); 146 if (ru != rv) 147 { 148 root[ru] = rv;//合并集合 149 ret += edge[i].w; 150 ++EdgeNum; 151 if (EdgeNum == MAX - 1) break;//变数为结点数-1,说明生成树构造完成 152 } 153 } 154 if (EdgeNum != MAX - 1) return -1;//图不连通 155 return ret; 156 } 157 158 int main() 159 { 160 AdjList G; 161 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) 162 G[i].pHead = NULL; 163 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) 164 root[i] = i; 165 //构造图 166 Insert(G, 0, 1, 4); 167 Insert(G, 0, 4, 1); 168 Insert(G, 0, 5, 2); 169 Insert(G, 1, 5, 3); 170 Insert(G, 2, 1, 6); 171 Insert(G, 2, 3, 6); 172 Insert(G, 2, 5, 5); 173 Insert(G, 3, 5, 5); 174 Insert(G, 3, 4, 4); 175 Insert(G, 4, 5, 3); 176 177 cout << "Prim:" << prim(G) <<endl; 178 179 cout << "Kruskal:" << kruskal(G) << endl; 180 181 return 0; 182 }
1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int INFINITE = 65535; 4 const int N = 10; 5 int pre[N]; 6 int r = -1; 7 int G[N][N]; 8 void Dijkstra(int(*G)[N], int start, int dis[]) 9 { 10 bool visited[N]; 11 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) dis[i] = G[start][i]; 12 dis[start] = 0; 13 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) visited[i] = false; 14 visited[start] = true; 15 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 16 { 17 dis[i] = G[start][i]; 18 pre[i] = start; 19 } 20 dis[start] = 0; 21 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 22 { 23 int min = INFINITE; 24 int k = 0; 25 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 26 { 27 if (dis[j] < min && visited[j] == false) 28 { 29 min = dis[j]; 30 k = j; 31 } 32 } 33 visited[k] = true; 34 for (int v = 0; v < N; ++v) 35 { 36 if (dis[k] + G[k][v] < dis[v] && visited[v] == false) 37 { 38 dis[v] = dis[k] + G[k][v]; 39 pre[v] = k; 40 } 41 42 } 43 } 44 } 45 void set(int i, int j, int w) 46 { 47 G[i][j] = G[j][i] = w; 48 } 49 int main() 50 { 51 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 52 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 53 G[i][j] = INFINITE; 54 set(0, 1, 50); 55 set(0, 5, 1); 56 set(0, 8, 18); 57 set(1, 5, 7); 58 set(1, 2, 5); 59 set(2, 5, 2); 60 set(2, 3, 7); 61 set(2, 6, 10); 62 set(3, 4, 8); 63 set(3, 7, 1); 64 set(3, 6, 10); 65 set(4, 7, 1); 66 set(5, 6, 1); 67 set(5, 8, 15); 68 set(6, 8, 5); 69 set(6, 7, 1); 70 set(6, 9, 3); 71 set(8, 9, 1); 72 set(7, 9, 1); 73 int dis[N];//start到其余点的距离 74 int start = 0; 75 Dijkstra(G, start, dis); 76 77 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 78 { 79 if (i == start)continue; 80 cout << start << "到" << i << "的最短路径长度:" << dis[i] << " "; 81 cout << "路径:"; 82 int out[N]; 83 int rOut = -1; 84 int e = i; 85 while (e != start) 86 { 87 out[++rOut] = e; 88 e = pre[e]; 89 } 90 out[++rOut] = start; 91 bool outFirst = true; 92 while (rOut != -1) 93 { 94 if (!outFirst) 95 cout << "->"; 96 cout << out[rOut--]; 97 outFirst = false; 98 } 99 cout << endl; 100 } 101 return 0; 102
1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int INFINITE = 65535; 4 const int N = 10; 5 int G[N][N]; 6 int pre[N]; 7 int r = -1; 8 int dis[N][N]; 9 int path[N][N];//保存路径 10 void Floyd(int(*G)[N]) 11 { 12 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 13 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 14 { 15 dis[i][j] = G[i][j]; 16 path[i][j] = j; 17 } 18 19 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 20 dis[i][i] = 0; 21 for(int k=0; k<N; ++k) 22 for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) 23 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 24 { 25 if (dis[i][k] != INFINITE && dis[k][j] != INFINITE && dis[i][k] + dis[k][j] < dis[i][j]) 26 { 27 dis[i][j] = dis[i][k] + dis[k][j]; 28 path[i][j] = path[i][k]; 29 } 30 } 31 } 32 void print(int s, int e) 33 { 34 int t = path[s][e]; 35 cout << "->" << t; 36 if (t == e) return; 37 print(t, e); 38 } 39 void Print(int s, int e) 40 { 41 cout << s; 42 print(s, e); 43 } 44 void set(int i, int j,int w) 45 { 46 G[i][j] = G[j][i] = w; 47 } 48 int main() 49 { 50 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 51 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 52 G[i][j] = INFINITE; 53 set(0, 1, 50); 54 set(0, 5, 1); 55 set(0, 8, 18); 56 set(1, 5, 7); 57 set(1, 2, 5); 58 set(2, 5, 2); 59 set(2, 3, 7); 60 set(2, 6, 10); 61 set(3, 4, 8); 62 set(3, 7, 1); 63 set(3, 6, 10); 64 set(4, 7, 1); 65 set(5, 6, 1); 66 set(5, 8, 15); 67 set(6, 8, 5); 68 set(6, 7, 1); 69 set(6, 9, 3); 70 set(8, 9, 1); 71 set(7, 9, 1); 72 Floyd(G); 73 74 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 75 { 76 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 77 { 78 cout << i << "到" << j << "最短路径长度:" << dis[i][j] << endl; 79 cout << "路径为:"; 80 Print(i, j); 81 cout << endl; 82 } 83 cout << endl; 84 } 85 return 0; 86 }
1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int INFINITE = 65535; 4 const int MAX = 20; 5 typedef int WeightType; 6 typedef int NumType;//结点编号类型 7 const int N = 17; 8 int E = 0;//边数 9 WeightType G[MAX][MAX]; 10 struct Edge 11 { 12 NumType u, v; 13 WeightType w; 14 }; 15 struct Edge* edge = new struct Edge[N*N]; 16 int rEdge = -1; 17 void set(int i, int j, WeightType w) 18 { 19 if (G[i][j] == INFINITE) 20 { 21 ++E; 22 edge[++rEdge].u = i; 23 edge[rEdge].v = j; 24 edge[rEdge].w = w; 25 } 26 G[i][j] = G[j][i] = w; 27 } 28 struct Queue 29 { 30 int s[MAX]; 31 int r = -1, f = -1; 32 }; 33 Queue q; 34 bool inQueue[MAX]; 35 bool VISITED[MAX]; 36 37 void DFS(int i) 38 { 39 VISITED[i] = true; 40 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 41 { 42 if (VISITED[j] == false && G[i][j] != INFINITE ) 43 { 44 cout << "(" << i << "->" << j << ")"; 45 DFS(j); 46 } 47 } 48 } 49 void BFS(int i) 50 { 51 q.s[++q.f] = i; 52 inQueue[i] = true; 53 int cnt = 0; 54 while (q.r < q.f) 55 { 56 int n= q.s[++q.r]; 57 if (cnt != 0)cout << "->"; 58 ++cnt; 59 cout << n; 60 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 61 { 62 if (inQueue[j] == false && G[n][j] != INFINITE) 63 { 64 q.s[++q.f] = j; 65 inQueue[j] = true; 66 } 67 } 68 } 69 } 70 //Prim 71 int dis[N]; 72 WeightType Prim()//返回最小边权和 73 { 74 WeightType ret = 0;//最小和 75 WeightType dis[MAX];//各点到最小生成树的距离 76 fill(dis, dis + MAX, INFINITE);//初始化为INFINITE 77 dis[0] = 0;//从0开始 78 for (int i = 1; i < N; ++i)//把与0相接的点距离0点的距离放入dis 79 { 80 if (G[0][i] != INFINITE) 81 dis[i] = G[0][i]; 82 } 83 84 for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i)//循环MAX次 85 { 86 WeightType min = INFINITE; 87 int k = -1;//存储最小dis的下标 88 for (int j = 0; j < MAX; ++j)//找出最小dis 89 { 90 if (dis[j] != 0 && dis[j] < min) 91 { 92 min = dis[j]; 93 k = j; 94 } 95 } 96 if (k == -1) return -1;//不连通 97 ret += min;//更新边权和 98 dis[k] = 0;//k纳入最小生成树 99 WeightType temp[MAX];//存储k与相接点的权 100 fill(temp, temp + MAX, INFINITE); 101 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 102 { 103 if (temp[i] = G[k][i]); 104 } 105 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)//如果未访问点dis值由于k的纳入变得更小,则更新 106 { 107 if (dis[i] != 0 && temp[i] != INFINITE && temp[i] < dis[i]) 108 dis[i] = temp[i]; 109 } 110 } 111 return ret; 112 } 113 //Kruskal 114 NumType root[MAX]; 115 NumType FindRoot(NumType x) 116 { 117 NumType t = x; 118 while (root[x] != x) 119 { 120 x = root[x]; 121 } 122 return x; 123 } 124 WeightType Kruskal() 125 { 126 WeightType ret = 0; 127 int EdgeNum = 0; 128 for (int i = 0; i < E; ++i)//排序 129 { 130 for (int j = 1; j < E; ++j) 131 { 132 if (edge[j].w < edge[j - 1].w) 133 { 134 struct Edge temp = edge[j]; 135 edge[j] = edge[j - 1]; 136 edge[j - 1] = temp; 137 } 138 } 139 } 140 for (int i = 0; i < E; ++i) 141 { 142 NumType ru = FindRoot(edge[i].u); 143 NumType rv = FindRoot(edge[i].v); 144 if (ru != rv) 145 { 146 root[ru] = rv;//合并集合 147 ret += edge[i].w; 148 ++EdgeNum; 149 if (EdgeNum == N - 1) break;//边数为结点数-1,说明生成树构造完成 150 } 151 } 152 if (EdgeNum != N - 1) return -1;//图不连通 153 return ret; 154 } 155 //Dijkstra 156 void Dijkstra(int s) 157 { 158 int pre[N]; 159 int dis[N]; 160 bool visited[N]; 161 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) visited[i] = false; 162 visited[s] = true; 163 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 164 { 165 dis[i] = G[s][i]; 166 pre[i] = s; 167 } 168 dis[s] = 0; 169 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 170 { 171 int min = INFINITE; 172 int k = 0; 173 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 174 { 175 if (dis[j] < min && visited[j] == false) 176 { 177 visited[j] = true; 178 min = dis[j]; 179 k = j; 180 } 181 } 182 for (int v = 0; v < N; ++v) 183 { 184 if (dis[k] + G[k][v] < dis[v]) 185 { 186 dis[v] = dis[k] + G[k][v]; 187 pre[v] = k; 188 } 189 } 190 } 191 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 192 { 193 if (i == s)continue; 194 cout << s << "到" << i << "的最短路径长度:" << dis[i] << " "; 195 cout << "路径:"; 196 int out[N]; 197 int rOut = -1; 198 int e = i; 199 while (e != s) 200 { 201 out[++rOut] = e; 202 e = pre[e]; 203 } 204 out[++rOut] = s; 205 bool outFirst = true; 206 while (rOut != -1) 207 { 208 if (!outFirst) 209 cout << "->"; 210 cout << out[rOut--]; 211 outFirst = false; 212 } 213 cout << endl; 214 } 215 } 216 //Floyd 217 int Dis[N][N]; 218 int path[N][N];//保存路径 219 void Floyd() 220 { 221 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 222 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 223 { 224 Dis[i][j] = G[i][j]; 225 path[i][j] = j; 226 } 227 228 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 229 Dis[i][i] = 0; 230 for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) 231 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 232 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 233 { 234 if (Dis[i][k] != INFINITE && Dis[k][j] != INFINITE && Dis[i][k] + Dis[k][j] < Dis[i][j]) 235 { 236 Dis[i][j] = Dis[i][k] + Dis[k][j]; 237 path[i][j] = path[i][k]; 238 } 239 } 240 } 241 void print(int s, int e) 242 { 243 int t = path[s][e]; 244 cout << "->" << t; 245 if (t == e) return; 246 print(t, e); 247 } 248 void Print(int s, int e) 249 { 250 cout << s; 251 print(s, e); 252 } 253 254 int main() 255 { 256 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) 257 for (int j = 0; j < MAX; ++j) 258 G[i][j] = (i==j ? 0 : INFINITE); 259 int order; 260 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) 261 VISITED[i] = false; 262 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) 263 inQueue[i] = false; 264 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 265 root[i] = i; 266 //构造图 267 set(0, 1, 1); set(0, 14, 1); set(1, 2, 10); set(2, 14, 1); set(14, 13, 1); set(13, 12, 10); 268 set(2, 3, 10); set(12, 16, 1); set(3, 4, 1); set(11, 4, 1); set(16, 10, 1); set(15, 10, 1); 269 set(10, 9, 20); set(11, 9, 1); set(15, 7, 1); set(5, 7, 1); set(5, 6, 10); set(6, 9, 1); 270 set(4, 8, 1); set(2, 7, 1); set(4, 5, 1); 271 cout << "选择功能" << endl 272 << "1.使用DFS遍历输出图" << endl 273 << "2.使用BFS遍历输出图" << endl 274 << "3.求最小生成树(Prim算法)" << endl 275 << "4.求最小生成树(Kruskal算法)" << endl 276 << "5.求点s到其余点的最短路径(Dijkstra算法)" << endl 277 << "6.求各点间的最短路径(Floyd算法)" << endl; 278 279 while (cin >> order) 280 { 281 if (order == 1)//dfs 282 { 283 cout << "输入起点:"; 284 int s; 285 cin >> s; 286 DFS(s); 287 } 288 if (order == 2)//bfs 289 { 290 cout << "输入起点:"; 291 int s; 292 cin >> s; 293 BFS(s); 294 } 295 if (order == 3) 296 { 297 cout << "最小生成树边权和(Prim):"<<Prim(); 298 } 299 if (order == 4) 300 { 301 cout << "最小生成树边权和(Kruskal):" << Kruskal(); 302 } 303 if (order == 5) 304 { 305 cout << "输入点s编号:"; 306 int s; 307 cin >> s; 308 Dijkstra(s); 309 } 310 if (order == 6) 311 { 312 Floyd(); 313 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 314 { 315 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 316 { 317 cout << i << "到" << j << "最短路径长度:" << Dis[i][j] << endl; 318 cout << "路径为:"; 319 Print(i, j); 320 cout << endl; 321 } 322 cout << endl; 323 } 324 } 325 cout << endl << "已完成,请输入:"; 326 } 327 328 329 return 0; 330
1 #include <iostream> 2 using namespace std; 3 const int INFINITE = 65535; 4 const int MAX = 20; 5 typedef int WeightType; 6 typedef int NumType;//结点编号类型 7 const int N = 17; 8 int E = 0;//边数 9 WeightType G[MAX][MAX]; 10 struct Edge 11 { 12 NumType u, v; 13 WeightType w; 14 }; 15 struct Edge* edge = new struct Edge[N * N]; 16 int rEdge = -1; 17 void set(int i, int j, WeightType w) 18 { 19 if (G[i][j] == INFINITE) 20 { 21 ++E; 22 edge[++rEdge].u = i; 23 edge[rEdge].v = j; 24 edge[rEdge].w = w; 25 } 26 G[i][j] = G[j][i] = w; 27 } 28 struct Queue 29 { 30 int s[MAX]; 31 int r = -1, f = -1; 32 }; 33 Queue q; 34 bool inQueue[MAX]; 35 bool VISITED[MAX]; 36 37 void DFS(int i) 38 { 39 VISITED[i] = true; 40 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 41 { 42 if (VISITED[j] == false && G[i][j] != INFINITE) 43 { 44 cout << "(" << i << "->" << j << ")"; 45 DFS(j); 46 } 47 } 48 } 49 void BFS(int i) 50 { 51 q.s[++q.f] = i; 52 inQueue[i] = true; 53 int cnt = 0; 54 while (q.r < q.f) 55 { 56 int n = q.s[++q.r]; 57 if (cnt != 0)cout << "->"; 58 ++cnt; 59 cout << n; 60 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 61 { 62 if (inQueue[j] == false && G[n][j] != INFINITE) 63 { 64 q.s[++q.f] = j; 65 inQueue[j] = true; 66 } 67 } 68 } 69 } 70 //Prim 71 int dis[N]; 72 WeightType Prim()//返回最小边权和 73 { 74 WeightType ret = 0;//最小和 75 WeightType dis[MAX];//各点到最小生成树的距离 76 fill(dis, dis + MAX, INFINITE);//初始化为INFINITE 77 dis[0] = 0;//从0开始 78 for (int i = 1; i < N; ++i)//把与0相接的点距离0点的距离放入dis 79 { 80 if (G[0][i] != INFINITE) 81 dis[i] = G[0][i]; 82 } 83 84 for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i)//循环MAX次 85 { 86 WeightType min = INFINITE; 87 int k = -1;//存储最小dis的下标 88 for (int j = 0; j < MAX; ++j)//找出最小dis 89 { 90 if (dis[j] != 0 && dis[j] < min) 91 { 92 min = dis[j]; 93 k = j; 94 } 95 } 96 if (k == -1) return -1;//不连通 97 ret += min;//更新边权和 98 dis[k] = 0;//k纳入最小生成树 99 WeightType temp[MAX];//存储k与相接点的权 100 fill(temp, temp + MAX, INFINITE); 101 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 102 { 103 if (temp[i] = G[k][i]); 104 } 105 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)//如果未访问点dis值由于k的纳入变得更小,则更新 106 { 107 if (dis[i] != 0 && temp[i] != INFINITE && temp[i] < dis[i]) 108 dis[i] = temp[i]; 109 } 110 } 111 return ret; 112 } 113 //Kruskal 114 NumType root[MAX]; 115 NumType FindRoot(NumType x) 116 { 117 NumType t = x; 118 while (root[x] != x) 119 { 120 x = root[x]; 121 } 122 return x; 123 } 124 WeightType Kruskal() 125 { 126 WeightType ret = 0; 127 int EdgeNum = 0; 128 for (int i = 0; i < E; ++i)//排序 129 { 130 for (int j = 1; j < E; ++j) 131 { 132 if (edge[j].w < edge[j - 1].w) 133 { 134 struct Edge temp = edge[j]; 135 edge[j] = edge[j - 1]; 136 edge[j - 1] = temp; 137 } 138 } 139 } 140 for (int i = 0; i < E; ++i) 141 { 142 NumType ru = FindRoot(edge[i].u); 143 NumType rv = FindRoot(edge[i].v); 144 if (ru != rv) 145 { 146 root[ru] = rv;//合并集合 147 ret += edge[i].w; 148 ++EdgeNum; 149 if (EdgeNum == N - 1) break;//边数为结点数-1,说明生成树构造完成 150 } 151 } 152 if (EdgeNum != N - 1) return -1;//图不连通 153 return ret; 154 } 155 //Dijkstra 156 void Dijkstra(int s) 157 { 158 int pre[N]; 159 int dis[N]; 160 bool visited[N]; 161 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) visited[i] = false; 162 visited[s] = true; 163 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 164 { 165 dis[i] = G[s][i]; 166 pre[i] = s; 167 } 168 dis[s] = 0; 169 while (1) 170 { 171 int min = INFINITE; 172 int k = 0; 173 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 174 { 175 if (dis[j] < min && visited[j] == false) 176 { 177 min = dis[j]; 178 k = j; 179 } 180 } 181 visited[k] = true; 182 if (min == INFINITE)break; 183 for (int v = 0; v < N; ++v) 184 { 185 if (dis[k] + G[k][v] < dis[v] && visited[v] == false ) 186 { 187 dis[v] = dis[k] + G[k][v]; 188 pre[v] = k; 189 } 190 } 191 } 192 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 193 { 194 if (i == s)continue; 195 cout << s << "到" << i << "的最短路径长度:" << dis[i] << " "; 196 cout << "路径:"; 197 int out[N]; 198 int rOut = -1; 199 int e = i; 200 while (e != s) 201 { 202 out[++rOut] = e; 203 e = pre[e]; 204 } 205 out[++rOut] = s; 206 bool outFirst = true; 207 while (rOut != -1) 208 { 209 if (!outFirst) 210 cout << "->"; 211 cout << out[rOut--]; 212 outFirst = false; 213 } 214 cout << endl; 215 } 216 } 217 //Floyd 218 int Dis[N][N]; 219 int path[N][N];//保存路径 220 void Floyd() 221 { 222 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 223 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 224 { 225 Dis[i][j] = G[i][j]; 226 path[i][j] = j; 227 } 228 229 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 230 Dis[i][i] = 0; 231 for (int k = 0; k < N; ++k) 232 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 233 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 234 { 235 if (Dis[i][k] != INFINITE && Dis[k][j] != INFINITE && Dis[i][k] + Dis[k][j] < Dis[i][j]) 236 { 237 Dis[i][j] = Dis[i][k] + Dis[k][j]; 238 path[i][j] = path[i][k]; 239 } 240 } 241 } 242 void print(int s, int e) 243 { 244 int t = path[s][e]; 245 cout << "->" << t; 246 if (t == e) return; 247 print(t, e); 248 } 249 void Print(int s, int e) 250 { 251 cout << s; 252 print(s, e); 253 } 254 255 int main() 256 { 257 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) 258 for (int j = 0; j < MAX; ++j) 259 G[i][j] = (i == j ? 0 : INFINITE); 260 int order; 261 //构造图 262 set(0, 1, 1); set(0, 14, 1); set(1, 2, 10); set(2, 14, 1); set(14, 13, 1); set(13, 12, 10); 263 set(2, 3, 10); set(12, 16, 1); set(3, 4, 1); set(11, 4, 1); set(16, 10, 1); set(15, 10, 1); 264 set(10, 9, 20); set(11, 9, 1); set(15, 7, 1); set(5, 7, 1); set(5, 6, 10); set(6, 9, 1); 265 set(4, 8, 1); set(2, 7, 1); set(4, 5, 1); 266 cout << "选择功能" << endl 267 << "1.使用DFS遍历输出图" << endl 268 << "2.使用BFS遍历输出图" << endl 269 << "3.求最小生成树(Prim算法)" << endl 270 << "4.求最小生成树(Kruskal算法)" << endl 271 << "5.求点s到其余点的最短路径(Dijkstra算法)" << endl 272 << "6.求各点间的最短路径(Floyd算法)" << endl; 273 274 while (cin >> order) 275 { 276 if (order == 1)//dfs 277 { 278 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) 279 VISITED[i] = false; 280 cout << "输入起点:"; 281 int s; 282 cin >> s; 283 DFS(s); 284 } 285 if (order == 2)//bfs 286 { 287 for (int i = 0; i < MAX; ++i) 288 inQueue[i] = false; 289 q.f = q.r = -1; 290 cout << "输入起点:"; 291 int s; 292 cin >> s; 293 BFS(s); 294 } 295 if (order == 3) 296 { 297 cout << "最小生成树边权和(Prim):" << Prim(); 298 } 299 if (order == 4) 300 { 301 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 302 root[i] = i; 303 cout << "最小生成树边权和(Kruskal):" << Kruskal(); 304 } 305 if (order == 5) 306 { 307 cout << "输入点s编号:"; 308 int s; 309 cin >> s; 310 Dijkstra(s); 311 } 312 if (order == 6) 313 { 314 Floyd(); 315 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 316 { 317 for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) 318 { 319 cout << i << "到" << j << "最短路径长度:" << Dis[i][j] << endl; 320 cout << "路径为:"; 321 Print(i, j); 322 cout << endl; 323 } 324 cout << endl; 325 } 326 } 327 cout << endl << "已完成,请输入:"; 328 } 329 330 331 return 0; 332 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <pthread.h> 3 #include <semaphore.h> 4 #define N 5//number of philosofer 5 #define LEFT i 6 #define RIGHT (i+1)%N 7 sem_t chopstick[N]; 8 sem_t four; 9 sem_t one; 10 pthread_t thread[N]; 11 int philosopher[N];//their number 12 int func_num = 0; 13 void thinking(int i) 14 { 15 printf("philosopher %d is thingking(func%d) ", i + 1, func_num); 16 sleep(1); 17 } 18 void eating(int i) 19 { 20 printf("philosopher %d is eating(func%d) ", i + 1, func_num); 21 sleep(1); 22 } 23 void* func1(void* param)//初始方法 24 { 25 int i = *((int*)param); 26 while (1) 27 { 28 thinking(i); 29 sem_wait(&chopstick[LEFT]); 30 sem_wait(&chopstick[RIGHT]); 31 eating(i); 32 sem_post(&chopstick[LEFT]); 33 sem_post(&chopstick[RIGHT]); 34 thinking(1); 35 } 36 pthread_exit(NULL); 37 } 38 void* func2(void* param)//不对称的方法 39 { 40 int i = *((int*)param); 41 while (1) 42 { 43 thinking(i); 44 if (i % 2 == 0) 45 { 46 sem_wait(&chopstick[LEFT]); 47 sem_wait(&chopstick[RIGHT]); 48 eating(i); 49 sem_post(&chopstick[RIGHT]); 50 sem_post(&chopstick[LEFT]); 51 } 52 else 53 { 54 sem_wait(&chopstick[RIGHT]); 55 sem_wait(&chopstick[LEFT]); 56 eating(i); 57 sem_post(&chopstick[LEFT]); 58 sem_post(&chopstick[RIGHT]); 59 } 60 thinking(i); 61 } 62 pthread_exit(NULL); 63 } 64 void* func3(void* param)//最多4个哲学家同时就餐 65 { 66 int i = *((int*)param); 67 while (1) 68 { 69 thinking(i); 70 sem_wait(&four); 71 sem_wait(&chopstick[LEFT]); 72 sem_wait(&chopstick[RIGHT]); 73 eating(i); 74 sem_post(&chopstick[RIGHT]); 75 sem_post(&chopstick[LEFT]); 76 sem_post(&four); 77 thinking(i); 78 } 79 pthread_exit(NULL); 80 } 81 void* func4(void* param)//只有当左右筷子都可用时才拿起筷子 82 { 83 int i = *((int*)param); 84 while (1) 85 { 86 thinking(i); 87 sem_wait(&one); 88 sem_wait(&chopstick[LEFT]); 89 sem_wait(&chopstick[RIGHT]); 90 sem_post(&one); 91 eating(i); 92 sem_post(&chopstick[RIGHT]); 93 sem_post(&chopstick[LEFT]); 94 thinking(i); 95 } 96 pthread_exit(NULL); 97 } 98 void thread_create() 99 { 100 int t; 101 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 102 { 103 //t=pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,func1,&philosopher[i]); func_num = 1; 104 //t=pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,func2,&philosopher[i]); func_num = 2; 105 //t=pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,func3,&philosopher[i]); func_num = 3; 106 t = pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, func4, &philosopher[i]); func_num = 4; 107 if (t != 0) 108 printf("failed in creating thread%d ", i); 109 } 110 } 111 thread_wait() 112 { 113 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 114 { 115 pthread_join(thread[i], NULL); 116 printf("thread %d is ended", i); 117 } 118 } 119 int main() 120 { 121 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) 122 { 123 sem_init(&chopstick[i], 0, 1); 124 philosopher[i] = i; 125 } 126 sem_init(&four, 0, 4); 127 sem_init(&one, 0, 4); 128 thread_create(); 129 thread_wait(); 130 return 0; 131 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <pthread.h> 3 #include<time.h> 4 #include <semaphore.h> 5 #define N 10 6 pthread_t thread[100]; 7 unsigned long int sum=0; 8 9 void count(void *param) 10 { 11 int i = *((int*)param); 12 while(1) 13 { 14 if(sum == 1024)break; 15 sum += 1; 16 printf("thread%d: sum = %d ", i,sum); 17 } 18 } 19 void thread_create() 20 { 21 int t; 22 for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) 23 { 24 t=pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,count, &i); 25 if(t != 0) 26 { 27 printf("failed in creating thread%d ",i); 28 } 29 } 30 } 31 thread_wait() 32 { 33 for(int i=0; i<N; ++i) 34 { 35 pthread_join(thread[i],NULL); 36 printf("thread %d is ended ", i); 37 } 38 } 39 int main() 40 { 41 thread_create(); 42 thread_wait(); 43 return 0; 44 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <pthread.h> 3 #include <semaphore.h> 4 #define N_reader 3 5 #define N_writer 3 6 pthread_t reader_thread[3], writer_thread[3]; 7 struct student 8 { 9 char name[10]; 10 int id; 11 }; 12 struct student idr[N_reader], idw[N_writer]; 13 int read_count = 0; 14 int write_count = 0; 15 sem_t mutex; 16 sem_t rcnt_mutex; 17 sem_t wcnt_mutex; 18 sem_t rw_mutex;//读者-写者、写者-写者之间的互斥, 19 sem_t r_mutex; 20 sem_t w_mutex; 21 sem_t out_mutex; 22 void reading(int i) 23 { 24 printf("reader%d is reading2 ",i); 25 26 } 27 void writing(int i) 28 { 29 printf("writer%d is writng2 ",i); 30 } 31 //--------------读者优先----------------- 32 void* read1(void *param) 33 { 34 int i = *((int*)param); 35 while(1) 36 { 37 sem_wait(&mutex); 38 ++read_count; 39 if(read_count == 1) 40 sem_wait(&rw_mutex); 41 sem_post(&mutex); 42 reading(i); 43 sem_wait(&mutex); 44 --read_count; 45 if(read_count == 0) 46 sem_post(&rw_mutex); 47 sem_post(&mutex); 48 sleep(1); 49 } 50 pthread_exit(NULL); 51 } 52 void* write1(void *param) 53 { 54 int i = *((int*)param); 55 while(1) 56 { 57 sem_wait(&rw_mutex); 58 writing(i); 59 sem_post(&rw_mutex); 60 sleep(1); 61 } 62 pthread_exit(NULL); 63 } 64 //--------------写者优先----------------- 65 void read2(void *param) 66 { 67 int i = *((int*)param); 68 while(1) 69 { 70 sem_wait(&out_mutex); 71 sem_wait(&r_mutex);//只有在写完成后才能获得r_mutex 72 73 sem_wait(&rcnt_mutex); 74 ++read_count; 75 if(read_count == 1) 76 sem_wait(&w_mutex);//如果是第一个读者,上w_mutex,防止读的时候写入,可以多个读者同时读 77 sem_post(&rcnt_mutex); 78 sem_post(&r_mutex); 79 sem_post(&out_mutex); 80 81 reading(i); 82 83 sem_wait(&rcnt_mutex); 84 --read_count; 85 if(read_count == 0) 86 sem_post(&w_mutex);//读完之后,释放w_mutex 87 sem_post(&rcnt_mutex); 88 89 90 sleep(1); 91 } 92 pthread_exit(NULL); 93 } 94 void write2(void *param) 95 { 96 int i = *((int*)param); 97 while(1) 98 { 99 sem_wait(&wcnt_mutex); 100 ++write_count; 101 if(write_count == 1) 102 sem_wait(&r_mutex);//上r_mutex,防止读者进入队列 103 sem_post(&wcnt_mutex); 104 105 sem_wait(&w_mutex);//与其他写操作互斥 106 writing(i); 107 sem_post(&w_mutex); 108 109 sem_wait(&wcnt_mutex); 110 --write_count; 111 if(write_count == 0) 112 sem_post(&r_mutex);//只有当所有写者完成操作,才释放r_mutex 113 sem_post(&wcnt_mutex); 114 115 sleep(1); 116 } 117 pthread_exit(NULL); 118 } 119 void thread_create() 120 { 121 int t; 122 for(int i=0; i<N_writer; ++i) 123 { 124 t=pthread_create(&writer_thread[i],NULL,write2,&idw[i].id); 125 if(t != 0) 126 { 127 printf("failed in creating thread%d ",i); 128 } 129 } 130 for(int i=0; i<N_reader; ++i) 131 { 132 t=pthread_create(&reader_thread[i],NULL,read2,&idr[i].id); 133 if(t != 0) 134 { 135 printf("failed in creating thread%d ",i); 136 } 137 } 138 } 139 thread_wait() 140 { 141 for(int i=0; i<N_reader; ++i) 142 { 143 pthread_join(reader_thread[i],NULL); 144 printf("reader_thread %d is ended ", i); 145 } 146 for(int i=0; i<N_writer; ++i) 147 { 148 pthread_join(writer_thread[i],NULL); 149 printf("writer_thread %d is ended ", i); 150 } 151 } 152 int main() 153 { 154 sem_init(&mutex,0,1); 155 sem_init(&rw_mutex,0,1); 156 sem_init(&r_mutex,0,1); 157 sem_init(&w_mutex,0,1); 158 sem_init(&rcnt_mutex,0,1); 159 sem_init(&wcnt_mutex,0,1); 160 sem_init(&out_mutex,0,1); 161 for(int i=0; i<N_reader+N_writer; ++i) 162 { 163 idr[i].id = i+1; 164 idw[i].id = i+1; 165 } 166 thread_create(); 167 thread_wait(); 168 return 0; 169 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <pthread.h> 3 #include <unistd.h> 4 #include <semaphore.h> 5 #define N 10 6 pthread_t thread[N]; 7 bool choosing[N]; 8 int number[N]; 9 10 void process(int i) { 11 while (1) { 12 // 当前进程i正在取号 13 choosing[i] = true; 14 // number为上一个已发放的排队号加1 15 int max = 0; 16 for (int k = 0; k < i - 1; ++k) 17 { 18 if (number[k] > max) 19 max = number[k]; 20 } 21 number[i] = 1 + max; 22 // 当前进程i取号完毕 23 choosing[i] = false; 24 // 迭代所有进程 25 for (j = 0; j < N; ++j) 26 { 27 // 若当前迭代到的进程j正在取号,则等待其取号完毕 28 while (choosing[j]); 29 // 同时满足,当前进程才能通过 30 while (number[j] != 0 && ((number[j] < number[i]) || ((number[j] == number[i]) && j < i))); 31 } 32 // 临界区代码 33 printf("thread %d, number[i] = %d ", i, number[i]); 34 // 当前进程注销排队号 35 // 一旦线程在临界区执行完毕,需要把自己的排队签到号码置为0,表示处于非临界区 36 number[i] = 0; 37 38 // 其它代码 39 } 40 } 41 42 void thread_create() { //进程创建 43 int t; 44 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { 45 tmp = pthread_create(&thread[i], NULL, process, &i); 46 if (tmp != 0) { 47 printf("线程%d创建失败 ", i); 48 } 49 } 50 } 51 void thread_wait() { 52 for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { 53 pthread_join(thread[i], NULL); 54 printf("线程%d结束 ", i); 55 } 56 } 57 int main() 58 { 59 number[0] = 1; 60 thread_create(); 61 thread_wait(); 62 for(int ) 63 return 0; 64 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <unistd.h> 4 #include <sys/types.h> 5 #include <pthread.h> 6 #include <assert.h> 7 /* 8 *线程池里所有运行和等待的任务都是一个CThread_worker(即struct worker) 9 *由于所有任务都在链表里,所以是一个链表结构 10 */ 11 typedef struct worker 12 { 13 /*回调函数,任务运行时会调用此函数,注意也可声明成其它形式*/ 14 void *(*process) (void *arg); 15 void *arg;/*回调函数的参数*/ 16 struct worker *next; 17 } CThread_worker; 18 19 /*线程池结构*/ 20 typedef struct 21 { 22 pthread_mutex_t queue_lock;//互斥锁 23 pthread_cond_t queue_ready;//触发条件 24 /*链表结构,线程池中所有等待任务*/ 25 CThread_worker *queue_head; 26 /*是否销毁线程池*/ 27 int shutdown; 28 pthread_t *threadid; 29 /*线程池中允许的活动线程数目*/ 30 int max_thread_num; 31 /*当前等待队列的任务数目*/ 32 int cur_queue_size; 33 } CThread_pool; 34 35 int pool_add_worker (void *(*process) (void *arg), void *arg); 36 void *thread_routine (void *arg);//线程要执行的函数 37 38 static CThread_pool *pool = NULL; 39 void pool_init (int max_thread_num)//初始化线程池 40 { 41 pool = (CThread_pool *) malloc (sizeof (CThread_pool)); 42 pthread_mutex_init (&(pool->queue_lock), NULL);//被初始化为未锁住状态 43 pthread_cond_init (&(pool->queue_ready), NULL); 44 pool->queue_head = NULL; 45 pool->max_thread_num = max_thread_num; 46 pool->cur_queue_size = 0; 47 pool->shutdown = 0; 48 pool->threadid = 49 (pthread_t *) malloc (max_thread_num * sizeof (pthread_t)); 50 int i = 0; 51 for (i = 0; i < max_thread_num; i++) 52 { 53 pthread_create (&(pool->threadid[i]), NULL, thread_routine, 54 NULL);//创建线程 55 } 56 } 57 /*向线程池中加入任务,然后唤醒一个等待中的线程(如果有的话)*/ 58 int pool_add_worker (void *(*process) (void *arg), void *arg) 59 { 60 /*构造一个新任务*/ 61 CThread_worker *newworker = (CThread_worker *) malloc (sizeof (CThread_worker)); 62 newworker->process = process;//要执行的函数 63 newworker->arg = arg;//函数参数 64 newworker->next = NULL;/*别忘置空*/ 65 pthread_mutex_lock (&(pool->queue_lock));//将任务加到队列前,要上互斥锁 66 /*将任务加入到等待队列中*/ 67 CThread_worker *member = pool->queue_head;//member指向任务队列的头 68 if (member != NULL)//尾插法插入newworker 69 { 70 while (member->next != NULL) 71 member = member->next; 72 member->next = newworker; 73 } 74 else//队列为空 75 { 76 pool->queue_head = newworker;//直接插入newworker 77 } 78 assert (pool->queue_head != NULL);//表达式pool->queue_head != NULL必须为true 79 pool->cur_queue_size++;//当前队列数加一 80 pthread_mutex_unlock (&(pool->queue_lock));//完成添加队列的操作,解互斥锁 81 /*好了,等待队列中有任务了,唤醒一个等待线程; 82 注意如果所有线程都在忙碌,这句没有任何作用*/ 83 pthread_cond_signal (&(pool->queue_ready));//触发线程,使其脱离阻塞状态 84 return 0; 85 } 86 87 /*销毁线程池,等待队列中的任务不会再被执行,但是正在运行的线程会一直 88 把任务运行完后再退出*/ 89 int pool_destroy () 90 { 91 if (pool->shutdown) 92 return -1;/*防止两次调用*/ 93 pool->shutdown = 1; 94 /*唤醒所有等待线程,线程池要销毁了*/ 95 pthread_cond_broadcast (&(pool->queue_ready)); 96 /*阻塞等待线程退出,否则就成僵尸了*/ 97 int i; 98 for (i = 0; i < pool->max_thread_num; i++) 99 pthread_join (pool->threadid[i], NULL); 100 free (pool->threadid); 101 /*销毁等待队列*/ 102 CThread_worker *head = NULL; 103 while (pool->queue_head != NULL) 104 { 105 head = pool->queue_head; 106 pool->queue_head = pool->queue_head->next; 107 free (head); 108 } 109 /*条件变量和互斥量也别忘了销毁*/ 110 pthread_mutex_destroy(&(pool->queue_lock)); 111 pthread_cond_destroy(&(pool->queue_ready)); 112 113 free (pool); 114 /*销毁后指针置空是个好习惯*/ 115 pool=NULL; 116 return 0; 117 } 118 119 void * thread_routine (void *arg)//线程中要执行的函数 120 { 121 printf ("starting thread 0x%x ", pthread_self ());//pthread_self()获得线程自身id 122 while (1) 123 { 124 pthread_mutex_lock (&(pool->queue_lock)); 125 /*如果等待队列为0并且不销毁线程池,则处于阻塞状态; 注意 126 pthread_cond_wait是一个原子操作,等待前会解锁,唤醒后会加锁*/ 127 while (pool->cur_queue_size == 0 && !pool->shutdown) 128 { 129 printf ("thread 0x%x is waiting ", pthread_self ()); 130 pthread_cond_wait (&(pool->queue_ready), &(pool->queue_lock)); 131 } 132 /*线程池要销毁了*/ 133 if (pool->shutdown) 134 { 135 /*遇到break,continue,return等跳转语句,千万不要忘记先解锁*/ 136 pthread_mutex_unlock (&(pool->queue_lock)); 137 printf ("thread 0x%x will exit ", pthread_self ()); 138 pthread_exit (NULL); 139 } 140 printf ("thread 0x%x is starting to work ", pthread_self ());//线程处理中 141 /*assert是调试的好帮手*/ 142 assert (pool->cur_queue_size != 0); 143 assert (pool->queue_head != NULL); 144 145 /*等待队列长度减去1,并取出链表中的头元素*/ 146 pool->cur_queue_size--; 147 CThread_worker *worker = pool->queue_head; 148 pool->queue_head = worker->next; 149 pthread_mutex_unlock (&(pool->queue_lock)); 150 /*调用回调函数,执行任务*/ 151 (*(worker->process)) (worker->arg); 152 free (worker); 153 worker = NULL; 154 } 155 /*这一句应该是不可达的*/ 156 pthread_exit (NULL); 157 } 158 void * 159 myprocess (void *arg)//回调函数 160 { 161 printf ("threadid is 0x%x, working on task %d ", pthread_self (),*(int *) arg); 162 sleep (1);/*休息一秒,延长任务的执行时间*/ 163 return NULL; 164 } 165 int main (int argc, char **argv) 166 { 167 pool_init (3);/*线程池中最多三个活动线程*/ 168 /*连续向池中投入10个任务*/ 169 int *workingnum = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * 50); 170 int i; 171 for (i = 0; i < 50; ++i) 172 { 173 workingnum[i] = i; 174 pool_add_worker (myprocess, &workingnum[i]); 175 } 176 /*等待所有任务完成*/ 177 sleep (5); 178 /*销毁线程池*/ 179 pool_destroy (); 180 free (workingnum); 181 return 0; 182 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <unistd.h> 4 #include <sys/types.h> 5 #include <pthread.h> 6 #include <assert.h> 7 #define bool int 8 #define true 1 9 #define false 0 10 typedef struct worker//任务结构体 11 { 12 /*回调函数,任务运行时会调用此函数,注意也可声明成其它形式*/ 13 void* (*process) (void* arg); 14 void* arg;/*回调函数的参数*/ 15 struct worker* next; 16 } CThread_worker; 17 typedef struct PCB 18 { 19 pthread_t thread; 20 int thread_id;//线程名字 21 int arriveTime;//到达时间 22 int runTime;//估计运行时间 23 char status;//进程状态 24 struct PCB* next;//链接指针 25 }PCB; 26 typedef struct 27 { 28 pthread_mutex_t queue_lock;//互斥锁 29 pthread_cond_t queue_ready;//触发条件 30 /*链表结构,线程池中所有等待任务*/ 31 CThread_worker* queue_head; 32 /*是否销毁线程池*/ 33 int shutdown; 34 PCB* pcbPointer; 35 /*线程池中允许的活动线程数目*/ 36 int max_thread_num; 37 /*当前等待队列的任务数目*/ 38 int cur_queue_size; 39 }CThread_pool; 40 41 struct CycleQueue { 42 PCB* preThread;//当前进程的前一个进程 43 PCB* present;//当前进程 44 }; 45 46 int pool_add_worker(void* (*process) (void* arg), void* arg); 47 void* thread_routine(void* arg);//线程要执行的函数 48 static CThread_pool* pool = NULL; 49 50 void pool_init(int max_thread_num)//初始化线程池 51 { 52 pool = (CThread_pool*)malloc(sizeof(CThread_pool)); 53 pthread_mutex_init(&(pool->queue_lock), NULL);//被初始化为未锁住状态 54 pthread_cond_init(&(pool->queue_ready), NULL); 55 pool->queue_head = NULL; 56 pool->pcbPointer = NULL; 57 pool->max_thread_num = max_thread_num;//3个 58 pool->cur_queue_size = 0; 59 pool->shutdown = 0; 60 struct PCB *ptemp = NULL; 61 srand(time(0));//随机种子,用于产生随机到达时间,估计运行时间 62 for(int i=0; i<max_thread_num; ++i) 63 { 64 struct PCB* s = (PCB*)malloc(sizeof(PCB)); 65 s->thread_id = i+1; 66 s->arriveTime = rand() % 5; 67 s->runTime = rand()%5 + 1; 68 s->status = 'N';//进程状态 69 if(NULL == pool->pcbPointer) 70 pool->pcbPointer = s; 71 else 72 { 73 ptemp = pool->pcbPointer; 74 while(ptemp->next) 75 { 76 ptemp = ptemp->next; 77 } 78 ptemp->next = s; 79 } 80 printf("PCB%d, arrive:%d, run:%d, status:%c ",s->thread_id, s->arriveTime, s->runTime, s->status); 81 } 82 int i = 0; 83 for (ptemp = pool->pcbPointer; ptemp != NULL; ptemp = ptemp->next) 84 { 85 pthread_create(&(ptemp->thread), NULL, thread_routine, NULL);//创建了3个线程,执行routine函数 86 printf("thread created "); 87 } 88 } 89 int pool_add_worker(void* (*process) (void* arg), void* arg) 90 { 91 /*构造一个新任务*/ 92 CThread_worker* newworker = (CThread_worker*)malloc(sizeof(CThread_worker)); 93 newworker->process = process;//myprocess函数 94 newworker->arg = arg;//函数参数,为 &50 95 newworker->next = NULL;/*别忘置空*/ 96 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->queue_lock));//将任务加到队列前,要上互斥锁 97 /*将任务加入到等待队列中*/ 98 CThread_worker* member = pool->queue_head;//member指向任务队列的头 99 if (member != NULL)//尾插法插入newworker 100 { 101 while (member->next != NULL) 102 member = member->next; 103 member->next = newworker; 104 } 105 else//队列为空 106 { 107 pool->queue_head = newworker;//直接插入newworker 108 } 109 assert(pool->queue_head != NULL);//表达式pool->queue_head != NULL必须为true 110 pool->cur_queue_size++;//当前队列数加一 111 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock));//完成添加队列的操作,解互斥锁 112 /*好了,等待队列中有任务了,唤醒一个等待线程; 113 注意如果所有线程都在忙碌,这句没有任何作用*/ 114 pthread_cond_signal(&(pool->queue_ready));//触发线程,使其脱离阻塞状态 115 return 0; 116 } 117 int pool_destroy() 118 { 119 if (pool->shutdown) 120 return -1;/*防止两次调用*/ 121 pool->shutdown = 1; 122 /*唤醒所有等待线程,线程池要销毁了*/ 123 pthread_cond_broadcast(&(pool->queue_ready)); 124 /*阻塞等待线程退出,否则就成僵尸了*/ 125 int i; 126 // for (i = 0; i < pool->max_thread_num; i++) 127 // pthread_join(pool->threadid[i], NULL); 128 129 for(struct PCB* ptemp = pool->pcbPointer; ptemp != NULL; ptemp = ptemp->next) 130 { 131 pthread_join(ptemp->thread, NULL); 132 } 133 134 // free(pool->pcbPointer); 135 /*销毁等待队列*/ 136 CThread_worker* head = NULL; 137 while (pool->queue_head != NULL) 138 { 139 head = pool->queue_head; 140 pool->queue_head = pool->queue_head->next; 141 free(head); 142 } 143 /*条件变量和互斥量也别忘了销毁*/ 144 pthread_mutex_destroy(&(pool->queue_lock)); 145 pthread_cond_destroy(&(pool->queue_ready)); 146 147 free(pool); 148 /*销毁后指针置空是个好习惯*/ 149 pool = NULL; 150 return 0; 151 } 152 void* thread_routine(void* arg)//线程中要执行的函数 153 { 154 printf("starting thread 0x%x ", pthread_self());//pthread_self()获得线程自身id 155 while (1) 156 { 157 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->queue_lock)); 158 /*如果等待队列为0并且不销毁线程池,则处于阻塞状态; 注意 159 pthread_cond_wait是一个原子操作,等待前会解锁,唤醒后会加锁*/ 160 while (pool->cur_queue_size == 0 && !pool->shutdown) 161 { 162 printf("thread 0x%x is waiting ", pthread_self()); 163 pthread_cond_wait(&(pool->queue_ready), &(pool->queue_lock)); 164 } 165 /*线程池要销毁了*/ 166 if (pool->shutdown) 167 { 168 /*遇到break,continue,return等跳转语句,千万不要忘记先解锁*/ 169 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock)); 170 printf("thread 0x%x will exit ", pthread_self()); 171 pthread_exit(NULL); 172 } 173 printf("thread 0x%x is starting to work ", pthread_self());//线程处理中 174 /*assert是调试的好帮手*/ 175 assert(pool->cur_queue_size != 0); 176 assert(pool->queue_head != NULL); 177 178 /*等待队列长度减去1,并取出链表中的头元素*/ 179 pool->cur_queue_size--; 180 CThread_worker* worker = pool->queue_head; 181 pool->queue_head = worker->next; 182 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock)); 183 /*调用回调函数,执行任务*/ 184 (*(worker->process)) (worker->arg); 185 free(worker); 186 worker = NULL; 187 } 188 /*这一句应该是不可达的*/ 189 pthread_exit(NULL); 190 } 191 myprocess(void* arg) 192 { 193 printf("threadid is 0x%x, working on task %d ", pthread_self(), *(int*)arg); 194 sleep(1);/*休息一秒,延长任务的执行时间*/ 195 return NULL; 196 } 197 int main(int argc, char** argv) 198 { 199 pool_init(5);/*线程池中最多三个活动线程*/ 200 /*连续向池中投入10个任务*/ 201 int* workingnum = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * 10);//int数组 202 int i; 203 for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) 204 { 205 workingnum[i] = i; 206 //pool_add_worker(myprocess, &workingnum[i]); 207 } 208 /*等待所有任务完成*/ 209 sleep(5); 210 /*销毁线程池*/ 211 pool_destroy(); 212 free(workingnum); 213 return 0; 214 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <semaphore.h> 4 #include <unistd.h> 5 #include <sys/types.h> 6 #include <pthread.h> 7 #define bool int 8 #define true 1 9 #define false 0 10 #define thread_maxn 500//9 11 typedef struct TCB 12 { 13 int thread_id; 14 int arriveTime; 15 int runTime; 16 bool thrFinished; 17 struct TCB* next; 18 }TCB; 19 struct tcb_queue 20 { 21 struct TCB *thread[thread_maxn]; 22 int r, f; 23 }; 24 struct tcb_queue Queue; 25 struct tcb_queue showQueue; 26 27 sem_t sem[thread_maxn];//信号量,用于唤醒线程 28 TCB* lHead = NULL;//存储线程信息 29 TCB* nowRun;//目前正在运行的线程 30 int nFinish = 0; 31 int nowTime = 0;//目前时间计数 32 TCB* tcb = NULL; 33 34 void show_tcb() 35 { 36 printf("(show)目前队列的情况为:"); 37 while (Queue.r != Queue.f) 38 { 39 showQueue.f = (showQueue.f+1)%thread_maxn; 40 Queue.r = (Queue.r + 1) % thread_maxn; 41 showQueue.thread[showQueue.f] = Queue.thread[Queue.r]; 42 printf("%d ", Queue.thread[Queue.r]->thread_id); 43 } 44 while (showQueue.r != showQueue.f) 45 { 46 Queue.f = (Queue.f + 1) % thread_maxn; 47 showQueue.r = (showQueue.r + 1) % thread_maxn; 48 Queue.thread[Queue.f] = showQueue.thread[showQueue.r]; 49 } 50 printf("print finished "); 51 } 52 void create_tcb() 53 { 54 TCB* ptemp = tcb; 55 srand(time(0)); 56 for (int i = 0; i < thread_maxn-1; ++i) 57 { 58 TCB* s = (TCB*)malloc(sizeof(TCB)); 59 s->arriveTime = rand() % 9; 60 s->runTime = rand() % 9 + 1; 61 s->thread_id = i; 62 s->thrFinished = false; 63 s->next = NULL; 64 if (tcb == NULL) 65 { 66 tcb = s; 67 } 68 else 69 { 70 ptemp = tcb; 71 while (ptemp && ptemp->next) 72 { 73 ptemp = ptemp->next; 74 } 75 ptemp->next = s; 76 } 77 } 78 printf("tcb Created "); 79 } 80 typedef struct 81 { 82 pthread_mutex_t queue_lock;//互斥锁 83 int shutdown;//销毁 84 pthread_t* threadid; 85 int cur_queue_size; 86 } CThread_pool; 87 void* thread_routine(void* arg);//线程要执行的函数 88 static CThread_pool* pool = NULL; 89 void pool_init()//初始化线程池 90 { 91 pool = (CThread_pool*)malloc(sizeof(CThread_pool)); 92 pthread_mutex_init(&(pool->queue_lock), NULL);//被初始化为未锁住状态 93 pool->shutdown = 0; 94 pool->threadid = (pthread_t*)malloc(thread_maxn * sizeof(pthread_t)); 95 TCB* ptemp = tcb; 96 while (ptemp != NULL) 97 { 98 pthread_create(&(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id]), NULL, thread_routine, ptemp);//创建线程 99 printf("thread%d created ", ptemp->thread_id); 100 ptemp = ptemp->next; 101 } 102 } 103 void* thread_routine(void* arg)//线程中要执行的函数 104 { 105 TCB* ptemp = (TCB*)arg; 106 printf("starting ptemp->thread_id = %d ", ptemp->thread_id); 107 while (ptemp->runTime > 0) 108 { 109 sleep(1); 110 sem_wait(&sem[ptemp->thread_id]);//挂起,等待唤醒 111 printf("%dBEING WOKEN ",ptemp->thread_id); 112 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->queue_lock)); 113 --(ptemp->runTime); 114 printf("nowTime = %d,目前轮转的线程为:%d ",nowTime, ptemp->thread_id); 115 sleep(1); 116 if (ptemp->runTime == 0) 117 { 118 ++nFinish; 119 ptemp->thrFinished = true;//该线程已完成 120 //出队列 121 Queue.r = (Queue.r + 1) % thread_maxn;//out 122 } 123 else 124 {//未完成 125 Queue.r = (Queue.r + 1) % thread_maxn;//out 126 Queue.f = (Queue.f+1)%thread_maxn; 127 Queue.thread[Queue.f] = ptemp; 128 printf("nowTime = %d,线程%d估计剩余时间为%d ",nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime); 129 } 130 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock)); 131 } 132 pthread_exit(NULL);//不可达 133 return; 134 } 135 void init_sem() 136 { 137 for (int i = 0; i < thread_maxn-1; ++i)//初始化各线程信号量 138 { 139 sem_init(&sem[i], 0, 0); 140 } 141 } 142 void RoundRobin()//时间片轮转算法调度线程 143 { 144 while (1) 145 { 146 //加锁 147 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->queue_lock)); 148 if (nFinish == thread_maxn-1)//如果所有线程都完成了 149 break; 150 printf("当前时间为%d ", nowTime); 151 TCB* ptemp = tcb; 152 while (ptemp) 153 { 154 if (ptemp->arriveTime == nowTime) 155 { 156 //入队 157 printf("thread %d inqueue ", ptemp->thread_id); 158 Queue.f = (Queue.f+1)%thread_maxn; 159 Queue.thread[Queue.f] = ptemp; 160 printf("nowTime = %d,线程%d到达,估计运行时间:%d ",nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime); 161 } 162 ptemp = ptemp->next; 163 } 164 if (Queue.r != Queue.f) 165 { 166 nowRun = Queue.thread[(Queue.r + 1) % thread_maxn]; 167 printf("thread operate, nowrun = %d ",nowRun->thread_id); 168 sem_post(&sem[nowRun->thread_id]);//对应线程执行一次操作 169 } 170 //输出队列 171 printf("print queue %d and %d ",Queue.r, Queue.f); 172 show_tcb(); 173 ++nowTime; 174 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock)); 175 sleep(1); 176 } 177 } 178 int main() 179 { 180 showQueue.f = showQueue.r = 0; 181 Queue.r = Queue.f = 0; 182 create_tcb(); 183 pool_init();//初始化线程池 184 init_sem();//初始化线程信号量 185 RoundRobin(); 186 printf("rr finished "); 187 188 TCB* ptemp = tcb; 189 while (ptemp) 190 { 191 pthread_join(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id], NULL); 192 printf("thread%d finished", ptemp->thread_id); 193 ptemp = ptemp->next; 194 } 195 sleep(5); 196 //销毁线程池 197 return 0; 198 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <semaphore.h> 4 #include <unistd.h> 5 #include <sys/types.h> 6 #include <pthread.h> 7 #define bool int 8 #define true 1 9 #define false 0 10 #define thread_maxn 5//9 11 void bubble_sort(); 12 13 typedef struct TCB 14 { 15 int thread_id; 16 int arriveTime; 17 int runTime; 18 bool thrFinished; 19 struct TCB* next; 20 }TCB; 21 struct tcb_queue 22 { 23 struct TCB *thread[thread_maxn]; 24 int r, f; 25 }; 26 struct tcb_queue Queue; 27 struct tcb_queue showQueue; 28 29 sem_t sem[thread_maxn];//信号量,用于唤醒线程 30 TCB* lHead = NULL;//存储线程信息 31 TCB* nowRun;//目前正在运行的线程 32 int nFinish = 0; 33 int nowTime = 0;//目前时间计数 34 TCB* tcb = NULL; 35 36 void show_rr() 37 { 38 printf("(show)目前队列的情况为:"); 39 while (Queue.r != Queue.f) 40 { 41 showQueue.f = (showQueue.f+1)%thread_maxn; 42 Queue.r = (Queue.r + 1) % thread_maxn; 43 showQueue.thread[showQueue.f] = Queue.thread[Queue.r]; 44 printf("%d ", Queue.thread[Queue.r]->thread_id); 45 } 46 while (showQueue.r != showQueue.f) 47 { 48 Queue.f = (Queue.f + 1) % thread_maxn; 49 showQueue.r = (showQueue.r + 1) % thread_maxn; 50 Queue.thread[Queue.f] = showQueue.thread[showQueue.r]; 51 } 52 printf("print finished "); 53 } 54 void show_tcb() 55 { 56 printf("show_tcb"); 57 TCB* ptemp = tcb; 58 while(ptemp) 59 { 60 printf("thread%d: arrive:%d, left:%d ",ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->arriveTime, ptemp->runTime); 61 ptemp = ptemp->next; 62 } 63 printf("show_tcb finished "); 64 } 65 void create_tcb() 66 { 67 TCB* ptemp = tcb; 68 srand(time(0)); 69 for (int i = 0; i < thread_maxn-1; ++i) 70 { 71 TCB* s = (TCB*)malloc(sizeof(TCB)); 72 s->arriveTime = rand() % 9; 73 s->runTime = rand() % 9 + 1; 74 s->thread_id = i; 75 s->thrFinished = false; 76 s->next = NULL; 77 if (tcb == NULL) 78 { 79 tcb = s; 80 } 81 else 82 { 83 ptemp = tcb; 84 while (ptemp && ptemp->next) 85 { 86 ptemp = ptemp->next; 87 } 88 ptemp->next = s; 89 } 90 } 91 printf("tcb Created "); 92 } 93 typedef struct 94 { 95 pthread_mutex_t queue_lock;//互斥锁 96 int shutdown;//销毁 97 pthread_t* threadid; 98 int cur_queue_size; 99 } CThread_pool; 100 void* thread_routine(void* arg);//线程要执行的函数 101 static CThread_pool* pool = NULL; 102 void pool_init()//初始化线程池 103 { 104 pool = (CThread_pool*)malloc(sizeof(CThread_pool)); 105 pthread_mutex_init(&(pool->queue_lock), NULL);//被初始化为未锁住状态 106 pool->shutdown = 0; 107 pool->threadid = (pthread_t*)malloc(thread_maxn * sizeof(pthread_t)); 108 TCB* ptemp = tcb; 109 while (ptemp != NULL) 110 { 111 pthread_create(&(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id]), NULL, thread_routine, ptemp);//创建线程 112 printf("thread%d created ", ptemp->thread_id); 113 ptemp = ptemp->next; 114 } 115 } 116 void* thread_routine(void* arg)//线程中要执行的函数 117 { 118 TCB* ptemp = (TCB*)arg; 119 printf("starting ptemp->thread_id = %d ", ptemp->thread_id); 120 while (ptemp->runTime > 0) 121 { 122 sleep(1); 123 sem_wait(&sem[ptemp->thread_id]);//挂起,等待唤醒 124 printf("%dBEING WOKEN ",ptemp->thread_id); 125 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->queue_lock)); 126 //--(ptemp->runTime); 127 ptemp->runTime -= 2; 128 printf("nowTime = %d,目前轮转的线程为:%d ",nowTime, ptemp->thread_id); 129 sleep(1); 130 if (ptemp->runTime <= 0) 131 { 132 ++nFinish; 133 ptemp->thrFinished = true;//该线程已完成 134 //出队列 135 Queue.r = (Queue.r + 1) % thread_maxn;//out 136 } 137 else 138 {//未完成 139 Queue.r = (Queue.r + 1) % thread_maxn;//out 140 Queue.f = (Queue.f+1)%thread_maxn; 141 Queue.thread[Queue.f] = ptemp; 142 printf("nowTime = %d,线程%d估计剩余时间为%d ",nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime); 143 } 144 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock)); 145 sleep(1); 146 } 147 pthread_exit(NULL);//不可达 148 return; 149 } 150 void init_sem() 151 { 152 for (int i = 0; i < thread_maxn-1; ++i)//初始化各线程信号量 153 { 154 sem_init(&sem[i], 0, 0); 155 } 156 } 157 void RoundRobin()//时间片轮转算法调度线程 158 { 159 TCB* ptemp = tcb; 160 while (1) 161 { 162 //加锁 163 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->queue_lock)); 164 if (nFinish == thread_maxn-1)//如果所有线程都完成了 165 break; 166 // printf("当前时间为%d ", nowTime); 167 // TCB* ptemp = tcb; 168 // while (ptemp) 169 while(ptemp && ptemp->arriveTime == nowTime) 170 { 171 //if (ptemp->arriveTime == nowTime) 172 { 173 //入队 174 printf("thread %d inqueue ", ptemp->thread_id); 175 Queue.f = (Queue.f+1)%thread_maxn; 176 Queue.thread[Queue.f] = ptemp; 177 printf("nowTime = %d,线程%d到达,估计运行时间:%d ",nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime); 178 } 179 ptemp = ptemp->next; 180 } 181 if (Queue.r != Queue.f) 182 { 183 nowRun = Queue.thread[(Queue.r + 1) % thread_maxn]; 184 printf("thread operate, nowrun = %d ",nowRun->thread_id); 185 sleep(1); 186 sem_post(&sem[nowRun->thread_id]);//对应线程执行一次操作 187 sleep(1); 188 } 189 //输出队列 190 printf("print queue %d and %d ",Queue.r, Queue.f); 191 show_rr(); 192 ++nowTime; 193 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->queue_lock)); 194 sleep(1); 195 } 196 } 197 int pool_destroy() 198 { 199 if (pool->shutdown) 200 return -1; 201 pool->shutdown = 1; 202 TCB* ptemp = tcb; 203 ptemp = tcb; 204 while (ptemp) 205 { 206 pthread_join(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id], NULL); 207 printf("thread%d finished ", ptemp->thread_id); 208 ptemp = ptemp->next; 209 } 210 free(ptemp); 211 free(pool->threadid); 212 printf("pool is freeed "); 213 214 pthread_mutex_destroy(&(pool->queue_lock)); 215 free(pool); 216 /*销毁后指针置空是个好习惯*/ 217 pool = NULL; 218 } 219 int main() 220 { 221 showQueue.f = showQueue.r = 0; 222 Queue.r = Queue.f = 0; 223 create_tcb(); 224 show_tcb(); 225 bubble_sort();//tcb sort 226 pool_init();//初始化线程池 227 init_sem();//初始化线程信号量 228 RoundRobin(); 229 printf("rr finished "); 230 231 sleep(5); 232 233 pool_destroy(); 234 //销毁线程池 235 return 0; 236 } 237 238 void bubble_sort()//tcb 239 { 240 TCB* ptemp = NULL; 241 for (int i = 0; i < thread_maxn; ++i) 242 { 243 ptemp = tcb; 244 while (ptemp && ptemp->next) 245 { 246 if (ptemp->arriveTime > ptemp->next->arriveTime) 247 { 248 TCB* p_next = ptemp->next->next; 249 TCB* p_pre = ptemp; 250 TCB* p_pre_pre = tcb; 251 if (p_pre_pre == p_pre) 252 { 253 p_pre_pre = NULL; 254 } 255 else 256 { 257 while (p_pre_pre != NULL && p_pre_pre->next != p_pre) 258 { 259 p_pre_pre = p_pre_pre->next; 260 } 261 } 262 ptemp = ptemp->next; 263 ptemp->next = p_pre; 264 p_pre->next = p_next; 265 if (p_pre_pre != NULL) 266 { 267 p_pre_pre->next = ptemp; 268 } 269 else 270 { 271 tcb = ptemp; 272 } 273 } 274 ptemp = ptemp->next; 275 } 276 } 277 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <semaphore.h> 4 #include <unistd.h> 5 #include <sys/types.h> 6 #include <pthread.h> 7 #define bool int 8 #define true 1 9 #define false 0 10 #define THREAD_MAXN 5//线程数 11 #define RUNTIME_SUB 1//每次运行线程减去的运行时间 12 //-----结构体定义 13 typedef struct TCB//存储线程信息 14 { 15 int thread_id;//线程编号 16 int arriveTime;//线程到达时间 17 int runTime;//持续时间 18 int finishTime;//完成时间 19 int wholeTime;//周转时间 20 double weightWholeTime;//带权周转时间 21 bool Finished;//线程是否完成 22 struct TCB* next;//使用链式存储方式 23 }TCB; 24 struct tcb_queue//TCB队列定义 25 { 26 struct TCB* tcbQueue[THREAD_MAXN];//TCB指针数组 27 int r,f; 28 }; 29 struct thread_pool//线程池结构体 30 { 31 pthread_mutex_t tcb_lock;//互斥锁 32 int fDestroyed;//线程池是否被销毁 33 pthread_t *threadid;//存储线程标识符指针 34 TCB *nowRunThread;//指向当前正在运行的线程 35 int nExist;//现存现存 36 int nFinish;//当前已完成的线程数 37 sem_t sem[THREAD_MAXN];//用于控制线程的信号量 38 struct tcb_queue pool->rrQueue;//轮转队列 39 struct tcb_queue pool->showQueue;//用于辅助打印的队列 40 TCB *tcb;//存储TCB 41 }; 42 //-----全局变量定义 43 thread_pool POOL; 44 static thread_pool *pool = &POOL;//全局变量pool,指向线程池 45 int nowTime;//当前已走过的时间 46 //-----函数声明 47 void bubble_sort();//给TCB排序 48 void show_rr();//打印轮转队列 49 void show_tcb();//打印所有线程的信息 50 void pool_init();//初始化线程池 51 void thread_run_func(void* param);//线程里运行的函数 52 void round_robin();//时间片轮转算法的调度函数 53 int pool_destroy();//销毁线程池 54 //main 55 int main() 56 { 57 pool_init(); 58 printf("TCB初始化完成! "); 59 printf("打印初始TCB: "); 60 show_tcb(); 61 printf("TCB按到达时间排序后: "); 62 bubble_sort(); 63 show_tcb(); 64 printf("所有线程已完成 "); 65 sleep(5);//等待所有线程完成 66 pool_destroy(); 67 return 0; 68 } 69 //函数定义 70 void bubble_sort()//给TCB排序,按arriveTime升序排列 71 { 72 TCB* ptemp = NULL; 73 for(int i=0; i<THREAD_MAXN; ++i) 74 { 75 ptemp = pool->tcb; 76 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 77 { 78 if(ptemp->arriveTime > ptemp->next->arriveTime) 79 {//交换两个节点 80 TCB *p_next = ptemp->next->next; 81 TCB *p_pre = ptemp; 82 TCB *p_pre_pre = pool->tcb; 83 if(p_pre_pre == p_pre) 84 { 85 p_pre_pre = NULL; 86 } 87 else 88 { 89 while(p_pre_pre && p_pre_pre->next != p_pre) 90 { 91 p_pre_pre = p_pre_pre->next; 92 } 93 } 94 ptemp = ptemp->next; 95 ptemp->next = p_pre; 96 p_pre->next = p_next; 97 if(p_pre_pre) 98 { 99 p_pre_pre->next = ptemp; 100 } 101 else 102 { 103 pool->tcb = ptemp; 104 } 105 } 106 ptemp = ptemp->next; 107 } 108 } 109 } 110 void show_rr()//打印轮转队列 111 { 112 printf("目前在轮转队列中线程为: "); 113 while(pool->rrQueue.r != pool->rrQueue.f) 114 { 115 pool->showQueue.f = (pool->showQueue.f + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 116 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 117 pool->showQueue.tcbQueue[pool->showQueue.f] = pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.r]; 118 printf("%d ",pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.r]->thread_id); 119 } 120 while(pool->showQueue.r != pool->showQueue.f)//将队列放回 121 { 122 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 123 pool->showQueue.r = (pool->showQueue.r + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 124 pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.f] = pool->showQueue.tcbQueue[pool->showQueue.r]; 125 } 126 printf(" "); 127 } 128 void show_tcb()//打印所有线程的信息 129 { 130 TCB *ptemp = pool->tcb; 131 printf("打印所有线程的信息: "); 132 while(ptemp) 133 { 134 printf("线程%d:到达时间:%d,剩余时间:%d ", ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->arriveTime, ptemp->runTime); 135 ptemp = ptemp->next; 136 } 137 printf(" "); 138 } 139 void pool_init()//初始化线程池 140 { 141 pool = (thread_pool*)malloc(sizeof(thread_pool)); 142 pool->pthread_mutex_init(&(pool->tcb_lock));//初始为未锁住状态 143 pool->fDestroyed = 0;//线程池是否被销毁 144 pool->nowRunThread = NULL;//指向当前正在运行的线程 145 pool->nExist = 0;//现存线程 146 pool->nFinish = 0;//当前已完成的线程数 147 pool->rrQueue.r = pool->rrQueue.q = 0;//轮转队列 148 pool->showQueue.r = pool->showQueue.r = 0;//用于辅助打印的队列 149 //创建并初始化TCB 150 TCB* ptemp = pool->tcb; 151 srand(time(0)); 152 for(int i=0; i<THREAD_MAXN-1; ++i) 153 { 154 TCB* s = (*TCB)malloc(sizeof(TCB)); 155 s->arriveTime = rand()%9; 156 s->runTime = rand()%9+1; 157 s->thread_id = i;//编号令为0 158 s->Finished = fsemalse; 159 s->next = NULL; 160 //尾插入 161 if(pool->tcb == NULL)//第一个节点 162 tcb = s; 163 else 164 { 165 ptemp = pool->tcb; 166 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 167 { 168 ptemp = ptemp->next; 169 } 170 ptemp->next = s; 171 } 172 } 173 //初始化信号量sem 174 ptemp = pool->tcb; 175 while(ptemp) 176 { 177 sem_init(&(ptemp->thread_id), 0, 0); 178 ptemp = ptemp->next; 179 } 180 //创建线程 181 ptemp = pool->tcb; 182 threadid = (pthread_t*)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * THREAD_MAXN); 183 while(ptemp) 184 { 185 //把ptemp作为参数传入thread_run_func() 186 int t; 187 t = pthread_create(&(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id]), 188 NULL, thread_run_func, ptemp); 189 if(!t)//线程创建成功 190 { 191 printf("线程%d创建成功! ", ptemp->thread_id); 192 } 193 else 194 { 195 printf("线程创建失败! "); 196 } 197 ptemp = ptemp->next; 198 } 199 printf("线程池pool初始化完成! "); 200 } 201 void thread_run_func(void *param)//线程里运行的函数 202 { 203 TCB *ptemp = (*TCB)param; 204 // prtinf("线程%d开始了", ptemp->thread_id); 205 while(ptemp->runTime > 0) 206 { 207 printf("线程%d正在等待…… "); 208 sleep(1); 209 sem_wait(&(pool->sem[ptemp->thread_id]));//唤醒 210 printf("线程%d已被唤醒! "); 211 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->tcb_lock));//上互斥锁 212 ptemp->runTime -= RUNTIME_SUB; 213 printf("当前时间为:%d,轮转的线程为线程%d,该线程剩余时间:%d->%d ", 214 nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime+RUNTIME_SUB, ptemp->runTime<0?0:ptemp->runTime); 215 sleep(1); 216 if(ptemp->runTime <= 0)//线程已经完成 217 { 218 ++pool->nFinish; 219 ptemp->Finished = true; 220 //出队 221 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 222 } 223 else 224 {//还未完成 225 //出队 226 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 227 //入队 228 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 229 pool->rrQueue.thread[pool->rrQueue.f] = ptemp; 230 } 231 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 232 sleep(1); 233 } 234 pthread_exit(NULL); 235 } 236 void round_robin()//时间片轮转算法的调度函数 237 { 238 TCB *ptemp = pool->tcb; 239 while(1) 240 { 241 sleep(1); 242 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 243 if(pool->nFinished == THREAD_MAXN-1)//所有线程完成 244 break; 245 while(ptemp && ptemp->arriveTime == nowTime) 246 { 247 printf("当前时间为:%d,线程%d进入轮转队列,剩余运行时间:%d ", 248 nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime); 249 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 250 pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.f] = ptemp; 251 ptemp = ptemp->next; 252 } 253 if(pool->rrQueue.r != pool->rrQueue.f) 254 { 255 pool->nowRunThread = pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[(pool->rrQueue+1)%THREAD_MAXN]; 256 printf("准备唤醒线程线程%d ",pool->nowRunThread->thread_id); 257 sleep(1); 258 sem_post(&(pool->sem[pool->nowRunThread->thread_id])); 259 } 260 show_rr(); 261 ++nowTime; 262 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 263 sleep(1); 264 } 265 } 266 int pool_destroy()//销毁线程池 267 { 268 if(pool->fDestroyed)//防止重复销毁 269 return -1; 270 pool->fDestroyed = 1; 271 TCB* ptemp = pool->tcb; 272 while(ptemp) 273 { 274 pthread_join(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id], NULL); 275 printf("线程%d已结束 ",ptemp->thread_id); 276 ptemp = ptemp->next; 277 } 278 free(ptemp); 279 free(pool->threadid); 280 pthread_mutex_destroy(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 281 free(pool); 282 pool = NULL; 283 printf("线程池pool已被销毁! "); 284 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <semaphore.h> 4 #include <unistd.h> 5 #include <time.h> 6 #include <sys/types.h> 7 #include <pthread.h> 8 #define bool int 9 #define true 1 10 #define false 0 11 #define THREAD_MAXN 5//线程数 12 #define RUNTIME_SUB 1//每次运行线程减去的运行时间 13 //-----结构体定义 14 typedef struct TCB//存储线程信息 15 { 16 int thread_id;//线程编号 17 int arriveTime;//线程到达时间 18 int runTime;//持续时间 19 int finishTime;//完成时间 20 int wholeTime;//周转时间 21 double weightWholeTime;//带权周转时间 22 bool Finished;//线程是否完成 23 struct TCB* next;//使用链式存储方式 24 }TCB; 25 struct tcb_queue//TCB队列定义 26 { 27 struct TCB* tcbQueue[THREAD_MAXN];//TCB指针数组 28 int r,f; 29 }; 30 struct thread_pool//线程池结构体 31 { 32 pthread_mutex_t tcb_lock;//互斥锁 33 int fDestroyed;//线程池是否被销毁 34 pthread_t *threadid;//存储线程标识符指针 35 struct TCB *nowRunThread;//指向当前正在运行的线程 36 int nExist;//现存现存 37 int nFinish;//当前已完成的线程数 38 sem_t sem[THREAD_MAXN];//用于控制线程的信号量 39 struct tcb_queue rrQueue;//轮转队列 40 struct tcb_queue showQueue;//用于辅助打印的队列 41 struct TCB *tcb;//存储TCB 42 }; 43 //-----全局变量定义 44 static struct thread_pool *pool = NULL;//全局变量pool,指向线程池 45 int nowTime;//当前已走过的时间 46 //-----函数声明 47 void bubble_sort();//给TCB排序 48 void show_rr();//打印轮转队列 49 void show_tcb();//打印所有线程的信息 50 void pool_init();//初始化线程池 51 void thread_run_func(void* param);//线程里运行的函数 52 void round_robin();//时间片轮转算法的调度函数 53 int pool_destroy();//销毁线程池 54 //main 55 int main() 56 { 57 pool_init(); 58 printf("打印初始TCB: "); 59 show_tcb(); 60 printf("TCB按到达时间排序后: "); 61 bubble_sort(); 62 show_tcb(); 63 round_robin(); 64 sleep(5);//等待所有线程完成 65 pool_destroy(); 66 return 0; 67 } 68 //函数定义 69 void bubble_sort()//给TCB排序,按arriveTime升序排列 70 { 71 TCB* ptemp = NULL; 72 for(int i=0; i<THREAD_MAXN; ++i) 73 { 74 ptemp = pool->tcb; 75 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 76 { 77 if(ptemp->arriveTime > ptemp->next->arriveTime) 78 {//交换两个节点 79 TCB *p_next = ptemp->next->next; 80 TCB *p_pre = ptemp; 81 TCB *p_pre_pre = pool->tcb; 82 if(p_pre_pre == p_pre) 83 { 84 p_pre_pre = NULL; 85 } 86 else 87 { 88 while(p_pre_pre && p_pre_pre->next != p_pre) 89 { 90 p_pre_pre = p_pre_pre->next; 91 } 92 } 93 ptemp = ptemp->next; 94 ptemp->next = p_pre; 95 p_pre->next = p_next; 96 if(p_pre_pre) 97 { 98 p_pre_pre->next = ptemp; 99 } 100 else 101 { 102 pool->tcb = ptemp; 103 } 104 } 105 ptemp = ptemp->next; 106 } 107 } 108 } 109 void show_rr()//打印轮转队列 110 { 111 printf("当前时间为:%d ",nowTime); 112 if(pool->rrQueue.r == pool->rrQueue.f) 113 { 114 printf("目前还没有线程到达 "); 115 } 116 else 117 { 118 printf("目前轮转队列为: "); 119 } 120 while(pool->rrQueue.r != pool->rrQueue.f) 121 { 122 pool->showQueue.f = (pool->showQueue.f + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 123 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 124 pool->showQueue.tcbQueue[pool->showQueue.f] = pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.r]; 125 printf("%d ",pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.r]->thread_id); 126 } 127 while(pool->showQueue.r != pool->showQueue.f)//将队列放回 128 { 129 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 130 pool->showQueue.r = (pool->showQueue.r + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 131 pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.f] = pool->showQueue.tcbQueue[pool->showQueue.r]; 132 } 133 printf(" "); 134 } 135 void show_tcb()//打印所有线程的信息 136 { 137 TCB *ptemp = pool->tcb; 138 printf("打印所有线程的信息: "); 139 while(ptemp) 140 { 141 printf("线程%d:到达时间:%d,剩余时间:%d ", ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->arriveTime, ptemp->runTime); 142 ptemp = ptemp->next; 143 } 144 printf(" "); 145 } 146 void pool_init()//初始化线程池 147 { 148 pool = (struct thread_pool*)malloc(sizeof(struct thread_pool)); 149 pthread_mutex_init(&(pool->tcb_lock), NULL);//初始为未锁住状态 150 pool->fDestroyed = 0;//线程池是否被销毁 151 pool->nowRunThread = NULL;//指向当前正在运行的线程 152 pool->nExist = 0;//现存线程 153 pool->nFinish = 0;//当前已完成的线程数 154 pool->rrQueue.r = pool->rrQueue.f = 0;//轮转队列 155 pool->showQueue.r = pool->showQueue.r = 0;//用于辅助打印的队列 156 pool->tcb = NULL; 157 //创建并初始化TCB 158 TCB* ptemp = pool->tcb; 159 srand(time(0)); 160 for(int i=0; i<THREAD_MAXN-1; ++i) 161 { 162 TCB* s = (TCB*)malloc(sizeof(TCB)); 163 s->arriveTime = rand()%9; 164 s->runTime = rand()%9+1; 165 s->thread_id = i;//编号令为0 166 s->Finished = false; 167 s->next = NULL; 168 //尾插入 169 if(!pool->tcb)//第一个节点 170 { 171 pool->tcb = s; 172 } 173 else 174 { 175 ptemp = pool->tcb; 176 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 177 { 178 ptemp = ptemp->next; 179 } 180 ptemp->next = s; 181 } 182 } 183 //初始化信号量sem 184 ptemp = pool->tcb; 185 int i=0; 186 while(ptemp != NULL) 187 { 188 int i = ptemp->thread_id; 189 sem_init(&(pool->sem[i]), 0, 0); 190 ptemp = ptemp->next; 191 } 192 //创建线程 193 ptemp = pool->tcb; 194 pool->threadid = (pthread_t*)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * THREAD_MAXN); 195 while(ptemp != NULL) 196 { 197 //把ptemp作为参数传入thread_run_func() 198 int t; 199 t = pthread_create(&(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id]), 200 NULL, thread_run_func, ptemp); 201 if(!t)//线程创建成功 202 { 203 printf("线程%d创建成功! ", ptemp->thread_id); 204 } 205 else 206 { 207 printf("线程创建失败! "); 208 } 209 ptemp = ptemp->next; 210 } 211 printf("线程池pool初始化完成! "); 212 } 213 void thread_run_func(void *param)//线程里运行的函数 214 { 215 TCB *ptemp = (TCB*)param; 216 // prtinf("线程%d开始了", ptemp->thread_id); 217 while(ptemp->runTime > 0) 218 { 219 printf("线程%d正在等待…… ", ptemp->thread_id); 220 sleep(1); 221 sem_wait(&(pool->sem[ptemp->thread_id]));//唤醒 222 printf("线程%d已被唤醒! ",ptemp->thread_id); 223 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->tcb_lock));//上互斥锁 224 ptemp->runTime -= RUNTIME_SUB; 225 printf("当前时间为:%d,轮转的线程为线程%d,该线程剩余时间:%d->%d ", 226 nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime+RUNTIME_SUB, ptemp->runTime<0?0:ptemp->runTime); 227 sleep(1); 228 if(ptemp->runTime <= 0)//线程已经完成 229 { 230 ++pool->nFinish; 231 ptemp->Finished = true; 232 //出队 233 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 234 } 235 else 236 {//还未完成 237 //出队 238 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 239 //入队 240 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 241 pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.f] = ptemp; 242 } 243 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 244 sleep(1); 245 } 246 pthread_exit(NULL); 247 } 248 void round_robin()//时间片轮转算法的调度函数 249 { 250 TCB *ptemp = pool->tcb; 251 while(1) 252 { 253 sleep(1); 254 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 255 if(pool->nFinish == THREAD_MAXN-1)//所有线程完成 256 break; 257 while(ptemp && ptemp->arriveTime == nowTime) 258 { 259 printf("当前时间为:%d,线程%d进入轮转队列,运行时间:%d ", 260 nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime); 261 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 262 pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.f] = ptemp; 263 ptemp = ptemp->next; 264 } 265 if(pool->rrQueue.r != pool->rrQueue.f) 266 { 267 pool->nowRunThread = pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[(pool->rrQueue.r+1)%THREAD_MAXN]; 268 printf("准备唤醒线程%d ",pool->nowRunThread->thread_id); 269 sleep(1); 270 sem_post(&(pool->sem[pool->nowRunThread->thread_id])); 271 } 272 show_rr(); 273 ++nowTime; 274 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 275 sleep(1); 276 } 277 } 278 int pool_destroy()//销毁线程池 279 { 280 if(pool->fDestroyed)//防止重复销毁 281 return -1; 282 pool->fDestroyed = 1; 283 TCB* ptemp = pool->tcb; 284 while(ptemp) 285 { 286 pthread_join(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id], NULL); 287 printf("线程%d已结束 ",ptemp->thread_id); 288 ptemp = ptemp->next; 289 } 290 free(ptemp); 291 free(pool->threadid); 292 pthread_mutex_destroy(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 293 free(pool); 294 pool = NULL; 295 printf("线程池pool已被销毁! "); 296 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <string.h> 4 #include <semaphore.h> 5 #include <unistd.h> 6 #include <time.h> 7 #include <sys/types.h> 8 #include <pthread.h> 9 #define bool int 10 #define true 1 11 #define false 0 12 #define THREAD_MAXN 3//线程数 13 #define RUNTIME_SUB 1//每次运行线程减去的运行时间 14 #define INIT_FREE_BLOCK_NUM 8 15 #define INIT_FREE_BLOCK_SIZE 10 16 #define STU_NUM 50 17 //-----结构体定义 18 typedef struct TCB//存储线程信息 19 { 20 int thread_id;//线程编号 21 int arriveTime;//线程到达时间 22 int runTime;//持续时间 23 int finishTime;//完成时间 24 int wholeTime;//周转时间 25 double weightWholeTime;//带权周转时间 26 bool Finished;//线程是否完成 27 struct TCB* next;//使用链式存储方式 28 }TCB; 29 struct tcb_queue//TCB队列定义 30 { 31 struct TCB* tcbQueue[THREAD_MAXN];//TCB指针数组 32 int r,f; 33 }; 34 struct thread_pool//线程池结构体 35 { 36 pthread_mutex_t tcb_lock;//互斥锁 37 int fDestroyed;//线程池是否被销毁 38 pthread_t *threadid;//存储线程标识符指针 39 struct TCB *nowRunThread;//指向当前正在运行的线程 40 int nFinish;//完成线程数 41 sem_t sem[THREAD_MAXN];//用于控制线程的信号量 42 struct tcb_queue rrQueue;//轮转队列 43 struct tcb_queue showQueue;//用于辅助打印的队列 44 struct TCB *tcb;//存储TCB 45 }; 46 struct free_block 47 { 48 int start; 49 int size; 50 struct free_block *next; 51 }; 52 struct busy_block 53 { 54 int id;//编号 55 int start; 56 int size; 57 char *data;//根据需要动态分配 58 struct busy_blocl *next; 59 }; 60 struct student 61 { 62 char number[8]; 63 char name[20]; 64 int name_size; 65 int number_stored; 66 int name_stored; 67 }; 68 //-----全局变量定义 69 static struct thread_pool *pool = NULL;//全局变量pool,指向线程池 70 int nowTime;//当前已走过的时间 71 int busy_id = -1; 72 int nFree = 0; 73 int nBusy = 0; 74 int stuCnt = 0; 75 struct free_block *free_queue = NULL; 76 struct busy_block *busy_queue = NULL; 77 struct student student_info[STU_NUM]; 78 //-----函数声明 79 void bubble_sort();//给TCB排序 80 void show_rr();//打印轮转队列 81 void show_tcb();//打印所有线程的信息 82 void pool_init();//初始化线程池 83 void thread_run_func(void* param);//线程里运行的函数 84 void round_robin();//时间片轮转算法的调度函数 85 int pool_destroy();//销毁线程池 86 void init_free(); 87 struct free_block* create_free(int start, int size, struct free_block *next); 88 struct busy_block* create_busy(int start, int size, struct busy_block *next, char *data); 89 struct free_block * merge_free(struct free_block *f1, struct free_block *f2); 90 void init_student(); 91 void insert_busy(struct busy_block *pBusy); 92 void insert_free(struct free_block *pFree); 93 void delete_free(struct free_block *pFree); 94 void delete_busy(); 95 void show_free(); 96 void show_busy(); 97 void FF_bubble(); 98 void BF_bubble(); 99 void WF_bubble(); 100 //main 101 int main() 102 { 103 init_free(); 104 printf("---------------------------------1 "); 105 init_student(); 106 printf("---------------------------------2 "); 107 pool_init(); 108 printf("---------------------------------3 "); 109 printf("打印初始TCB: "); 110 show_tcb(); 111 printf("TCB按到达时间排序后: "); 112 bubble_sort(); 113 show_tcb(); 114 printf("使用时间片轮转算法调度: "); 115 round_robin(); 116 sleep(5);//等待所有线程完成 117 pool_destroy(); 118 return 0; 119 } 120 //函数定义 121 void bubble_sort()//给TCB排序,按arriveTime升序排列 122 { 123 TCB* ptemp = NULL; 124 for(int i=0; i<THREAD_MAXN; ++i) 125 { 126 ptemp = pool->tcb; 127 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 128 { 129 if(ptemp->arriveTime > ptemp->next->arriveTime) 130 {//交换两个节点 131 TCB *p_next = ptemp->next->next; 132 TCB *p_pre = ptemp; 133 TCB *p_pre_pre = pool->tcb; 134 if(p_pre_pre == p_pre) 135 { 136 p_pre_pre = NULL; 137 } 138 else 139 { 140 while(p_pre_pre && p_pre_pre->next != p_pre) 141 { 142 p_pre_pre = p_pre_pre->next; 143 } 144 } 145 ptemp = ptemp->next; 146 ptemp->next = p_pre; 147 p_pre->next = p_next; 148 if(p_pre_pre) 149 { 150 p_pre_pre->next = ptemp; 151 } 152 else 153 { 154 pool->tcb = ptemp; 155 } 156 } 157 ptemp = ptemp->next; 158 } 159 } 160 } 161 void show_rr()//打印轮转队列 162 { 163 printf("当前时间为:%d ",nowTime); 164 if(pool->rrQueue.f == pool->rrQueue.r) 165 { 166 printf("目前还没有线程到达 "); 167 } 168 else 169 { 170 printf("目前轮转队列为: "); 171 } 172 while(pool->rrQueue.f != pool->rrQueue.r) 173 { 174 pool->showQueue.f = (pool->showQueue.f + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 175 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 176 pool->showQueue.tcbQueue[pool->showQueue.f] = pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.f]; 177 printf("%d ",pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.f]->thread_id); 178 } 179 while(pool->showQueue.r != pool->showQueue.f)//将队列放回 180 { 181 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 182 pool->showQueue.r = (pool->showQueue.r + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 183 pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.r] = pool->showQueue.tcbQueue[pool->showQueue.r]; 184 } 185 printf(" "); 186 } 187 void show_tcb()//打印所有线程的信息 188 { 189 TCB *ptemp = pool->tcb; 190 printf("打印所有线程的信息: "); 191 while(ptemp) 192 { 193 printf("线程%d:到达时间:%d,剩余时间:%d ", ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->arriveTime, ptemp->runTime); 194 ptemp = ptemp->next; 195 } 196 printf(" "); 197 } 198 void pool_init()//初始化线程池 199 { 200 pool = (struct thread_pool*)malloc(sizeof(struct thread_pool)); 201 pthread_mutex_init(&(pool->tcb_lock), NULL);//初始为未锁住状态 202 pool->fDestroyed = 0;//线程池是否被销毁 203 pool->nFinish = 0; 204 pool->nowRunThread = NULL;//指向当前正在运行的线程 205 pool->rrQueue.f = pool->rrQueue.r = 0;//轮转队列 206 pool->showQueue.r = pool->showQueue.r = 0;//用于辅助打印的队列 207 pool->tcb = NULL; 208 //创建并初始化TCB 209 TCB* ptemp = pool->tcb; 210 srand(time(0)); 211 for(int i=0; i<THREAD_MAXN-1; ++i) 212 { 213 TCB* s = (TCB*)malloc(sizeof(TCB)); 214 // s->arriveTime = rand()%9; 215 s->arriveTime = 0; 216 s->runTime = 10; 217 s->thread_id = i;//编号令为0 218 s->Finished = false; 219 s->next = NULL; 220 //尾插入 221 if(!pool->tcb)//第一个节点 222 { 223 pool->tcb = s; 224 } 225 else 226 { 227 ptemp = pool->tcb; 228 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 229 { 230 ptemp = ptemp->next; 231 } 232 ptemp->next = s; 233 } 234 } 235 //初始化信号量sem 236 ptemp = pool->tcb; 237 int i=0; 238 while(ptemp != NULL) 239 { 240 int i = ptemp->thread_id; 241 sem_init(&i, 0, 0); 242 ptemp = ptemp->next; 243 } 244 //创建线程 245 ptemp = pool->tcb; 246 pool->threadid = (pthread_t*)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * THREAD_MAXN); 247 while(ptemp != NULL) 248 { 249 //把ptemp作为参数传入thread_run_func() 250 int t; 251 t = pthread_create(&(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id]), 252 NULL, thread_run_func, ptemp); 253 if(!t)//线程创建成功 254 { 255 printf("线程%d创建成功! ", ptemp->thread_id); 256 } 257 else 258 { 259 printf("线程创建失败! "); 260 } 261 ptemp = ptemp->next; 262 } 263 printf("线程池pool初始化完成! "); 264 } 265 void thread_run_func(void *param)//线程里运行的函数 266 { 267 TCB *ptemp = (TCB*)param; 268 // prtinf("线程%d开始了", ptemp->thread_id); 269 while(ptemp->runTime > 0) 270 { 271 printf("线程%d正在等待…… ", ptemp->thread_id); 272 sleep(1); 273 sem_wait(&(pool->sem[ptemp->thread_id]));//唤醒 274 printf("线程%d已被唤醒! ",ptemp->thread_id); 275 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->tcb_lock));//上互斥锁 276 ptemp->runTime -= RUNTIME_SUB; 277 //线程操作 278 printf("---------------------------------4 "); 279 // for(int i=0; i<STU_NUM; ++i) 280 // { 281 printf("---------------------------------12 "); 282 int i=stuCnt; 283 struct free_block *pFree = free_queue; 284 struct busy_block *pBusy = busy_queue; 285 286 printf("---------------------------------6 "); 287 if(ptemp->thread_id == 0)//store number 288 {printf("---------------------------------13 "); 289 if(i!=0 && student_info[i-1].name_stored) 290 {printf("---------------------------------14 "); 291 int fEnough = 0; 292 while(pFree && !fEnough) 293 { 294 FF_bubble(); 295 printf("---------------------------------16 "); 296 //BF_bubble(); 297 //WF_bubble(); 298 if(pFree->next) 299 { 300 merge_free(pFree, pFree->next);//紧缩 301 } 302 if(pFree->size >= 8) 303 {printf("---------------------------------18 "); 304 fEnough = 1; 305 pBusy = create_busy(pFree->start, 8, NULL, student_info[i].number); 306 delete_free(pFree); 307 insert_busy(pBusy); 308 } 309 if(!fEnough)//FIFO 310 {printf("---------------------------------fifo "); 311 pBusy = busy_queue; 312 printf("被调出的信息:id=%d,start=%d,size=%d,info:",pBusy->id, pBusy->start, pBusy->size); 313 for(int j=0; j<pBusy->size; ++j) 314 { 315 printf("%c",pBusy->data[j]); 316 } 317 pFree = create_free(pBusy->start, pBusy->start, NULL); 318 insert_free(pFree); 319 delete_busy(); 320 printf(" "); 321 } 322 pFree = pFree->next; 323 } 324 } 325 student_info[i].number_stored = 1; 326 printf("---------------------------------7 "); 327 } 328 else//store name 329 { 330 printf("---------------------------------15 "); 331 pFree = free_queue; 332 pBusy = busy_queue; 333 if(student_info[i].number_stored) 334 { 335 printf("---------------------------------20 "); 336 int fEnough = 0; 337 int cnt = 0; 338 while(pFree && !fEnough) 339 { 340 cnt++; 341 if(cnt == 20)break; 342 FF_bubble(); 343 printf("---------------------------------312 "); 344 printf("%d %d %d ",free_queue->size, student_info[i].name_size,cnt); 345 //BF_bubble(); 346 //WF_bubble(); 347 printf("---------------------------------321312 "); 348 if(pFree->next) 349 { 350 printf("---------------------------------22 "); 351 merge_free(pFree, pFree->next);//紧缩 352 } 353 if(pFree->size >= student_info[i].name_size) 354 { 355 fEnough = 1; 356 pBusy = create_busy(pFree->start, student_info[i].name_size, NULL, student_info[i].name); 357 delete_free(pFree); 358 insert_busy(pBusy); 359 printf("---------------------------------23 "); 360 361 if(!fEnough)//FIFO 362 { 363 pBusy = busy_queue; 364 printf("被调出的信息:id=%d,start=%d,size=%d,info:",pBusy->id, pBusy->start, pBusy->size); 365 for(int j=0; j<pBusy->size; ++j) 366 { 367 printf("%c",pBusy->data[j]); 368 } 369 pFree = create_free(pBusy->start, pBusy->start, NULL); 370 insert_free(pFree); 371 delete_busy(); 372 printf(" "); 373 } 374 pFree = pFree->next; 375 } 376 } 377 ++stuCnt; 378 student_info[i].name_stored = 1; 379 printf("---------------------------------7 "); 380 } 381 } 382 //} 383 free(pFree); 384 free(pBusy); 385 printf("---------------------------------5 "); 386 //线程操作 387 printf("当前时间为:%d,轮转的线程为线程%d,该线程剩余时间:%d->%d ", 388 nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime+RUNTIME_SUB, ptemp->runTime<0?0:ptemp->runTime); 389 sleep(1); 390 if(ptemp->runTime <= 0)//线程已经完成 391 { 392 ++pool->nFinish; 393 ptemp->Finished = true; 394 //出队 395 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 396 } 397 else 398 {//还未完成 399 //出队 400 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 401 //入队 402 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 403 pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.r] = ptemp; 404 } 405 printf("---------------------------------9 "); 406 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 407 sleep(1); 408 } 409 pthread_exit(NULL); 410 } 411 void round_robin()//时间片轮转算法的调度函数 412 { 413 TCB *ptemp = pool->tcb; 414 while(1) 415 { 416 sleep(1); 417 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 418 if(pool->nFinish == THREAD_MAXN-1)//所有线程完成 419 break; 420 while(ptemp && ptemp->arriveTime == nowTime) 421 { 422 printf("当前时间为:%d,线程%d进入轮转队列,运行时间:%d ", 423 nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime); 424 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 425 pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.r] = ptemp; 426 ptemp = ptemp->next; 427 } 428 if(pool->rrQueue.f != pool->rrQueue.r) 429 { 430 pool->nowRunThread = pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[(pool->rrQueue.f+1)%THREAD_MAXN]; 431 printf("准备唤醒线程%d ",pool->nowRunThread->thread_id); 432 sleep(1); 433 sem_post(&(pool->sem[pool->nowRunThread->thread_id])); 434 } 435 show_rr(); 436 ++nowTime; 437 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 438 sleep(1); 439 } 440 } 441 int pool_destroy()//销毁线程池 442 { 443 if(pool->fDestroyed)//防止重复销毁 444 return -1; 445 pool->fDestroyed = 1; 446 TCB* ptemp = pool->tcb; 447 while(ptemp) 448 { 449 pthread_join(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id], NULL); 450 printf("线程%d已结束 ",ptemp->thread_id); 451 ptemp = ptemp->next; 452 } 453 free(ptemp); 454 free(pool->threadid); 455 pthread_mutex_destroy(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 456 free(pool); 457 pool = NULL; 458 printf("线程池pool已被销毁! "); 459 } 460 461 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 462 463 void init_free() 464 { 465 int start_address = 0; 466 struct free_block *ptemp = NULL; 467 for(int i=0; i<INIT_FREE_BLOCK_NUM; ++i) 468 { 469 struct free_block* s = create_free(start_address, INIT_FREE_BLOCK_SIZE, NULL); 470 ++nFree; 471 if(free_queue == NULL) 472 { 473 free_queue = s; 474 printf("---------------------------------10 "); 475 } 476 else 477 { 478 ptemp = free_queue; 479 printf("---------------------------------11 "); 480 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 481 { 482 ptemp = ptemp->next; 483 } 484 ptemp->next = s; 485 printf("---------------------------------11 "); 486 } 487 start_address += INIT_FREE_BLOCK_SIZE; 488 } 489 printf("空闲内存块初始化完成! "); 490 show_free(); 491 } 492 struct free_block* create_free(int start, int size, struct free_block *next) 493 { 494 struct free_block *s = (struct free_block*)malloc(sizeof(struct free_block)); 495 s->start = start; 496 s->size = size; 497 s->next = next; 498 return s; 499 } 500 struct busy_block* create_busy(int start, int size, struct busy_block *next, char *data) 501 { 502 struct busy_block *s = (struct busy_block*)malloc(sizeof(struct busy_block)); 503 s->start = start; 504 s->id = ++busy_id; 505 s->next = next; 506 s->size = size; 507 s->data = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * size); 508 for(int i=0; i<size; ++i) 509 { 510 s->data[i] = data[i]; 511 } 512 ++nBusy; 513 } 514 struct free_block * merge_free(struct free_block *f1, struct free_block *f2) 515 { 516 if(f1->start + f1->size != f2->start ) 517 { 518 return f1; 519 } 520 else 521 { 522 f1->size += f2->size; 523 f1->next = f2->next; 524 free(f2); 525 f2 = NULL; 526 --nFree; 527 return f1; 528 } 529 } 530 531 void init_student() 532 { 533 srand(time(0)); 534 for(int i=0; i<STU_NUM; ++i) 535 { 536 strcpy(student_info[i].number, "201820"); 537 if(i < 10) 538 { 539 student_info[i].number[6] = 0; 540 student_info[i].number[7] = i; 541 } 542 else 543 { 544 student_info[i].number[6] = i/10; 545 student_info[i].number[7] = i%10; 546 } 547 int n = 4; 548 n += rand()%20; 549 student_info[i].name_size = n; 550 for(int j=0; j<n; ++j) 551 { 552 student_info[i].name[j] = 'a'+ i; 553 } 554 student_info[i].name_stored = 0; 555 student_info[i].number_stored = 0; 556 } 557 printf("学生信息初始化完成! "); 558 } 559 560 void FF_bubble() 561 { 562 struct free_block* ptemp = NULL; 563 for(int i=0; i<nFree; ++i) 564 { 565 ptemp = free_queue; 566 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 567 { 568 if(ptemp->start > ptemp->next->start ) 569 {//交换两个节点 570 struct free_block *p_next = ptemp->next->next; 571 struct free_block *p_pre = ptemp; 572 struct free_block *p_pre_pre = pool->tcb; 573 if(p_pre_pre == p_pre) 574 { 575 p_pre_pre = NULL; 576 } 577 else 578 { 579 while(p_pre_pre && p_pre_pre->next != p_pre) 580 { 581 p_pre_pre = p_pre_pre->next; 582 } 583 } 584 ptemp = ptemp->next; 585 ptemp->next = p_pre; 586 p_pre->next = p_next; 587 if(p_pre_pre) 588 { 589 p_pre_pre->next = ptemp; 590 } 591 else 592 { 593 pool->tcb = ptemp; 594 } 595 } 596 ptemp = ptemp->next; 597 } 598 } 599 } 600 601 void BF_bubble() 602 { 603 struct free_block* ptemp = NULL; 604 for(int i=0; i<nFree; ++i) 605 { 606 ptemp = free_queue; 607 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 608 { 609 if(ptemp->size > ptemp->next->size) 610 {//交换两个节点 611 struct free_block *p_next = ptemp->next->next; 612 struct free_block *p_pre = ptemp; 613 struct free_block *p_pre_pre = pool->tcb; 614 if(p_pre_pre == p_pre) 615 { 616 p_pre_pre = NULL; 617 } 618 else 619 { 620 while(p_pre_pre && p_pre_pre->next != p_pre) 621 { 622 p_pre_pre = p_pre_pre->next; 623 } 624 } 625 ptemp = ptemp->next; 626 ptemp->next = p_pre; 627 p_pre->next = p_next; 628 if(p_pre_pre) 629 { 630 p_pre_pre->next = ptemp; 631 } 632 else 633 { 634 pool->tcb = ptemp; 635 } 636 } 637 ptemp = ptemp->next; 638 } 639 } 640 } 641 642 void WF_bubble() 643 { 644 struct free_block* ptemp = NULL; 645 for(int i=0; i<nFree; ++i) 646 { 647 ptemp = free_queue; 648 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 649 { 650 if(ptemp->size < ptemp->next->size) 651 {//交换两个节点 652 struct free_block *p_next = ptemp->next->next; 653 struct free_block *p_pre = ptemp; 654 struct free_block *p_pre_pre = pool->tcb; 655 if(p_pre_pre == p_pre) 656 { 657 p_pre_pre = NULL; 658 } 659 else 660 { 661 while(p_pre_pre && p_pre_pre->next != p_pre) 662 { 663 p_pre_pre = p_pre_pre->next; 664 } 665 } 666 ptemp = ptemp->next; 667 ptemp->next = p_pre; 668 p_pre->next = p_next; 669 if(p_pre_pre) 670 { 671 p_pre_pre->next = ptemp; 672 } 673 else 674 { 675 pool->tcb = ptemp; 676 } 677 } 678 ptemp = ptemp->next; 679 } 680 } 681 } 682 683 void insert_busy(struct busy_block *pBusy) 684 { 685 struct busy_block *ptemp = busy_queue; 686 while(ptemp) 687 { 688 ptemp = ptemp->next; 689 } 690 ptemp->next = pBusy; 691 } 692 693 void insert_free(struct free_block *pFree) 694 { 695 struct free_block *ptemp = free_queue; 696 while(ptemp) 697 { 698 ptemp = ptemp->next; 699 } 700 ptemp->next = pFree; 701 } 702 703 void delete_free(struct free_block *pFree) 704 { 705 struct free_block *ptemp = free_queue; 706 struct free_block *pre = NULL; 707 while(ptemp) 708 { 709 if(ptemp == pFree) 710 { 711 break; 712 } 713 pre = ptemp; 714 ptemp = ptemp->next; 715 } 716 pre->next = ptemp->next; 717 } 718 719 void delete_busy() 720 { 721 struct busy_block *ptemp = busy_queue; 722 busy_queue = busy_queue->next; 723 free(ptemp); 724 } 725 726 void show_free() 727 { 728 struct free_block *ptemp = free_queue; 729 printf("显示空闲块: "); 730 while(ptemp) 731 { 732 printf("开始:%d,大小:%d",ptemp->start, ptemp->size); 733 ptemp = ptemp->next; 734 } 735 printf(" "); 736 } 737 738 void show_busy() 739 { 740 struct free_block *ptemp = busy_queue; 741 printf("显示已分配块: "); 742 while(ptemp) 743 { 744 printf("开始:%d,大小:%d",ptemp->start, ptemp->size); 745 ptemp = ptemp->next; 746 } 747 printf(" "); 748 }
1 #include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 #include <string.h> 4 #include <semaphore.h> 5 #include <unistd.h> 6 #include <time.h> 7 #include <sys/types.h> 8 #include <pthread.h> 9 #define bool int 10 #define true 1 11 #define false 0 12 #define THREAD_MAXN 3//线程数 13 #define RUNTIME_SUB 1//每次运行线程减去的运行时间 14 #define RUN_TIME 22 15 #define INIT_FREE_BLOCK_NUM 8 16 #define INIT_FREE_BLOCK_SIZE 10 17 #define FREE_MAXN 100 18 #define STU_NUM 20 19 //-----结构体定义 20 typedef struct TCB//存储线程信息 21 { 22 int thread_id;//线程编号 23 int arriveTime;//线程到达时间 24 int runTime;//持续时间 25 int finishTime;//完成时间 26 int wholeTime;//周转时间 27 double weightWholeTime;//带权周转时间 28 bool Finished;//线程是否完成 29 struct TCB* next;//使用链式存储方式 30 }TCB; 31 struct tcb_queue//TCB队列定义 32 { 33 struct TCB* tcbQueue[THREAD_MAXN];//TCB指针数组 34 int r,f; 35 }; 36 struct thread_pool//线程池结构体 37 { 38 pthread_mutex_t tcb_lock;//互斥锁 39 int fDestroyed;//线程池是否被销毁 40 pthread_t *threadid;//存储线程标识符指针 41 struct TCB *nowRunThread;//指向当前正在运行的线程 42 int nFinish;//完成线程数 43 sem_t sem[THREAD_MAXN];//用于控制线程的信号量 44 sem_t sem_0_1;//线程0对线程1的控制 45 struct tcb_queue rrQueue;//轮转队列 46 struct tcb_queue showQueue;//用于辅助打印的队列 47 struct TCB *tcb;//存储TCB 48 }; 49 struct free_block 50 { 51 int start; 52 int size; 53 struct free_block *next; 54 }; 55 struct busy_block 56 { 57 int id;//编号 58 int start; 59 int size; 60 char *data;//根据需要动态分配 61 struct busy_blocl *next; 62 }; 63 struct student 64 { 65 char number[9]; 66 char name[21]; 67 int name_size; 68 int number_stored; 69 int name_stored; 70 }; 71 //-----全局变量定义 72 static struct thread_pool *pool = NULL;//全局变量pool,指向线程池 73 int nowTime;//当前已走过的时间 74 int busy_id = -1; 75 int nFree = 0; 76 int nBusy = 0; 77 int stuCnt = 0; 78 int nameCnt = 0; 79 int numCnt = 0; 80 struct free_block *free_queue = NULL; 81 struct busy_block *busy_queue = NULL; 82 struct student student_info[STU_NUM]; 83 //-----函数声明 84 void bubble_sort();//给TCB排序 85 void show_rr();//打印轮转队列 86 void show_tcb();//打印所有线程的信息 87 void pool_init();//初始化线程池 88 void thread_run_func(void* param);//线程里运行的函数 89 void round_robin();//时间片轮转算法的调度函数 90 int pool_destroy();//销毁线程池 91 void init_free(); 92 struct free_block* create_free(int start, int size, struct free_block *next); 93 struct busy_block* create_busy(int start, int size, struct busy_block *next, char *data); 94 struct free_block * merge_free(struct free_block *f); 95 void init_student(); 96 void insert_busy(struct busy_block *pBusy); 97 void insert_free(struct free_block *pFree); 98 void delete_free(struct free_block *pFree, struct free_block *pLeft); 99 void delete_busy(); 100 void show_free(); 101 void show_busy(); 102 void FF_bubble(); 103 void BF_bubble(); 104 void WF_bubble(); 105 void merge_in(); 106 void fifo(); 107 //main 108 int main() 109 { 110 init_free(); 111 printf("---------------------------------1 "); 112 init_student(); 113 printf("---------------------------------2 "); 114 pool_init(); 115 printf("---------------------------------3 "); 116 printf("打印初始TCB: "); 117 show_tcb(); 118 printf("TCB按到达时间排序后: "); 119 bubble_sort(); 120 show_tcb(); 121 printf("使用时间片轮转算法调度: "); 122 round_robin(); 123 sleep(5);//等待所有线程完成 124 pool_destroy(); 125 return 0; 126 } 127 //函数定义 128 void bubble_sort()//给TCB排序,按arriveTime升序排列 129 { 130 TCB* ptemp = NULL; 131 for(int i=0; i<THREAD_MAXN; ++i) 132 { 133 ptemp = pool->tcb; 134 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 135 { 136 if(ptemp->arriveTime > ptemp->next->arriveTime) 137 {//交换两个节点 138 TCB *p_next = ptemp->next->next; 139 TCB *p_pre = ptemp; 140 TCB *p_pre_pre = pool->tcb; 141 if(p_pre_pre == p_pre) 142 { 143 p_pre_pre = NULL; 144 } 145 else 146 { 147 while(p_pre_pre && p_pre_pre->next != p_pre) 148 { 149 p_pre_pre = p_pre_pre->next; 150 } 151 } 152 ptemp = ptemp->next; 153 ptemp->next = p_pre; 154 p_pre->next = p_next; 155 if(p_pre_pre) 156 { 157 p_pre_pre->next = ptemp; 158 } 159 else 160 { 161 pool->tcb = ptemp; 162 } 163 } 164 ptemp = ptemp->next; 165 } 166 } 167 } 168 void show_rr()//打印轮转队列 169 { 170 printf("当前时间为:%d ",nowTime); 171 if(pool->rrQueue.f == pool->rrQueue.r) 172 { 173 printf("目前还没有线程到达 "); 174 } 175 else 176 { 177 printf("目前轮转队列为: "); 178 } 179 while(pool->rrQueue.f != pool->rrQueue.r) 180 { 181 pool->showQueue.f = (pool->showQueue.f + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 182 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 183 pool->showQueue.tcbQueue[pool->showQueue.f] = pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.f]; 184 printf("%d ",pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.f]->thread_id); 185 } 186 while(pool->showQueue.r != pool->showQueue.f)//将队列放回 187 { 188 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 189 pool->showQueue.r = (pool->showQueue.r + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 190 pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.r] = pool->showQueue.tcbQueue[pool->showQueue.r]; 191 } 192 printf(" "); 193 } 194 void show_tcb()//打印所有线程的信息 195 { 196 TCB *ptemp = pool->tcb; 197 printf("打印所有线程的信息: "); 198 while(ptemp) 199 { 200 printf("线程%d:到达时间:%d,剩余时间:%d ", ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->arriveTime, ptemp->runTime); 201 ptemp = ptemp->next; 202 } 203 printf(" "); 204 } 205 void pool_init()//初始化线程池 206 { 207 pool = (struct thread_pool*)malloc(sizeof(struct thread_pool)); 208 pthread_mutex_init(&(pool->tcb_lock), NULL);//初始为未锁住状态 209 pool->fDestroyed = 0;//线程池是否被销毁 210 pool->nFinish = 0; 211 pool->nowRunThread = NULL;//指向当前正在运行的线程 212 pool->rrQueue.f = pool->rrQueue.r = 0;//轮转队列 213 pool->showQueue.r = pool->showQueue.r = 0;//用于辅助打印的队列 214 pool->tcb = NULL; 215 //创建并初始化TCB 216 TCB* ptemp = pool->tcb; 217 srand(time(0)); 218 for(int i=0; i<THREAD_MAXN-1; ++i) 219 { 220 TCB* s = (TCB*)malloc(sizeof(TCB)); 221 // s->arriveTime = rand()%9; 222 s->arriveTime = 0; 223 s->runTime = RUN_TIME; 224 s->thread_id = i;//编号令为0 225 s->Finished = false; 226 s->next = NULL; 227 //尾插入 228 if(!pool->tcb)//第一个节点 229 { 230 pool->tcb = s; 231 } 232 else 233 { 234 ptemp = pool->tcb; 235 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 236 { 237 ptemp = ptemp->next; 238 } 239 ptemp->next = s; 240 } 241 } 242 //初始化信号量 243 ptemp = pool->tcb; 244 int i=0; 245 while(ptemp != NULL) 246 { 247 int i = ptemp->thread_id; 248 sem_init(&(pool->sem[i]), 0, 0); 249 ptemp = ptemp->next; 250 } 251 sem_init(&(pool->sem_0_1), 0, 1); 252 //创建线程 253 ptemp = pool->tcb; 254 pool->threadid = (pthread_t*)malloc(sizeof(pthread_t) * THREAD_MAXN); 255 while(ptemp != NULL) 256 { 257 //把ptemp作为参数传入thread_run_func() 258 int t; 259 t = pthread_create(&(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id]), 260 NULL, thread_run_func, ptemp); 261 if(!t)//线程创建成功 262 { 263 printf("线程%d创建成功! ", ptemp->thread_id); 264 } 265 else 266 { 267 printf("线程创建失败! "); 268 } 269 ptemp = ptemp->next; 270 } 271 printf("线程池pool初始化完成! "); 272 } 273 void thread_run_func(void *param)//线程里运行的函数 274 { 275 TCB *ptemp = (TCB*)param; 276 // prtinf("线程%d开始了", ptemp->thread_id); 277 while(ptemp->runTime > 0) 278 { 279 printf("线程%d正在等待…… ", ptemp->thread_id); 280 sleep(1); 281 sem_wait(&(pool->sem[ptemp->thread_id]));//唤醒 282 printf("线程%d已被唤醒! ",ptemp->thread_id); 283 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->tcb_lock));//上互斥锁 284 ptemp->runTime -= RUNTIME_SUB; 285 //线程操作 286 printf("---------------------------------4 "); 287 // for(int i=0; i<STU_NUM; ++i) 288 // { 289 int i = numCnt; 290 int j = nameCnt; 291 struct free_block *pFree = NULL; 292 struct busy_block *pBusy = NULL; 293 if(ptemp->thread_id == 0)//store number 294 { 295 printf("想插入:number:"); 296 for(int c=0; c<8; ++c) 297 { 298 printf("%c",student_info[i].number[c]); 299 } 300 printf(" "); 301 pFree = free_queue; 302 pBusy = busy_queue; 303 printf("---------------------------------13 "); 304 sleep(1);//等待标志被赋值 305 printf("student_info[%d].name_stored = %d ",i-1,student_info[i-1].name_stored); 306 307 printf("---------------------------------14 "); 308 int fEnough = 0; 309 while(!fEnough) 310 { 311 if(free_queue) 312 { 313 FF_bubble(); 314 printf("---------------------------------16 "); 315 //BF_bubble(); 316 //WF_bubble(); 317 printf("紧缩: "); 318 merge_in();//紧缩 319 } 320 //printf("pFree->size:%d ",pFree->size); 321 show_free(); 322 if(pFree && pFree->size >= 8 ) 323 { 324 show_free(); 325 printf("---------------------------------18 "); 326 fEnough = 1; 327 student_info[i].number_stored = 1; 328 printf("set student_info[%d].number_stored = %d ", i,student_info[i].number_stored); 329 pBusy = create_busy(pFree->start, 8, NULL, student_info[i].number); 330 printf("已存储信息:start:%d, size:%d ",pFree->start, pFree->size); 331 printf("---------------------------------181 "); 332 ++numCnt; 333 struct free_block *pLeft = create_free(pFree->start+8, pFree->size-8, pFree->next); 334 delete_free(pFree, pLeft); 335 show_free(); 336 printf("-----------------插入前--------------182 "); 337 show_busy(); 338 insert_busy(pBusy); 339 printf("----------------插入后--------------183 "); 340 show_busy(); 341 break; 342 } 343 else 344 { 345 if(pFree) 346 { 347 pFree = pFree->next; 348 } 349 else 350 { 351 fifo(); 352 pFree = free_queue; 353 } 354 } 355 printf("---------------------------------185 "); 356 } 357 printf("---------------------------------186 "); 358 } 359 else//store name 360 { 361 printf("想插入:name:"); 362 for(int c=0; c<student_info[j].name_size; ++c) 363 { 364 printf("%c",student_info[j].name[c]); 365 } 366 printf(" "); 367 pFree = free_queue; 368 pBusy = busy_queue; 369 printf("---------------------------------a13 "); 370 sleep(1);//等待标志被赋值 371 printf("student_info[%d].number_stored = %d ",j,student_info[j].number_stored); 372 // if(student_info[i].number_stored) 373 // { 374 printf("---------------------------------a14 "); 375 int fEnough = 0; 376 while(!fEnough) 377 { 378 if(free_queue) 379 { 380 FF_bubble(); 381 printf("---------------------------------16 "); 382 //BF_bubble(); 383 //WF_bubble(); 384 printf("紧缩: "); 385 merge_in();//紧缩 386 } 387 show_free(); 388 printf("---------------------------------aa1 "); 389 if(pFree && pFree->size >= student_info[j].name_size ) 390 { 391 printf("---------------------------------aa2 "); 392 show_free(); 393 printf("---------------------------------a18 "); 394 fEnough = 1; 395 ++nameCnt; 396 student_info[j].number_stored = 1; 397 printf("set student_info[%d].name_stored = %d ",j,student_info[j].name_stored); 398 pBusy = create_busy(pFree->start, student_info[j].name_size, NULL, student_info[j].name); 399 printf("已存储信息:start:%d, size:%d ",pFree->start, pFree->size); 400 printf("---------------------------------181 "); 401 402 struct free_block *pLeft = create_free(pFree->start+student_info[j].name_size, 403 pFree->size-student_info[j].name_size, pFree->next); 404 delete_free(pFree, pLeft); 405 show_free(); 406 printf("----------插入前---------------------a182 "); 407 show_busy(); 408 insert_busy(pBusy); 409 printf("-----------插入后-----------------a183 "); 410 show_busy(); 411 break; 412 } 413 else 414 { 415 if(pFree) 416 { 417 pFree = pFree->next; 418 } 419 else//FIFO 420 { 421 fifo(); 422 pFree = free_queue; 423 } 424 } 425 printf("---------------------------------a185, fifo "); 426 sleep(1); 427 } 428 printf("---------------------------------a186 "); 429 // } 430 printf("---------------------------------a7 "); 431 } 432 printf("---------------------------------88 "); 433 //线程操作 434 printf("当前时间为:%d,轮转的线程为线程%d,该线程剩余时间:%d->%d ", 435 nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime+RUNTIME_SUB, ptemp->runTime<0?0:ptemp->runTime); 436 sleep(1); 437 if(ptemp->runTime <= 0)//线程已经完成 438 { 439 ++pool->nFinish; 440 ptemp->Finished = true; 441 //出队 442 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 443 } 444 else 445 {//还未完成 446 //出队 447 pool->rrQueue.f = (pool->rrQueue.f+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 448 //入队 449 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r + 1) % THREAD_MAXN; 450 pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.r] = ptemp; 451 } 452 printf("---------------------------------9 "); 453 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 454 sleep(1); 455 } 456 pthread_exit(NULL); 457 } 458 void round_robin()//时间片轮转算法的调度函数 459 { 460 TCB *ptemp = pool->tcb; 461 while(1) 462 { 463 sleep(1); 464 pthread_mutex_lock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 465 if(pool->nFinish == THREAD_MAXN-1)//所有线程完成 466 break; 467 while(ptemp && ptemp->arriveTime == nowTime) 468 { 469 printf("当前时间为:%d,线程%d进入轮转队列,运行时间:%d ", 470 nowTime, ptemp->thread_id, ptemp->runTime); 471 pool->rrQueue.r = (pool->rrQueue.r+1)%THREAD_MAXN; 472 pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[pool->rrQueue.r] = ptemp; 473 ptemp = ptemp->next; 474 } 475 if(pool->rrQueue.f != pool->rrQueue.r) 476 { 477 pool->nowRunThread = pool->rrQueue.tcbQueue[(pool->rrQueue.f+1)%THREAD_MAXN]; 478 printf("准备唤醒线程%d ",pool->nowRunThread->thread_id); 479 sleep(1); 480 sem_post(&(pool->sem[pool->nowRunThread->thread_id])); 481 } 482 show_rr(); 483 ++nowTime; 484 pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 485 sleep(1); 486 } 487 } 488 int pool_destroy()//销毁线程池 489 { 490 if(pool->fDestroyed)//防止重复销毁 491 return -1; 492 pool->fDestroyed = 1; 493 TCB* ptemp = pool->tcb; 494 while(ptemp) 495 { 496 pthread_join(pool->threadid[ptemp->thread_id], NULL); 497 printf("线程%d已结束 ",ptemp->thread_id); 498 ptemp = ptemp->next; 499 } 500 free(ptemp); 501 free(pool->threadid); 502 pthread_mutex_destroy(&(pool->tcb_lock)); 503 free(pool); 504 pool = NULL; 505 printf("线程池pool已被销毁! "); 506 } 507 508 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 509 510 void init_free() 511 { 512 int start_address = 0; 513 struct free_block *ptemp = NULL; 514 for(int i=0; i<INIT_FREE_BLOCK_NUM; ++i) 515 { 516 struct free_block* s = create_free(start_address, INIT_FREE_BLOCK_SIZE, NULL); 517 printf("------------create_free------%d, %d ", s->start, s->size); 518 ++nFree; 519 if(free_queue == NULL) 520 { 521 free_queue = s; 522 printf("---------------------------------10 "); 523 } 524 else 525 { 526 ptemp = free_queue; 527 printf("---------------------------------11 "); 528 while(ptemp && ptemp->next) 529 { 530 ptemp = ptemp->next; 531 } 532 ptemp->next = s; 533 } 534 start_address += INIT_FREE_BLOCK_SIZE; 535 } 536 printf("空闲内存块初始化完成! "); 537 show_free(); 538 } 539 struct free_block* create_free(int start, int size, struct free_block *next) 540 { 541 struct free_block *s = (struct free_block*)malloc(sizeof(struct free_block)); 542 s->start = start; 543 s->size = size; 544 s->next = next; 545 return s; 546 } 547 struct busy_block* create_busy(int start, int size, struct busy_block *next, char *data) 548 { 549 struct busy_block *s = (struct busy_block*)malloc(sizeof(struct busy_block)); 550 s->start = start; 551 s->id = ++busy_id; 552 s->next = NULL; 553 s->size = size; 554 s->data = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * size); 555 for(int i=0; i<size; ++i) 556 { 557 s->data[i] = data[i]; 558 } 559 ++nBusy; 560 return s; 561 } 562 563 void init_student() 564 { 565 srand(time(0)); 566 for(int i=0; i<STU_NUM; ++i) 567 { 568 strcpy(student_info[i].number, "201820"); 569 if(i < 10) 570 { 571 student_info[i].number[6] = '0'; 572 student_info[i].number[7] = '0' + i; 573 } 574 else 575 { 576 student_info[i].number[6] = '0' + i/10; 577 student_info[i].number[7] = '0' + i%10; 578 } 579 student_info[i].number[8] = '