As we’ve seen, a pointer is an object that can point to a different object. As a result,
we can talk independently about whether a pointer is const and whether the objects
to which it can point are const. We use the term top-level const to indicate that the
pointer itself is a const. When a pointer can point to a const object, we refer to
that const as a low-level const.
英文中说的很明显:顶层const(top-level-const)-----指针本身是一个常量; 底层const(low-level const)指针所指的对象是一个常量。
1 const限定符与指针 2 const int * p; //const在*左边,表示*p为常量,不可更改(经由*p不能更改指针所指向的内容) 3 //但指针p还是变量,想怎么变都可以。这就是所谓的底层const 4 举例: 5 int b = 22; 6 const int * p; 7 p = &b; 8 //* p = 200; //Error *p是常量,不能再对常量赋值 9 10 11 int * const p = &b;//在声明的同时必须初始化,const在*的右边,表示p为常量,p所指向的地址 12 //是不可更改的,所以当把b的地址赋值给它时,会报错。这也就是所谓的顶层const 13 举例: 14 int b = 33; 15 int c = 22; 16 int * const p = &b;//在声明的同时必须初始化,const在*的右边,表示p为常量,p所指向的地址 17 //是不可更改的,所以当把b的地址赋值给它时,会报错 18 //p = &c; //Error p为常量,顶层const 19 20 21 const int *const p;//这个就相当于以上两种情况的混合体,p是常量, 22 //所以不能把test2的地址赋给p;同时*p也是常量,所以*p的内容不可更改; 23 举例: 24 int test1 = 10; 25 int test2 = 20; 26 const int * const p = &test1; 27 p = &test2; //Error,p是常量,所以不能把test2的地址赋给p; 28 *p = 30; //Error,*p是常量,所以*p的内容不可更改;