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  • 第8章 编译期编程:8.1 模板元编程

    Chapter 8:Compile-Time Programming

    第8章 编译期编程

    C++ has always included some simple ways to compute values at compile time. Templates considerably increased the possibilities in this area, and further evolution of the language has only added to this toolbox.


    In the simple case, you can decide whether or not to use certain or to choose between different template code. But the compiler even can compute the outcome of control flow at compile time, provided all necessary input is available.


    In fact, C++ has multiple features to support compile-time programming:


      • Since before C++98, templates have provided the ability to compute at compile time, including using loops and execution path selection. (However, some consider this an “abuse” of template features, e.g., because it requires nonintuitive syntax.)


      • With partial specialization we can choose at compile time between different class template implementations depending on specific constraints or requirements.


      • With the SFINAE principle, we can allow selection between different function template implementations for different types or different constraints.


      • In C++11 and C++14, compile-time computing became increasingly better supported with the constexpr feature using “intuitive” execution path selection and, since C++14, most statement kinds (including for loops, switch statements, etc.).

      在C++11和C++14中, 可在constexpr中使用更直观的执行路径选择方式和大多数的语句类型(从C++14开始,包括循环和switch语句等),这使得编译期计算得到越来越好的支持。

      • C++17 introduced a “compile-time if” to discard statements depending on compile-time conditions or constraints. It works even outside of templates.


    This chapter introduces these features with a special focus on the role and context of templates.


    8.1 Template Metaprogramming

    8.1 模板元编程

    Templates are instantiated at compile time (in contrast to dynamic languages, where genericity is handled at run time). It turns out that some of the features of C++ templates can be combined with the instantiation process to produce a sort of primitive recursive “programming language” within the C++ language itself. For this reason, templates can be used to “compute a program.” Chapter 23 will cover the whole story and all features, but here is a short example of what is possible.


    The following code finds out at compile time whether a given number is a prime number:


    template<unsigned p, unsigned d> // p: 待检查数字, d: 当前除数
    struct DoIsPrime {
        static constexpr bool value = (p % d != 0) && DoIsPrime<p, d - 1>::value;
    template<unsigned p> //如果除数为2则停止递归
    struct DoIsPrime<p, 2> {
        static constexpr bool value = (p % 2 != 0);
    template<unsigned p> // 主模板
    struct IsPrime {
        // 开始递归,除数从p/2开始:
        static constexpr bool value = DoIsPrime<p, p / 2>::value;
    // 特殊情况 (避免模板实例化陷入无限递归):
    struct IsPrime<0> { static constexpr bool value = false; };
    struct IsPrime<1> { static constexpr bool value = false; };
    struct IsPrime<2> { static constexpr bool value = true; };
    struct IsPrime<3> { static constexpr bool value = true; };

    The IsPrime<> template returns in member value whether the passed template parameter p is a prime number. To achieve this, it instantiates DoIsPrime<>, which recursively expands to an expression checking for each divisor d between p/2 and 2 whether the divisor divides p without remainder.


    For example, the expression IsPrime<9>::value expands to



    which expands to


    9%4!=0 && DoIsPrime<9,3>::value

    which expands to


    9%4!=0 && 9%3!=0 && DoIsPrime<9,2>::value

    which expands to


    9%4!=0 && 9%3!=0 && 9%2!=0

    which evaluates to false, because 9%3 is 0.


    As this chain of instantiations demonstrates:


      • We use recursive expansions of DoIsPrime<> to iterate over all divisors from p/2 down to 2 to find out whether any of these divisors divide the given integer exactly (i.e., without remainder).


      • The partial specialization of DoIsPrime<> for d equal to 2 serves as the criterion to end the recursion.


    Note that all this is done at compile time. That is,



    expands to false at compile time.


    The template syntax is arguably clumsy, but code similar to this has been valid since C++98 (and earlier) and has proven useful for quite a few libraries.


    See Chapter 23 for details.


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/5iedu/p/12901294.html
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