Decimal term | Abbreviation | value | Binary term | Abbreviation | value | %Larger |
Kilobyte | KB |
103 |
Kibibyte | KiB | 210 | 2% |
megabyte | MB | 106 | mebibyte | MiB | 220 | 5% |
gigabyte | GB | 109 | gibibyte | Gib | 230 | 7% |
terabyte | TB | 1012 | tebibyte | TiB | 240 | 10% |
petabyte | PB | 1015 | Pebitbyte | Pib | 250 | 13% |
exabyte | EB | 1018 | exbibyte | EiB | 260 | 15% |
zettabyte | ZB | 1021 | Zebibyte | ZiB | 270 | 18% |
yottabyte | YB | 1024 | yobubyte | YiB | 280 | 21% |
Figure 1.1 The 2x vs.10y ambiguity was resolved by adding a binary notation for all the common size terms.
ambiguity /æmbigj'u:ti/(ambiguities)
[N-var] If you say that there is ambiguity in something,
you mean that it is unclear or confusing, or it can be understood
in more than one way.
There is considerable ambiguity about what this party of the agreement
actually means.
There is considerable ambiguity about what this part of the agreement actually means.
In last common, we note how much larger the binary term is than its corresponding decimal term, which is compounded as we head down the chart.
compounded // [adj] v-link adj of n If something is compounded of different things, it is mixture of those things.(Formal)
These prefixes works
for bits as well as bytes, so gigabit(Gb) is 109 bits while gibibits(Gib) is 230 bits.
prefix /pri:fiks/ (prefixes)
1. A prefix is a letter or group of letters, for example '-un' or 'multi-' which is added to the be begining of a word in order to form a different word. For example, the prefix 'un' is added to 'happy'to form 'unhappy'.
2.[N-count] A prefix is one or more numbers or letters added to the beginning of a code number to indicate, for example, what area something belongs to
To telephone from the US use the prefix 01133 before the numbers given here...