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  • 防百度恶意点击之-浏览器指纹技术








      第二代指纹追踪是设备指纹技术,发现 IP 背后的设备。通过 js 获取操作系统、分辨率、像素比等等一系列信息,传到后台计算,然后归并设备。

    唯一性可以保证,但准确率很难完全保证。主要原因就是在跨浏览器指纹识别上面。跨浏览器之后,第二代技术中很重要的 canvas 指纹、浏览器插件指纹都变了,所以很难把跨浏览器指纹归并到同一设备上。






    (function() {
        'use strict';
        function fakeActiveVRDisplays() { return "Not Spoofed"; }
        function fakeAppCodeName() {
          return "Mozilla";
        function fakeAppName() {
          return "Netscape";
        function fakeAppVersion() {
            return "5.0 (Windows)";
        function fakeBattery() { return "Not Spoofed"; }
        function fakeConnection() { return "Not Spoofed"; }
        function fakeGeoLocation() { return "Not Spoofed"; }
        function fakeHardwareConcurrency() {
          return 1;
        function fakeJavaEnabled() {
          return false;
        function fakeLanguage() {
            // NOTE: TOR Browser uses American English
            return "en-US";
        function fakeLanguages() {
            // NOTE: TOR Browser uses American English
            return "en-US,en";
        function fakeMimeTypes() { return "Not Spoofed"; }
        function fakeOnLine() {
          return true;
        function fakeOscpu() {
          return "Windows NT 6.1";
        function fakePermissions() { return "Not Spoofed"; }
        function fakePlatform() {
          return "Win32";
        function fakePlugins() {
            return window.navigator.plugins;
        function fakeProduct() {
          return "Gecko";
        function fakeServiceWorker() { return "Not Spoofed"; }
        function fakeStorage() { return "Not Spoofed"; }
        function fakeUserAgent() {
          // NOTE: Current TOR User Agent as of 19 July 2017
            // NOTE: This will need constant updating.
            // NOTE: As TOR changes firefox versions each update,
            // NOTE: Shape Shifter will need to keep up.
            return "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0";
        function fakeBuildID() {
          return "20100101";
        const fakeActiveVRDisplaysValue       = fakeActiveVRDisplays();
        const fakeAppCodeNameValue            = fakeAppCodeName();
        const fakeAppNameValue                = fakeAppName();
        const fakeAppVersionValue             = fakeAppVersion();
        const fakeBatteryValue                = fakeBattery();
        const fakeConnectionValue             = fakeConnection();
        const fakeGeoLocationValue            = fakeGeoLocation();
        const fakeHardwareConcurrencyValue    = fakeHardwareConcurrency();
        const fakeJavaEnabledValue            = fakeJavaEnabled();
        const fakeLanguageValue               = fakeLanguage();
        const fakeLanguagesValue              = fakeLanguages();
        const fakeMimeTypesValue              = fakeMimeTypes();
        const fakeOnLineValue                 = fakeOnLine();
        const fakeOscpuValue                  = fakeOscpu();
        const fakePermissionsValue            = fakePermissions();
        const fakePlatformValue               = fakePlatform();
        const fakePluginsValue                = fakePlugins();
        const fakeProductValue                = fakeProduct();
        const fakeServiceWorkerValue          = fakeServiceWorker();
        const fakeStorageValue                = fakeStorage();
        const fakeUserAgentValue              = fakeUserAgent();
        const fakeBuildIDValue                = fakeBuildID();
        Object.defineProperties(window.navigator, {
            activeVRDisplays: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getActiveVRDisplays() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.activeVRDisplays");
                    return fakeActiveVRDisplaysValue;
            appCodeName: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getAppCodeName() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.appCodeName");
                    return fakeAppCodeNameValue;
            appName: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getAppName() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.appName");
                    return fakeAppNameValue;
            appVersion: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getAppVersion() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.appVersion");
                    return fakeAppVersionValue;
            // TODO: This is getBattery() now
            battery: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getBattery() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.battery");
                    return fakeBatteryValue;
            connection: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getConnection() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.connection");
                    return fakeConnectionValue;
            geolocation: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getGeoLocation() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.geolocation");
                    return fakeGeoLocationValue;
            hardwareConcurrency: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getHardwareConcurrency() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.hardwareConcurrency");
                    return fakeHardwareConcurrencyValue;
            javaEnabled: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                value: function getJavaEnabled() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.javaEnabled");
                    return fakeJavaEnabledValue;
            language: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getLanguage() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.language");
                    return fakeLanguageValue;
            languages: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getLanguages() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.languages");
                    return fakeLanguagesValue;
            mimeTypes: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getMimeTypes() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.mimeTypes");
                    return fakeMimeTypesValue;
            onLine: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getOnLine() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.onLine");
                    return fakeOnLineValue;
            oscpu: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getOscpu() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.oscpu");
                    return fakeOscpuValue;
            permissions: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getPermissions() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.permissions");
                    return fakePermissionsValue;
            platform: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getPlatform() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.platform");
                    return fakePlatformValue;
            plugins: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getPlugins() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.plugins");
                    return fakePluginsValue;
            product: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getProduct() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.product");
                    return fakeProductValue;
            serviceWorker: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getServiceWorker() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.serviceWorker");
                    return fakeServiceWorkerValue;
            storage: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getStorage() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.storage");
                    return fakeStorageValue;
            userAgent: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getUserAgent() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.userAgent");
                    return fakeUserAgentValue;
            buildID: {
                configurable: true,
                enumerable: true,
                get: function getBuildID() {
                    console.log("[ALERT] " + window.location.hostname + " accessed property Navigator.buildID");
                    return fakeBuildIDValue;







      告诉浏览器渲染同一个字符串(一个字符串包含所有字母)两次。 对于第一次强制浏览器使用它的一个备用字体。 根据设备上安装的操作系统和字体,备用字体不同。 对于第二次浏览器被要求使用常见的Arial字体,通过这种方式,我们可以获得其是哪一种操作系统.



    WebGL 指纹

      通过WEBGL_debug_renderer_info 接口,获得产品名和供应商名



      Platform(UA),Do Not Track & Ad blocker





      • 标准HTTP Cookie
      • Flash本地共享对象
      • Silverlight隔离存储
      • CSS历史
      • 将cookie存储在HTTP ETag中(需要后端服务器)
      • 将cookie存储在Web缓存中(需要后端服务器)
      • window.name缓存
      • Internet Explorer userData存储
      • HTML5会话存储
      • HTML5本地存储
      • HTML5全球存储
      • 通过SQLite的HTML5数据库存储
      • HTML5画布 - 将Cookie值存储在自动生成的RGB数据中,强制缓存PNG图像(需要后端服务器)
      • HTML5 IndexedDB
      • Java JNLP 持久化服务Java漏洞利用CVE-2013-0422 - 尝试将applet沙箱转储并将cookie数据直接写入用户的硬盘驱动器。
      • 以上维度,不是所有浏览器都是支持,但是evercookie提供一个很好的支持.
  • 相关阅读:
    01 React快速入门(一)——使用循环时对于‘key’报错处理
    01 div实现浮动效果
    17 制作热力图
    16 ArcGIS Server 10.6.1发布影像服务
    Apache服务的安装以及服务文件参数内容的配置 @1
    WVware虚拟机linux环境下RAID5 五块磁盘操作管理实例
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/68xi/p/13983892.html
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