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  • BZOJ 3685 普通van Emde Boas树 权值线段树(zkw)

        第一眼看到这题,没错就拿他来做treap的练手了,然而我错了,卡treap,我哭了,写了两三次treap(),这两天几乎都在写数据结构了。后来我又可耻地看了题解,原来这道题已经给了数列中数的范围,可以写成权值线段树,当然线段树要写成zkw才更快。 最重要的是,在我看过的一个人的题解中, 他是用一个bool 数组来判断一个数是否出现过,比我们这些第一反应写treap,还要写个find,去查找这个数是否存在的高级多了,节省了不少时间,关键是还学到了,输出优化。加油吧! 对于权值线段树的理解和应用也要加强。


      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<iostream>
      3 #define rep(i,j,k) for(int i = j; i <= k; i++)
      4 using namespace std;
      6 int tree[1<<21|1];
      7 int po = 1, cnt = 0;
      8 bool in[1<<20];
     10 inline int read()
     11 {
     12     int s =0, t =1; char c = getchar();
     13     while( !isdigit(c) ){
     14         if( c == '-' ) t = -1; c = getchar();
     15     }
     16     while( isdigit(c) ){
     17         s = s * 10 + c - '0'; c = getchar();
     18     }
     19     return s * t;
     20 }
     22 void update(int t,int d)
     23 {
     24     for(tree[t+=po]=d, t>>=1; t; t>>=1 ){
     25         tree[t] = tree[t<<1] | tree[t<<1|1];
     26     }
     27 }
     29 int get_min(int t)
     30 {
     31     for(;t <= po; )
     32     {
     33         if( tree[t<<1] ) t = (t<<1);
     34         else t = (t<<1)+1;
     35     }
     36     return t-po;
     37 }
     39 int get_max(int t)
     40 {
     41     for(;t <= po; ){
     42         if( tree[t<<1|1] ) t = (t<<1)+1;
     43         else t = t << 1;
     44     }
     45     return t-po;
     46 }
     48 void put(int x)
     49 {
     50     if( x / 10 ) put(x/10);
     51     putchar(x%10+'0');
     52 }
     54 int main()
     55 {
     56     int n = read(), m = read(); while( 1<<po < n ) po++; po = (1<<po) -1;
     57     while( m-- ){
     58         int x = read();
     59         if( x != 3 && x != 4 ){
     60             int y = read()+1;
     61             if( x == 1 ){
     62                 if( !in[y] ){
     63                     update(y,in[y]=1); cnt++;
     64                 }
     65             }
     66             if(x == 2 ){
     67                 if( in[y] ){
     68                     update(y,in[y]=0); cnt--;
     69                 }
     70             }
     71             if( x == 5 ){
     72                 int t;
     73                 for(t = y+po; t != 1; t>>=1){
     74                     if( (t & 1) && tree[t^1] ) {
     75                         t = t ^ 1; break;
     76                     }
     77                 }
     78                 if( t == 1 ) puts("-1");
     79                 else {
     80                     put(get_max(t)-1); puts("");
     81                 }
     82             }
     83             if( x == 6 ){
     84                 int t;
     85                 for(t = y+po; t != 1; t>>=1){
     86                     if( !(t & 1) && tree[t^1] ) {
     87                         t = t ^ 1; break;
     88                     }
     89                 }
     90                 if( t == 1 ) puts("-1");
     91                 else {
     92                     put(get_min(t)-1); puts("");
     93                 }
     94             }
     95             if( x == 7 ){
     96                 if( in[y] ) {
     97                     put(1); puts("");
     98                 }
     99                 else puts("-1"); 
    100             }
    101         }
    102         else {
    103             if( !cnt ) {
    104                 puts("-1"); continue;
    105             }
    106             if( x == 3 ){
    107                 put(get_min(1)-1); puts("");
    108             }
    109             else if( x == 4 ) {
    110                 put(get_max(1)-1); puts("");
    111             }
    112         }
    113     }
    114     return 0;
    115 }


      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<iostream>
      3 #include<algorithm>
      4 #include<vector>
      5 #define mod 1005
      6 #define rep(i,j,k) for(int i = j; i <= k; i++)
      7 #define down(i,j,k) for(int i = j; i >= k; i--)
      8 using namespace std;
     10 int read()
     11 {
     12     int s = 0, t = 1; char c = getchar();
     13     while( !isdigit(c) ){
     14         if( c == '-' )t = -1; c = getchar();
     15     }
     16     while( isdigit(c) ){
     17         s = s * 10 + c - '0'; c = getchar();
     18     }
     19     return s * t;
     20 } 
     22 bool in[1000006] = {0}; int tot = 0;
     24 struct node{
     25 vector<int> a;
     26 int cnt;
     27 node(){
     28   a.insert(a.begin(),0x7fffffff); cnt = 0;
     29 }
     30 } nod[1005];
     31 vector<int> s; int cnt = 0;
     33 void insert(int y)
     34 {
     35     tot++; 
     36     int key = y / mod;
     37     if( !nod[key].cnt ) {
     38         s.insert(lower_bound(s.begin(),s.end(),key),key);
     39         cnt++;
     40     }
     41     nod[key].cnt++;
     42     nod[key].a.insert(lower_bound(nod[key].a.begin(),nod[key].a.end(),y),y);
     43 }
     45 void remove(int y)
     46 {
     47     tot--; 
     48     int key = y / mod;
     49     nod[key].cnt--;
     50     if( !nod[key].cnt ) {
     51         s.erase(lower_bound(s.begin(),s.end(),key));
     52         cnt--;
     53     }
     54     nod[key].a.erase(lower_bound(nod[key].a.begin(),nod[key].a.end(),y));
     55 }
     57 void put(int x)
     58 {
     59     if(x / 10 ) put(x/10);
     60     putchar(x%10+'0');
     61 }
     63 int minl()
     64 {
     65     if( !tot ) return -1;
     66     else return nod[s[0]].a[0];
     67 }
     69 int maxl()
     70 {
     71     if( !tot ) return -1;
     72     else return nod[s[cnt-1]].a[nod[s[cnt-1]].cnt-1];
     73 }
     75 int pre(int y)
     76 {
     77     if( !tot || minl() >= y ) return -1;
     78     int key = y / mod;
     79     int k = lower_bound(s.begin(),s.end(),key) - s.begin();
     80     down(i,k,0){
     81         int x = s[i];
     82         int zhi = lower_bound(nod[x].a.begin(),nod[x].a.end(),y) - nod[x].a.begin();
     83         if( zhi == 0 ) continue;  return nod[x].a[zhi-1];
     84     }
     85 }
     87 int suc(int y)
     88 {
     89     if( !tot || maxl() <= y ) return -1;
     90     int key = y / mod;
     91     int k = lower_bound(s.begin(),s.end(),key) -s.begin();
     92     rep(i,k,cnt-1){
     93         int x = s[i];
     94         int zhi = upper_bound(nod[x].a.begin(),nod[x].a.end(),y) - nod[x].a.begin();
     95         if( nod[x].a[zhi] != 0x7fffffff ) return nod[x].a[zhi];
     96     }
     97 }
     99 int main()
    100 {
    101     int n = read(), m = read(); s.insert(s.begin(),0x7fffffff); 
    102     while( m-- ){
    103         int x = read(), y, key;
    104         switch( x ){
    105             case 1: y = read()+1; if( !in[y] ) insert(y), in[y] = 1; break;
    106             case 2: y = read()+1; if( in[y] ) remove(y), in[y] = 0;  break;
    107             case 3: key = minl(); if( key == -1 ) puts("-1"); else put(key-1), puts(""); break;
    108             case 4: key = maxl(); if( key == -1 ) puts("-1"); else put(key-1), puts(""); break;
    109             case 5: y = read()+1;  key = pre(y); if( key == -1 ) puts("-1"); else put(key-1), puts(""); break;
    110             case 6: y = read()+1;  key = suc(y); if( key == -1 ) puts("-1"); else put(key-1), puts(""); break;
    111             case 7: y = read()+1; if( in[y] ) put(1), puts(""); else puts("-1"); break;
    112         }
    113     }
    114     return 0;
    115 }


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/83131yyl/p/5094543.html
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