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  • iview Upload组件多文件上传,以及vue文件下载

    iview Upload组件多文件上传

    思路:创建一个数组 把需要上传的文件 push到这个数组里面
    2.手动上传,根据官方文档 设置:before-upload ="handleUpload"等于false
    (1).:before-upload 是 iview Upload 上传组件的一个属性 设置返回值为 false 可以阻止默认上传方式(自动上传模式)
    (2).handleUpload 是上传处理方法,可以用于准备需要上传的文件。
    技术范围:vue ,springboot
    1          //创建 formData 对象
    2           let formData = new FormData();
    3           //向 formData 对象中添加文件--这是其他参数
    4           formData.append('jsid', _jsid);
    5           //多个文件上传----------重点----需要把已经存储到本地的文件加入 formData所以这里用for循环
    6           for(var i=0; i< that.file.length; i++){
    7            formData.append("uploadFile",that.file[i]);  // 文件对象  
    8           }


    1 add: {
    2     dialog: false,
    3     uploadFile: []
    4 },
    5 loadingStatus: false


     1 <Modal v-model="add.dialog" title="文件上传" :loading="true" :closable="false" width="540">
     2 <Tabs>
     3     <TabPane label="选择文件">
     4     <Upload :before-upload="handleUpload" action multiple :format="['docx','doc','txt', 'pdf']">
     5         <Button icon="ios-cloud-upload-outline">Select the file to upload</Button>
     6     </Upload>
     7     <div>
     8         <ul class="file-list" v-for="(list,index) in add.uploadFile" :key="index">
     9          <li>
    10             <span style="font-size:15px;color:#FFFFFF">文件名: {{ list.name }}</span>
    11             <Icon type="ios-close" size="25" color="red" @click="delFileList(index)"></Icon>
    12          </li>
    13         </ul>
    14     </div>
    15     </TabPane>
    16 </Tabs>
    17 <div slot="footer">
    18 <Button type="text" size="large" @click="cancleUpload">取消</Button>
    19 <Button
    20 type="primary"
    21 @click="upload"
    22 :loading="loadingStatus"
    23 >{{ loadingStatus ? '上传中...' : '上传' }}</Button>
    24 </div>
    25 </Modal>


     1 delFileList(index) {
     2   this.add.uploadFile.splice(index, 1);
     3 },
     4 handleUpload(file) {
     5  this.add.uploadFile.push(file);
     6  return false;
     7 },
     8 upload() {
     9     this.loadingStatus = true;
    10     console.log("上传:"+this.add.uploadFile);
    11     var formData = new FormData();
    12     if (this.add.uploadFile.length > 0) {
    13         //多个文件上传
    14         for (var i = 0; i < this.add.uploadFile.length; i++) {
    15             formData.append("uploadFile", this.add.uploadFile[i]); // 文件对象
    16         }
    17         this.$http                                     
    18         .postFile(this.ports.package.upload, formData)  //使用自己封装的axios方法
    19         .then(rdata => {
    20             console.log(rdata);
    21             if (rdata.data.succ) {
    22                 this.loadingStatus = false;
    23                 this.add.uploadFile = [];
    24                 this.$Message.success("Success");
    25                 this.add.dialog = false;
    26             }
    27         })
    28         .catch(error => {
    29         this.loadingStatus = false;
    30         this.$Message.error("服务器错误" + error);
    31      });
    32     } else {
    33     this.loadingStatus = false;
    34     this.$Message.error("请至少上传一个文件");
    35     }
    36 },


     1 @RequestMapping(value = "/upload", method = RequestMethod.POST)
     2 public PackageResponse uploadPackage(HttpServletRequest request,
     3 HttpServletResponse response,
     4 @RequestParam("uploadFile") MultipartFile[] uploadFile) {    
     5     try {
     6         for (MultipartFile multipartFile : uploadFile) {
     8         }
    10     } catch (Exception e) {
    11         response.setStatus(400);
    12         return SimpleResponse.FAIL;
    13     }
    14     return SimpleResponse.SUCC;
    15 }




     1 methods: {
     2     toDownload() {
     3         axios({
     4                 method: 'post',
     5                 url: url,
     6                 timeout: MAX_TIME_OUT_MS,
     7                 responseType: 'blob'
     8             }).then(res => {
     9                 console.log(res);
    10                 this.download(res.data);
    11             })
    12             .catch(err => {
    13                 console.log(err);
    14                 if (err.response.status == 400) {
    15                     this.$Message.error("下载出错,文件可能不存在!!");
    16                 }
    17             });
    18     },
    19     // 下载文件
    20     download(data) {
    21         if (!data) {
    22             return;
    23         }
    24         let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([data]));
    25         let link = document.createElement("a");
    26         link.style.display = "none";
    27         link.href = url;
    28         link.setAttribute("download", "aaa.zip");
    31         document.body.appendChild(link);
    32         link.click();
    33         this.$Message.info("下载完成!");
    34         this.cancle();
    35     },
    36     cancle() {
    37         this.$router.push({
    38             path: "/edit"
    39         });
    40     }
    41 }

    springboot servie处理

     1 public AppResponse download(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String id) throws FileNotFoundException,IOException {
     2     String filePathName = base + downloadPath + id ;
     3     //3 下载
     4     String zipFileName = filePathName + ".zip";
     5     String filename = filePathName + ".zip";
     6     //设置文件类型
     7     response.setContentType("application/octet-stream");
    10     response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");
    11     //设置Content-Disposition
    12     response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(filename, "utf-8"));
    13     InputStream in = new FileInputStream(zipFileName);
    14     OutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();
    15     //写文件
    16     int b;
    17     while ((b = in.read()) != -1) {
    18         out.write(b);
    19     }
    20     out.flush();
    21     in.close();//先关闭输入流才能删除
    22     out.close();
    23     return SimpleResponse.SUCC;
    24 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Actexpler-S/p/11104907.html
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