import fs from 'fs'; import Jimp = require('jimp'); // filterImageFromURL // helper function to download, filter, and save the filtered image locally // returns the absolute path to the local image // INPUTS // inputURL: string - a publicly accessible url to an image file // RETURNS // an absolute path to a filtered image locally saved file export async function filterImageFromURL(inputURL: string): Promise<string>{ return new Promise( async resolve => { const photo = await; const outpath = '/tmp/filtered.'+Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000)+'.jpg'; await photo .resize(256, 256) // resize .quality(60) // set JPEG quality .greyscale() // set greyscale .write(__dirname+outpath, (img)=>{ resolve(__dirname+outpath); }); }); } // deleteLocalFiles // helper function to delete files on the local disk // useful to cleanup after tasks // INPUTS // files: Array<string> an array of absolute paths to files export async function deleteLocalFiles(files:Array<string>){ for( let file of files) { fs.unlinkSync(file); } }
app.get('/filteredimage', async (req: Request, res: Response) => { const {image_url} = req.query; if (!image_url) { return res.status(422).send({ message: `image_url query param is required` }) } const filtered_img_path = await filterImageFromURL(image_url.toString()) res.sendFile(filtered_img_path); allFiles.push(filtered_img_path); })
We want to delete previously generate files from local, this can be done by using middleware:
let allFiles: string[] = []; const cleanUp = (req: Request, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => { const sendFile = res.sendFile.bind(res); res.sendFile = (body: any) => { sendFile(body); deleteLocalFiles(allFiles) allFiles = []; } next(); } app.use('/', cleanUp)