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  • [SAA + SAP] 13. S3


    • Max object size 5000 GB / 5 TB
    • Uploading more thatn 5 GB, then multi part upload

    • root account for MFA
    • MFA delete need to use CLI

    • Must enable versioning
    • IAM permission
    • After activating, only new objects are repliacated
    • For Delete operations:
      • Can replicate delete markers from source to target (optional setting)
      • Deletions with a version ID are not repliacted (to avoid malicious deletes)
    • There is no "chaning" of replication
      • if bucket 1 has replication into bucket 2, which has replication into bukcet 3
      • Then objects created in bucket 1 are not replicated to bucket 3


    • Glacier under 90 days and 12 hours retriveal
    • Deep archive under 180 days and 48 hours teriveal

    • Thumbnail can be easily recreated, so can be saved into OneZone IA
    • After 45 days should be retrive up to 6 hours.. then should use Glacier

    • Recover deleted objects .. Enable versioning first
    • Once enabled versioning, the "noncurrent version" can be saved into S3_IA
    • 365d, 48h means DEEP ARCHIVE

    • Help to analytic how many days should transfer to IA or Glacier

    • If using KMS, the request is over 5500,10000,30000/s based on region, you need to increase Quotas

    • Good for download large files
    • Only get part of file

    • Get less data (necessary data)
    • SQL server-side filtering


    S3 Select is NOT equal to Byte-range fetches. 

    S3 select: Less data by SQL

    Byte-range fetches: first amount of byte data of the file

    • Enabling versioning for every successful write.

    • For compliance


    Anti patterns

    • Lots of small files: because you need to pay more
    • POSIX file system (use EFS instead), file locks
    • Search features, queries, rapidly chaning data
    • Website with dynamic content


    Why need repliation?

    • reduce latency
    • disaster recovery
    • security

    S3- CloudWatch Events

    • By default, CloudTrail records S3 bucket-level API calls
    • CloudTrail logs for object-level can be enabled
    • This helps us generate events for object-level API (GetObject, PutObject, PutObjectAcl,....)

    • Organize the prefix can get better S3 performance

    S3 Solution Architecture

    1. Just EC2 with instance store: you might lost the data
    2. CloudFront + EC2 + EBS: once EC2 fail, CloudFront might report failure if there is no cache
    3. CloudFront + ALB + ASG + EFS: need to use EFS for cross AZs, expensive
    4. CloudFront + S3: only static content is preferred, not dynamic content

    As long as size is under 5.5TB, 1TB~3000IOPS

    EBS cannot share content cross multi-AZ in runtime

    Requester pay: then it requires players also have AWS account .. against public accessable to the game content, B - 4

    Infrequence access which will cause company pay more menoy on S3. against lowest possible AWS Cost, C - 3

    A: which is not scalable, A- 2

    D - 1



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/15081090.html
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