/** * Created by Answer1215 on 11/15/2014. */ module.exports = function(grunt){ grunt.initConfig({ files: ["'js'", "html"], compile: "<%- files %>" //encoding charater }); //compile: "<%= files %>" //no encoding grunt.registerTask("default", function(){ grunt.log.writeln(grunt.config.get("compile")); //js, html grunt.log.writeln(grunt.template.process("<%= files %>")); //js.html grunt.log.writeln(grunt.template.today('yyyy-mm-dd')); //2014-11-15 }); }
Template strings can be processed manually using the provided template functions. In addition, the config.get method (used by many tasks) automatically expands <% %>
style template strings specified as config data inside the Gruntfile
Read More: http://gruntjs.com/api/grunt.template