Here is the way you get value from an object:
var obj = { color: "blue" } console.log(obj.color); //blue
Destructuring Assignment:
Destructuring Assignment is somehow different:
var {color} = { color: "green" } console.log(color); //green
It tells to looking for color property, so I get "green".
If I have muli pros (color, name, position, state): And I want to get color, and position properties.
var {color, position} = { color: "green", name: "Great", position: "Finland", state: "Who knows" } console.log(color); //green console.log(position); //Finland
If I have a fn which return an object: And from the object, I just want name and state.
function getObj(){ return{ color: "green", name: "Great", position: "Finland", state: "Who knows" }; } var {name, state} = getObj(); console.log(name); //Great console.log(state); //Who knows
From the example, if you want to name something else:
{name: who, state: where}
function getObj(){ return{ color: "green", name: "Great", position: "Finland", state: "Who knows" }; } var {name: who, state: where} = getObj(); console.log(who); //Great console.log(where); //Who knows
If I have an array, from which I just want the first and the third element from the array:
var [first,,third] = ['first', 'second', 'third', 'forth']; console.log(first); //first console.log(third); //third
If I want to forEach of array: and get the firstName
var people = [ { firstName: "Allen", secondName: "Hook", email: "" }, { firstName: "Anton", secondName: "Tee", email: "" }, { firstName: "Yui", secondName: "Gegg", email: "" } ]; people.forEach(({firstName}) => console.log(firstName)); /* Allen Anton Yui * */
To make it clear:
people.foreach(function(person){ console.log(person.firstName); }); //Destructuring people.foreach(function( {firstName} ){ console.log(firstName); }); //Destructuring + Allow people.foreach( ( {firstName} ) => console.log(firstName); )
var [, secondPerson] = people; function logEmail({email}){ console.log(email); } logEmail(secondPerson); //