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  • [MongoDB] Insert, find -- 1

    MongoDB is JSON Document:

    How to start MongoDB client:

    mongod //start the server
    mongo // start the cli

    How to restore a database:

    mongorestore can create a new database or add data to an existing database.

    If you restore to an existing database, mongorestore will only insert into the existing database, and does not perform updates of any kind. If existing documents have the same value _id field in the target database and collection, mongorestore will not overwrite those documents.

    Read More: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/program/mongorestore/

    Download the resoure: http://poeticoding.com/downloads/mongodb/mongodb_poeticoding_blog.zip

    How to import json file into database:

    mongoimport --db simple --collection people --jsonArray data.json

    Read More: http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/program/mongoimport/

    Simple commands:

    //show all the database:
    show dbs;
    //show all collections:
    show collections;
    //create or use one database
    use <database_name>


    The data you have:

        title: "My first blog post",
            firstName: "YY",
            lastName: "KK",
            email: "yy.kk@yykk.com"
        tags: ["coding", "database"],
        pubData: new Date


    //insert into the posts collection
        title: "My first blog post",
            firstName: "YY",
            lastName: "KK",
            email: "yy.kk@yykk.com"
        tags: ["coding", "database"],
        pubData: new Date

    Note: _id should be unique.


    //get the oldest inserted data
    //get all the data
    db.posts.find().count(); //count the amount
    db.posts.find().pretty(); //make output looks pretty
    //Find according to the criteria
    //Find the title which is AngularJS
    db.posts.find({title: "AngularJS"}); 
    //Find the title whcih contains AngularJS
    db.posts.find({title: /AngularJS/i}); 
    //Find title contains 'ios', only show title, not _id in the result
    db.posts.find({title: /ios/i}, {title:1, _id: 0});

    Javascript code for this: (something should looks like)

        Posts.find({title: /ios/i}).select("title").exec(function(err, data) {
            response.json(200, data);
  • 相关阅读:
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    Pandas | 13 索引和选择数据
    Pandas | 12 选项和自定义
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/4158931.html
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