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    Create package.json file

    //npm settings
    npm set init-author-name 'username'
    npm set init-author-email 'username@gmail.com'
    npm set init-author-url 'http://username.com'
    npm set save-exact true
    //create package.json
    npm init

    Pubish to github and tag it

    git status
    git add -A
    git commit -m "commit message"
    git push
    git tag 1.0.0
    git push --tags

    Publish to npm

    npm publish
    npm info <project_name>

    Release a new version

    1. according to the changes to change the version in package.json
    2. publish to git
    3. publish tag to git
    4. npm publish
    5. npm info

    Publishing a beta version

    1. In package.json: "version": "1.2.0-beta.0",
    2. publish to git
    3. tag it in git
    4. npm publish --tag beta
    5. npm info
    npm install starwars-ns@beta
    npm install starwars-ns@1.2.0-beta.0

    Mocha, chai testing:

    var expect = require('chai').expect;
    var starWars = require('./index');
    describe('starwars-names', function() {
        describe('all', function(){
            //check return type
            it('should be an array of strings', function(){
                function isArrayOfString(array){
                    return array.every(function(item){
                        return typeof item === 'string';
            //ccheck one of the value
            it('should includ Asajj Ventress', function(){
                expect(starWars.all).to.include('Asajj Ventress');
        describe('random', function(){
            it('should return one of the starwar names form all', function(){


    npm install -g semantic-release-cli //Install
    semantic-release-cli setup

    Writing conventional commits with commitizen:

    npm install -D cz-conventional-changelog
    npm install -D commitizen

    Add script:

    "commit": "git-cz"

    Add Config: 

      "czConfig": {
          "path": "node_modules/cz-conventional-changelog"

    Add Badges:



  • 相关阅读:
    vue cli
    vue element-ui
    vue mint-ui
    vue Router
    css 行内元素和块级元素的一些注意事项
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/4756412.html
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