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  • [Nuxt] Use Vuex Actions to Delete Data from APIs in Nuxt and Vue.js

    You'll begin to notice as you build out your actions in Vuex, many of them will look quite similar. Creating a remove action looks almost the same as the add action except for using the axios.delete method then filtering out the deleted todo once the response comes back.

    Add a remove button to the todo list:

        <form @submit.prevent="add(task)">
          <input v-model="task" type="text" />
          <input type="submit" value="ADD">
        <article class="pa3 pa5-ns">
          <ul class="list pl0 ml0 center mw6 ba b--light-silver br2">
            <li v-for="todo of todos" class="flex items-center ph3 pv3 bb b--light-silver">
              <span class="flex-auto">{{todo.id}} {{todo.task}}</span>
              <button @click="remove(todo)"><img src="https://icon.now.sh/trash" alt="delete"></button>
      import { mapState, mapActions } from 'vuex'
      import {init} from './shared'
      export default {
        fetch: init,
        computed: {
            todos: (state) => state.todos
        data () {
          return {
            task: 'Some data'
        methods: {


    import Vuex from 'vuex'
    import axios from 'axios'
    const store = () => new Vuex.Store({
      state: {
        todos: [
      mutations: {
        init (state, todos) {
          state.todos = todos
        add (state, todo) {
          state.todos = [
        remove (state, todo) {
          state.todos = state.todos.filter((t) => {
            return t.id !== todo.id
      actions: {
        async add (context, task) {
          const commit = context.commit
          const res = await axios.post('https://todos-cuvsmolowg.now.sh/todos', {
            complete: false
          commit('add', res.data)
        async remove ({commit}, todo) {
          await axios.delete(`https://todos-cuvsmolowg.now.sh/todos/${todo.id}`)
          commit('remove', todo)
    export default store
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Answer1215/p/7236480.html
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