Which hash algorithom to choose for new application:
- Argon2[*7] is the winner of the password hashing competition and should be considered as your first choice for new applications;
We can use this package:
npm install argon2 --save
import {Request, Response} from 'express'; import {db} from './database'; import {USERS} from './database-data'; import * as argon from 'argon2'; export function createUser (req: Request, res: Response) { const credentials = req.body; argon.hash(credentials.password) .then(passwordDigest => { const user = db.createUser(credentials.email, passwordDigest); console.log(USERS); res.status(200).json({id: user.id, email: user.email}); }); };
It would be good to add some password validations. So that user cannot enter the password as simple as '123456'...
Valid password:
npm install --save password-validatory
import * as passwordValidator from 'password-validator'; // Create a schema const schema = new passwordValidator(); // Add properties to it schema .is().min(7) // Minimum length 7 .has().uppercase() // Must have uppercase letters .has().lowercase() // Must have lowercase letters .has().digits() // Must have digits .has().not().spaces() // Should not have spaces .is().not().oneOf(['Passw0rd', 'Password123']); // Blacklist these values export function validatePassword(password: string) { return schema.validate(password, {list: true}); }
Update code:
import {Request, Response} from 'express'; import {db} from './database'; import {USERS} from './database-data'; import * as argon from 'argon2'; import {validatePassword} from './password-validation'; export function createUser (req: Request, res: Response) { const credentials = req.body; const errors = validatePassword(credentials); if (errors.length > 0) { res.status(400).json({ errors }); } else { argon.hash(credentials.password) .then(passwordDigest => { const user = db.createUser(credentials.email, passwordDigest); console.log(USERS); res.status(200).json({id: user.id, email: user.email}); }); } };