Lattice animal is a set of connected sites on a lattice. Lattice animals on a square lattice are especially popular subject of study and are also known as polyominoes. Polyomino is usually represented as a set of sidewise connected squares. Polyomino with n squares is called n-polyomino. In this problem you are to find a number of distinct free n-polyominoes that fit into rectangle w×h. Free polyominoes can be rotated and flipped over, so that their rotations and mirror images are considered to be the same. For example, there are 5 different pentominoes (5-polyominoes) that fit into 2×4 rectangle and 3 different octominoes (8-polyominoes) that fit into 3×3 rectangle.

The input file contains several test cases, one per line. This line consists of 3 integer numbers n, w, and h ( 1n
10, 1
w, h
For each one of the test cases, write to the output file a single line with a integer number -- the number of distinct free n-polyominoes that fit into rectangle w×h.
Sample Input
5 1 4 5 2 4 5 3 4 5 5 5 8 3 3
Sample Output
0 5 11 12 3
输入n,w,h (1<=n<=10,1<=w,h<=n),求能放在w*h网格里的不同的n连块的个数(注意,平移,旋转,翻转后相同的算作同一种)。例如,2*4里的5连块有5种(第一行),而3*3里的8连块有以下3种(第二行)。
#include <cstdio> #include <set> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; #define maxn 10 // 代表一个网格节点 typedef struct cell { int x, y; //网格节点的坐标 // 构造函数 cell(int x, int y) { this->x = x; this->y = y; } bool operator < (const struct cell& a) const { return x < a.x || (x == a.x && y < a.y); } }cell; // 一个Polyomino就是一堆cell的集合 typedef set<cell> poly; // poly_set[i]代表有i个cell的poly集合 set<poly> poly_set[maxn+1]; // answer[n][w][h]的答案 int answer[maxn+1][maxn+1][maxn+1]; void gen_poly(); void check_poly(const poly& this_p, cell& this_c); poly normalize(poly& p); poly rotate(poly& p); poly flip(poly& p); int main() { // 生成所有poly gen_poly(); // printf("here "); int n, w, h; while(scanf("%d %d %d", &n, &w, &h) == 3) { printf("%d ", answer[n][w][h]); } return 0; } int dic_x[4] = {-1,0,1,0}; int dic_y[4] = {0,1,0,-1}; // 生成所有poly void gen_poly() { for(int i = 1; i <= maxn; i++) poly_set[i] = set<poly>(); // 先生成有1个cell的poly poly p1; p1.insert(cell(0,0)); poly_set[1].insert(p1); // 分别根据有i-1个cell的poly集合来生成有i个cell的poly集合 for(int i = 2; i <= maxn; i++) { // 对每个poly中的每个cell尝试在不同的四个方向增加一个cell for(set<poly>::iterator p = poly_set[i-1].begin(); p != poly_set[i-1].end(); p++) { for(poly::const_iterator q = p->begin(); q != p->end(); q++) { for(int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { cell new_c(q->x+dic_x[j], q->y+dic_y[j]); // cell new_c; if(p->find(new_c) == p->end()) { // 检查形成的这个poly是否存在,如果不存在就加入 check_poly(*p, new_c); } } } } } // 对所有n,w,h生成答案 for(int i = 1; i <= maxn; i++) { for(int w = 1; w <= i; w++) { for(int h = 1; h <= i; h++) { int count = 0; for(set<poly>::iterator p = poly_set[i].begin(); p != poly_set[i].end(); p++) { int max_x = p->begin()->x, max_y = p->begin()->y; for(poly::iterator q = p->begin(); q != p->end(); q++) { if(max_x < q->x) max_x = q->x; if(max_y < q->y) max_y = q->y; } if(min(max_x, max_y) < min(w, h) && max(max_x, max_y) < max(w, h)) { count++; } } /* if(count != 0) printf("answer[%d][%d][%d] = %d ", i, w, h, count); */ answer[i][w][h] = count; } } } } // 检查形成的这个poly加上这个cell是否存在,如果不存在就加入 void check_poly(const poly& this_p, cell& this_c) { poly p = this_p; p.insert(this_c); // 规范化到最小点为(0,0) p = normalize(p); int n = p.size(); // 检查旋转的8个方向是否存在,如果不存在就加入到poly集合 for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(poly_set[n].find(p) != poly_set[n].end()) return; // 对该poly向右旋转90度 p = rotate(p); } // 将该poly向下反转180度 p = flip(p); for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(poly_set[n].find(p) != poly_set[n].end()) return; // 对该poly向右旋转90度 p = rotate(p); } poly_set[n].insert(p); } // 规范化到最小点为(0,0) poly normalize(poly& p) { poly this_p; int min_x = p.begin()->x, min_y = p.begin()->y; for(poly::iterator q = p.begin(); q != p.end(); q++) { if(q->x < min_x) min_x = q->x; if(q->y < min_y) min_y = q->y; } for(poly::iterator q = p.begin(); q != p.end(); q++) { this_p.insert(cell(q->x-min_x,q->y-min_y)); } return this_p; } // 对该poly向右旋转90度 poly rotate(poly& p) { poly this_p; for(poly::iterator q = p.begin(); q != p.end(); q++) { this_p.insert(cell(q->y,-q->x)); } return normalize(this_p); } // 将该poly向下反转180度 poly flip(poly& p) { poly this_p; for(poly::iterator q = p.begin(); q != p.end(); q++) { this_p.insert(cell(q->x,-q->y)); } return normalize(this_p); }