'//order:排序条件,缺省为" order by " &keyIndex &" desc"
private pindex,datacount,pages
'datacount = 0
'pages = 1
public function changePage(psize,tbName,keyIndex,where,order)
dim sqlstring
pindex = Trim(Request.QueryString("page"))
if not isnumeric(psize) or psize="" then psize=1'//每页显示的数据数
if not isnumeric(pindex) or pindex="" then pindex=1'//当前页码
if order="" then order=" order by " & keyIndex & " desc"
'dim datacount,pages
set rs=conn.execute("select count(*) as datacount from " & tbName & " where 1=1 " & where)
datacount = rs("datacount")'//总记录数
set rs=nothing
if (datacount mod psize)=0 then
pages=datacount \ psize
pages=datacount \ psize + 1
end if
if cint(pindex)>pages then pindex=pages
if pindex<=1 then
sqlstring="select top " & psize & " *," & datacount & " as datacount," & pages & " as pagecount from " &_
tbName & " where 1=1 " & where & " " & order
sqlstring="select top " & psize & " *," & datacount & " as datacount," & pages & " as pagecount from " &_
tbName & " where 1=1 and " & keyIndex & " not in(select top " & (pindex-1)*psize & " " & keyIndex & " from " &_
tbName & " where 1=1 " & where & " " & order & ") " & where & " " & order
end if
set changePage=conn.execute(sqlstring)
end function
'public function pageLink(fileName,argString,pindex,datacount,pages,showMsg,showText,showNumber)
public function pageLink(fileName,argString,showMsg,showText,showNumber)
if argString<>"" then argString = argString & "&"
if not showText and not showNumber then showText=true
if showMsg then
Response.Write("第 <span style='color:red;'>" & pindex & "</span> 页")
Response.Write("/分 <span style='color:red;'>" & pages & "</span> 页")
Response.Write("/总 <span style='color:red;'>" & datacount & "</span> 条记录")
Response.Write("] ")
end if
if showText then
if pindex>1 then
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=1'>[首页]</a>")
Response.Write(" ")
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=" & pindex - 1 & "'>[上页]</a>")
Response.Write(" ")
end if
Response.Write(" ")
if pindex<pages then
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=" & pindex + 1 & "'>[下页]</a>")
Response.Write(" ")
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=" & pages & "'>[末页]</a>")
Response.Write(" ")
end if
end if
if showNumber then
Response.Write(" ")
for i = 4 to 1 step -1
if (pindex - i)>0 then
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=" & pindex - i & "'>" & pindex - i & "</a>")
Response.Write(" ")
end if
Response.Write("<span style='color:red;'>" & pindex & "</span>")
for i = 1 to 4
if (pindex + i)<=pages then
Response.Write(" ")
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=" & pindex + i & "'>" & pindex + i & "</a>")
end if
end if
end function
'//order:排序条件,缺省为" order by " &keyIndex &" desc"
private pindex,datacount,pages
'datacount = 0
'pages = 1
public function changePage(psize,tbName,keyIndex,where,order)
dim sqlstring
pindex = Trim(Request.QueryString("page"))
if not isnumeric(psize) or psize="" then psize=1'//每页显示的数据数
if not isnumeric(pindex) or pindex="" then pindex=1'//当前页码
if order="" then order=" order by " & keyIndex & " desc"
'dim datacount,pages
set rs=conn.execute("select count(*) as datacount from " & tbName & " where 1=1 " & where)
datacount = rs("datacount")'//总记录数
set rs=nothing
if (datacount mod psize)=0 then
pages=datacount \ psize
pages=datacount \ psize + 1
end if
if cint(pindex)>pages then pindex=pages
if pindex<=1 then
sqlstring="select top " & psize & " *," & datacount & " as datacount," & pages & " as pagecount from " &_
tbName & " where 1=1 " & where & " " & order
sqlstring="select top " & psize & " *," & datacount & " as datacount," & pages & " as pagecount from " &_
tbName & " where 1=1 and " & keyIndex & " not in(select top " & (pindex-1)*psize & " " & keyIndex & " from " &_
tbName & " where 1=1 " & where & " " & order & ") " & where & " " & order
end if
set changePage=conn.execute(sqlstring)
end function
'public function pageLink(fileName,argString,pindex,datacount,pages,showMsg,showText,showNumber)
public function pageLink(fileName,argString,showMsg,showText,showNumber)
if argString<>"" then argString = argString & "&"
if not showText and not showNumber then showText=true
if showMsg then
Response.Write("第 <span style='color:red;'>" & pindex & "</span> 页")
Response.Write("/分 <span style='color:red;'>" & pages & "</span> 页")
Response.Write("/总 <span style='color:red;'>" & datacount & "</span> 条记录")
Response.Write("] ")
end if
if showText then
if pindex>1 then
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=1'>[首页]</a>")
Response.Write(" ")
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=" & pindex - 1 & "'>[上页]</a>")
Response.Write(" ")
end if
Response.Write(" ")
if pindex<pages then
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=" & pindex + 1 & "'>[下页]</a>")
Response.Write(" ")
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=" & pages & "'>[末页]</a>")
Response.Write(" ")
end if
end if
if showNumber then
Response.Write(" ")
for i = 4 to 1 step -1
if (pindex - i)>0 then
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=" & pindex - i & "'>" & pindex - i & "</a>")
Response.Write(" ")
end if
Response.Write("<span style='color:red;'>" & pindex & "</span>")
for i = 1 to 4
if (pindex + i)<=pages then
Response.Write(" ")
Response.Write("<a href='" & fileName & "?" & argString & "page=" & pindex + i & "'>" & pindex + i & "</a>")
end if
end if
end function