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  • PHP读写INI文件


    public function readini($name)
        if (file_exists(SEM_PATH.'init/'.$name)){
        $data = parse_ini_file(SEM_PATH.'init/'.$name,true);
        if ($data){
                return $data;
        }else {
            return false;


    function write_ini_file($assoc_arr, $path, $has_sections=FALSE) { 
        $content = ""; 
        if ($has_sections) { 
            foreach ($assoc_arr as $key=>$elem) { 
                $content .= "[".$key."]n"; 
                foreach ($elem as $key2=>$elem2) { 
                            $content .= $key2."[] = "".$elem2[$i].""n"; 
                    else if($elem2=="") $content .= $key2." = n"; 
                    else $content .= $key2." = "".$elem2.""n"; 
        else { 
            foreach ($assoc_arr as $key=>$elem) { 
                        $content .= $key2."[] = "".$elem[$i].""n"; 
                else if($elem=="") $content .= $key2." = n"; 
                else $content .= $key2." = "".$elem.""n"; 
        if (!$handle = fopen($path, 'w')) { 
            return false; 
        if (!fwrite($handle, $content)) { 
            return false; 
        return true; 
    $sampleData = array(
                    'first' => array(
                        'first-1' => 1,
                        'first-2' => 2,
                        'first-3' => 3,
                        'first-4' => 4,
                        'first-5' => 5,
                    'second' => array(
                        'second-1' => 1,
                        'second-2' => 2,
                        'second-3' => 3,
                        'second-4' => 4,
                        'second-5' => 5,
    write_ini_file($sampleData, './data.ini', true);

    INI FILE Manage


     * This file represents a class structure object hierarchy of
     * and INI file manager.  This set of object classes represent
     * an INI file by:<br>
     * <br>
     * ini_Comment - A comment inside the INI file<br>
     * ini_Value   - A key/value pair represented by key=value<br>
     * ini_Section - A section of an ini file represented by [section]<br>
     * ini_File    - A collection of ini_Section objects.<br>
     * <br>
     * Because reading a and parsing an INI file can take some time, you
     * should <i>not</i> read an parse a file every time a web page is called! PHP
     * does offer a solution!  Sessions.  To see how you can use this to your
     * advantage, Take a look at this example:<br>
     * <br>
     * @example testpage.php
     * <br><br>
     * The above example shows you how to parse and output the information.<br>
     * <br>
     * This is a work in progress and has not been used in a production mode
     * to manage INI files...yet.  Therefore, I am looking for feedback to extend
     * these objects to include methods that are needed to facilitate managing a
     * remote INI file from your browser.<br>
     * <br>
     * The basic purpose of this object was to read an INI file in only once and
     * perform a single action based on the settings in the INI file, not really
     * remote INI file editing.  But, let's have fun!<br>
     * <br>
     * @version 0.9.0b
     * @author James Barwick <jbarwick@sentienthealth.com>
     * @package ini_File
    define('INI_VALUE_TERMINATOR', 1);
    define('INI_NEWLINE',          2);
    define('INI_MSG_NOFILE',       4);
    define('INI_MSG_NOWRITE',      6);
    define('INI_MSG_CANTWRITE',    7);
    define('INI_ROOTSECTION',      5);
    $GLOBALS[INI_MSG_NOFILE]="File does not exist: ";
    $GLOBALS[INI_MSG_NOWRITE]="Error writing file: ";
    $GLOBALS[INI_MSG_CANTWRITE]="Cannot write to file: ";
    * ini_Comment
    * Represent comments within the ini_File as an object.
    * @author   James Barwick <jbarwick@sentienthealth.com>
    * @package  ini_File
    * @copyright (c) Copyright 2007.  James Barwick.  All rights reserved.
    class ini_Comment {
         * The comment is an array of strings
         * @var array()
        private $comment;
         * Contructor
         * Contruct the comment passing in at least one comment string
         * @param string $comment
         * @return ini_Comment
        function ini_Comment($comment) {
         * setComment
         * Set the comment to the string passed in
         * @param string $comment
         * @access public
        function setComment($comment) {
            $this->comment = array();
         * addComment
         * Append a comment line to the array() list of comments.
         * @param string $comment
         * @access public
        function addComment($comment) {
            $comment = ltrim($comment,"#,;");
         * createComment
         * Append a comment to the end of the specified
         * comment object or create a new object.<br>
         * <br>
         * This is static so you can call it as:<br>
         * <br>
         * ini_Comment::createComment($c_obj,$comment);<br>
         * @param  ini_Comment  $commentObject
         * @param  string       $comment
         * @return ini_Comment A new ini_Coment or the same one passed in
         * @access public
        static function createComment($commentObject,$comment) {
            if (empty($commentObject)) {
                $commentObject = new ini_Comment($comment);
                return $commentObject;
            if ($commentObject instanceof ini_Comment) {
                return $commentObject;
            return null;
         * toString
         * Return a formatted string representing the comment lines.<br>
         * The comment is preceeded by $GLOBALS[INI_COMMENT_CHARACTER]<br>
         * Each comment line is ended with $GLOBALS[INI_NEWLINE]<br>
         * @param integer $line_1_indent
         * @param integer $line_2_indent
         * @return string representing the coments
         * @access public
        function toString($line_1_indent=0,$line_2_indent=0) {
            $spaces = str_repeat(' ',$line_2_indent);
            $s=str_repeat(' ',$line_1_indent);
            foreach ($this->comment as $comment_line) {
                if ($i==0) $i++; else $s.=$spaces;
                if (empty($comment_line)){
            return $s;
    * ini_Value
    * @author   James Barwick <jbarwick@sentienthealth.com>
    * @package  ini_File
    * @copyright (c) Copyright 2007.  James Barwick.  All rights reserved.
    class ini_Value {
         * Comment for this value.  This value must start on the
         * same line as the key but may contain multple lines.<br>
         * <br>
         * Example:<br>
         * <br>
         * mykey=myvalue #comment<br>
         *               #comment line 2<br>
         *               #comment line 3<br>
         * @var ini_Comment
         * @access private
        private $after_comment;
         * Users sometimes put comments above a key value.  This
         * ini_Comment will be associated with with the key.
         * <br>
         * Example:<br>
         * <br>
         * #comment line 1<br>
         * #comment line 2<br>
         * key=value<br>
         * @var ini_Comment
         * @access private
        private $above_comment;
        * The KEY for the VALUE
        * @var  string
        * @access private
        private $name;
        * The VALUE for the KEY
        * @var  string
        * @access private
        private $content;
        * Constructor for ini_Value
        * @param  string  $name       Name of value. This is called a Key
        * @param  string  $content    The value for the key
        * @param  string  $comment    The initial comment after the value
        * @param  mixed   $parent     Optional.  ini_Section
        * @access public
        function ini_Value($name, $content, $comment='')
            $this->name = $name;
            $this->content = $content;
            $this->above_comment = null;
            $this->after_comment = null;
            if ($comment!='')
        } // end constructor
         * getName
         * Get the key for this value.
         * @return string
         * @access public
        function getName() {
            return $this->name;
         * setBeforeComments
         * Set the comments to the ini_Comments object.<br>
         * <br>
         * If the parameter passed is not a ini_Comment object,
         * this function has no effect.
         * @param ini_Comment $comments
         * @return ini_Comment The comment above the key
         * @access public
        function setBeforeComments($comments) {
            if ($comments instanceof ini_Comment)
                $this->above_comment = $comments;
            return $this->above_comment;
         * setBeforComment
         * Set the comments above this key to the string identified.
         * @param string $comment
         * @return ini_Comment The comment above the key
         * @access public
        function setBeforeComment($comment) {
            $this->above_comment = new ini_Comment($comment);
            return $this->above_comment;
         * getComment
         * Returns the comment AFTER this key value entry.
         * @return ini_Comment object
         * @access public
        function getComment() {
            return $this->after_comment;
         * addBeforeComment
         * Add a comment above this value.
         * @param string $comment
         * @return ini_Comment Instance of ini_Comment object or null
         * @access public
        function addBeforeComment($comment)
            if (empty($this->above_comment))
                $this->above_comment = new ini_Comment($comment);
            return $this->above_comment;
        * addAfterComment
        * Adds a comment to this item.
        * @param  string $comment The comment to add to this value
        * @return ini_Comment reference to comment object
        * @access public
        function addAfterComment($comment)
            if (empty($this->after_comment))
                $this->after_comment = new ini_Comment($comment);
            return $this->after_comment;
         * setAfterComment
         *  Set the comments after this key to the comment provided.
         * @param string $comment
         * @return ini_Comment
         * @access public
        function setAfterComment($comment) {
            $this->after_comment = new ini_Comment($comment);
            return $this->after_comment;
        * setContent
        * Set the value for this key
        * @param string $content
        * @access public
        function setContent($content)
            $this->content = $content;
        * getContent
        * Get the value for this key
        * @return string vlaue for this key
        * @access public
        function getContent()
            return $this->content;
        * toString
        * Format the Value.<br>
        * <br>
        * This also includes the comments.
        * @return string String representing the Value with its comments
        * @access public
        function toString()
            if (!empty($this->above_comment))
            if (!empty($this->after_comment)) {
                $p = strlen($v)+1;
            return $s;
    * ini_Section
    * @author James Barwick <jbarwick@sentienthealth.com
    * @package  ini_File
    * @copyright (c) Copyright 2007.  James Barwick.  All rights reserved.
    class ini_Section {
        * Container object name
        * @var  string
        private $name;
        * An array of values indexed by the value's key
        * @var  string
        private $content;
         * Comment for this section
         * @var ini_Comment
        private $comment;
        * Constructor
        * @param  mixed   $parent     ini_File object.
        * @param  string  $name       Name of the INI Section
        * @param  string  $key        Name of the Attribute
        * @param  string  $content    Value of the Attribute
        * @access public
        function ini_Section($name, $comment = '')
            $this->name = $name;
            $this->content = array();
            $this->comment = null;
            if ($comment=='')
        } // end constructor
        * addItem
        * Adds an item to this section.
        * @param  string   $name      the key for the value
        * @param  string   $value     the value for the key
        * @param  string   $comment   Optional comment
        * @return ini_Value Value modified or created
        * @access public
        function addItem($name,$value,$comment='')
            $key = strtolower($name);
            if (IsSet($this->content[$key])) {
                $valueObject = $this->content[$key];
            else {
                $valueObject = new ini_Value($name,$value,$comment);
                $this->content[$key] = $valueObject;
            return $valueObject;
        * setComment
        * Set the comment object on this section to the comment provided
        * @param ini_Comment $commnet  This is the ini_Comment object
        * @access public
        function setComment($comment) {
            if ($comment instanceof ini_Comment)
                $this->comment = $comment;
        * addComment
        * Adds a comment to this item.<Br>
        * This is a helper method that calls createItem
        * @param string $comment The comment for this section
        * @return ini_Comment The comment object that was created.
        * @access public
        function addComment($comment)
            if (empty($this->comment))
                    $this->comment = new ini_Comment($comment);
            return $this->comment;
         * addValue
         * Add the value to the Section
         * @param ini_Value $value Value to add to this section
         * @access public
        function addValue($value) {
            if ($value instanceof ini_Value) {
                $key = strtolower($value->getName());
        * getItem
        * Gets an item from it's key.<br>
        * <br>
        * Examples:<br>
        * $value_object = $section->getItem('key');<br>
        * $value = $section->getItem('key')->getValue();<br>
        * $value = $inifile->getSection('section')->getItem('key')->getValue();<br>
        * @param  string $name The key of the item in this section to retrieve
        * @return ini_Value The value referenced by this key
        * @access public
        function getItem($name)
            $key = strtolower($name);
            if (IsSet($this->content[$key]))
                return $this->content[$key];
            return null;
         * getValues
         * Return the values in this section in an associative array indexed by key.<br>
         * $values = array($key => new ini_Value($key,$value));<br>
         * @return array() of ini_Value objects in an associative array indexed by key
         * @access public
        function getValues() {
            return $this->content;
        * getName
        * Get this Section's name.
        * @return string item's name
        * @access public
        function getName()
            return $this->name;
        * toString
        * Return a string representation of the section of the ini file.
        * @return string Formatted section of the INI file.
        * @access public
        function toString()
            if (!empty($this->comment))
            if ($this->name!=$GLOBALS[INI_ROOTSECTION])
            foreach ($this->content as $value)
            return $s;
    * ini_File
    * This class allows for parsing and editing of ini files.
    * This is meant to be streamlined and overhead elliminated.
    * @author   James Barwick
    * @package  ini_File
    * @copyright (c) Copyright 2007.  James Barwick.  All rights reserved.
    class ini_File {
        * File name of the file to read/write to.
        * @var string
        * @access private
        private $filename;
        * ini_Section list.  This is an associative array indexed by
        * the sections name.
        * <br>
        * Example:<br>
        * <br>
        * $sections = array($key => new ini_Section($key,$value);
        * @var array() of ini_Section objects
        * @access private
        private $sections;
        * Constructor
        * Creates a holder for the ini_File contents.
        * @param string $filename
        * @access public
        function ini_File($filename)
            $this->filename = $filename;
            $this->sections = array();
        * getSections
        * Get the list of sections.  There is always at least one section
        * called $GLOBALS[INI_ROOTSECTION].  This section may be empty.
        * @return array() An associative array of sections in the file.
        * @access public
        function getSections() {
            return $this->sections;
         * getSection
         * Get the section object ini_Section from its name.
         * @param string $section Name or key of the section to get
         * @return ini_Section
         * @access public
        function getSection($section) {
            $section = strtolower($section);
            if (IsSet($this->sections[$section])) {
                return $this->sections[$section];
            return null;
         * getItem
         * Retrieve the value from the section.  Use empty string '' for the section name
         * if the value isn't in a section.
         * @param string $section name of the section to retrieve the value
         * @param string $name    name of the value to retreive
         * @return ini_Value      value identified by the name in the specified section
         * @access public
        function getItem($section,$name) {
            $section_Object = $this->getSection($section);
            if (empty($section_Object))
                return null;
            return $section_Object->getItem($name);
         * getItemValue
         * Get the Value of the item in the specified section
         * @param string $section Section name in the file
         * @param string $name value name in the file
         * @return string the value of the key
         * @access public
        function getItemValue($section,$name) {
            $value_object = $this->getItem($section,$name);
            if (empty($value_object))
                return '';
            return $value_object->getContent();
        * read
        * arses the data of the given configuration file
        * @return string representing an error code or empty string if no error
        * @access public
        function read() {
            if (!file_exists($this->filename))
                return $GLOBALS[INI_MSG_NOFILE].$this->filename;
            $lines = file($this->filename);
            return "";
         * write
         * Write ini contents to the file
         * @return string representing an error code or empty string if no error
         * @access public
        function write() {
            $result = "";
            if (!is_writable($this->filename))
                return $GLOBALS[INI_MSG_CANTWRITE].$this->filename;
            if (fputs($fl,$this->toString())===false) {
                $result = $GLOBALS[INI_MSG_NOWRITE].$this->filename;
            return $result;
         * createSection
         * Adds the section or replaces the section specified.
         * @param string $name
         * @return ini_Section
         * @access public
        function createSection($name) {
            $key = trim(strtolower($name));
            $s = new ini_Section($name);
            $this->sections[$key] = $s;
            return $s;
         * parse
         * Parse an array() of INI File Lines
         * @access public
         * @param string array() $lines
        function parse($lines) {
            $this->sections = array();
            $currentSection = $this->createSection($GLOBALS[INI_ROOTSECTION]);
            $currentValue   = null;
            $currentComment = null;
            foreach ($lines as $line) {
                if (($line=='')||($line[0]=='	')||($line[0]==' '))
                if ($line=='') {
                if ($line[0]==$GLOBALS[INI_COMMENT_CHARACTER]) {
                    if ($beginsWithSpaces) {
                        if (!empty($currentValue)) {
                // Are we a section? if it begins with [ assume it is regardless
                // of an ending ].  Result, fix bad INI section headers.
                if ($line[0]=='[') {
                    if ($line[$l]==']') $l--;
                    $name = substr($line,1,$l);
                // Check for key
                if ($i==0) {
                $value_start = $i+1;
                $value_end = $value_start;
                while ($value_end<$line_length)
                    if ($c=='"')
                        if (!$inquote)
                    if (!$inquote) {
                        if (($c==';')||($c=='#'))
                if ($value_end<$line_length)
                if (!empty($currentComment)) {
        * tpString
        * Returns a formatted string of the file
        * @return string
        * @access public
        function toString()
            foreach ($this->sections as $section) {
            return trim($s);


    $filename = "./version.ini";
    $inifile = new ini_File($filename);
    $item = $inifile->getItem('notice','text');


  • 相关阅读:
    关于CoDeSys OPC ua配置的记录
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Athrun/p/4185300.html
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