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  • 遍历jenkins build后的文件夹,找出最新“build NO.”复制到制定目录进行操作

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import os
    import shutil
    import sys
    def UnZipFile(inputPath, outPath):
        _unZipPath = os.getcwd() + "\7-Zip\7z.exe "#原来输出成果物的进行了压缩,输出到指定的build里,所以我们要利用7z.exe来解压缩。需要调用此程序
        _param = "  x  " + inputPath + " -o"
        _param = _param + outPath
        _cmd = _unZipPath + _param
        print _cmd
    def GetbiggestFolder(inputPath): #获取文件夹操作
       _maxPath = ""
       _maxNum = 0
       for folder in os.listdir(inputPath):
          _inputFolderPath = os.path.join(inputPath, folder)
          if os.path.isdir(_inputFolderPath):
             if str(folder).isdigit():
                if int(folder) > _maxNum :
                   _maxNum = int(folder)
                   _maxPath = _inputFolderPath
       return _maxPath
    def copyFile(_oldPath, _newPath):
            if os.path.exists(_newPath) is not True:
            if os.path.isdir(_newPath):
                    shutil.copy(_oldPath, _newPath)
    def Usage(s = ""):
       print "Usage: unzip.py [source folder] [target folder]"
       if s:
          print s
    if __name__ == "__main__":
       """while True:
          g_InputPath = raw_input("Please input source folder path:")
          if g_InputPath.rfind('\') != -1:
       while True:
          g_OutputPath = raw_input("Please input target folder path:")
          if g_OutputPath.rfind('\') != -1:
       argv = sys.argv
       i = 1
       iLen = len(argv)
       if len(argv) != 3:
          _errorInfor = "There should be 2 parameters, but you input " + str(iLen -1)
       g_InputPath = argv[1]
       g_OutputPath = argv[2]
       _maxPath = GetbiggestFolder(g_InputPath)
       print _maxPath
       for _file in os.listdir(_maxPath):
         _inputFilePath = os.path.join(_maxPath, _file)
         if os.path.isfile(_inputFilePath):
             if _file.find('.7z') != -1 or  _file.find('.rar') != -1 or  _file.find('.zip') != -1:
                 print _inputFilePath
                 UnZipFile(_inputFilePath, g_OutputPath)
                 copyFile(_inputFilePath, g_OutputPath)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/BUGU/p/5381933.html
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