Robotics Tools
Robotics Tutorials
- Springer Handbook of Robotics, Bruno Siciliano and Oussama Khatib: The great and comprehensive book on robotics
- Control Systems and Control Engineering, Wikibook
Robot Software Platforms (Middleware)
- ROS (Robot Operating System), Willow Garage: The most popular software platform
- RDS (Robotics Developer Studio), Microsoft
- OpenRTM-aist (Open Real-Time Middleware), AIST
- The Orocos Project (Open Robot Control Software)
- It includes Kinematics/Dynamics Library (KDL), BFL (Bayesian Filtering Library), and Orocos Toolchain including real-time component support.
- MOOS (Mission Oriented Operating System), Oxford Mobile Robotics Group
- OPRoS (Open Platform for Robotic Services), Kangwon Univ, ETRI, and KITECH
- Robot ASAP: A Facebook club for OPRoS and NRHP
- Robot Middleware Comparison Table (See Table 2)
- c.f. Software Architectures
- OpenJAUS (Open Joint Architecture for Unmanned System)
- c.f. Commercial Products
Robot Simulators
- The Player Project
- It includes Player (robot and device interface), Stage (2.5D simulator), and Gazebo (3D simulator).
- MORSE (Modular OpenRobots Simulation Engine), LAAS-CNRS
- V-REP (Virtual Robot Experimentation Platform), Coppelia Robotics
- Robotic Toolbox for MATLAB, Peter Corke
- ODE (Open Dynamic Engine)
- c.f. Commercial Products
- Webots, Cyberbotics
- RoboticsLab, SimLab
Robot Navigation Libraries
- MRPT (The Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit), University of Malaga
- Karto SDK, SRI International
- uRON (Universial Robot Navigation Library), ETRI
- Carmen (Carnegie Mellon Robot Navigation Toolkit), CMU
- ARNL and Mapper, MobileRobots: Limited access to its robot users
Localization and Mapping (SLAM)
- Probabilistic Robotics, Thrun et al.: One of the greatest books in robot navigation
- Its homepage contains lecture slides which summarize the book.
- Bayesian Filtering
- Orocos Bayesian Filtering Library, The Orocos Project
- Bayes++, Michael Stevens
- The Kalman Filter, Greg Welch
- Localization using Landmarks
- Triangulation Toolbox, Sunglok Choi
- Localization using Range Data
- Features
- April Toolkit contains line and contour extractor in Java language.
- Performance Evaluation on Line Extractions, Nguyen et al.
- Scan Matching (Map Matching)
- ICP and SoG (Iterative Closest Point and Sum of Gaussians), Tim Bailey
- PSM (Polar Scan Matching), Albert Diosi
- April Toolkit contains various scan matchers in Java language.
- Features
- Localization using WiFi Signal
- Wi-Fi Location-based Services 4.1 Design Guide, CISCO
- The Rice Wireless Localization Toolkit
- c.f. Commercial products: PlaceEngine, WiFi SLAM
- SSS (SLAM Summer School): 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009
- RSS 2011 Workshop on Automated SLAM Evaluation
- EKF-/Fast-/UKF-SLAM Package, Tim Bailey
- GraphSLAM Comparison Table, Sunglok Choi
- FABMAP (Fast Appearance-based Mapping), Mark Cummins
- There is another open-source implementation, OpenFABMAP.
- Map Representation
- OctoMap, Kai Wurm: 3D map representation
Global Path Planning
- Planning Algorithms, Steve LaValle: A book
- Amit's A* Page, Amit Patel
- The RRT Page, Steve LaValle
- Research Groups
- Software
- OMPL (Open Motion Planning Library), Lydia Kavraki
- SBPL (Search-based Planning Algorithm, ROS package), Maxim Likhachev
- D* Lite
- Field D*, Micheal Otte and Greg Grudic
- E* Interpolated Graph Replanner, Roland Philippsen
- OpenPRM
- Efficient Sampling-based Motion Planning (RRT and RRT*), MIT
- Motion Strategy Library, Steve LaValle
- MPK (Motion Planning Kit), M. Saha
- A Simple Sampling-based Path Planning Library, TUM
- c.f. Game AI Engines: Havok AI, Autodesk Kynapse, PathEngine
Local Path Planning (Obstacle Avoidance)
- RVO2 Library (Reciprocal Collision Avoidance for Real-Time Multi-Agent Simulation), Jamie Snape
Path Following and Tracking
- Performance Evaluation on Path Tracking in Car-like Vehicles, Jarrod M. Snider
AI Games and Task Simulators
- RoboCup Rescue Simulation League, RoboCup Wiki
- RoboCup Rescue Wiki
- USARSim MATLAB Toolbox, Drexel Univ.
- Robocode
- Google AI Challenge