View Full Version : file ??
I usually don't cross post, however after posting in General I figured
this is a better group to post the question and I'm running a little short
on time.
So sorry in advance.
What exactly is the file for ? does the client download it
to his/hers computer ??
How does the one-click engine knows to extract only the needed
files from the cab file and not all the files ?? My files are COM
servers( dlls ),
can install shield know whether a new COM object is in the dll and
download it ?? how is the versioning works - is it purely on time/date basis
NewsArchive is for support files, meaning files that are temporary extracted
to temp folder for the time installation runs and then deleted at the end.
Usually COM objects should not be in support files but in normal file
groups. If you definitely want to install the COM object only temporary for
the time of installation you can add it to support files but you will have
to register it from script manually (support files are not registered).
Support files are always extracted from to temp folder, not
version/time checking is performed. Normally the temp folder doesn't exist
when installation starts (it is unique for each setup). If it does exist the
files are unconditionally overwritten.
"eyal hirsch" <> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I usually don't cross post, however after posting in General I figured
> this is a better group to post the question and I'm running a little
> on time.
> So sorry in advance.
> What exactly is the file for ? does the client download it
> to his/hers computer ??
> How does the one-click engine knows to extract only the needed
> files from the cab file and not all the files ?? My files are COM
> servers( dlls ),
> can install shield know whether a new COM object is in the dll and
> therefore
> download it ?? how is the versioning works - is it purely on time/date
> ??
> thanks,
> eyal.