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  • 【转】变量名缩写

    abbreviate / abbreviation abrv
    academic acad
    accept / acceptance / accepted acpt
    access accs
    accident acdnt
    accomplish / accomplishment / accomplishments acmp
    accounting acctg
    accounts payable / advanced placement ap
    accounts receivable ar
    account acct
    accredited acrd
    accrual acrl
    accumulated accum
    accumulation / accumulative acum
    achieve / achievement achv
    acquisition acq
    act / active / activity / american college test act
    action actn
    actual actl
    ad hoc adhc
    add / added add
    additional addl
    address addr
    adjudicate / adjudicated / adjudication adjd
    adjusted gross income agi
    adjustment adj
    administered / administrated / administration adm
    administrator adm
    admissible / admission adms
    admittance / admitted admt
    advanced placement / accounts payable ap
    advice advc
    affiliation affl
    after aft
    agency agcy
    agent agnt
    alien aln
    allocate / allocation alloc
    alpha alph
    alter / alternate alt
    alumni / alumnus almn
    american college test / act / active / activity act
    amount amt
    analysis anls
    annual annl
    anonymous anon
    answer ans
    apartment apt
    appeal / appealed apel
    applicant app
    application app / appl
    appointment appt
    approval / approve aprv
    argument arg
    array a
    arrears arrs
    ascending asc
    assemble asm
    assign / assigned / assignment asgn
    association assc
    assumption asmp
    asynchronization asyn
    athlete / athletic athl
    attach atch
    attempt atmpt
    attend / attendance atnd
    attention attn
    attribute attr
    audit / audited adt
    authority / authorize auth
    auxiliary aux
    availability / available avl
    average cumulative grade acg
    average avg
    award / awarded awrd
    background bg
    back bk
    balance bal
    bank bnk
    bargain barg
    base / basic bas
    batch btch
    before bef
    begin / beginning begn
    beginning of term bot
    benefits ben
    bill / billing bill
    billing and receivables system brs
    birth brth
    bitmap bmp
    board brd
    bool (int) b
    break brk
    budget / budgetable bud
    budget balance account bba
    buffer buf
    build / building bld
    business unit bu
    business bus
    button btn
    buy / buyer buy
    calculate / calculated / calculation calc
    calculate calc
    calendar cal
    campaign cmpn
    campus cmps
    cancel / canceled can
    capacity cap
    capitalization cplz
    card crd
    career car
    carrier crir
    cartridge cart
    case cse
    cash csh
    catalog ctlg
    category catg
    census cens
    center ctr
    certificate / certification cert
    change / changed chg
    change chg
    chapter chap
    character char
    charge crg
    chartfield chartf
    char c
    check / checked chk
    citizen / citizenship ctzn
    city cty
    class clas
    clear / cleared clr
    click clk
    close clo
    club clb
    cobra cbr
    code cd
    collect / collection clct
    college colg
    color cr / clr
    column col
    combination / combine comb
    command cmd
    comment cmt
    committee cmmttee
    company co
    comparative compa
    compare cmp
    competitor cptr
    complete / completion / compliance cmpl
    component cmpt
    composite / compensation comp
    conditional cond
    confidential cnfd
    confirm / confirmation conf
    constant cnst / cst
    contact ctct
    continue / continuing / continuous cont
    contract / contractor cntr
    control ctl / ctrl
    conversation convr
    conversion / convert / converted cnv
    coordinates coord
    copy cpy
    correspondence crsp
    count / counter cnt
    count of bytes cb
    count of x (short) cx
    country ctry
    county cnty
    course crse
    coverage covrg
    create cre
    credential crdl
    credit cr / crdt
    cross list / cross listed xlst
    cross reference xref
    cross crs
    cumulative cum
    currency curr
    current cur
    cursor crsr
    custodian cstn
    customer cust
    cylinder cyl
    daily dly
    data member of a class m_
    data processing dp
    database db
    date-time stamp dttm
    date dt
    day dd / dy
    dead / death / deceased dead
    debit dr
    debug dbg
    decimal dec
    decrease dec
    deduct / deduction ded
    default def / dflt
    deficit dfct
    definition defn
    degree deg
    delete del
    deliver / delivery dlvr
    demo dmo
    dental dntl
    department of motor vehicles dmv
    department dept
    dependency / dependent / depends dep
    deposit dpst
    depreciation depr
    description descr / dsc
    design dsgn
    destination dest / dst
    detail detl
    develop / development / deviation dev
    device dev
    dialog dlg
    dictionary dict
    difference / differential diff
    different diff
    digit dgt
    direct / direction / directional dir
    directory dir
    disability / disabled disa
    disbursed / disbursement dsb
    discount disc
    displacement dspl
    display disp
    disposition dsp
    distribute / distribution dist
    district dstr
    divide div
    division of continuing education dce
    division div
    document doc
    donor donr
    double dbl
    down dn
    drive / driver drv
    driver drv
    drop drp
    duplicate / duplication dup
    dword (unsigned long) dw
    dynamic dyna
    each ea
    early erly
    earn / earned / earnings earn
    earned income credit eic
    edit edt
    educate / education edu
    effect / effective eff
    effective date sequence effseq
    effective date effdt
    effort efrt
    elect / elected / elective elct
    electronic data interchange edi
    electronic funds transfer eft
    electronic mail em
    eligibility / eligible elig
    emergency emrg
    emphasis emph
    employee id emplid
    employee ee / empl
    employer er
    employment emplmt
    encumber / encumbrance encb
    end / ending end
    end of term eot
    endorse / endorsement endr
    endorsement endr
    endow / endowment endw
    engineer / engineering engn
    english engl
    enrichment enrch
    enrollment enrl
    enter / entered / entry entr
    entitle / entitlement entl
    environment env
    equal / equality / equivalence / equivalent eq
    equal employment opportunity / equal opportunity eeo
    equip eqp
    error err
    escape esc
    establishment estb
    ethnic ethn
    evaluation / evaluator eval
    event evnt
    exam exm
    exception excp
    exclude / exclusion excl
    execute / execution exec
    execute exec
    exempt / exemption exmt
    expect / expected expc
    expected family contribution efc
    expedite xpdt
    expense / export / express exp
    experimental expm
    expiration / expire expr
    export / expense exp
    extend / extended / extension ext
    extend ex/ext
    external extr
    facility fclt
    faculty fac
    family eduaction rights and privacy act ferpa
    family fmly
    fast fst
    father fath
    federal labor and security act flsa
    federal fed
    feet / full time ft
    field / fields fld
    final fnl
    financial aid fa
    financial fin
    first frst
    fiscal year to date fytd
    fiscal year fy
    fiscal fisc
    fix / fixed fix
    flag flg
    flexible spending account fsa
    floor flr
    foreign key fk
    foreign fgn
    format fmt
    former formr
    form frm
    frame frm
    free application for federal student aid fafsa
    free on board fob
    freeze / frozen frz
    frequency freq
    fresh / freshman frsh
    from fr
    fulfill / fulfilled fulf
    full time equivalent fte
    full time ft
    function / functional fcn
    function func / fn
    fund / funding fund
    future fut
    garnishment garn
    general education degree ged
    general ledger gl
    general genl
    geographic / geography geog
    gift gft
    global g / glbl
    government govt
    grade point average gpa
    grade gde / grd
    graduate grad
    grant / granted grnt
    grid grd
    gross gros
    group grp
    guaranteed student loan gsl
    guarantee guar
    guest gst
    handicap / handicapped hand
    handle h
    header hdr
    health hlth
    held / hold hld
    help hlp
    hierarchy hier
    high school services hss
    high school hs
    higher education hed
    highway hway
    high h
    history hst
    home hm
    honor society hsc
    honor honr
    horizontal horz
    hospital hosp
    hourly hrly
    hours hrs
    hour hh
    house / housing hse
    identification / identifier / indicator id
    image img
    immune / immunization imun
    impact impc
    implementation impl
    implement impl
    import/export impexp
    import imp
    inch in
    include incl
    income incm
    increase / increment incr
    increase inc
    increment inc
    index idx / indx
    indicator id / ind
    individual student information report isir
    individual indv
    information info
    initial / initialize init
    initial/initialize/initialization init
    initial init
    injury inj
    inoculation inoc
    input inpt
    inquiry inq
    insert ins / isrt
    instance inst
    institution inst
    instruction / instructional / instructor istr
    instructional need analysis system inas
    insurance ins
    integer i
    inter-unit iu
    interest int
    interface intfc
    internal intr
    international intl
    interrupt int / intr
    interval invl
    interview / interviewer intv
    inventory inv
    invent invn
    investment invest
    invitation / invite invt
    invoice invc
    issue / issued iss
    item itm
    journal jrnl
    junior science js
    junior jr
    label lbl
    lable lab
    laboratory lab
    labor lbr
    language lng
    last / list lst
    latitude lat
    layoff layf
    leave lv
    lecture lctr
    ledger led
    legal lgl
    lender lndr
    length len
    letter ltr
    level lvl
    liaison lisn
    liberal education lbd
    library lib
    license plate number lic_plte_nbr
    license lic
    limit lim
    line / loan ln
    link / linked lnk
    link lnk
    liquid liq
    list / last lst
    list lst
    literal ltrl
    loan / line ln
    locate / location loc
    locker lkr
    lock lk
    log on logon
    logical log
    long / longest long
    long term care ltc
    long term disability ltd
    longitude lon
    long l
    mail / mailer / mailing mail
    maintenance maint
    major mjr
    make mk
    manage / manager mgr / man
    manager mgr / mngr
    marital mrtl
    mask msk
    master academic records system mars
    match / matching mtch
    math mth
    matriculated / matriculation mtrc
    maximum max
    medical / medicinal med
    meet / meeting mt
    membership mshp
    member mbr
    memo / memorandum mmo
    memorial memr
    memory mem
    merchandise merchnds
    merchant merch
    merit mert
    message / messages msg
    message agent server mas
    message msg
    meter mtr
    method meth
    microfilm mfilm
    middle mid
    military mil
    minimum min
    minor minr
    minute mnt / mm
    miscellaneous misc
    mode mde
    modification / modifier mod
    monetary / money mony
    month-to-date mtd
    month mm / mn
    mother moth
    multiple mult
    multiply mul
    name nm / nme
    national association of college and university business officers nacubo
    national student loan direct system nslds
    national natl
    navigation nav
    next of kin nok
    next nxt
    no charge nc
    no credit nocr
    no print nprt
    nominal nom
    non-personal services nps
    not applicable na
    note / notice / notification / notify note
    number / numeric nbr
    number num
    object / objective obj
    object obj
    occupation ocp
    occurs occ
    offer / offered offr
    officer ofcr
    office offc
    official ofcl
    offset ofs
    online onln
    open opn
    operator opr
    option / optional / options opt
    oracle ora
    order ordr
    organization / organize org
    orientation ornt
    origin / original / origination orig
    origin / original org
    other othr
    overhead oh
    override ovrd
    overtime ot
    over ovr
    own / owned own
    owner ownr
    packaged pack
    package pkg
    panorama pano
    paper ppr
    parameter param / parm
    parent par
    parity / priority prty
    park prk
    part / partial prt
    part time pt
    participation prtp
    pass / passed pass
    password pwd / psw
    patron ptrn
    pay / payable / payment pay
    payroll pyrl
    pedestrian ped
    pell (pell grant) pel
    pending pend
    pension pens
    percent / percentage / percentile pct
    period-to-date ptd
    period pd
    perkins loan nslds
    permanent perm
    permit prmt
    personal / personnel psnl
    personal identification pin
    personnel action notification pan
    person pers
    phone phn
    physics phys
    picture pic
    place plce
    plan pln
    plate plte
    pledge pldg
    pointer p / ptr
    point pnt / pt
    policy plcy
    position pos
    post / posted post
    postal pstl
    potential potn
    predicted pred
    preference / preferred pref
    prefix prfx
    premium prem
    prerequisite preq
    prescribed pscr
    presentation prst
    president pres
    previous / prior prev
    previous pre / prev
    price level pl
    price prc
    primary key pk
    primary prim
    principal / principle prin
    principal investigator pi
    print / printed prn
    print prn
    prior / previous prev
    priority / parity prty
    probation / problem prob
    procedure / process proc
    process / procedure proc
    profession / professional prfs
    proficiency prfc
    profile prof
    program prg / prog
    project / projected proj
    promissory prms
    promotion prom
    properties prop
    proposal prps
    prospect prsp
    province prvn
    public pub
    purchase order po
    purchase pur
    purge prg
    purpose purp
    qualitative / quality qal
    quantitative / quantity qty
    quantity-to-date / quarter-to-date qtd
    quarter qtr
    question qstn
    range rng
    rank rnk
    rate rt
    read / reading read
    real / reallocation real
    reason rsn
    recall rcl
    receipt rcpt
    receive / received recv
    receiver rcvr
    recharge rchg
    recognition / recognize recg
    recommend rcmd
    reconciliation recon
    record rec
    recreate / recreation recr
    recruit / recruiting rcrt
    rect rc
    reduce / reduced / reduction red
    refer / reference / referral / referred ref
    reference ref
    refund rfnd
    regional rgnl
    region rgn
    register reg
    registrar regr
    registration reg
    reject / rejection rjct
    relate / relation / relationship rlat
    release rlse
    religion / religious relg
    remaining rmng
    reminder rmdr
    renewal rnwl
    repeat / repeatable / repeated rept
    replace / replaced repl
    reply rply
    report rpt
    request / requested / require / required / requisition req
    request req
    requirements rqmt
    research res
    reserve / reserved rsrv
    reserve officers training corps rotc
    residence / residency / resident rsdt
    resign rsgn
    resource res / rsrc
    response resp
    restart rst
    restock rstk
    restrict / restricted / restrictions rstr
    result rslt
    retire / retirement ret
    retroactive retr
    return ret / rtn
    revenue rev
    review rvw
    revision revs
    revoke revk
    roll up rlup
    roll rl
    room rm
    route rout
    run control runctl
    salary sal
    salutation sltn
    same sm
    scale scal
    schedule / scheduled / scheduling sched
    scholar / scholarship schlr
    scholastic / school schl
    scholastic aptitude test sat
    science sci
    score scr
    screen scr
    search srch
    second scnd / ss / sec
    section sctn
    secure / security sec
    segment seg
    select / selection / selective sel
    select sel
    semester sem
    semi finalist semf
    senate / senator sen
    send snd
    senior sr
    sent snt
    separate sepr
    sequence seq
    serial serl
    server svr / srv
    service serv
    session sessn
    sharing shr
    sheet shet
    shelter shlt
    shift shft
    shipping ship
    short int n
    short shrt
    sign sgn
    simulated sim
    size sz
    skill skl
    skip skp
    social / society soc
    social security number ssn
    soft sft
    solid slid
    sophomore soph
    sort srt
    source src
    special / specialty spcl
    specific / specification spec
    sponsor / sponsored spon
    sports sprt
    spouse spse
    square sq
    stack stck
    staff stf
    stage stg
    stamp stmp
    standard deviation stdv
    standard std
    start / starting strt
    statement stmt
    state st
    static stc
    statistics stat
    statistic stat
    status sts
    step stp
    stipend stpd
    stock stk
    storage stg
    stream stm
    street str
    string str / s
    structure strc
    student academic records sar
    student credit hour sch
    student stu
    study stdy
    subcampaign scmp
    subject subj
    subordinate sub
    subsidiary subs
    subtract sub
    suffix sfx
    summation / summary sum
    summation sum
    supervisor / support sup
    supplement / supplemental supl
    survey srvy
    suspense susp / suspn
    switch flg / sw
    sybase syb
    synchronization sync
    system sys
    table / tables tbl
    table tbl
    taken tkn
    target trgt
    taught tght
    tax / taxable tx
    tax id number tin
    template tmpl
    temporary tmp / temp
    tenure tenr
    terminal trml
    terminate trmt
    term trm
    test tst
    text metric tm
    text txt
    thermidor therm
    ticket tkt
    time keeping tmkp
    time-stamp ts
    time tm
    title titl
    today tdy
    total tot
    town cty
    track / tracking trk
    traditional trad
    training trn
    transact / transaction trans
    transcript tscp
    transfer xfer
    translate / translation xlt
    translate/transation/transparent tran / trans
    transmit / transmittal xmit
    travel trvl
    tuition tuit
    type typ
    undergraduate ugrd
    unemployment unempl
    unit of measure uom
    universal unvrsl
    university univ
    unknown unk
    unpaid unpd
    unsecure / unsecured unsec
    unsigned char (byte) by
    unsigned int u
    unsigned long (ulong) ul
    up to max
    update / updated updt
    update upd
    upgrade upg
    upper upr
    us department of education usde
    use / used use
    user usr
    utility util
    vacation vacn
    valedictorian vldc
    valid / validate / validation vld
    value val
    variable var
    vehicle veh
    vendor vend
    verbal vrbl
    verify / verified verf
    version ver
    vertical vert
    veteran vet
    vice president vp
    violation vio
    virus vir
    visit vst
    void v
    voucher vchr
    waived wved
    week / work / worked / worker(s) wk
    width wid
    window win / wnd
    withdrawal wdrl
    withhold / withholding whld
    with w
    women wmn
    word (unsigned short) w
    worksheet wkst
    write / written wrt
    x, y coordinates (short) x,y
    year-to-date ytd
    year yr / yy
    zero terminated string sz


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    Leecode no.21 合并两个有序链表
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/BinB-W/p/5707661.html
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