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  • 开发过程中编写的一些批处理


    用于不开启VS直接编译、部署、创建和恢复快照 WindowsPhone APP,注册WindowsPhone手机。



      1 @echo off
      2 pushd "%~dp0"
      3 title Build Release
      4 set folder=%CD%
      5 set MSBUILD=%windir%microsoft.netframeworkv4.0.30319msbuild.exe
      6 set APPDEPLOYCMD="%ProgramFiles(x86)%Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev8.1ToolsAppDeployAppDeployCmd.exe"
      7 set APPDEPLOY="%ProgramFiles(x86)%Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev8.1ToolsAppDeployAppDeploy.exe"
      8 set ISETOOL="%ProgramFiles(x86)%Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev8.1ToolsIsolatedStorageExplorerToolisetool.exe"
      9 set PHONEREG="%ProgramFiles(x86)%Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev8.1ToolsPhone RegistrationPhoneReg.exe"
     10 set PRODUCTID=6d24eb8a-60e9-4d9c-a943-f6d5c7796649
     11 set DESKTOPPATH=myfiles
     12 set XAPFILE="%folder%Youku.BinReleaseYouku_Release_ARM.xap"
     13 set msbuildlog="%folder%lastmsbuild.log"
     14 set filelogger=/fl /flp:logfile=%msbuildlog%
     15 if "%folder%"=="" goto :edit
     16 if NOT EXIST %folder% goto :edit
     17 :menu
     18 echo.
     19 echo Target: %folder%
     20 echo ^<Menu^>
     21 echo 1.Build    2.Rebuild    3[3].Deploy and Run    4.Update    5.Uninstall
     22 echo 6.Dir IsolatedStore     7.Take snapshot        8.Restore snapshot
     23 echo 9.Phone Reg Tool        L.Open last msbuild log file       x.Exit
     24 set input=
     25 set /p input=Command:
     26 if "%input%"=="1" goto :build
     27 if "%input%"=="2" goto :rebuild
     28 if "%input%"=="3" goto :deploy
     29 if "%input%"=="4" goto :update
     30 if "%input%"=="5" goto :uninstall
     31 if "%input%"=="6" goto :isedir
     32 if "%input%"=="7" goto :isets
     33 if "%input%"=="8" goto :isers
     34 if "%input%"=="9" goto :phonereg
     35 if "%input%"=="l" goto :openlogfile
     36 if "%input%"=="L" goto :openlogfile
     37 if "%input%"=="x" goto :end
     38 if "%input%"=="X" goto :end
     39 if "%input%"=="exit" goto :end
     40 if "%input%"=="33" goto :startAPPDEPLOY
     41 goto :menu
     42 :build
     43 echo Boot Building...
     44 echo ^(1/5^) Building UPlayer_WRT.vcxproj ...
     45 %MSBUILD% /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%UPlayerUPlayer_WRTUPlayer_WRT.vcxproj"
     46 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> BUILD UPlayer_WRT.vcxproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     47 echo ^(2/5^) Building UPlayer_players.csproj ...
     48 %MSBUILD% /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%UPlayerUPlayer_playersUPlayer_players.csproj"
     49 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> BUILD UPlayer_players.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     50 echo ^(3/5^) Building Youku.Pattern.csproj ...
     51 %MSBUILD% /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%Youku.PatternYouku.Pattern.csproj"
     52 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> BUILD Youku.Pattern.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     53 echo ^(4/5^) Building Youku.Online.csproj ...
     54 %MSBUILD% /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%Youku.OnlineYouku.Online.csproj"
     55 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> BUILD Youku.Online.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     56 echo ^(5/5^) Building Youku.csproj ...
     57 %MSBUILD% /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%YoukuYouku.csproj"
     58 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> BUILD Youku.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)) else (echo ALL BUILD OK.)
     59 goto :menu
     60 :rebuild
     61 set /p MYCONSOLE=Rebuild with MYCONSOLE?(Y/N):
     62 set DefineConstants=
     63 if "%MYCONSOLE%"=="y" set DefineConstants=DefineConstants^=^"MYCONSOLE^";
     64 if "%MYCONSOLE%"=="Y" set DefineConstants=DefineConstants^=^"MYCONSOLE^";
     65 echo Boot Rebuilding...
     66 echo ^(1/5^) Rebuilding UPlayer_WRT.vcxproj ...
     67 %MSBUILD% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%UPlayerUPlayer_WRTUPlayer_WRT.vcxproj"
     68 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> REBUILD UPlayer_WRT.vcxproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     69 echo ^(2/5^) Rebuilding UPlayer_players.csproj ...
     70 %MSBUILD% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%UPlayerUPlayer_playersUPlayer_players.csproj"
     71 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> REBUILD UPlayer_players.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     72 echo ^(3/5^) Rebuilding Youku.Pattern.csproj ...
     73 %MSBUILD% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%Youku.PatternYouku.Pattern.csproj"
     74 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> REBUILD Youku.Pattern.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     75 echo ^(4/5^) Rebuilding Youku.Online.csproj ...
     76 %MSBUILD% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%Youku.OnlineYouku.Online.csproj"
     77 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> REBUILD Youku.Online.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     78 echo ^(5/5^) Rebuilding Youku.csproj ...
     79 %MSBUILD% /t:Rebuild /p:%DefineConstants%Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%YoukuYouku.csproj"
     80 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> REBUILD Youku.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)) else (echo ALL REBUILD OK.)
     81 goto :menu
     82 :deploy
     83 echo Deploying. Please wait.................
     85 %APPDEPLOYCMD% /installlaunch %XAPFILE% /targetdevice:de
     86 if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 5 goto :startAPPDEPLOY
     87 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> DEPLOY ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)) else (echo DEPLOY OK.)
     88 goto :menu
     90 echo Warnning: AppDeployCmd.exe is not found!
     91 :startAPPDEPLOY
     92 echo Start AppDeploy.exe ...
     93 start "" /d "%folder%Youku.BinRelease" %APPDEPLOY%
     94 ping -n 2 127.1>nul
     95 goto :menu
     96 :update
     97 echo Updating. Please wait.................
     99 %APPDEPLOYCMD% /update %XAPFILE% /targetdevice:de
    100 if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 5 goto :startAPPDEPLOY
    101 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> UPDATE ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)) else (echo UPDATE OK.)
    102 goto :menu
    103 :uninstall
    104 echo Uninstall. Please wait.................
    105 if NOT EXIST %APPDEPLOYCMD% (echo Warnning: AppDeployCmd.exe is not found!&&goto :menu)
    106 echo   ^* Product ID: %PRODUCTID%
    107 %APPDEPLOYCMD% /uninstall %PRODUCTID% /targetdevice:de
    108 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> Uninstall ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)) else (echo Uninstall OK.)
    109 goto :menu
    110 :isedir
    111 echo Dir IsolatedStore. Please wait.................
    112 echo   ^* Product ID: %PRODUCTID%
    113 %ISETOOL% dir de %PRODUCTID%
    114 ::if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> Dir isolated storage ERROR!) else (echo Dir isolated storage OK.)
    115 goto :menu
    116 :isets
    117 echo Take snapshot. Please wait.................
    118 echo   ^* Product ID: %PRODUCTID%
    119 echo   ^* Desktop Path: %DESKTOPPATH%
    120 %ISETOOL% ts de %PRODUCTID% "%folder%\%DESKTOPPATH%"
    121 ::if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> Take snapshot ERROR!) else (echo Take snapshot OK.)
    122 goto :menu
    123 :isers
    124 echo Restore snapshot. Please wait.................
    125 echo   ^* Product ID: %PRODUCTID%
    126 echo   ^* Desktop Path: %DESKTOPPATH%IsolatedStore
    127 %ISETOOL% rs de %PRODUCTID% "%folder%\%DESKTOPPATH%IsolatedStore"
    128 ::if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> Restore snapshot ERROR!) else (echo Restore snapshot OK.)
    129 goto :menu
    130 :phonereg
    131 echo Start PhoneReg.exe ...
    132 start "" %PHONEREG%
    133 ping -n 2 127.1>nul
    134 goto :menu
    135 :openlogfile
    136 if exist %msbuildlog% (start "" notepad %msbuildlog%) else (echo Logfile not found.) 
    137 goto :menu
    138 :edit
    139 start "" notepad "%0"
    140 :end
    141 popd
    142 exit

    BuildRelease_8.0.bat (WindowsPhone 8.0版本)

      1 @echo off
      2 pushd "%~dp0"
      3 title Build Release for WP8.0
      4 set folder=%CD%
      5 set MSBUILD=%windir%microsoft.netframeworkv4.0.30319msbuild.exe
      6 set XAPDEPLOYCMD="%ProgramFiles(x86)%Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev8.0ToolsXAP DeploymentXapDeployCmd.exe"
      7 set XAPDEPLOY="%ProgramFiles(x86)%Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev8.0ToolsXAP DeploymentXapDeploy.exe"
      8 set ISETOOL="%ProgramFiles(x86)%Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev8.0ToolsIsolatedStorageExplorerToolisetool.exe"
      9 set PHONEREG="%ProgramFiles(x86)%Microsoft SDKsWindows Phonev8.0ToolsPhone RegistrationPhoneReg.exe"
     10 set PRODUCTID=6d24eb8a-60e9-4d9c-a943-f6d5c7796649
     11 set DESKTOPPATH=myfiles
     12 set XAPFILE="%folder%Youku.BinReleaseYouku_Release_ARM.xap"
     13 set msbuildlog="%folder%lastmsbuild.log"
     14 set filelogger=/fl /flp:logfile=%msbuildlog%
     15 if "%folder%"=="" goto :edit
     16 if NOT EXIST %folder% goto :edit
     17 :menu
     18 echo.
     19 echo Target: %folder%
     20 echo ^<Menu^>
     21 echo 1.Build    2.Rebuild    3[3].Deploy and Run    4.Update    5.Uninstall
     22 echo 6.Dir IsolatedStore     7.Take snapshot        8.Restore snapshot
     23 echo 9.Phone Reg Tool        L.Open last msbuild log file       x.Exit
     24 set input=
     25 set /p input=Command:
     26 if "%input%"=="1" goto :build
     27 if "%input%"=="2" goto :rebuild
     28 if "%input%"=="3" goto :deploy
     29 if "%input%"=="4" goto :update
     30 if "%input%"=="5" goto :uninstall
     31 if "%input%"=="6" goto :isedir
     32 if "%input%"=="7" goto :isets
     33 if "%input%"=="8" goto :isers
     34 if "%input%"=="9" goto :phonereg
     35 if "%input%"=="l" goto :openlogfile
     36 if "%input%"=="L" goto :openlogfile
     37 if "%input%"=="x" goto :end
     38 if "%input%"=="X" goto :end
     39 if "%input%"=="exit" goto :end
     40 if "%input%"=="33" goto :startXAPDEPLOY
     41 goto :menu
     42 :build
     43 echo Boot Building...
     44 echo ^(1/5^) Building UPlayer_WRT.vcxproj ...
     45 %MSBUILD% /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%UPlayerUPlayer_WRTUPlayer_WRT.vcxproj"
     46 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> BUILD UPlayer_WRT.vcxproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     47 echo ^(2/5^) Building UPlayer_players.csproj ...
     48 %MSBUILD% /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%UPlayerUPlayer_playersUPlayer_players.csproj"
     49 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> BUILD UPlayer_players.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     50 echo ^(3/5^) Building Youku.Pattern.csproj ...
     51 %MSBUILD% /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%Youku.PatternYouku.Pattern.csproj"
     52 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> BUILD Youku.Pattern.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     53 echo ^(4/5^) Building Youku.Online.csproj ...
     54 %MSBUILD% /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%Youku.OnlineYouku.Online.csproj"
     55 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> BUILD Youku.Online.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     56 echo ^(5/5^) Building Youku.csproj ...
     57 %MSBUILD% /t:Build /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%YoukuYouku.csproj"
     58 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> BUILD Youku.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)) else (echo ALL BUILD OK.)
     59 goto :menu
     60 :rebuild
     61 set /p MYCONSOLE=Rebuild with MYCONSOLE?(Y/N):
     62 set DefineConstants=
     63 if "%MYCONSOLE%"=="y" set DefineConstants=DefineConstants^=^"MYCONSOLE^";
     64 if "%MYCONSOLE%"=="Y" set DefineConstants=DefineConstants^=^"MYCONSOLE^";
     65 echo Boot Rebuilding...
     66 echo ^(1/5^) Rebuilding UPlayer_WRT.vcxproj ...
     67 %MSBUILD% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%UPlayerUPlayer_WRTUPlayer_WRT.vcxproj"
     68 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> REBUILD UPlayer_WRT.vcxproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     69 echo ^(2/5^) Rebuilding UPlayer_players.csproj ...
     70 %MSBUILD% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%UPlayerUPlayer_playersUPlayer_players.csproj"
     71 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> REBUILD UPlayer_players.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     72 echo ^(3/5^) Rebuilding Youku.Pattern.csproj ...
     73 %MSBUILD% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%Youku.PatternYouku.Pattern.csproj"
     74 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> REBUILD Youku.Pattern.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     75 echo ^(4/5^) Rebuilding Youku.Online.csproj ...
     76 %MSBUILD% /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%Youku.OnlineYouku.Online.csproj"
     77 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> REBUILD Youku.Online.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)&&goto :menu)
     78 echo ^(5/5^) Rebuilding Youku.csproj ...
     79 %MSBUILD% /t:Rebuild /p:%DefineConstants%Configuration=Release;Platform=ARM /nologo /noconsolelogger %filelogger% "%folder%YoukuYouku.csproj"
     80 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> REBUILD Youku.csproj ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)) else (echo ALL REBUILD OK.)
     81 goto :menu
     82 :deploy
     83 echo Deploying. Please wait.................
     85 %XAPDEPLOYCMD% /installlaunch %XAPFILE% /targetdevice:de
     86 if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 5 goto :startXAPDEPLOY
     87 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> DEPLOY ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)) else (echo DEPLOY OK.)
     88 goto :menu
     90 echo Warnning: XapDeployCmd.exe is not found!
     91 :startXAPDEPLOY
     92 echo Start XapDeploy.exe ...
     93 start "" /d "%folder%Youku.BinRelease" %XAPDEPLOY%
     94 ping -n 2 127.1>nul
     95 goto :menu
     96 :update
     97 echo Updating. Please wait.................
     99 %XAPDEPLOYCMD% /update %XAPFILE% /targetdevice:de
    100 if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 5 goto :startXAPDEPLOY
    101 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> UPDATE ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)) else (echo UPDATE OK.)
    102 goto :menu
    103 :uninstall
    104 echo Uninstall. Please wait.................
    105 if NOT EXIST %XAPDEPLOYCMD% (echo Warnning: XapDeployCmd.exe is not found!&&goto :menu)
    106 echo   ^* Product ID: %PRODUCTID%
    107 %XAPDEPLOYCMD% /uninstall %PRODUCTID% /targetdevice:de
    108 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> Uninstall ERROR! ^(%ERRORLEVEL%^)) else (echo Uninstall OK.)
    109 goto :menu
    110 :isedir
    111 echo Dir IsolatedStore. Please wait.................
    112 echo   ^* Product ID: %PRODUCTID%
    113 %ISETOOL% dir de %PRODUCTID%
    114 ::if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> Dir isolated storage ERROR!) else (echo Dir isolated storage OK.)
    115 goto :menu
    116 :isets
    117 echo Take snapshot. Please wait.................
    118 echo   ^* Product ID: %PRODUCTID%
    119 echo   ^* Desktop Path: %DESKTOPPATH%
    120 %ISETOOL% ts de %PRODUCTID% "%folder%\%DESKTOPPATH%"
    121 ::if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> Take snapshot ERROR!) else (echo Take snapshot OK.)
    122 goto :menu
    123 :isers
    124 echo Restore snapshot. Please wait.................
    125 echo   ^* Product ID: %PRODUCTID%
    126 echo   ^* Desktop Path: %DESKTOPPATH%IsolatedStore
    127 %ISETOOL% rs de %PRODUCTID% "%folder%\%DESKTOPPATH%IsolatedStore"
    128 ::if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> Restore snapshot ERROR!) else (echo Restore snapshot OK.)
    129 goto :menu
    130 :phonereg
    131 echo Start PhoneReg.exe ...
    132 start "" %PHONEREG%
    133 ping -n 2 127.1>nul
    134 goto :menu
    135 :openlogfile
    136 if exist %msbuildlog% (start "" notepad %msbuildlog%) else (echo Logfile not found.) 
    137 goto :menu
    138 :edit
    139 start "" notepad "%0"
    140 :end
    141 popd
    142 exit
    View Code






     1 @echo off
     2 echo ---------------------------------
     3 echo ROBOCOPY source-dir dest-dir /MIR
     4 echo ---------------------------------
     5 title ROBOCOPY source-dir dest-dir
     6 :setsource
     7 set /p source=source-dir:
     8 if "%source%"=="" goto :setsource
     9 if not exist %source% echo The source-dir doesn't exist. Please input again.&&goto :setsource
    10 title ROBOCOPY %source% dest-dir
    11 :setdestination
    12 set /p destination=dest-dir:
    13 if "%destination%"=="" goto :setdestination
    14 if not exist %destination% goto :startrobocopy
    15 :overwritequestion
    16 set /p key=The dest-dir has existed. Do it?(Y/N):
    17 if "%key%"=="" goto :overwritequestion
    18 if "%key%"=="Y" goto :startrobocopy
    19 if "%key%"=="y" goto :startrobocopy
    20 goto :setdestination
    21 :startrobocopy
    22 title ROBOCOPY %source% %destination%
    23 set XF=Thumbs.db
    24 set XD=.svn myfiles
    25 robocopy %source% %destination% /MIR /XF %XF% /XD %XD%
    26 title ROBOCOPY %source% %destination% (Completed)
    27 set /p key=Press ENTER to open folder...
    28 explorer /select,"%destination%BuildRelease.bat"


    其中包含了文件名大写、Unicode代码替换功能,替换图像等文件按项目文件结构放在 wp8nokiaupdate 文件夹中。

     1 @echo off
     2 echo ---------------------------
     3 echo Create Project-Nokia
     4 echo ---------------------------
     5 title Create Project-Nokia
     6 color 17
     7 :setsource
     8 set /p source=source-dir:
     9 if "%source%"=="" goto :setsource
    10 if not exist %source% echo The source-dir doesn't exist. Please input again.&&goto :setsource
    11 :setdestination
    12 set "destination=%source:wp8_v=诺基亚wp8_v%"
    13 for %%i in (A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do call set destination=%%destination:%%i=%%i%%
    14 if "%destination%"=="" goto :setdestination
    15 if not exist %destination% goto :startrobocopy
    16 :overwritequestion
    17 set /p key=The dest-dir has existed. Do it?(Y/N):
    18 if "%key%"=="" goto :overwritequestion
    19 if "%key%"=="Y" goto :startrobocopy
    20 if "%key%"=="y" goto :startrobocopy
    21 goto :setsource
    22 :startrobocopy
    23 color 2e
    24 set XF=Thumbs.db
    25 set XD=.svn myfiles
    26 robocopy %source% %destination% /MIR /XF %XF% /XD %XD%
    27 if not exist wp8nokiaupdate goto :editAppid
    28 echo ^>^> Xcopying wp8nokiaupdate files...
    29 xcopy wp8nokiaupdate %destination% /s /e /g /h /r /k /y
    30 :editAppid
    31 rem echo ^>^> Replace AppId, MarketPlaceAppId, IdleDetectionMode, Agree for Terms and Privacy...
    32 echo ^>^> Replace AppId, MarketPlaceAppId...
    33 set sourceappid=ad00404c17cb662e
    34 set nokiaappid=515158cd5f9b803b
    35 set sourcemarketplaceappid=cdfb7d0f-825e-40b4-b146-3853a0646994
    36 set nokiamarketplaceappid=923aa42b-882c-4815-9c69-b74100cac3c9
    37 set replacefile1=%destination%Youku.OnlineYoukuServiceYoukuServicePartOne.cs
    38 rem set replacefile2=%destination%YoukuApp.xaml.cs
    39 rem set replacefile3=%destination%YoukuViewsUserRegisterPageView.xaml
    40 set tempvbs=%~n0_replace_appid.vbs
    41 echo function ansi2utf8(strFile,s1,s2,newname) >%tempvbs%
    42 echo Set ADOStrm = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") >>%tempvbs%
    43 echo ADOStrm.Type = 2 >>%tempvbs%
    44 echo ADOStrm.Mode = 3 >>%tempvbs%
    45 echo ADOStrm.CharSet = s1 >>%tempvbs%
    46 echo ADOStrm.Open >>%tempvbs%
    47 echo ADOStrm.LoadFromFile strFile >>%tempvbs%
    48 echo s = ADOStrm.ReadText >>%tempvbs%
    49 echo ADOStrm.Position = 0 >>%tempvbs%
    50 echo ADOStrm.CharSet = s2 >>%tempvbs%
    51 echo ADOStrm.WriteText s >>%tempvbs%
    52 echo ADOStrm.SetEOS >>%tempvbs%
    53 echo ADOStrm.SaveToFile newname, 2 >>%tempvbs%
    54 echo ADOStrm.Close >>%tempvbs%
    55 echo end function >>%tempvbs%
    56 echo function strReplace(pFile,pStr,reStr) >>%tempvbs%
    57 echo set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >>%tempvbs%
    58 echo set ws=CreateObject("wscript.shell") >>%tempvbs%
    59 echo filename=pFile >>%tempvbs%
    60 echo ansi2utf8 filename,"utf-8","gbk","temp.tmp" >>%tempvbs%
    61 echo set fr=fso.opentextfile("temp.tmp",1,-1) >>%tempvbs%
    62 echo set fw=fso.createtextfile("temp2.tmp",2) >>%tempvbs%
    63 echo Set regEx = New RegExp >>%tempvbs%
    64 echo do >>%tempvbs%
    65 echo data=fr.readline >>%tempvbs%
    66 echo regEx.Pattern = pStr >>%tempvbs%
    67 echo data = regEx.Replace(data, reStr) >>%tempvbs%
    68 echo fw.writeline data >>%tempvbs%
    69 echo loop until fr.atendofstream >>%tempvbs%
    70 echo fw.close:fr.close >>%tempvbs%
    71 echo ansi2utf8 "temp2.tmp","gbk","utf-8",filename >>%tempvbs%
    72 echo fso.deletefile "temp.tmp",true >>%tempvbs%
    73 echo fso.deletefile "temp2.tmp",true >>%tempvbs%
    74 echo end function >>%tempvbs%
    75 echo strReplace "%replacefile1%","""%sourceappid%""","""%nokiaappid%""" >>%tempvbs%
    76 echo strReplace "%replacefile1%","""%sourcemarketplaceappid%""","""%nokiamarketplaceappid%""" >>%tempvbs%
    77 rem echo strReplace "%replacefile2%","PhoneApplicationService.Current.UserIdleDetectionMode","//PhoneApplicationService.Current.UserIdleDetectionMode" >>%tempvbs%
    78 rem echo strReplace "%replacefile2%","PhoneApplicationService.Current.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode","//PhoneApplicationService.Current.ApplicationIdleDetectionMode" >>%tempvbs%
    79 rem echo strReplace "%replacefile3%","Name=""acceptConventionCheckBox""  IsChecked=""True""","Name=""acceptConventionCheckBox""  IsChecked=""False""" >>%tempvbs%
    80 wscript %tempvbs%
    81 ping 127.1 -n 2 >nul
    82 del %tempvbs% /q>nul
    83 find /n /i "%nokiaappid%" %replacefile1%
    84 find /n /i "%nokiamarketplaceappid%" %replacefile1%
    85 if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (echo ^>^> Replace AppId ERROR!) else (echo Replace AppId OK.)
    86 :completed
    87 echo Completed.
    88 title Create Project-Nokia (Completed)
    89 echo.
    90 color 17
    91 set /p key=Press ENTER to open folder...
    92 explorer /select,"%destination%BuildRelease.bat"
    View Code


    利用7za.exe根据当前的时间进行源代码备份,可自动生成 exclude.txt 文件,去除源码中不需要备份的部分,也可以对它手动编辑。




     1 @echo off
     2 rem 说明:
     3 rem slnDir   [必选] 将压缩的文件夹名称
     4 rem slnFile  [可选] 将sln文件名(不含扩展名)设置在“slnFile=”右边
     5 rem password [可选] 打包时使用的密码
     6 ::call 制作备份.bat -noUplayer
     7 ::call 制作备份.bat -onlyUplayer
     8 set slnDir=wp8_v3.7
     9 set slnFile=
    10 set password=youku123
    11 set output="%slnDir%.%date:~0,4%-%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2% %time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%.Src.7z"
    12 if "%slnFile%"=="" set slnFile=%slnDir%
    13 set exe7z=7za.exe
    14 set excludeFile=exclude.txt
    15 title 制作备份
    16 ::参数
    17 if "%1"=="-noUplayer" goto :noUplayer
    18 if "%1"=="-onlyUplayer" goto :onlyUplayer
    19 goto :start
    20 :noUplayer
    21 title 制作备份 - NO UPLAYER FOLDER
    22 set excludeFile=exclude_noUplayer.txt
    23 set output="%slnDir%.nouplayer.%date:~0,4%-%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2% %time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%.Src.7z"
    24 goto :start
    25 :onlyUplayer
    26 title 制作备份 - ONLY UPLAYER FOLDER
    27 set output="%slnDir%.UPlayer.%date:~0,4%-%date:~5,2%-%date:~8,2% %time:~0,2%-%time:~3,2%-%time:~6,2%.Src.7z"
    28 set slnDir="%slnDir%UPlayer"
    29 goto :start
    30 :start
    31 cls
    32 if "%slnDir%"=="" goto :ERR1
    33 if not exist %slnDir% goto :ERR1
    34 if not exist %exe7z% goto :ERR2
    35 if exist %excludeFile% goto :COMPRESS
    36 ::生成excludeFile
    37 echo .svn>%excludeFile%
    38 echo bin>>%excludeFile%
    39 echo obj>>%excludeFile%
    40 echo PerformanceLogs>>%excludeFile%
    41 echo PerfLogs>>%excludeFile%
    42 echo myfiles>>%excludeFile%
    43 echo packages>>%excludeFile%
    44 echo ipch>>%excludeFile%
    45 echo *.sdf>>%excludeFile%
    46 echo Youku.suo>>%excludeFile%
    47 echo Youku.v11.suo>>%excludeFile%
    48 echo Youku.v12.suo>>%excludeFile%
    49 echo Youku.sln.DotSettings.user>>%excludeFile%
    50 echo lastmsbuild.log>>%excludeFile%
    51 echo Youku_*.sap>>%excludeFile%
    52 echo Youku.sdf>>%excludeFile%
    53 echo Thumbs.db>>%excludeFile%
    54 echo Youku_Debug_AnyCPU.xap>>%excludeFile%
    55 echo Youku_Release_AnyCPU.xap>>%excludeFile%
    56 if "%1"=="-noUplayer" echo UPlayer>>%excludeFile%
    57 :COMPRESS
    58 title 正在备份:%output%
    59 if exist %output% del %output% /F /Q
    60 if "%password%"=="" (set pwd=) else (set pwd=-p%password%)
    61 %exe7z% a -t7z -mx=9 %output% "%slnDir%" -xr@%excludeFile% -scsWIN %pwd%
    62 echo 输出文件:%output%
    63 title 备份完成:%output%
    64 set /p key=按回车键退出...
    65 goto :END
    66 :ERR1
    67 title 错误 - 制作备份
    68 color 0E
    69 echo 错误:源文件夹:“%slnDir%” 不存在!
    70 echo.
    71 echo 请修改slnDir变量,保存后重试。
    72 echo.
    73 echo 按任意键开始编辑...
    74 pause>nul
    75 start "" %windir%
    otepad.exe "%~0"
    76 goto :END
    77 :ERR2
    78 title 错误 - 制作备份
    79 color 0E
    80 echo 错误:压缩软件:“%exe7z%”不存在!
    81 echo.
    82 echo 请检查7z压缩软件,或者编辑批处理修改exe7z变量。
    83 echo.
    84 echo 按任意键退出...
    85 pause>nul
    86 goto :END
    87 :END
    88 exit




    他会创建 exclude_noUplayer.txt 文件,可手动编辑排除的文件。

     1 @echo off
     2 echo ====== 制作备份 ======
     3 echo 1. noUplayer
     4 echo 2. onlyUplayer
     5 echo 3. 全部(onlyUplayer和onlyUplayer)
     6 echo 4. 全部
     7 echo.
     8 set /p key=请选择:
     9 if "%key%"=="1" call 制作备份.bat -noUplayer
    10 if "%key%"=="2" call 制作备份.bat -onlyUplayer
    11 if "%key%"=="3" start call 制作备份.bat -noUplayer && call 制作备份.bat -onlyUplayer
    12 if "%key%"=="4" call 制作备份.bat

    4. 手动给无线网络启动wifi热点


    @echo off
    rem 请设置简单的无线热点ssid和密码(8位)
    set ssid=TEMP001
    set key=88888888
    rem -------------------------------------
    "%SYSTEMROOT%system32cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%system32configSYSTEM" >nul 2>nul
    if %errorlevel%==0 goto :start
    echo 请以管理员身份运行。
    goto :end
    color 1f
    echo --------------
    echo 创建wifi热点
    echo --------------
    echo 按任意键开始...
    netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=%ssid% key=%key%
    if errorlevel 1 goto :err1
    echo    SSID: %ssid%
    echo     KEY: %key%
    ping -n 2 127.1>nul
    netsh wlan start hostednetwork
    if errorlevel 1 goto :err2
    ping -n 2 127.1>nul
    echo 请手动设置网络共享,共享给新创建的wifi热点...
    start "" ncpa.cpl
    echo 配置热点信息失败。
    goto :end
    echo 启动热点失败。请尝试:
    echo 设备管理器 - 网络适配器 - Microsoft virtual WiFI Miniport Adapter(如果有)
    echo 右键-属性,到“驱动程序”页,点“启用”按钮。
    start "" devmgmt.msc
    goto :end
    echo 按任意键结束...
  • 相关阅读:
    normalize.css介绍和使用,normalize与CSS Reset的区别
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Bob-wei/p/4489412.html
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