try { // Code that might generate exceptions } catch(Type1 id1) { // Handle exceptions of Type1 } catch(Type2 id2) { // Handle exceptions of Type2 } catch(Type3 id3) { // Handle exceptions of Type3 } // etc.
异常处理程序必须紧跟在 try 块之后。当异常被抛出时,异常处理机制将负责搜寻参数与异常类型相匹配的第一个处理程序。然后进入 catch 子句执行,此时认为异常得到了处理。一旦 catch 子句结束,则处理程序的查找过程结束。注意,只有匹配的 catch 子句才能得到执行;这与 switch 语句不同,switch 语句需要在每一个 case 后面跟一个 break,以避免执行后续的 case 子句。
注意在 try 块的内部,许多不同的方法调用可能会产生类型相同的异常,而你只需要提供一个针对此类型的异常处理程序。
// exceptions/FullConstructors.java class MyException extends Exception { MyException() {} MyException(String msg) { super(msg); } } public class FullConstructors { public static void f() throws MyException { System.out.println("Throwing MyException from f()"); throw new MyException(); } public static void g() throws MyException { System.out.println("Throwing MyException from g()"); throw new MyException("Originated in g()"); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { f(); } catch(MyException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } try { g(); } catch(MyException e) { e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } }
// exceptions/LoggingExceptions.java // An exception that reports through a Logger // {ErrorOutputExpected} import java.util.logging.*; import java.io.*; class LoggingException extends Exception { private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("LoggingException"); LoggingException() { StringWriter trace = new StringWriter(); printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(trace)); logger.severe(trace.toString()); } } public class LoggingExceptions { public static void main(String[] args) { try { throw new LoggingException(); } catch(LoggingException e) { System.err.println("Caught " + e); } try { throw new LoggingException(); } catch(LoggingException e) { System.err.println("Caught " + e); } } }
___[ Error Output ]___ May 09, 2017 6:07:17 AM LoggingException <init> SEVERE: LoggingException at LoggingExceptions.main(LoggingExceptions.java:20) Caught LoggingException May 09, 2017 6:07:17 AM LoggingException <init> SEVERE: LoggingException at LoggingExceptions.main(LoggingExceptions.java:25) Caught LoggingException
为了产生日志记录消息,我们欲获取异常抛出处的栈轨迹,但是 printStackTrace() 不会默认地产生字符串。为了获取字符串,我们需要使用重载的 printStackTrace() 方法,它接受一个 java.io.PrintWriter 对象作为参数
代码必须与异常说明保持一致。如果方法里的代码产生了异常却没有进行处理,编译器会发现这个问题并提醒你:要么处理这个异常,要么就在异常说明中表明此方法将产生异常。通过这种自顶向下强制执行的异常说明机制,Java 在编译时就可以保证一定水平的异常正确性。
catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Caught an exception"); }
因为 Exception 是与编程有关的所有异常类的基类,所以它不会含有太多具体的信息,不过可以调用它从其基类 Throwable 继承的方法:
String getMessage()
String getLocalizedMessage()
// exceptions/SameHandler.java class EBase1 extends Exception {} class Except1 extends EBase1 {} class EBase2 extends Exception {} class Except2 extends EBase2 {} class EBase3 extends Exception {} class Except3 extends EBase3 {} class EBase4 extends Exception {} class Except4 extends EBase4 {} public class SameHandler { void x() throws Except1, Except2, Except3, Except4 {} void process() {} void f() { try { x(); } catch(Except1 e) { process(); } catch(Except2 e) { process(); } catch(Except3 e) { process(); } catch(Except4 e) { process(); } } }
// exceptions/MultiCatch.java public class MultiCatch { void x() throws Except1, Except2, Except3, Except4 {} void process() {} void f() { try { x(); } catch(Except1 | Except2 | Except3 | Except4 e) { process(); } } }
// exceptions/MultiCatch2.java public class MultiCatch2 { void x() throws Except1, Except2, Except3, Except4 {} void process1() {} void process2() {} void f() { try { x(); } catch(Except1 | Except2 e) { process1(); } catch(Except3 | Except4 e) { process2(); } } }
// exceptions/WhoCalled.java // Programmatic access to stack trace information public class WhoCalled { static void f() { // Generate an exception to fill in the stack trace try { throw new Exception(); } catch(Exception e) { for(StackTraceElement ste : e.getStackTrace()) System.out.println(ste.getMethodName()); } } static void g() { f(); } static void h() { g(); } public static void main(String[] args) { f(); System.out.println("*******"); g(); System.out.println("*******"); h(); } }
f main ******* f g main ******* f g h main
class BaseException extends Exception {} class DerivedException extends BaseException {} public class PreciseRethrow { void catcher() throws DerivedException { try { throw new DerivedException(); } catch(BaseException e) { throw e; } } }
常常会想要在捕获一个异常后抛出另一个异常,并且希望把原始异常的信息保存下来,这被称为异常链。在 JDK1.4 以前,程序员必须自己编写代码来保存原始异常的信息。现在所有 Throwable 的子类在构造器中都可以接受一个 cause(因由)对象作为参数。这个 cause 就用来表示原始异常,这样通过把原始异常传递给新的异常,使得即使在当前位置创建并抛出了新的异常,也能通过这个异常链追踪到异常最初发生的位置。
属于运行时异常的类型有很多,它们会自动被 java 虚拟机抛出,所以不必在异常说明中把它们列出来。这些异常都是从 RuntimeException 类继承而来,所以既体现了继承的优点,使用起来也很方便。这构成了一组具有相同特征和行为的异常类型。并且,也不再需要在异常说明中声明方法将抛出 RuntimeException 类型的异常(或者任何从 RuntimeException 继承的异常),它们也被称为“不受检查异常”。这种异常属于错误,将被自动捕获,就不用你亲自动手了。要是自己去检查 RuntimeException 的话,代码就显得太混乱了。不过尽管通常不用捕获 RuntimeException 异常,但还是可以在代码中抛出 RuntimeException 类型的异常。
- 无法预料的错误。比如从你控制范围之外传递进来的 null 引用。
- 作为程序员,应该在代码中进行检查的错误。(比如对于 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException,就得注意一下数组的大小了。)在一个地方发生的异常,常常会在另一个地方导致错误。
// exceptions/NeverCaught.java // Ignoring RuntimeExceptions // {ThrowsException} public class NeverCaught { static void f() { throw new RuntimeException("From f()"); } static void g() { f(); } public static void main(String[] args) { g(); } }
当要把除内存之外的资源恢复到它们的初始状态时,就要用到 finally 子句。这种需要清理的资源包括:已经打开的文件或网络连接,在屏幕上画的图形,甚至可以是外部世界的某个开关,如下面例子所示:
// exceptions/Switch.java public class Switch { private boolean state = false; public boolean read() { return state; } public void on() { state = true; System.out.println(this); } public void off() { state = false; System.out.println(this); } @Override public String toString() { return state ? "on" : "off"; } } // exceptions/OnOffException1.java public class OnOffException1 extends Exception {} // exceptions/OnOffException2.java public class OnOffException2 extends Exception {} // exceptions/OnOffSwitch.java // Why use finally? public class OnOffSwitch { private static Switch sw = new Switch(); public static void f() throws OnOffException1, OnOffException2 {} public static void main(String[] args) { try { sw.on(); // Code that can throw exceptions... f(); sw.off(); } catch(OnOffException1 e) { System.out.println("OnOffException1"); sw.off(); } catch(OnOffException2 e) { System.out.println("OnOffException2"); sw.off(); } } }
这种没有finally的处理,仅靠单纯的逻辑处理有些冗余且不保险,异常被抛出,但没被处理程序捕获,这时 sw.off() 就得不到调用。但是有了 finally,只要把 try 块中的清理代码移放在一处即可:
// exceptions/WithFinally.java // Finally Guarantees cleanup public class WithFinally { static Switch sw = new Switch(); public static void main(String[] args) { try { sw.on(); // Code that can throw exceptions... OnOffSwitch.f(); } catch(OnOffException1 e) { System.out.println("OnOffException1"); } catch(OnOffException2 e) { System.out.println("OnOffException2"); } finally { sw.off(); } } }
// exceptions/MultipleReturns.java public class MultipleReturns { public static void f(int i) { System.out.println( "Initialization that requires cleanup"); try { System.out.println("Point 1"); if(i == 1) return; System.out.println("Point 2"); if(i == 2) return; System.out.println("Point 3"); if(i == 3) return; System.out.println("End"); return; } finally { System.out.println("Performing cleanup"); } } public static void main(String[] args) { for(int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) f(i); } }
Initialization that requires cleanup Point 1 Performing cleanup Initialization that requires cleanup Point 1 Point 2 Performing cleanup Initialization that requires cleanup Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Performing cleanup Initialization that requires cleanup Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 End Performing cleanup
// exceptions/ExceptionSilencer.java public class ExceptionSilencer { public static void main(String[] args) { try { throw new RuntimeException(); } finally { // Using 'return' inside the finally block // will silence any thrown exception. return; } } }
// exceptions/LostMessage.java // How an exception can be lost class VeryImportantException extends Exception { @Override public String toString() { return "A very important exception!"; } } class HoHumException extends Exception { @Override public String toString() { return "A trivial exception"; } } public class LostMessage { void f() throws VeryImportantException { throw new VeryImportantException(); } void dispose() throws HoHumException { throw new HoHumException(); } public static void main(String[] args) { try { LostMessage lm = new LostMessage(); try { lm.f(); } finally { lm.dispose(); } } catch(VeryImportantException | HoHumException e) { System.out.println(e); } } }
A trivial exception
你也许会认为使用 finally 就可以解决问题。但问题并非如此简单,因为 finally 会每次都执行清理代码。如果构造器在其执行过程中半途而废,也许该对象的某些部分还没有被成功创建,而这些部分在 finaly 子句中却是要被清理的。
在下面的例子中,建立了一个 InputFile 类,它能打开一个文件并且每次读取其中的一行。这里使用了 Java 标准输入/输出库中的 FileReader 和 BufferedReader 类,这些类的基本用法很简单,你应该很容易明白:
// exceptions/Cleanup.java // Guaranteeing proper cleanup of a resource public class Cleanup { public static void main(String[] args) { try { InputFile in = new InputFile("Cleanup.java"); try { String s; int i = 1; while((s = in.getLine()) != null) ; // Perform line-by-line processing here... } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println("Caught Exception in main"); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } finally { in.dispose(); } } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println( "InputFile construction failed"); } } }
dispose() successful
请仔细观察这里的逻辑:对 InputFile 对象的构造在其自己的 try 语句块中有效,如果构造失败,将进入外部的 catch 子句,而 dispose() 方法不会被调用。但是,如果构造成功,我们肯定想确保对象能够被清理,因此在构造之后立即创建了一个新的 try 语句块。执行清理的 finally 与内部的 try 语句块相关联。在这种方式中,finally 子句在构造失败时是不会执行的,而在构造成功时将总是执行。
这种通用的清理惯用法在构造器不抛出任何异常时也应该运用,其基本规则是:在创建需要清理的对象之后,立即进入一个 try-finally 语句块:之后的意思是创建完成了。
// exceptions/CleanupIdiom.java // Disposable objects must be followed by a try-finally class NeedsCleanup { // Construction can't fail private static long counter = 1; private final long id = counter++; public void dispose() { System.out.println( "NeedsCleanup " + id + " disposed"); } } class ConstructionException extends Exception {} class NeedsCleanup2 extends NeedsCleanup { // Construction can fail: NeedsCleanup2() throws ConstructionException {} } public class CleanupIdiom { public static void main(String[] args) { // [1]: NeedsCleanup nc1 = new NeedsCleanup(); try { // ... } finally { nc1.dispose(); } // [2]: // If construction cannot fail, // you can group objects: NeedsCleanup nc2 = new NeedsCleanup(); NeedsCleanup nc3 = new NeedsCleanup(); try { // ... } finally { nc3.dispose(); // Reverse order of construction nc2.dispose(); } // [3]: // If construction can fail you must guard each one: try { NeedsCleanup2 nc4 = new NeedsCleanup2(); try { NeedsCleanup2 nc5 = new NeedsCleanup2(); try { // ... } finally { nc5.dispose(); } } catch(ConstructionException e) { // nc5 const. System.out.println(e); } finally { nc4.dispose(); } } catch(ConstructionException e) { // nc4 const. System.out.println(e); } } }
NeedsCleanup 1 disposed NeedsCleanup 3 disposed NeedsCleanup 2 disposed NeedsCleanup 5 disposed NeedsCleanup 4 disposed
InputFile.java 一个更好的实现方式是如果构造函数读取文件并在内部缓冲它 —— 这样,文件的打开,读取和关闭都发生在构造函数中。或者,如果读取和存储文件不切实际,你可以改为生成 Stream。理想情况下,你可以设计成如下的样子:
// exceptions/InputFile2.java import java.io.*; import java.nio.file.*; import java.util.stream.*; public class InputFile2 { private String fname; public InputFile2(String fname) { this.fname = fname; } public Stream<String> getLines() throws IOException { return Files.lines(Paths.get(fname)); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { new InputFile2("InputFile2.java").getLines() .skip(15) .limit(1) .forEach(System.out::println); } }
main(String[] args) throws IOException {
// exceptions/MessyExceptions.java import java.io.*; public class MessyExceptions { public static void main(String[] args) { InputStream in = null; try { in = new FileInputStream( new File("MessyExceptions.java")); int contents = in.read(); // Process contents } catch(IOException e) { // Handle the error } finally { if(in != null) { try { in.close(); } catch(IOException e) { // Handle the close() error } } } } }
上面这种属于很复杂的写法,我们过分的将重点放到了文件的开启状态了,实际上应该交给jdk内部机制 try-with-resource
// exceptions/TryWithResources.java import java.io.*; public class TryWithResources { public static void main(String[] args) { try( InputStream in = new FileInputStream( new File("TryWithResources.java")) ) { int contents = in.read(); // Process contents } catch(IOException e) { // Handle the error } } }
// exceptions/StreamsAreAutoCloseable.java import java.io.*; import java.nio.file.*; import java.util.stream.*; public class StreamsAreAutoCloseable { public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{ try( Stream<String> in = Files.lines( Paths.get("StreamsAreAutoCloseable.java")); PrintWriter outfile = new PrintWriter( "Results.txt"); // [1] ) { in.skip(5) .limit(1) .map(String::toLowerCase) .forEachOrdered(outfile::println); } // [2] } }
- [1] 你在这里可以看到其他的特性:资源规范头中可以包含多个定义,并且通过分号进行分割(最后一个分号是可选的)。规范头中定义的每个对象都会在 try 语句块运行结束之后调用 close() 方法。
- [2] try-with-resources 里面的 try 语句块可以不包含 catch 或者 finally 语句而独立存在。在这里,IOException 被 main() 方法抛出,所以这里并不需要在 try 后面跟着一个 catch 语句块。
Java 5 中的 Closeable 已经被修改,修改之后的接口继承了 AutoCloseable 接口。所以所有实现了 Closeable 接口的对象,都支持了 try-with-resources 特性。
// exceptions/AutoCloseableDetails.java class Reporter implements AutoCloseable { String name = getClass().getSimpleName(); Reporter() { System.out.println("Creating " + name); } public void close() { System.out.println("Closing " + name); } } class First extends Reporter {} class Second extends Reporter {} public class AutoCloseableDetails { public static void main(String[] args) { try( First f = new First(); Second s = new Second() ) { } } }
Creating First
Creating Second
Closing Second
Closing First
// exceptions/ConstructorException.java class CE extends Exception {} class SecondExcept extends Reporter { SecondExcept() throws CE { super(); throw new CE(); } } public class ConstructorException { public static void main(String[] args) { try( First f = new First(); SecondExcept s = new SecondExcept(); Second s2 = new Second() ) { System.out.println("In body"); } catch(CE e) { System.out.println("Caught: " + e); } } }
Creating First
Creating SecondExcept
Closing First
Caught: CE
正如预期的那样,First 创建时没有发生意外,SecondExcept 在创建期间抛出异常。请注意,不会为 SecondExcept 调用 close(),因为如果构造函数失败,则无法假设你可以安全地对该对象执行任何操作,包括关闭它。由于 SecondExcept 的异常,Second 对象实例 s2 不会被创建,因此也不会有清除事件发生。
如果没有构造函数抛出异常,但你可能会在 try 的主体中获取它们,则再次强制你实现 catch 子句:
// exceptions/BodyException.java class Third extends Reporter {} public class BodyException { public static void main(String[] args) { try( First f = new First(); Second s2 = new Second() ) { System.out.println("In body"); Third t = new Third(); new SecondExcept(); System.out.println("End of body"); } catch(CE e) { System.out.println("Caught: " + e); } } }
Creating First
Creating Second
In body
Creating Third
Creating SecondExcept
Closing Second
Closing First
Caught: CE
请注意,第 3 个对象永远不会被清除。那是因为它不是在资源规范头中创建的,所以它没有被保护。这很重要,因为 Java 在这里没有以警告或错误的形式提供指导,因此像这样的错误很容易漏掉。实际上,如果依赖某些集成开发环境来自动重写代码,以使用 try-with-resources 特性,那么它们(在撰写本文时)通常只会保护它们遇到的第一个对象,而忽略其余的对象。
最后,让我们看一下抛出异常的 close() 方法:
// exceptions/CloseExceptions.java class CloseException extends Exception {} class Reporter2 implements AutoCloseable { String name = getClass().getSimpleName(); Reporter2() { System.out.println("Creating " + name); } public void close() throws CloseException { System.out.println("Closing " + name); } } class Closer extends Reporter2 { @Override public void close() throws CloseException { super.close(); throw new CloseException(); } } public class CloseExceptions { public static void main(String[] args) { try( First f = new First(); Closer c = new Closer(); Second s = new Second() ) { System.out.println("In body"); } catch(CloseException e) { System.out.println("Caught: " + e); } } }
// exceptions/CloseExceptions.java class CloseException extends Exception {} class Reporter2 implements AutoCloseable { String name = getClass().getSimpleName(); Reporter2() { System.out.println("Creating " + name); } public void close() throws CloseException { System.out.println("Closing " + name); } } class Closer extends Reporter2 { @Override public void close() throws CloseException { super.close(); throw new CloseException(); } } public class CloseExceptions { public static void main(String[] args) { try( First f = new First(); Closer c = new Closer(); Second s = new Second() ) { System.out.println("In body"); } catch(CloseException e) { System.out.println("Caught: " + e); } } }
// exceptions/Human.java // Catching exception hierarchies class Annoyance extends Exception {} class Sneeze extends Annoyance {} public class Human { public static void main(String[] args) { // Catch the exact type: try { throw new Sneeze(); } catch(Sneeze s) { System.out.println("Caught Sneeze"); } catch(Annoyance a) { System.out.println("Caught Annoyance"); } // Catch the base type: try { throw new Sneeze(); } catch(Annoyance a) { System.out.println("Caught Annoyance"); } } }
Caught Sneeze
Caught Annoyance
“被检查的异常”使这个问题变得有些复杂,因为它们强制你在可能还没准备好处理错误的时候被迫加上 catch 子句,这就导致了吞食则有害(harmful if swallowed)的问题:
// exceptions/TurnOffChecking.java // "Turning off" Checked exceptions import java.io.*; class WrapCheckedException { void throwRuntimeException(int type) { try { switch(type) { case 0: throw new FileNotFoundException(); case 1: throw new IOException(); case 2: throw new RuntimeException("Where am I?"); default: return; } } catch(IOException | RuntimeException e) { // Adapt to unchecked: throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } class SomeOtherException extends Exception {} public class TurnOffChecking { public static void main(String[] args) { WrapCheckedException wce = new WrapCheckedException(); // You can call throwRuntimeException() without // a try block, and let RuntimeExceptions // leave the method: wce.throwRuntimeException(3); // Or you can choose to catch exceptions: for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) try { if(i < 3) wce.throwRuntimeException(i); else throw new SomeOtherException(); } catch(SomeOtherException e) { System.out.println( "SomeOtherException: " + e); } catch(RuntimeException re) { try { throw re.getCause(); } catch(FileNotFoundException e) { System.out.println( "FileNotFoundException: " + e); } catch(IOException e) { System.out.println("IOException: " + e); } catch(Throwable e) { System.out.println("Throwable: " + e); } } } }
- 尽可能使用 try-with-resource。
- 在恰当的级别处理问题。(在知道该如何处理的情况下才捕获异常。)
- 解决问题并且重新调用产生异常的方法。
- 进行少许修补,然后绕过异常发生的地方继续执行。
- 用别的数据进行计算,以代替方法预计会返回的值。
- 把当前运行环境下能做的事情尽量做完,然后把相同的异常重抛到更高层。
- 把当前运行环境下能做的事情尽量做完,然后把不同的异常抛到更高层。
- 终止程序。
- 进行简化。(如果你的异常模式使问题变得太复杂,那用起来会非常痛苦也很烦人。)
- 让类库和程序更安全。(这既是在为调试做短期投资,也是在为程序的健壮性做长期投资。)