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  • English trip V1

    In this lesson you will learn to talk about people in a family.


    What are you Spring Festival holiday plan?

    We have along public hliday enjoy.

    We plan to stay at home 


    词汇(Key Word )

    aunt  阿姨

    cousin  堂兄弟姐妹

    tie  关系;领带;牵连

    grandfather  祖父(爷爷)

    grandmother  祖母(婆婆)

    grandson  孙子;外孙

    granddaughter  孙女;外孙女

    related  有关系的,有关联

    uncle  伯父;姨丈;叔叔;舅父;姑父

    family ties  家庭纽带;家庭联系

    Spring Festival  春节 

    Spring Festival Eve 除夕(春节前夕)

    each other 彼此,互相

    # 有关亲戚的一些特别单词

    relatives  亲戚

    siblings  n. 兄弟姐妹;同科

    only child  独生子女

    single parent family  单亲家庭

    half brother/sister    同父异母或同母异父的兄弟;同父异母或同母异父的姐妹

    distant  远亲

    step 继__

    step mother  继母(后妈)

    step father  继父(后爸)


    ex 前任__

    exwife  前妻

    exhusband  前夫

    exgirlfriend 前女友


    adoptive  主动收养__

    adoptive father 养父

    adoptive mother 养母

    adopted  被收养__

    an adopted son 养子

    an adopted daughter  养女  

    twin brother/sister  n. 孪生兄弟/姐妹

    triplets 三胞胎

    bastard 私生子 n. 私生子

    mistress  n. 情妇;女主人;主妇;女教师;女能人

    sugar daddy  傍大款

    culture  ['kʌltʃɚ]  文化,文明;修养;栽培


    Stephen and Janice are brother and sister  斯蒂芬和詹尼斯是兄妹

    Michael is Stephen's son  迈克尔是斯蒂芬的儿子

    They're my parents'friends 他们是我父母的朋友

    It's James's house. 这是詹姆斯的房子

    They are 3 people in my family.  他们是我家里的3个人。

    It depend 看情况

    chinese people are traditional  中国人是传统的

    we need raise children  我们需要抚养孩子

    temper is bad  脾气很糟糕

    be bad for my daughter  对我女儿不好

    make effort on only one child.  只为一个孩子做出努力。

    we don't share love to child  我们不和孩子分享爱

    surprise her on special day  特殊的日子让她大吃一惊

    we share happines and sorrows 我们分享快乐和悲伤


    Possessive 所有格 s

    she is Jill's mother.

    It's Ryan's house.

    They're my parents'friends.

    1.Use's with a person to talk about relatives and possessions. 与一个人谈论亲戚和所有拥有的。

    - Jill's mother/my mother's bag

    2.Use s' with regular plural people.  用作常规复数人使用s'。

    - They're my parents'friends. NOT they're my parent's friends.

    3.Use 's with irregular(不规则) plural people,men,women,children,people.

    - That's my children's school. NOT That's my childrens' school.


    "th" can be pronounced two different ways.Listen and repeat the words. "th"有2种读音,听并反复朗读下列单词

    [θ]  think  three  thirteen thirty

    [ð]  this  the  their they  them

    家庭作业 (HomeWork)

    Put 's in the correct place.

    Is that Paul's mother?

    What's your sister's name?

    John's brother is a footballer.

    Jackie is Catherine's(凯瑟琳;女子名) sister.

     Our's dog name is Max.

    Your fater's or mother's father.    grandfater

    Your brother's wife.     sister-in-law

    Your uncle's or aunt's son or daughter    cousin

    Your fater's or mother's sister or sister-in-law    aunt

    Your husband's or wife's fater   fater-in-law

    Your son's or daughter's daughter  granddaughter

    Your husband's or wife's mother  mother-in-law

    Your sister's husband  brother-in-law

    Your brother's or syster's daughter  niece

    Your fater's or mother's mother grandmother

    # 待完成。。。

    1. If your child wants to marry a foreigner,how would you agree?

    2. Do you think DINK is acceptable? Why or why not?

    3. Will you forgive your spouse's cheating? Why?

    4. Would you like to live with your parents or parents-in-law after marriage?

    5. Why do you think the divorce rate has been growing in China recently?

    6. How many children to have do you think is the ideal status?

    7. How to keep a marriage relationship fresh?


    Baby Brother   小弟弟

    Two children are talking.  两个孩子在说话。

    A: Meet my new baby brother.  认识我的新弟弟。

    B:  Oh, he is so handsome! What's his name? 哦,他太帅了!他叫什么名字?

    A: I don't know. I can't understand a word he says.  我不知道。 我听不懂他说的一句话。

    Next Baby

    After a young couple brought their new babyhome, 一对年轻夫妇带来他们的新家庭之后,

    The wife suggested that her husband should try his hand at changing diapers妻子建议她的丈夫应该尝试更换尿布。

    "I'm busy," he said,"I'll do the next one." “我很忙,”他说,“我会做下一个。”

    The next time came around and she asked again. 下一次来了,她又问了一遍。

    The husband looked puzzled,"Oh! I didn't  mean the next diaper.  丈夫疑惑地看着,“哦!我不是指下一个尿布。

    I meant the next baby!" I meant the next baby!"

    Extra Vocabulary

    understand 理解

    try one's hand at 试做

    change diaper 换尿布


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Cong0ks/p/10110051.html
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