1.使用cmd 进入 sqlplus /nolog conn system/ as sysdba 2.修改密码 alter user ebthis identified by new_psw; 3.查看用户 select username,password from dba_users; 4.在创建用户之前,先要创建表空间 create tablespace test_tablespace datafile ‘d:oracleoradata est est.dbf’ size 1024M autoextend on next 200M maxsize unlimited; 删除表空间 alter tablespace test_tablespace offline; drop tablespace test_tablespace including contents and datafiles; 5.创建用户 create user ebthis IDENTIFIED BY ebthispwd --用户密码 default tablespace test_tablespace-- 表空间是上面创建的 temporary tablespace TEMP -- 临时表空间默认 TEMP profile DEFAULT; 6.授权 grant connect,resource,dba to ebthis;