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  • poj1741 Tree(点分治)


    Give a tree with n vertices,each edge has a length(positive integer less than 1001). 
    Define dist(u,v)=The min distance between node u and v. 
    Give an integer k,for every pair (u,v) of vertices is called valid if and only if dist(u,v) not exceed k. 
    Write a program that will count how many pairs which are valid for a given tree. 


    The input contains several test cases. The first line of each test case contains two integers n, k. (n<=10000) The following n-1 lines each contains three integers u,v,l, which means there is an edge between node u and v of length l. 
    The last test case is followed by two zeros. 


    For each test case output the answer on a single line.

    Sample Input

    5 4
    1 2 3
    1 3 1
    1 4 2
    3 5 1
    0 0

    Sample Output



    给定一棵N个结点的带权树。 定义dist(u,v)=u,v两点间的路径长度,路径的长度定义为路径上所有边的权和。 给定一个K,如果对于不同的两个结点a,b,如果满足dist(a,b)≤K,则称(a,b)为合法点对。 求合法点对个数。

      1 program rrr(input,output);
      2 type
      3   etype=record
      4      t,l,next:longint;
      5   end;
      6 var
      7   e:array[0..20020]of etype;
      8   a,q,father,siz,f,w:array[0..10010]of longint;
      9   v:array[0..10010]of boolean;
     10   n,m,i,min,x,y,l,cnt,r,h,t,ans:longint;
     11 procedure add(x,y,l:longint);
     12 begin
     13    inc(cnt);e[cnt].t:=y;e[cnt].l:=l;e[cnt].next:=a[x];a[x]:=cnt;
     14 end;
     15 function max(a,b:longint):longint;
     16 begin
     17    if a>b then exit(a) else exit(b);
     18 end;
     19 procedure sort(q,h:longint);
     20 var
     21   i,j,x,t:longint;
     22 begin
     23    i:=q;j:=h;x:=w[(i+j)>>1];
     24    repeat
     25      while w[i]<x do inc(i);
     26      while x<w[j] do dec(j);
     27      if i<=j then
     28         begin
     29            t:=w[i];w[i]:=w[j];w[j]:=t;
     30            inc(i);dec(j);
     31         end;
     32    until i>j;
     33    if j>q then sort(q,j);
     34    if i<h then sort(i,h);
     35 end;
     36 function sum(h,t:longint):longint;
     37 var
     38   i,j,ans:longint;
     39 begin
     40    sort(h,t);
     41    ans:=0;j:=t;
     42    for i:=h to t do
     43       begin
     44          while (w[i]+w[j]>m) and (j>i) do dec(j);
     45          if i=j then break;
     46          ans:=ans+j-i;
     47       end;
     48    exit(ans);
     49 end;
     50 procedure solve(k:longint);
     51 var
     52   i,j:longint;
     53 begin
     54    h:=0;t:=1;q[1]:=k;father[k]:=0;
     55    while h<t do
     56       begin
     57          inc(h);
     58          i:=a[q[h]];
     59          while i<>0 do
     60             begin
     61                if not v[e[i].t] and (e[i].t<>father[q[h]]) then
     62                   begin
     63                      father[e[i].t]:=q[h];
     64                      inc(t);q[t]:=e[i].t;
     65                   end;
     66                i:=e[i].next;
     67             end;
     68       end;
     69    if t=1 then exit;
     70    for i:=1 to t do begin siz[q[i]]:=1;f[q[i]]:=0; end;
     71    min:=n;
     72    for i:=t downto 2 do
     73       begin
     74          r:=max(f[q[i]],t-siz[q[i]]);
     75          if r<min then begin min:=r;j:=q[i]; end;
     76          inc(siz[father[q[i]]],siz[q[i]]);
     77          if siz[q[i]]>f[father[q[i]]] then f[father[q[i]]]:=siz[q[i]];
     78       end;
     79    if f[k]<min then j:=k;
     80    r:=a[j];cnt:=0;
     81    while r<>0 do
     82       begin
     83          if not v[e[r].t] then
     84             begin
     85                h:=0;t:=1;q[1]:=e[r].t;father[e[r].t]:=j;w[cnt+1]:=e[r].l;
     86                while h<t do
     87                   begin
     88                      inc(h);
     89                      i:=a[q[h]];
     90                      while i<>0 do
     91                         begin
     92                            if not v[e[i].t] and (e[i].t<>father[q[h]]) then
     93                               begin
     94                                  father[e[i].t]:=q[h];
     95                                  inc(t);q[t]:=e[i].t;w[cnt+t]:=w[cnt+h]+e[i].l;
     96                               end;
     97                            i:=e[i].next;
     98                         end;
     99                   end;
    100                ans:=ans-sum(cnt+1,cnt+t);
    101                cnt:=cnt+t;
    102             end;
    103          r:=e[r].next;
    104       end;
    105    inc(cnt);w[cnt]:=0;
    106    ans:=ans+sum(1,cnt);
    107    v[j]:=true;i:=a[j];
    108    while i<>0 do begin if not v[e[i].t] then solve(e[i].t);i:=e[i].next; end;
    109 end;
    110 begin
    111    assign(input,'r.in');assign(output,'r.out');reset(input);rewrite(output);
    112    while true do
    113       begin
    114          read(n,m);if (n=0) and (m=0) then break;
    115          for i:=1 to n do a[i]:=0;cnt:=0;
    116          for i:=1 to n-1 do begin readln(x,y,l);add(x,y,l);add(y,x,l); end;
    117          ans:=0;
    118          for i:=1 to n do v[i]:=false;
    119          solve(1);
    120          writeln(ans);
    121       end;
    122    close(input);close(output);
    123 end.
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Currier/p/6517494.html
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