最近一直在看《SQL puzzles and answers》,其中EMPLOYMENT AGENCY一文让我眼前一亮。在这里把我对此文的概括与理解写下来与大家分享(代码在SQL Server 2005中测试通过)。
create table CandidateSkills ( candidate_id int not null, skill_code char(15) not null, primary key(candidate_id, skill_code) ); insert into CandidateSkills select 100, 'accounting' union all select 100, 'inventory' union all select 100, 'manufacturing' union all select 200, 'accounting' union all select 200, 'inventory' union all select 300, 'manufacturing' union all select 400, 'inventory' union all select 400, 'manufacturing' union all select 500, 'accounting' union all select 500, 'manufacturing';
另一方面,人力资源网站还会存储企业开放出来的职位信息,这些职位对于技能有不同的要求。例如:某职位要求技能为('inventory’ and ‘manufacturing’) or 'accounting’。现在的问题是:
1. 如何设计职位技能要求表(JobOrders)?
2. 如何把求职者技能(CandidateSkills)与职位技能要求(JobOrders)进行匹配?
create table JobOrders ( job_id int not null, skill_group int not null, skill_code char(15) not null, primary key(job_id, skill_group, skill_code) );
Job 1 = (‘inventory’ and ‘manufacturing’) or ‘accounting’
Job 2 = (‘inventory’ and ‘manufacturing’) or (‘accounting’ and ‘manufacturing’)
Job 3 = ‘manufacturing’
Job 4 = (‘inventory’ and ‘manufacturing’ and ‘accounting’)
insert into JobOrders select 1, 1, 'inventory' union all select 1, 1, 'manufacturing' union all select 1, 2, 'accounting' union all select 2, 1, 'inventory' union all select 2, 1, 'manufacturing' union all select 2, 2, 'accounting' union all select 2, 2, 'manufacturing' union all select 3, 1, 'manufacturing' union all select 4, 1, 'inventory' union all select 4, 1, 'manufacturing' union all select 4, 1, 'accounting';
- 对于相同job_id,相同skill_group的skill_code之间为‘与’关系。对于相同job_id,不同skill_group的skill_code之间为‘或’关系。
- 除此之外,还有一条约束为‘与’关系优先‘或’关系。
对于'manufacturing’ and (‘inventory’ or ‘accounting’)逻辑,可以转化为('manufacturing’ and ‘inventory’) or (‘manufacturing’ and ‘accounting’)。
- 解决方案1
select distinct J1.job_id, C1.candidate_id from JobOrders as J1 inner join CandidateSkills as C1 on J1.skill_code = C1.skill_code group by C1.candidate_id, J1.skill_group, J1.job_id having count(*) >= (select count(*) from JobOrders as J2 where J1.skill_group = J2.skill_group and J1.job_id = J2.job_id);
- 解决方案2
With JobRequirementCnt as ( select job_id, skill_group, count(*) grp_cnt from JobOrders group by job_id, skill_group ), CandidateSkillGrpCnt as ( select CS.candidate_id, JO.job_id, JO.skill_group, count(*) grp_cnt from CandidateSkills CS inner join JobOrders JO on CS.skill_code = JO.skill_code group by CS.candidate_id, JO.job_id, JO.skill_group ) select distinct CandidateSkillGrpCnt.candidate_id, CandidateSkillGrpCnt.job_id from JobRequirementCnt inner join CandidateSkillGrpCnt on JobRequirementCnt.job_id = CandidateSkillGrpCnt.job_id and JobRequirementCnt.skill_group = CandidateSkillGrpCnt.skill_group and JobRequirementCnt.grp_cnt = CandidateSkillGrpCnt.grp_cnt;