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  • Saiku默认给数据类型的数据添加小数点问题处理(三十一)


    不知道大家有没有遇到过saiku定义的维度信息,数据类型时 展示出来的数据会自动加上 .0的后缀。

    比如我定义了一个维度为 年, 在数据库中为 int类型,值为2018 ,结果在saiku中展示就自动变成了 2018.0  ,这个好像还是个概率性事件...  一模一样的配置,有些会自动带上小数点 有些正常显示。

    对于此问题,我看了看后台接口 execute,接口的返回结果集中就添加了小数点,所以我目前的应对处理方案是在table渲染页面更改值。

    SaikuTableRenderer.js 文件中,在此代码前  for (var col = 0, colLen = table[row].length; col < colLen; col++) {      添加如下代码    ,文章末尾处会提供完整的js文件信息 大概是400多行的位置

    //循環遍歷data 將帶小數的年、月去掉小數位; 例如 2018.0 轉換為 2018
    for (var col = 0, colLen = table[row].length; col < colLen; col++) {
    	var tmpRow = data[row][col];
    	if(tmpRow.properties.hierarchy=="[年].[年]" || tmpRow.properties.hierarchy=="[月].[月]"){ //判断是否为年和月维度
    		var tmpValue = tmpRow.value;
    		if(tmpValue != null && tmpValue.indexOf('.')>-1){ //判断是否有小数点信息
    			tmpValue = tmpValue.substr(0,tmpValue.indexOf('.'));//去掉小數位
    			data[row][col].value = tmpValue; //重新给data的value赋值(新值中已经去掉了小数点)


    在schame的cube中关于维度 年, 月的定义如下:

        <Dimension name="年" foreignKey="ID" >
    		<Hierarchy  hasAll="true" primaryKey="ID" allMemberName="年" >
    			 <Level name="年" column="statisyear"  uniqueMembers="false" />
    	<Dimension name="月" foreignKey="ID" >
    		<Hierarchy  hasAll="true" primaryKey="ID" allMemberName="月" >
    			 <Level name="月" column="statismonth"  uniqueMembers="false" />



    >>1 更改数据库中年,月的数据类型为 char类型,不使用数据类型(int)

    >>2 通过定义参数来处理,就不用走这么多for循环了... 但是这样子的话 不带参数访问saiku数据时 是没有达到去除的效果的,而且参数过多可能请求会被拦截...  所以我没有用参数去做。



    function SaikuTableRenderer(data, options) {
        this._data = data;
        this._options = _.extend({}, SaikuRendererOptions, options);
    function getAxisLevelsName(data, axisName) {
        var queryData = data.query.queryModel.axes[axisName].hierarchies;
        var len = queryData.length;
        var arrLevels = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            for (var level in queryData[i].levels) {
                if (queryData[i].levels.hasOwnProperty(level)) {
                    if (Settings.COLUMN_TITLE_TABLE_USE_LEVEL_CAPTION_NAME) {
                    else {
        return arrLevels;
    function setStyleNegativeNumber(value) {
        var className = '';
        if (Settings.STYLE_NEGATIVE_NUMBER && parseFloat(value) < 0) {
            className = ' style_negative_number ';
        return className;
    function getAxisSize(data, axisName) {
        var queryData = data.query.queryModel.axes[axisName].hierarchies;
        var len = queryData.length;
        var axisSize = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            axisSize += _.size(queryData[i].levels);
        return axisSize;
    function getDomColumnsLevelsName(htmlObject) {
        var $htmlObject = $(htmlObject.closest('.workspace')
        var arrLevels = [];
        $.each($htmlObject, function(key, level) {
            if ($(level).attr('style') === 'display: list-item;') {
                if (Settings.COLUMN_TITLE_TABLE_USE_LEVEL_CAPTION_NAME) {
                else {
        return arrLevels;
    /*table render method*/
    SaikuTableRenderer.prototype.render = function(data, options) {
            var self = this;
            if (data) {
                this._data = data;
            if (options) {
                this._options = _.extend({}, SaikuRendererOptions, options);
            if (typeof this._data == "undefined") {
            if (this._data != null && this._data.error != null) {
            if (this._data == null || (this._data.cellset && this._data.cellset.length === 0)) {
            this.hideEmpty = this._options.hideEmpty;
            if (this._options.htmlObject) {
    //            $(this._options.htmlObject).stickyTableHeaders("destroy");
                // in case we have some left over scrollers
                if (self._options.hasOwnProperty('batch')) {
                _.defer(function(that) {
                    if (self._options.hasOwnProperty('batch') && !self._options.hasOwnProperty('batchSize')) {
                        self._options['batchSize'] = 1000;
    				// the key method to render data by table form. 20190423
                    var html =  self.internalRender(self._data, self._options);
                    // Render the totals summary
                    $('#totals_summary').remove(); // Remove one previous totals div, if present
                    $(self._options.htmlObject).after(self.renderSummary(data)); // Render the new summary
    //                $(self._options.htmlObject).stickyTableHeaders( { container: self._options.htmlObject.parent().parent(), fixedOffset: self._options.htmlObject.parent().parent().offset().top });
                    _.defer(function(that) {
                        if (self._options.hasOwnProperty('batch') && self._options.hasBatchResult) {
                            var batchRow = 0;
                            var batchIsRunning = false;
                            var batchIntervalSize = self._options.hasOwnProperty('batchIntervalSize') ? self._options.batchIntervalSize : 20;
                            var batchIntervalTime = self._options.hasOwnProperty('batchIntervalTime') ? self._options.batchIntervalTime : 20;
                            var len = self._options.batchResult.length;
                            var batchInsert = function() {
                                // maybe add check for reach table bottom - ($('.workspace_results').scrollTop() , $('.workspace_results table').height()
                                if (!batchIsRunning && len > 0 && batchRow < len) {
                                    batchIsRunning = true;
                                    var batchContent = "";
                                    var startb = batchRow;
                                    for (var i = 0;  batchRow < len && i < batchIntervalSize ; i++, batchRow++) {
                                        batchContent += self._options.batchResult[batchRow];
                                    if (batchRow > startb) {
                                        $(self._options.htmlObject).append( $(batchContent));
                                    batchIsRunning = false;
                                if (batchRow >= len) {
                            var lazyBatchInsert = _.debounce(batchInsert, batchIntervalTime);
                            $(self._options.htmlObject).parent().parent().scroll(function () {
                    return html;
            } else {
                var html =  this.internalRender(this._data, self._options);
                return html;
    SaikuTableRenderer.prototype.clear = function(data, options) {
        var self = this;
        if (this._options && this._options.htmlObject && this._options.hasOwnProperty('batch')) {
    SaikuTableRenderer.prototype.processData = function(data, options) {
        this._hasProcessed = true;
    function genTotalDataCells(currentIndex, cellIndex, scanSums, scanIndexes, lists) {
        var contents = '';
        var lists = lists[ROWS];
        for (var i = scanSums.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (currentIndex == scanSums[i]) {
                var currentListNode = lists[i][scanIndexes[i]];
                for (var m = 0; m < currentListNode.cells.length; m++) {
                    contents += '<td class="data total">' + currentListNode.cells[m][cellIndex].value + '</td>';
                if (scanIndexes[i] < lists[i].length)
                    scanSums[i] += lists[i][scanIndexes[i]].width;
        return contents;
    function genTotalHeaderCells(currentIndex, bottom, scanSums, scanIndexes, lists, wrapContent) {
        var contents = '';
        for (var i = bottom; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (currentIndex == scanSums[i]) {
                var currentListNode = lists[i][scanIndexes[i]];
                var cssClass;
                if (i == 0 && bottom == 1)
                    cssClass = "col";
                else if (i == bottom)
                    cssClass = "col_total_corner";
                else if (i == bottom - 1 && currentListNode.captions)
                    cssClass = "col_total_first";
                else cssClass = "col_null";
                for (var m = 0; m < currentListNode.cells.length; m++) {
                    var text = ' ';
                    if (bottom == lists.length - 1) {
                        if (currentListNode.captions) {
                            text = lists[i][scanIndexes[i]].captions[m];
                        if (i == 0 && scanIndexes[i] == 0) {
                            if (currentListNode.captions)
                                text += " ";
                            else text = "";
                            text += (wrapContent ? "<span class='i18n'>Grand Total</span>" :  "Grand Total");
                    contents += '<th class="' + cssClass + '">'
                      + (wrapContent ? '<div>' + text + '</div>' : text ) + '</th>';
                if (scanIndexes[i] < lists[i].length)
                    scanSums[i] += lists[i][scanIndexes[i]].width;
        return contents;
    function totalIntersectionCells(currentIndex, bottom, scanSums, scanIndexes, lists) {
        var contents = '';
        for (var i = bottom; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (currentIndex == scanSums[i]) {
                var currentListNode = lists[i][scanIndexes[i]];
                var cssClass = "data total";
                for (var m = 0; m < currentListNode.cells.length; m++) {
                    var text = ' ';
                    contents += '<td class="' + cssClass + '">' + text + '</td>';
                if (scanIndexes[i] < lists[i].length)
                    scanSums[i] += lists[i][scanIndexes[i]].width;
        return contents;
    function isNextTotalsRow(currentIndex, scanSums, scanIndexes, totalsLists, wrapContent) {
        var colLists = totalsLists[COLUMNS];
        var colScanSums = scanSums[COLUMNS];
        var colScanIndexes = scanIndexes[COLUMNS];
        var bottom = colLists.length - 2;
        var contents = -1;
        for (var i = bottom; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (currentIndex == colScanSums[i]) {
                for (var m = 0; m < colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].cells.length; m++) {
                    contents += '<tr>';
                    for (var j = 0; j <= bottom; j++) {
                        var cssClass;
                        var text = ' ';
                        if (i == 0 && j == 0)
                            cssClass = 'row';
                        else if (i == j + 1){
                            cssClass = 'row_total_corner';
                            return j;
                        else if (i == j && colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].captions) {
                            cssClass = 'row_total_first';
                        } else if (i < j + 1)
                            cssClass = 'row_total';
                            cssClass = 'row_null';
                        if (j == bottom ) {
                            if (colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].captions) {
                                text = colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].captions[m];
                            if (i == 0 && colScanIndexes[i] == 0) {
                                if (colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].captions)
                                    text += " ";
                                else text = "";
                                text += (wrapContent ? "<span class='i18n'>Grand Total</span>" :  "Grand Total");
        return -1;
    function genTotalHeaderRowCells(currentIndex, scanSums, scanIndexes, totalsLists, wrapContent) {
        var colLists = totalsLists[COLUMNS];
        var colScanSums = scanSums[COLUMNS];
        var colScanIndexes = scanIndexes[COLUMNS];
        var bottom = colLists.length - 2;
        var contents = '';
        for (var i = bottom; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (currentIndex == colScanSums[i]) {
                for (var m = 0; m < colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].cells.length; m++) {
                    contents += '<tr>';
                    for (var j = 0; j <= bottom; j++) {
                        var cssClass;
                        var text = ' ';
                        if (i == 0 && j == 0)
                            cssClass = 'row';
                        else if (i == j + 1)
                            cssClass = 'row_total_corner';
                        else if (i == j && colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].captions) {
                            cssClass = 'row_total_first';
                        } else if (i < j + 1)
                            cssClass = 'row_total';
                            cssClass = 'row_null';
                        if (j == bottom ) {
                            if (colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].captions) {
                                text = colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].captions[m];
                            if (i == 0 && colScanIndexes[i] == 0) {
                                if (colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].captions)
                                    text += " ";
                                else text = "";
                                text += (wrapContent ? "<span class='i18n'>Grand Total</span>" :  "Grand Total");
                        contents += '<th class="' + cssClass + '">'
                                    + (wrapContent ? '<div>' + text + '</div>' : text ) + '</th>';
                    var scanIndexes = {};
                    var scanSums = {};
                    if (totalsLists[ROWS]) {
                        for (var z = 0; z < totalsLists[ROWS].length; z++) {
                            scanIndexes[z] = 0;
                            scanSums[z] = totalsLists[ROWS][z][scanIndexes[z]].width;
                    for (var k = 0; k < colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].cells[m].length; k++) {
                        contents += '<td class="data total">' + colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].cells[m][k].value + '</td>';
                        if (totalsLists[ROWS]) {
                            contents += totalIntersectionCells(k + 1, totalsLists[ROWS].length - 1, scanSums, scanIndexes, totalsLists[ROWS]);
                    contents += '</tr>';
                if (colScanIndexes[i] < colLists[i].length) {
                    colScanSums[i] += colLists[i][colScanIndexes[i]].width;
        return contents;
    var ROWS = "ROWS";
    var COLUMNS = "COLUMNS";
    function nextParentsDiffer(data, row, col) {
        while (row-- > 0) {
            if (data[row][col].properties.uniquename != data[row][col + 1].properties.uniquename)
                return true;
        return false;
    function topParentsDiffer(data, row, col) {
        while (col-- > 0)
            if (data[row][col].properties.uniquename != data[row - 1][col].properties.uniquename)
                return true;
        return false;
     * This function is intended to traverse the totals arrays and cleanup empty
     * totals. This will optimize the query result on screen, displaying just the
     * needed cells.
     * @param dirs The direction array ['ROWS', 'COLUMNS']
     * @param totalsLists The totals from allData.rowTotalsLists and allData.colTotalsLists.
    function cleanupTotals(dirs, totalsLists) {
        // For each direction (ROWS/COLUMNS)
        for (var dirIndex = 0; dirIndex < dirs.length; dirIndex++) {
            var dir = dirs[dirIndex];
            // If there are defined totals
            if (totalsLists[dir]) {
                var isEmpty = true; // A flag to indicate if this total is empty
                for (var row = 0; row < totalsLists[dir].length; row++) {
                    var totalsInfoArray = totalsLists[dir][row];
                    for (var totalIndex = 0; totalIndex < totalsInfoArray.length; totalIndex++) {
                        var cells = totalsLists[dir][row][totalIndex].cells;
                        for (var cellIndex = 0; cellIndex < cells.length; cellIndex++) {
                            var cellArray = cells[cellIndex];
                            // For each total cell
                            for (var i = 0; i < cellArray.length; i++) {
                                var cell = cellArray[i];
                                // If it contains a value different from empty
                                if (cell.value !== '-') {
                                    isEmpty = false; // So, this total is not empty
                if (isEmpty) { // If this total is empty
                    totalsLists[dir] = null; // Remove it
    /*the main method to render data by table form. 20190423*/
    SaikuTableRenderer.prototype.internalRender = function(allData, options) {
        var tableContent = "";
        var rowContent = "";
        var data = allData.cellset;
        var newRowContent = '';
        var arrRowData = [];
        var objRowData = [];
        var table = data ? data : [];
        var colSpan;
        var colValue;
        var isHeaderLowestLvl;
        var isBody = false;
        var firstColumn;
        var isLastColumn, isLastRow;
        var nextHeader;
        var processedRowHeader = false;
        var lowestRowLvl = 0;
        var rowGroups = [];
        var batchSize = null;
        var batchStarted = false;
        var isColHeader = false, isColHeaderDone = false;
        var resultRows = [];
        var wrapContent = true;
        if (options) {
            batchSize = options.hasOwnProperty('batchSize') ? options.batchSize : null;
            wrapContent = options.hasOwnProperty('wrapContent') ? options.wrapContent : true;
        var totalsLists = {};
        totalsLists[COLUMNS] = allData.rowTotalsLists;
        totalsLists[ROWS] = allData.colTotalsLists;
        var scanSums = {};
        var scanIndexes = {};
        var dirs = [ROWS, COLUMNS];
        var hasMeasures = allData.query && allData.query.queryModel && allData.query.queryModel.details
                       ? allData.query.queryModel.details.measures.length
                       : 0;
        if (typeof this._options.htmlObject === 'object' &&
            Settings.ALLOW_AXIS_COLUMN_TITLE_TABLE &&
            hasMeasures > 0 &&
            allData.query.type === 'QUERYMODEL' &&
            allData.query.queryModel.details.axis === 'COLUMNS' &&
            allData.query.queryModel.details.location === 'BOTTOM') {
            var arrColumnTitleTable = getAxisLevelsName(allData, COLUMNS);
            var arrDomColumnTitleTable = getDomColumnsLevelsName(this._options.htmlObject);
            var colspanColumnTitleTable = getAxisSize(allData, ROWS);
            var auxColumnTitleTable = 0;
            if (arrColumnTitleTable.length === arrDomColumnTitleTable.length) {
                arrColumnTitleTable = arrDomColumnTitleTable;
            else {
                arrColumnTitleTable = _.intersection(arrDomColumnTitleTable, arrColumnTitleTable);
        for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length; i++) {
            scanSums[dirs[i]] = new Array();
            scanIndexes[dirs[i]] = new Array();
        // Here we cleaup the empty totals
        cleanupTotals(dirs, totalsLists);
        if (totalsLists[COLUMNS]) {
            for (var i = 0; i < totalsLists[COLUMNS].length; i++) {
                scanIndexes[COLUMNS][i] = 0;
                scanSums[COLUMNS][i] = totalsLists[COLUMNS][i][scanIndexes[COLUMNS][i]].width;
    	var headerFlag=true;// add this flag to solve the bug when same data to merge。 20190423
    	var cubename = allData.query.cube.name;
        for (var row = 0, rowLen = table.length; row < rowLen; row++) {
            var rowShifted = row - allData.topOffset;
            colSpan = 1;
            colValue = "";
            isHeaderLowestLvl = false;
            isLastColumn = false;
            isLastRow = false;
            isColHeader = false;
            var headerSame = false;
            if (totalsLists[ROWS]) {
                for (var i = 0; i < totalsLists[ROWS].length; i++) {
                    scanIndexes[ROWS][i] = 0;
                    scanSums[ROWS][i] = totalsLists[ROWS][i][scanIndexes[ROWS][i]].width;
            rowWithOnlyEmptyCells = true; //默认行数据为空时不展展示,如果改回来 将此条值置为true即可
            //var paramsURI = Saiku.URLParams.paramsURI(); //get the param from url
            //var showEmptyRows = paramsURI.showEmptyRows;
    		//if(showEmptyRows != null && showEmptyRows != undefined && showEmptyRows != '' && showEmptyRows=='yes') {
    		if(cubename == "SummaryKPI_2018_ext" ||cubename == "SummaryKPI_2019_ext" ||cubename == "SummaryKPI_2019_Dynamic"){
    			rowWithOnlyEmptyCells = false; //設置行數據為空的時候也顯示數據! 20190425 for summaryKPI Data
            rowContent = "<tr>";
            var header = null;
            if (row === 0) {
                rowContent = "<thead>" + rowContent;
            if (typeof this._options.htmlObject === 'object' &&
                Settings.ALLOW_AXIS_COLUMN_TITLE_TABLE &&
                hasMeasures > 0 &&
                allData.query.type === 'QUERYMODEL' &&
                allData.query.queryModel.details.axis === 'COLUMNS' &&
                allData.query.queryModel.details.location === 'BOTTOM' &&
                auxColumnTitleTable < arrColumnTitleTable.length) {
                rowContent += '<th class="row_header" style="text-align: right;" colspan="' + colspanColumnTitleTable + '" title="' + arrColumnTitleTable[auxColumnTitleTable] + '">'
                    + (wrapContent ? '<div>' + arrColumnTitleTable[auxColumnTitleTable] + '</div>' : arrColumnTitleTable[auxColumnTitleTable])
                    + '</th>';
                auxColumnTitleTable += 1;
    		//循環遍歷data 將帶小數的年、月去掉小數位; 例如 2018.0 轉換為 2018
    		for (var col = 0, colLen = table[row].length; col < colLen; col++) {
    			var tmpRow = data[row][col];
    			if(tmpRow.properties.hierarchy=="[年].[年]" || tmpRow.properties.hierarchy=="[月].[月]"){
    				var tmpValue = tmpRow.value;
    				if(tmpValue != null && tmpValue.indexOf('.')>-1){
    					tmpValue = tmpValue.substr(0,tmpValue.indexOf('.'));//去掉小數位
    					data[row][col].value = tmpValue;
            for (var col = 0, colLen = table[row].length; col < colLen; col++) {
                var colShifted = col - allData.leftOffset;
                header = data[row][col];
                if (header.type === "COLUMN_HEADER") {
                    isColHeader = true;
                // If the cell is a column header and is null (top left of table)
                if (header.type === "COLUMN_HEADER" && header.value === "null" && (firstColumn == null || col < firstColumn)) {
                    if (((!Settings.ALLOW_AXIS_COLUMN_TITLE_TABLE || (Settings.ALLOW_AXIS_COLUMN_TITLE_TABLE && allData.query.queryModel.details.location !== 'BOTTOM')) || hasMeasures === 0) ||
                        allData.query.type === 'MDX') {
                        rowContent += '<th class="all_null"> </th>';
                } // If the cell is a column header and isn't null (column header of table)
                else if (header.type === "COLUMN_HEADER") {
                    if (firstColumn == null) {
                        firstColumn = col;
                    if (table[row].length == col+1)
                        isLastColumn = true;
                        nextHeader = data[row][col+1];
                    if (isLastColumn) {
                        // Last column in a row...
                        if (header.value == "null") {
                            rowContent += '<th class="col_null"> </th>';
                        } else {
                            if (totalsLists[ROWS])
                                colSpan = totalsLists[ROWS][row + 1][scanIndexes[ROWS][row + 1]].span;
                            rowContent += '<th class="col" style="text-align: center;" colspan="' + colSpan + '" title="' + header.value + '">'
                                + (wrapContent ? '<div rel="' + row + ":" + col +'">' + header.value + '</div>' : header.value)
                                + '</th>';
                    } else {
                        // All the rest...
                        var groupChange = (col > 1 && row > 1 && !isHeaderLowestLvl && col > firstColumn) ?
                            data[row-1][col+1].value != data[row-1][col].value || data[row-1][col+1].properties.uniquename != data[row-1][col].properties.uniquename
                            : false;
                        var maxColspan = colSpan > 999 ? true : false;
                        if (header.value != nextHeader.value || nextParentsDiffer(data, row, col) || isHeaderLowestLvl || groupChange || maxColspan) {
                            if (header.value == "null") {
                                rowContent += '<th class="col_null" colspan="' + colSpan + '"> </th>';
                            } else {
                                if (totalsLists[ROWS])
                                    colSpan = totalsLists[ROWS][row + 1][scanIndexes[ROWS][row + 1]].span;
                                rowContent += '<th class="col" style="text-align: center;" colspan="' + (colSpan == 0 ? 1 : colSpan) + '" title="' + header.value + '">'
                                + (wrapContent ? '<div rel="' + row + ":" + col +'">' + header.value + '</div>' : header.value)
                                + '</th>';
                            colSpan = 1;
                        } else {
                    if (totalsLists[ROWS])
                        rowContent += genTotalHeaderCells(col - allData.leftOffset + 1, row + 1, scanSums[ROWS], scanIndexes[ROWS], totalsLists[ROWS], wrapContent);
                } // If the cell is a row header and is null (grouped row header)
                else if (header.type === "ROW_HEADER" && header.value === "null") {
                    rowContent += '<th class="row_null"> </th>';
                } // If the cell is a row header and isn't null (last row header)
                else if (header.type === "ROW_HEADER") {
                    if (lowestRowLvl == col)
                        isHeaderLowestLvl = true;
                        nextHeader = data[row][col+1];
                    var previousRow = data[row - 1];
                    var nextRow = data[row + 1];
    				// when  same set fixed value is false ,It means the same data will not merge。table data will  show row by row.20190423
    				//var same=false; 
    				/*judge the current value and previousRow value,
    				if equals ,all set comeback,set the headerFlag is true, 
    				we can judge the data as usual. 20190423*/
    				if(header.value !== previousRow[col].value){
    					headerFlag =true;
    				/*judge the tableContent include value or not, if include ,
    				set the headerFlag value is true to avoid repeat datas showed in table.20190423*/
    				if(tableContent.indexOf(header.value) > -1 ){
    					headerFlag =true;
    				/*add headerFlag to judge the data is same ,then control the data merge wheather or not.20190423 */
    				var same = !headerSame && !isHeaderLowestLvl && (col == 0 || !topParentsDiffer(data, row, col)) && header.value === previousRow[col].value && headerFlag;
                    headerSame = !same;
                    var sameAsPrevValue = false;
                        if (row > 0 && row < rowLen - 1) {
                            if (totalsLists[ROWS] == null || (col <= colLen - totalsLists[ROWS].length - 1)) {
                                var checkOther = true;
                                if (totalsLists[COLUMNS] && rowShifted >= 0 && col <= isNextTotalsRow(rowShifted + 1, scanSums, scanIndexes, totalsLists, wrapContent)) {
                                    sameAsPrevValue = true;
                                    checkOther = false;
                                if (checkOther && nextRow[col].value == header.value) {
                                    if (col > 0) {
                                        for (var j = 0; j < col; j++) {
                                            if (nextRow[j].value == data[row][j].value) {
                                                sameAsPrevValue = true;
                                            } else {
                                                sameAsPrevValue = false;
                                    } else {
                                        sameAsPrevValue = true;
                        } else if(row > 0 && row == rowLen - 1) {
                            if (totalsLists[COLUMNS] && rowShifted >= 0 && col <= isNextTotalsRow(rowShifted + 1, scanSums, scanIndexes, totalsLists, wrapContent)) {
                                sameAsPrevValue = true;
                    var value = (same ? "<div> </div>" : '<div rel="' + row + ":" + col + '">'
                                + (sameAsPrevValue && Settings.ALLOW_TABLE_DATA_COLLAPSE ? '<span class="expander expanded" style="cursor: pointer;">▼</span>' : '' ) + header.value + '</div>');
                    if (!wrapContent) {
                        value = (same ? " " : header.value );
                    var tipsy = "";
                    /* var tipsy = ' original-title="';
                    if (!same && header.metaproperties) {
                        for (key in header.metaproperties) {
                            if (key.substring(0,1) != "$" && key.substring(1,2).toUpperCase() != key.substring(1,2)) {
                                tipsy += "<b>" + safe_tags_replace(key) + "</b> : " + safe_tags_replace(header.metaproperties[key]) + "<br>";
                    tipsy += '"';
                    var cssclass = (same ? "row_null" : "row");
                    var colspan = 0;
                    if (!isHeaderLowestLvl && (typeof nextHeader == "undefined" || nextHeader.value === "null")) {
                        colspan = 1;
                        var group = header.properties.dimension;
                        var level = header.properties.level;
                        var groupWidth = (group in rowGroups ? rowGroups[group].length - rowGroups[group].indexOf(level) : 1);
                        for (var k = col + 1; colspan < groupWidth && k <= (lowestRowLvl+1) && data[row][k] !== "null"; k++) {
                            colspan = k - col;
                        col = col + colspan -1;
    				/*when the content is to long ,we will set new line to show it.*/
    				// eg value: <div rel="3:0">新業務及保單行政部</div>
    				if(cssclass == "row" && value.length>0){
    					var startPos = value.indexOf('>'); //find  start position of the tag. eg: <div rel="3:0">
    					var endPos = value.lastIndexOf('<'); //find  end position of the tag. eg: </div>
    					var tmpValue = value.substr( startPos+1 ,endPos-startPos-1); // get the content value. eg: 新業務及保單行政部
    					//each 40 character add one <br> tag to get new line. 
    						tmpValue = tmpValue.substr(0,40)+"<br/>"+tmpValue.substr(40,40)+"<br/>"+tmpValue.substr(80,40)+"<br/>"+tmpValue.substr(120,tmpValue.length-120);
    					}else if(tmpValue.length>80){ 
    						tmpValue = tmpValue.substr(0,40)+"<br/>"+tmpValue.substr(40,40)+"<br/>"+tmpValue.substr(80,tmpValue.length-80);
    					}else if(tmpValue.length>40){
    						tmpValue = tmpValue.substr(0,40)+"<br/>"+tmpValue.substr(40,tmpValue.length-40);
    					// compared with old value, this value only add <br> tag for show data in table more beautiful.
    					value = value.substr(0,startPos+1) + tmpValue + value.substr(endPos,value.length-endPos);
                    rowContent += '<th class="' + cssclass + '" ' + (colspan > 0 ? ' colspan="' + colspan + '"' : "") + tipsy + '>' + value + '</th>';
                else if (header.type === "ROW_HEADER_HEADER") {
                    var hierName = function(data) {
                        var hier = data.properties.hierarchy;
                        var name = hier.replace(/[[]]/gi, '').split('.')[1]
                            ? hier.replace(/[[]]/gi, '').split('.')[1]
                            : hier.replace(/[[]]/gi, '').split('.')[0];
                        return name;
                    var arrPosRowData = [];
                    if (_.contains(arrRowData, header.value)) {
                        for (var i = 0; i < arrRowData.length; i++) {
                            if (arrRowData[i] === header.value) {
                    rowContent += '<th class="row_header">' + (wrapContent ? '<div>' + header.value + '</div>' : header.value) + '</th>';
                        name: header.value,
                        hierName: hierName(header) + '/' + header.value
                    isHeaderLowestLvl = true;
                    processedRowHeader = true;
                    lowestRowLvl = col;
                    if (header.properties.hasOwnProperty("dimension")) {
                        var group = header.properties.dimension;
                        if (!(group in rowGroups)) {
                            rowGroups[group] = [];
                    if (arrPosRowData.length > 0) {
                        var aux = 0;
                        rowContent = '<tr>';
                        if (row === 0) {
                            rowContent = '<thead>' + rowContent;
                        for (var i = 0; i < objRowData.length; i++) {
                            if (arrPosRowData[aux] === i) {
                                newRowContent += '<th class="row_header">' + (wrapContent ? '<div>' + objRowData[i].hierName + '</div>' : objRowData[i].hierName) + '</th>';
                                aux += 1;
                            else {
                                newRowContent += '<th class="row_header">' + (wrapContent ? '<div>' + objRowData[i].name + '</div>' : objRowData[i].name) + '</th>';
                        rowContent += newRowContent;
                } // If the cell is a normal data cell
                else if (header.type === "DATA_CELL") {
                    batchStarted = true;
                    var color = "";
                    var val = _.isEmpty(header.value) ? Settings.EMPTY_VALUE_CHARACTER : header.value;
                    var arrow = "";
                    if (header.properties.hasOwnProperty('image')) {
                        var img_height = header.properties.hasOwnProperty('image_height') ? " height='" + header.properties.image_height + "'" : "";
                        var img_width = header.properties.hasOwnProperty('image_width') ? " width='" + header.properties.image_width + "'" : "";
                        val = "<img " + img_height + " " + img_width + " style='padding-left: 5px' src='" + header.properties.image + "' border='0'>";
                    // Just apply formatting to non-empty cells
                    if (val !== '-' && val !== '' && header.properties.hasOwnProperty('style')) {
                        color = " style='background-color: " + header.properties.style + "' ";
                    if (header.properties.hasOwnProperty('link')) {
                        val = "<a target='__blank' href='" + header.properties.link + "'>" + val + "</a>";
                    if (header.properties.hasOwnProperty('arrow')) {
                        arrow = "<img height='10' width='10' style='padding-left: 5px' src='./images/arrow-" + header.properties.arrow + ".gif' border='0'>";
                    if (val !== '-' && val !== '') {
                        rowWithOnlyEmptyCells = false;
                    rowContent += '<td class="data" ' + color + '>'
                            + (wrapContent ? '<div class="datadiv '+ setStyleNegativeNumber(header.properties.raw) + '" alt="' + header.properties.raw + '" rel="' + header.properties.position + '">' : "")
                            + val + arrow
                            + (wrapContent ? '</div>' : '') + '</td>';
                    if (totalsLists[ROWS])
                        rowContent += genTotalDataCells(colShifted + 1, rowShifted, scanSums[ROWS], scanIndexes[ROWS], totalsLists, wrapContent);
            rowContent += "</tr>";
            // Change it to let hideEmpty true by default
            if (options.hideEmpty && header.type === "DATA_CELL" && rowWithOnlyEmptyCells) {
    		   /*when data_cell is null,set the headerFlag is false ,
    		   to fix the problem data merge inccrrect.
    			rowContent = '';
            var totals = "";
            if (totalsLists[COLUMNS] && rowShifted >= 0) {
                totals += genTotalHeaderRowCells(rowShifted + 1, scanSums, scanIndexes, totalsLists, wrapContent);
            if (batchStarted && batchSize) {
                    if (row <= batchSize) {
                        if (!isColHeader && !isColHeaderDone) {
                            tableContent += "</thead><tbody>";
                            isColHeaderDone = true;
                        tableContent += rowContent;
                        if (totals.length > 0) {
                            tableContent += totals;
                    } else {
                        if (totals.length > 0) {
            } else {
                if (!isColHeader && !isColHeaderDone) {
                    tableContent += "</thead><tbody>";
                    isColHeaderDone = true;
                tableContent += rowContent;
                if (totals.length > 0) {
                    tableContent += totals;
        if (options) {
            options['batchResult'] = resultRows;
            options['hasBatchResult'] = resultRows.length > 0;
        return "<table>" + tableContent + "</tbody></table>";
    SaikuTableRenderer.prototype.renderSummary = function(data) {
        if (data && data.query) {
            var hasSomethingToRender = false;
            var measures = data.query.queryModel.details
                           ? data.query.queryModel.details.measures
                           : [];
            var summaryData = {};
            for (var i = 0; i < measures.length; i++) {
                var m = measures[i];
                if (m.aggregators) {
                    for (var j = 0; j < m.aggregators.length; j++) {
                        var a = m.aggregators[j];
                        if (a.indexOf('_') > 0) {
                            var tokens = a.split('_');
                            var aggregator = tokens[0];
                            var axis = tokens[1];
                            if (aggregator !== 'nil' && aggregator !== 'not') {
                                hasSomethingToRender = true;
                                aggregator = aggregator.capitalizeFirstLetter();
                                if (!(axis in summaryData)) summaryData[axis] = [];
                                summaryData[axis].push(m.name + ": " + aggregator);
            if (hasSomethingToRender) {
                var summary = "<div id='totals_summary'><br/>";
                $.each(summaryData, function(key, aggregators) {
                    summary += "<h3>" + key.capitalizeFirstLetter();
                    for (var i = 0; i < aggregators.length; i++) {
                        summary += "<br/> " + aggregators[i];
                    summary += "</h3>";
                return summary + "</div>";
        return "";
    String.prototype.capitalizeFirstLetter = function() {
        return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + this.slice(1).toLowerCase();


     ========二次更新,后台导出excel也有默认的小数点 2018.0问题处理=======20190605============start=======


    修改saiku后台代码,OlapResultSetUtil.java 类 的 cellSet2Matrix( final CellSet cellSet, ICellSetFormatter formatter )方法中,有给列头信息赋值,我们根据判断[年]、[月]且值是否带小数点来修改value值就行了啦  大概是line60~

    最主要的是我们要知道最后导出excel时,填充数据的取值来源是FormattedValue属性(headervalues[ y ][ x ].getFormattedValue(); ,  所以以下我们会根据rowValue的值是否是年 月 维度,且是否带小数点来给formattedValue赋值。


     for ( int y = 0; y < matrix.getOffset(); y++ ) {
          for ( int x = 0; x < matrix.getMatrixWidth(); x++ ) {
            headervalues[ y ][ x ] = matrix.get( x, y );
            //以下為新增內容:處理導出excel時 年月帶小數點問題
            if(headervalues[ y ][ x ] != null && headervalues[ y ][ x ].getRawValue() != null){ 
            	if( headervalues[ y ][ x ].getRawValue().startsWith("[年].[年]") || headervalues[ y ][ x ].getRawValue().startsWith("[月].[月]") ){
    	        	String tmpValue = headervalues[ y ][ x ].getFormattedValue();
    	        	if(tmpValue != null && tmpValue.indexOf(".")>-1){//判斷年 月結果是否帶小數點
    	        		tmpValue = tmpValue.substring(0, tmpValue.indexOf("."));//竊取小數點以前的數據
    	        		headervalues[ y ][ x ].setFormattedValue(tmpValue);//重新賦值
            //以上為新增內容:處理導出excel時 年月帶小數點問題


    最后提供完整的 OlapResultSetUtil.java文件

     *   Copyright 2012 OSBI Ltd
     *   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     *   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     *   You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     *   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     *   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     *   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     *   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     *   limitations under the License.
    package org.saiku.olap.util;
    import org.olap4j.CellSet;
    import org.saiku.olap.dto.resultset.AbstractBaseCell;
    import org.saiku.olap.dto.resultset.CellDataSet;
    import org.saiku.olap.dto.resultset.Matrix;
    import org.saiku.olap.util.formatter.HierarchicalCellSetFormatter;
    import org.saiku.olap.util.formatter.ICellSetFormatter;
    public class OlapResultSetUtil {
      public static CellDataSet cellSet2Matrix( final CellSet cellSet ) {
        final ICellSetFormatter formatter = new HierarchicalCellSetFormatter();
        return cellSet2Matrix( cellSet, formatter );
      public static CellDataSet cellSet2Matrix( final CellSet cellSet, ICellSetFormatter formatter ) {
        if ( cellSet == null ) {
          return new CellDataSet( 0, 0 );
        final Matrix matrix = formatter.format( cellSet );
        final CellDataSet cds = new CellDataSet( matrix.getMatrixWidth(), matrix.getMatrixHeight() );
        int z = 0;
        final AbstractBaseCell[][] bodyvalues =
          new AbstractBaseCell[ matrix.getMatrixHeight() - matrix.getOffset() ]
                              [ matrix.getMatrixWidth() ];
        for ( int y = matrix.getOffset(); y < matrix.getMatrixHeight(); y++ ) {
          for ( int x = 0; x < matrix.getMatrixWidth(); x++ ) {
            bodyvalues[ z ][ x ] = matrix.get( x, y );
        cds.setCellSetBody( bodyvalues );
        final AbstractBaseCell[][] headervalues =
            new AbstractBaseCell[ matrix.getOffset() ][ matrix.getMatrixWidth() ];
        for ( int y = 0; y < matrix.getOffset(); y++ ) {
          for ( int x = 0; x < matrix.getMatrixWidth(); x++ ) {
            headervalues[ y ][ x ] = matrix.get( x, y );
            //以下為新增內容:處理導出excel時 年月帶小數點問題
            if(headervalues[ y ][ x ] != null && headervalues[ y ][ x ].getRawValue() != null){ 
            	if( headervalues[ y ][ x ].getRawValue().startsWith("[年].[年]") || headervalues[ y ][ x ].getRawValue().startsWith("[月].[月]") ){
    	        	String tmpValue = headervalues[ y ][ x ].getFormattedValue();
    	        	if(tmpValue != null && tmpValue.indexOf(".")>-1){//判斷年 月結果是否帶小數點
    	        		tmpValue = tmpValue.substring(0, tmpValue.indexOf("."));//竊取小數點以前的數據
    	        		headervalues[ y ][ x ].setFormattedValue(tmpValue);//重新賦值
            //以上為新增內容:處理導出excel時 年月帶小數點問題
        cds.setCellSetHeaders( headervalues );
        cds.setOffset( matrix.getOffset() );
        return cds;


     ========二次更新,后台导出excel也有默认的小数点 2018.0问题处理=======20190605============end=======

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DFX339/p/10899855.html
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