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  • iOS实现常用地图坐标系转换(swift5)

    //  桥接后,OC工程也可用
    //  HTMCoorTransform.swift
    //  HTMapKit
    //  Created by LongMa on 2021/8/3.
    import Foundation
    import CoreLocation
    public class HTMCoorTransform: NSObject{
        static let shared = HTMCoorTransform.init()
        //WGS-84:是国际标准,GPS坐标(Google Earth使用、或者GPS模块)
        //GCJ-02:中国坐标偏移标准,Google Map、高德、腾讯使用
        //BD-09: 百度坐标偏移标准,Baidu Map使用
        let  a = 6378245.0;
        let  ee = 0.00669342162296594323;
        let  pi = 3.1415926535897932384626;
        let  xPi = Double.pi * 3000.0 / 180.0;
        //WGS-84 --> GCJ-02
        public static func transformFromWGSToGCJ(_ wgsLoc:CLLocationCoordinate2D)->CLLocationCoordinate2D{
            return shared.transformFromWGSToGCJ(wgsLoc)
        func transformFromWGSToGCJ(_ wgsLoc:CLLocationCoordinate2D)->CLLocationCoordinate2D
            var adjustLoc=CLLocationCoordinate2D();
            if( isLocationOutOfChina(location: wgsLoc))
                adjustLoc = wgsLoc;
                var adjustLat = transformLatWithX(wgsLoc.longitude - 105.0 ,wgsLoc.latitude - 35.0);
                var adjustLon = transformLonWithX(wgsLoc.longitude - 105.0 ,wgsLoc.latitude - 35.0);
                let radLat = wgsLoc.latitude / 180.0 * pi;
                var magic = sin(radLat);
                magic = 1 - ee * magic * magic;
                let sqrtMagic = sqrt(magic);
                adjustLat = (adjustLat * 180.0) / ((a * (1 - ee)) / (magic * sqrtMagic) * pi);
                adjustLon = (adjustLon * 180.0) / (a / sqrtMagic * cos(radLat) * pi);
                adjustLoc.latitude = wgsLoc.latitude + adjustLat;
                adjustLoc.longitude = wgsLoc.longitude + adjustLon;
            return adjustLoc;
        func transformLatWithX(_ x:Double,_ y:Double)->Double
            var lat = -100.0 + 2.0 * x + 3.0 * y + 0.2 * y * y + 0.1 * x * y ;
            lat += 0.2 * sqrt(fabs(x));
            lat += (20.0 * sin(6.0 * x * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            lat += (20.0 * sin(2.0 * x * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            lat += (20.0 * sin(y * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            lat += (40.0 * sin(y / 3.0 * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            lat += (160.0 * sin(y / 12.0 * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            lat += (320 * sin(y * pi / 30.0)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            return lat;
        func transformLonWithX(_ x:Double,_ y:Double)->Double
            var lon = 300.0 + x + 2.0 * y + 0.1 * x * x + 0.1 * x * y ;
            lon +=  0.1 * sqrt(fabs(x));
            lon += (20.0 * sin(6.0 * x * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            lon += (20.0 * sin(2.0 * x * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            lon += (20.0 * sin(x * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            lon += (40.0 * sin(x / 3.0 * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            lon += (150.0 * sin(x / 12.0 * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            lon += (300.0 * sin(x / 30.0 * pi)) * 2.0 / 3.0;
            return lon;
        //GCJ-02 --> BD-09
        public static func transformFromGCJToBaidu(_ wgsLoc:CLLocationCoordinate2D)->CLLocationCoordinate2D{
            return shared.transformFromGCJToBaidu(wgsLoc)
        func transformFromGCJToBaidu(_ p:CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D
            let z = sqrt(p.longitude * p.longitude + p.latitude * p.latitude) + 0.00002 * sqrt(p.latitude * pi);
            let theta = atan2(p.latitude, p.longitude) + 0.000003 * cos(p.longitude * pi);
            var geoPoint=CLLocationCoordinate2D();
            geoPoint.latitude  = (z * sin(theta) + 0.006);
            geoPoint.longitude = (z * cos(theta) + 0.0065);
            return geoPoint;
        //BD-09 --> GCJ-02
        public static func transformFromBaiduToGCJ(_ wgsLoc:CLLocationCoordinate2D)->CLLocationCoordinate2D{
            return shared.transformFromBaiduToGCJ(wgsLoc)
        func transformFromBaiduToGCJ(_ p:CLLocationCoordinate2D)-> CLLocationCoordinate2D
            let x = p.longitude - 0.0065, y = p.latitude - 0.006;
            let z = sqrt(x * x + y * y) - 0.00002 * sin(y * xPi);
            let theta = atan2(y, x) - 0.000003 * cos(x * xPi);
            var geoPoint = CLLocationCoordinate2D();
            geoPoint.latitude  = z * sin(theta);
            geoPoint.longitude = z * cos(theta);
            return geoPoint;
        //GCJ-02 --> WGS-84
        public static func transformFromGCJToWGS(_ wgsLoc:CLLocationCoordinate2D)->CLLocationCoordinate2D{
            return shared.transformFromGCJToWGS(wgsLoc)
        func transformFromGCJToWGS(_ p:CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D
            let threshold = 0.00001;
            // The boundary
            var minLat = p.latitude - 0.5;
            var maxLat = p.latitude + 0.5;
            var minLng = p.longitude - 0.5;
            var maxLng = p.longitude + 0.5;
            var delta = 1.0;
            let maxIteration = 30;
            // Binary search
                let leftBottom  = transformFromWGSToGCJ(CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: minLat,longitude: minLng));
                let rightBottom = transformFromWGSToGCJ(CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude : minLat,longitude : maxLng));
                let leftUp      = transformFromWGSToGCJ(CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude : maxLat,longitude : minLng));
                let midPoint    = transformFromWGSToGCJ(CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude : ((minLat + maxLat) / 2),longitude : ((minLng + maxLng) / 2)));
                delta = fabs(midPoint.latitude - p.latitude) + fabs(midPoint.longitude - p.longitude);
                if(maxIteration <= 1 || delta <= threshold)
                    return CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: (minLat + maxLat) / 2, longitude: (minLng + maxLng) / 2);
                if(isContains(p, p1: leftBottom, p2: midPoint))
                    maxLat = (minLat + maxLat) / 2;
                    maxLng = (minLng + maxLng) / 2;
                else if(isContains(p, p1: rightBottom, p2: midPoint))
                    maxLat = (minLat + maxLat) / 2;
                    minLng = (minLng + maxLng) / 2;
                else if(isContains(p, p1: leftUp, p2: midPoint))
                    minLat = (minLat + maxLat) / 2;
                    maxLng = (minLng + maxLng) / 2;
                    minLat = (minLat + maxLat) / 2;
                    minLng = (minLng + maxLng) / 2;
        //WGS-84 --> BD-09
        public static func transformFromWGSToBaidu(_ wgsLoc:CLLocationCoordinate2D)->CLLocationCoordinate2D{
            return shared.transformFromWGSToBaidu(wgsLoc)
        func transformFromWGSToBaidu(_ p:CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D
            let gcj = transformFromWGSToGCJ(p);
            let bd = transformFromGCJToBaidu(gcj)
            return bd;
        //BD-09 --> WGS-84
        public static func transformFromBaiduToWGS(_ wgsLoc:CLLocationCoordinate2D)->CLLocationCoordinate2D{
            return shared.transformFromBaiduToWGS(wgsLoc)
        func transformFromBaiduToWGS(_ p:CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> CLLocationCoordinate2D
            let gcj = transformFromBaiduToGCJ(p)
            let wgs = transformFromGCJToWGS(gcj)
            return wgs;
        //point: 点
        //p1:    左上角
        //p2:    右下角
        func isContains(_ point:CLLocationCoordinate2D , p1:CLLocationCoordinate2D, p2:CLLocationCoordinate2D)->Bool
            return (point.latitude >= min(p1.latitude, p2.latitude) && point.latitude <= max(p1.latitude, p2.latitude)) && (point.longitude >= min(p1.longitude,p2.longitude) && point.longitude <= max(p1.longitude, p2.longitude));
        func isLocationOutOfChina(location:CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> Bool
            if (location.longitude < 72.004 || location.longitude > 137.8347 || location.latitude < 0.8293 || location.latitude > 55.8271){
                return true;
                return false;
        public static func distanceByPoint(lat1:Double,lat2 :Double,lng1 :Double,lng2:Double)->Double{
            let dd = Double.pi/180;
            let x1=lat1*dd;
            let x2=lat2*dd;
            let y1=lng1*dd;
            let y2=lng2*dd;
            let R = 6371004;
            let temp = 2 - 2 * cos(x1) * cos(x2) * cos(y1-y2) - 2 * sin(x1) * sin(x2);
            let distance = Double(2) * Double(R) * asin(sqrt(temp)/2);
            //返回 m
            return   distance;
        public static  func distanceByPoint(point1:CLLocationCoordinate2D,point2:CLLocationCoordinate2D)->Double{
            return distanceByPoint(lat1: point1.latitude, lat2: point2.latitude, lng1: point1.longitude, lng2: point2.longitude);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Dast1/p/15094974.html
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