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  • 《generate smooth group in 3ds max》


    local ResetMax
    local GetAllFilesWithPatternInDirectoryRecursively
    local DoedFolderExist
    local DoImportFile
    local DoExportFile
    local DoAutoSmooth
    fn StartExecute =
    local rootFolderPath = "D:Source"
    local exportRootFolderPath = "D:Dest"
    local autosmoothThreshold = 50.0
    local exportASCII = true
    --Editable_Poly for some reason gives bad results. false for now
    local useEditablePoly = false
    openLog(exportRootFolderPath+""+logFileName) mode:"w" outputonly:true
    print("Start: "+(timestamp() as string))
    print("SutismoothThreshold: "+ (autosmoothThreshold as string))
    local filesInFolder = GetAllFilesWithPatternInDirectoryRecursively rootFolderPath "*.fbx"
    print("Files to Process: " + (filesInFolder.count as string))
    for filePath in filesInFolder do
    --if filenameFromPath filePath != "__xxx.fbx" then
    print "New Object"
    print filePath
    DoAutoSmooth autosmoothThreshold useEditablePoly
    local exportPath = replace filePath 1 rootFolderPath.count exportRootFolderPath
    print exportPath
    DoesFolderExist(getFilenamePath exportPath) create:true
    DoExportFile exportPath exportASCII
    --Returns an array
    fn GetAllFilesWithPatternInDircetoryRecursively dir pattern =
    local dirArr = GetDirectories(dir+"\*")
    for d in dirArr do
    join dirArr (getDirectories(d+"\*"))
    append dirArr (dir+"") -- Need to include the original top level directory
    local patternMatchedFile = #()
    for f in dirArr do
    join patternMatchedFiles (getFiles(f+pattern))
    return patternMatchedFiles
    --Test whether folderPath exists and is a folder; create it if it doesn't and create==true
    fn DoesFolderExist folderPath create:true = 
    local val = if(doesFileExist folderPath) and (getfileattribute folderPath #directory) then true else false
    if not val and create then
    val = makeDir folderPath
    return val
    fn DoImportFile fileName =
    FBXImporterSetParam "ResetImport"
    FBXImporterSetParam "SmoothingGroups" true
    importFile fileName #noPrompt using:FXBIMP
    fn DoExportFile fileName exportASCII =
    FBXExporterSetParam "ResetExport"
    FBXExporterSetParam "SmoothingGroups" true
    FBXExporterSetParam "Animation" false
    FBXExporterSetParam "Cameras" false
    --Set to true if you want a Human-Readable file.
    if exportAscii then
    FBXExporterSetParam "ASCII" true
    if units.SystemType == #Inches then
    print "Converting Units to CM"
    --This is completely broken.
    --FBXExporterSetParam "COnvertUnit" "cm"
    --Shitty replacement solution
    selectedObject = selection[1]
    print selectedObject.scale
    print selectedObject.scale
    print "Exp Smooth?"
    print ((FBXExporterGetParam "SmoothingGroups") as string)
    exportFile (fileName) #noPrompt selectedOnly:false using:FBXEXP
    fn ResetMax=
    --Reset max file silently
    resetMaxFile #noPrompt
    fn ExitMan=
    --Exit max
    quitMax #noPrompt
    fn DoAutoSmooth autosmoothThreshold useEditablePoly=
    if selection.count == 1 then
    print selection[1]
    selectedObject = selection[1]
    if useEditablePoly then
    convertTo selectedObject Editable_Poly
    select selectedObject
    if useEditablePoly then
    print "converting to Editable Poly"
    polyOp.setFaceSelection selectedObject #{1..polyOp.getNumFaces selectedObject}
    --Clear existing smoothing groups
    selectObject.EditablePoly.setSmoothingGroups 0
    selectedObject.autosmoothThreshold = autosmoothThreshold
    print "[erforming AutoSmooth on Editable Poly"
    print "Performing AutoSmooth on Editable Mesh"
    meshop.autoSmooth selectedObject #{1..selectedObject.numfaces} autosmoothThreshold
    print "Error:Multiple Objects Selected."
    --Start at the end?
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DeanWang/p/7148570.html
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