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  • pat1053. Path of Equal Weight (30)

    1053. Path of Equal Weight (30)

    10 ms
    65536 kB
    16000 B
    CHEN, Yue

    Given a non-empty tree with root R, and with weight Wi assigned to each tree node Ti. The weight of a path from R to L is defined to be the sum of the weights of all the nodes along the path from R to any leaf node L.

    Now given any weighted tree, you are supposed to find all the paths with their weights equal to a given number. For example, let's consider the tree showed in Figure 1: for each node, the upper number is the node ID which is a two-digit number, and the lower number is the weight of that node. Suppose that the given number is 24, then there exists 4 different paths which have the same given weight: {10 5 2 7}, {10 4 10}, {10 3 3 6 2} and {10 3 3 6 2}, which correspond to the red edges in Figure 1.

    Figure 1

    Input Specification:

    Each input file contains one test case. Each case starts with a line containing 0 < N <= 100, the number of nodes in a tree, M (< N), the number of non-leaf nodes, and 0 < S < 230, the given weight number. The next line contains N positive numbers where Wi (<1000) corresponds to the tree node Ti. Then M lines follow, each in the format:

    ID K ID[1] ID[2] ... ID[K]

    where ID is a two-digit number representing a given non-leaf node, K is the number of its children, followed by a sequence of two-digit ID's of its children. For the sake of simplicity, let us fix the root ID to be 00.

    Output Specification:

    For each test case, print all the paths with weight S in non-increasing order. Each path occupies a line with printed weights from the root to the leaf in order. All the numbers must be separated by a space with no extra space at the end of the line.

    Note: sequence {A1, A2, ..., An} is said to be greater than sequence {B1, B2, ..., Bm} if there exists 1 <= k < min{n, m} such that Ai = Bi for i=1, ... k, and Ak+1 > Bk+1.

    Sample Input:
    20 9 24
    10 2 4 3 5 10 2 18 9 7 2 2 1 3 12 1 8 6 2 2
    00 4 01 02 03 04
    02 1 05
    04 2 06 07
    03 3 11 12 13
    06 1 09
    07 2 08 10
    16 1 15
    13 3 14 16 17
    17 2 18 19
    Sample Output:
    10 5 2 7
    10 4 10
    10 3 3 6 2
    10 3 3 6 2







    E(v=3),如果只根据一层的节点的值大小进行排序,(BC节点本身值相同时,根据其他条件判断BC的优先级,我写的代码中是按值相同情况下,再按序号降序排列)则恰巧C排在B后面,那么输出的序列应该先是A C H I和A B F G,但实际上根据题意输出序列应该是A B F G和A C H I,故测试数据有漏洞。

    不信的话,可以将正文代码的20行  return a.num<num;  改为   return a.num>num;  再进行评判。  







     1 #include<cstdio>
     2 #include<algorithm>
     3 #include<iostream>
     4 #include<cstring>
     5 #include<queue>
     6 #include<vector>
     7 #include<cmath>
     8 #include<string>
     9 #include<map>
    10 #include<set>
    11 #include<stack>
    12 using namespace std;
    13 struct node{
    14     int num,v;
    15     bool operator<(const node &a) const {
    16         return a.v<v;
    17     }
    18 };
    19 node value[3];
    20 map<int,set<node> > tree;
    21 int main(){
    22     //freopen("D:\INPUT.txt","r",stdin);
    23     value[0].v=-1;
    24     value[0].num=0;
    25     tree[0].insert(value[0]);
    26     value[1].v=-1;
    27     value[1].num=1;
    28     tree[0].insert(value[1]);
    29     value[2].v=1;
    30     value[2].num=2;
    31     tree[0].insert(value[2]);
    32     int i;
    34     cout<<tree[0].size()<<endl;
    36     set<node>::iterator it;
    37     for(it=tree[0].begin();it!=tree[0].end();it++){
    38         cout<<it->num<<endl;
    39     }
    40     /*int n,m,s;
    41     scanf("%d %d %d",&n,&m,&s);
    42     int i,j;
    43     for(i=0;i<n;i++){
    44         scanf("%d",value[i].v);
    45         value[i].num=i;
    46     }
    47     int fir,num,amount;
    48     for(i=0;i<m;i++){
    49         scanf("%d %d",&fir,&amount);
    50         for(j=0;j<amount;j++){
    51             scanf("%d",&num);
    52             tree[fir].insert(value[num]);
    53         }
    54     }*/
    56     return 0;
    57 }


      1 #include<cstdio>
      2 #include<algorithm>
      3 #include<iostream>
      4 #include<cstring>
      5 #include<queue>
      6 #include<vector>
      7 #include<cmath>
      8 #include<string>
      9 #include<map>
     10 #include<set>
     11 #include<stack>
     12 using namespace std;
     13 struct node //set比较函数中的比较条件不能出现相同,一定要能完全比较
     14 {
     15     int num,v;
     16     bool operator<(const node &a) const  //降序
     17     {
     18         if(a.v==v)
     19         {
     20             return a.num<num;
     21         }
     22         return a.v<v;
     23     }
     24 };
     25 node value[105];
     26 map<int,set<node> > tree;
     27 int path[105];//记录前一个节点编号
     28 int n,m,s;
     29 queue<int>  qq;
     30 void DFS(int cur)
     31 {
     32     set<node>::iterator it;
     33     for(it=tree[cur].begin(); it!=tree[cur].end(); it++)
     34     {
     35         value[it->num].v=value[cur].v+value[it->num].v;
     37         //cout<<"father:  "<<cur<<"   "<<it->num<<"   "<<it->v<<"   "<<value[it->num].v<<endl;
     39         if(!tree[it->num].size()&&value[it->num].v==s) //找到符合条件的叶节点
     40         {
     41             qq.push(it->num);
     42         }
     43         else
     44         {
     45             if(value[it->num].v>s) //剪枝
     46             {
     47                 continue;
     48             }
     49             DFS(it->num);//q.push(it->num);
     50         }
     51     }
     52 }
     53 int main()
     54 {
     55     //freopen("D:\INPUT.txt","r",stdin);
     56     scanf("%d %d %d",&n,&m,&s);
     57     int i,j;
     58     for(i=0; i<n; i++)
     59     {
     60         scanf("%d",&value[i].v);
     61         value[i].num=i;
     62     }
     63     int fir,num,amount;
     64     path[0]=0;
     65     for(i=0; i<m; i++) //链接表
     66     {
     67         scanf("%d %d",&fir,&amount);
     68         for(j=0; j<amount; j++)
     69         {
     70             scanf("%d",&num);
     71             path[num]=fir;
     72             tree[fir].insert(value[num]);
     73         }
     74     }
     75     //queue<int>  q,qq;
     76     if(value[0].v==s){
     77         printf("%d
     78     }
     79     DFS(0);
     80     /*q.push(0);
     81     int cur;
     82     set<node>::iterator it;
     83     while(!q.empty()){
     84         cur=q.front();
     85         q.pop();
     86         for(it=tree[cur].begin();it!=tree[cur].end();it++){
     87             value[it->num].v=value[cur].v+value[it->num].v;
     89             cout<<"father:  "<<cur<<"   "<<it->num<<"   "<<it->v<<"   "<<value[it->num].v<<endl;
     91             if(!tree[it->num].size()&&value[it->num].v==s){//找到符合条件的叶节点
     92                 qq.push(it->num);
     93             }
     94             else{
     95                 if(value[it->num].v>s){//剪枝
     96                     continue;
     97                 }
     98                 q.push(it->num);
     99             }
    100         }
    101     }*/
    102     while(!qq.empty())
    103     {
    104         stack<int> out;
    105         int f=qq.front();
    106         qq.pop();
    107         for(i=f; path[i]!=i; i=path[i])
    108         {
    109             out.push(i);
    110         }
    111         printf("%d",f=value[i].v);//out.push(i);
    112         while(!out.empty())
    113         {
    114             printf(" %d",value[out.top()].v-f);
    115             f=value[out.top()].v;
    116             out.pop();
    117         }
    118         printf("
    119     }
    120     return 0;
    121 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Deribs4/p/4772687.html
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