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  • Network 4: Network Layer

      The primary tasks of a router lies in two aspects: (1) running routing protocols, and (2) forwarding datagrams. Some of the major routing protocols run on the Internet are as follow:


      Among broadcast routing algorithms, Reverse Path Forwarding is a controlled flooding strategy, in which only a leaf of the tree would receive a redundant packet.

      The following picture sheds light on the architecture of a router:

      Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ): 怎样的调度策略对于每个数据流都是公平的?

      (1) FIFO并不公平,因为packet可能会不一样大,肯定会有数据流多吃多占;

      (2) 最公平的情况应该是把每个packet拆成字节,然后挨个数据流轮询,每次发送一字节,但臣妾实在做不到;

      (3) 可以根据 (2) 的理想情况计算每个packet到达和离开的虚拟时间,其中第i个流的第j个packet离开时间为:


      (4) 我们根据 (3) 计算的离开时间将到达的packet组织成优先级队列,离开时间值越小的packet越先处理,可以保证各packet出队顺序与 (2) 相同。

      The following picture illustrates the IPv4 Datagram Format:


      Since Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) exists,  a large datagram may be fragmented and assembled by IPv4 routers, which will never happen in IPv6.

      CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing): Traditionally, hosts on the Internet can be addressed in a classful way illustrated by the following picture. Nevertheless, a class B network is too large for an organization whereas a class C network may be too small. Therefore, RFC1519 put forward a solution that the remaining class C addresses be distributed according to vairable length subnet masks.

      子网划分、分级CIDR与路由聚合缓解了路由表爆炸的问题,就像当年的多级页表、inode 和 DNS系统。

      假设有一个网络的子网掩码是 $255.255.(256-2^{8-n}).0/(16+n)$,其中 $0leq n<8$,将该网络进一步平均分为$2^m$个子网,则第$i$个子网地址为 $255.255.(256-2^{8-n}+icdot 2^{8-n-m}).0$。主干网中,若每两个路由器组成一个子网,则每个子网中主机号只要两位(全0和全1不可用),子网掩码可以是 $$。

      NAT (Network Address Translation) 是一个解决IPv4地址短缺的补丁,把 private IP address 转换成 public IP address,并通过映射不同端口号的方式区别子网中的不同客户。这种方法弊病颇多,而且治标不治本。更好的解决方式是改用IPv6,不仅扩大了地址空间,还消除了校验、分段和重组,提高了路由器效率。Tunneling 是一种利用IPv4路由器转发IPv6数据报的技术,它将整个IPv6数据报(包括IPv6头部)作为payload,用IPv4头部封装传递。IPv6基本头部格式如下:

      ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol): 路由器向数据包源端发送 Destination Unreachable, Time Exceeded, Source Quench 等消息,可用于ping 和 traceroute 等工具。

      ARP (Address Resolution Protocol): 发送方查询arp缓存无果,则以广播形式发出包含目标地址的请求;目标地址的主机将自己的以太网地址回应给发送方,发送方将得到的 IP-MAC 存入arp缓存并进行通信。

      DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol): 客户以广播形式寻找服务器 (DHCP Discover),服务器(有可能是多个)以广播形式回应一个空闲IP地址及其租赁时间 (DHCP Offer),offer中还包含子网掩码、默认网关和DNS服务器等配置信息;客户从所有offer中选一个作为自己的IP地址并正式请求 (DHCP Request),服务器再次应答 (DHCP ACK)。

      默认网关就是 first-hop router,但不一定是 NAT router 。



      1. Kurose, James F., Keith W. Ross. Computer Networking: a top-down approach[M]. 北京:高等教育出版社, 2009-08

      2. Tanenbaum, Andrew S., David J. Wetherall. Computer Networks 5th edition[M]. 北京:清华大学出版社, 2011

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/DevinZ/p/4542214.html
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