1. Eigendecomposition of Symmetric Matrix:
(1) Solve the equation $det[lambda I-A]=0$ to get eigenvalues $lambda_1,lambda_2,...,lambda_n$;
(2) Solve each $(lambda_k I-A)vec{x}=vec{0}$ to get eigenvectors $vec{v}_1,vec{v}_2,...,vec{v}_n$;
(3) Orthogonalize and normalize the eigenvectors via Gram-Schimdt Process:
for $k=1,2,...,n$: $vec{v}_k=vec{v}_k-sum_{i=1}^{k-1}frac{vec{v}_k^Tvec{v}_i}{vec{v}_i^Tvec{v}_i}vec{v}_i$;
(4) $A=VLambda V^T$, where $Lambda=diag(lambda_1,lambda_2,...,lambda_n)$ and $vec{v}_k$ is the $k$th column of $V$.
Please see my demo program of Orthogonal Diagonalization.
2. Singular Value Decomposition (SVD):
(1) Eigendecomposition of $A^T A$ ($Ainmathbb{R}^{m imes n}$):
eigenvalues $lambda_1,lambda_2,...,lambda_n$ in decreasing order,
and corresponding eigenvectors $vec{v}_1,vec{v}_2,...,vec{v}_n$;
(2) Singular Values: $sqrt{lambda_1},sqrt{lambda_2},...,sqrt{lambda_n}$;
Left singular vectors: $vec{u}_1,vec{u}_2,...,vec{u}_n$, where $vec{u}_k=frac{1}{sqrt{lambda_k}}Avec{v}_k$;
Right singular vectors: $vec{v}_1,vec{v}_2,...,vec{v}_n$;
(3) $A=ULambda V^T$, where $Uinmathbb{R}^{m imes m}$, $Lambdainmathbb{R}^{m imes n}$, $Vinmathbb{R}^{n imes n}$.
3. Principal Component Analysis (PCA):
(1) Preprocessing of Dataset:
$vec{mu}_j = frac{1}{N}sum_{n=1}^N X_{nj}$, $sigma_j=sqrt{frac{1}{N-1}sum_{n=1}^N(X_{nj}-vec{mu}_j)}$, $X_{nj}=(X_{nj}-vec{mu}_j)/sigma_j$;
(2) Singular Value Decomposition:
$X_{N imes D}approx U_{N imes K}Lambda_{K imes K}V_{K imes D}^T$;
(3) $X_{N imes D}V_{D imes K}approx U_{N imes K}Lambda_{K imes K}=widetilde{X}_{N imes K}$.
1. LeftNotEasy's blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/LeftNotEasy/archive/2011/01/19/svd-and-applications.html
2. Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning [M]. Singapore: Springer, 2006