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1 异常: 2 dir(module) 列出模块的内容 3 4 >>> raise ArithmeticError 5 6 Traceback (most recent call last): 7 File "<pyshell#2>", line 1, in <module> 8 raise ArithmeticError 9 ArithmeticError 10 11 >>> raise ArithmeticError("Error occured!") 12 13 Traceback (most recent call last): 14 File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in <module> 15 raise ArithmeticError("Error occured!") 16 ArithmeticError: Error occured! 17 18 try: 19 xxx 20 except <some type of exception>: 21 xxx 22 except: 23 print "something wrong happened." 24 else: 25 run normal code... 26 finally: #2.5以后可以组合使用 27 code which must be excuted... 28 29 魔法方法、属性和迭代器 30 super函数:(sample) 31 class Bird(object): 32 def __init__(self): 33 self.hungry = True 34 def eat(self): 35 if self.hungry: 36 print 'Aaaah...' 37 self.hungry = False 38 else: 39 print 'No, thanks!' 40 41 class SongBird(Bird): 42 def __init__(self): 43 = 'Lalala.' 44 Bird.__init__(self) 45 def sing(self): 46 print 47 48 class NewBird(Bird): 49 def __init__(self): 50 super(NewBird, self).__init__() 51 self.attr = 'New type.' 52 def show(self): 53 print self.attr 54 55 s = SongBird() 56 57 58 s.sing() 59 60 n = NewBird() 61 print n.hungry 62 63 64 65 66 魔法方法: 67 __init__(self):构造函数 68 69 基本的序列和映射规则 70 __len__(self):返回集合中所含项目的数量 71 __getitem__(self, key):返回与所给键对应的值 72 __setitem__(self, key, value):按一定的方式存储和key相关的value 73 __delitem__(self, key):在对一部分对象使用del语句时被调用,同时必须删除和元素相关的键 74 75 子类化内建类型 76 77 访问器:getxxx & setxxx 78 79 属性: 80 class Rectangle(object): 81 def __init__(self): 82 self.width = 0 83 self.height = 0 84 def setSize(self, size): 85 self.width, self.height = size 86 def getSize(self): 87 return self.width, self.height 88 size = property(getSize, setSize) 89 90 r = Rectangle() 91 r.setSize((1, 2)) 92 print r.getSize() 93 print r.size 94 r.size = 3, 4 95 print r.size 96 r.size = (5, 6) 97 print r.size 98 ... 99 (1, 2) 100 (1, 2) 101 (3, 4) 102 (5, 6) 103 104 静态方法、类成员方法: 105 class MyClass(object): 106 107 @staticmethod 108 def smethod(): 109 print 'Static method.' 110 111 @classmethod 112 def cmethod(cls): 113 print 'Class method of ', cls 114 115 MyClass.smethod() 116 MyClass.cmethod() 117 ... 118 Static method. 119 Class method of <class '__main__.MyClass'> 120 121 迭代器: 122 class Fibs(object): 123 def __init__(self): 124 self.a = 0 125 self.b = 1 126 def next(self): 127 self.a, self.b = self.b, self.a + self.b 128 if self.a > 200: 129 raise StopIteration 130 return self.a 131 def __iter__(self): 132 return self 133 134 f = Fibs() 135 print 136 print, '\n' 137 nums = [] 138 for i in f: 139 if i > 100: 140 break 141 nums.append(i) 142 print nums 143 print tuple(nums) 144 145 l = Fibs() 146 print list(l) 147 ... 148 1 149 1 150 151 [2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89] 152 (2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89) 153 [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144] 154 155 生成器:生成器的函数 yield & 生成器的迭代器 156 def flatten(lol): 157 for sublist in lol: 158 for element in sublist: 159 yield element 160 lol = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] 161 result = [] 162 for element in flatten(lol): 163 result.append(element) 164 print result 165 print list(flatten(lol)) 166 print tuple(flatten(lol)) 167 168 列表推导式: 169 >>> [x*x for x in range(20) if x % 2 == 1 or x % 5 == 0] 170 [0, 1, 9, 25, 49, 81, 100, 121, 169, 225, 289, 361] 171 172 pass语句: 173 pass语句什么都不做.它只在语法上需要一条语句但程序不需要任何操作时使用 174 175 del语句: 176 删除不再使用的对象 177 178 exec & eval: 179 执行和求职字符串 180 181 \n:换行 182 \r:回车 183 184 模块: 185 dir:查看模块包含的内容 186 __all__变量:定义模块的共有接口 187 help(module.method):获取帮助信息,来自__doc__ and some other information 188 __file__变量:源码位置 189 190 重要的模块: 191 sys 192 os 193 webbrowser 194 >>> import webbrowser 195 >>>"") 196 True 197 fileinput 198 sets:集合 199 heapq:堆 200 collections模块deque类:双端队列 201 time:模块 202 random:模块 203 shelve:数据存储 204 re模块: 205 正则表达式 206 通配符:. 207 转义字符:\ 208 两个级别转义:通过解释器转义;通过re模块转义 209 字符集:[a-zA-z0-9] 210 反转字符集:[^abc] 211 ^:脱字符 212 选择符:| 213 子模式:(subpattern) 214 可选项:(pattern)? 215 重复子模式:(pattern)*, (pattern)+, (pattern){m, n} 216 仅匹配开始或结尾:^pattern, $pattern