' COMUnit 1.1 - TestRunner form
Option Explicit
' Initialize the TestRunner control
Private Sub Form_Load()
' TODO: add instances of your TestContainer classes to the UnitRunner control
' e.g. UnitRunner1.AddTestContainer New TCTestContainer
UnitRunner1.AddTestContainer New TCTestContainer
End Sub
' Run the tests selected in the UnitRunner
Private Sub btnRun_Click()
End Sub
' Close the form
Private Sub btnClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
' Resize the UnitRunner control and the buttons on the form
Private Sub Form_Resize()
UnitRunner1.Move 0, 0, ScaleWidth, PosInt(ScaleHeight - btnClose.Height - 50)
btnClose.Move PosInt(ScaleWidth - btnClose.Width), PosInt(ScaleHeight - btnClose.Height)
btnRun.Move PosInt(ScaleWidth - btnClose.Width - btnRun.Width - 100), PosInt(ScaleHeight - btnRun.Height)
End Sub
Private Function PosInt(iValue) As Integer
PosInt = IIf(iValue > 0, iValue, 0)
End Function
' COMUnit 1.1 - TestContainer Class
Option Explicit
' Interface declaration
Implements ITestContainer
' Fixture Member Variables
' TODO: specify your TestContainer test fixture member variables here
' Return the name of the different test case methods in this test container
Public Property Get ITestContainer_TestCaseNames() As Variant()
' TODO: add the names of your test methods as a parameter into the Array() function
ITestContainer_TestCaseNames = Array("TestString", "TestLong")
End Property
' Run the specified test case methods in this test container
Public Sub ITestContainer_RunTestCase(oTestCase As ITestCase, oTestResult As TestResult)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
InvokeHook Me, oTestCase.Name, INVOKE_FUNC, oTestResult
' CallByName Me, oTestCase.Name, VbMethod, oTestResult
Exit Sub
oTestResult.AddError Err.Number, Err.Source, Err.Description
End Sub
'Initialize the test fixture
Public Sub ITestContainer_Setup()
' TODO: initialize your test fixture here
End Sub
'Destroy the test fixture
Public Sub ITestContainer_TearDown()
' TODO: destruct your test fixture here
End Sub
'Public Sub testSampleMethod(oTestResult As TestResult)
' TODO: add your test code here
'End Sub
Public Sub TestString(oTestResult As TestResult)
oTestResult.Assert "String" = "String", "字符串不相等"
End Sub
Public Sub TestLong(oTestResult As TestResult)
oTestResult.AssertEqualsLong 1, 456, "数值不相等"
End Sub
在窗体中要将Runner和类进行绑定,建议的类名前缀为TC,新增的测试函数一定要在ITestContainer_TestCaseNames中进行注册,新增的测试函数一定要有oTestResult As TestResult这个声明,而且只能有这么一个声明。