Private mI As Integer
Public Function Append(i As Integer) As CLink
mI = mI + i
Set Append = Me
End Function
Public Function GetValue() As Integer
GetValue = mI
End Function
用法如下:Public Function Append(i As Integer) As CLink
mI = mI + i
Set Append = Me
End Function
Public Function GetValue() As Integer
GetValue = mI
End Function
Dim c As CLink
Set c = New CLink
MsgBox c.Append(1).Append(2).Append(3).GetValue
Set c = Nothing
好玩的就是Append函数的用法,《Programming Ruby》里边有一段这么的用法,只是感觉有趣。Set c = New CLink
MsgBox c.Append(1).Append(2).Append(3).GetValue
Set c = Nothing
Private Function IncludeNumber(s As String) As Boolean
Static c As Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim v As String
If c Is Nothing Then
Set c = New Collection
For i = 0 To 9
c.Add i, "c" & i
End If
On Error GoTo e:
c.Item "c" & s
IncludeNumber = True
Exit Function
End Function
Static c As Collection
Dim i As Integer
Dim v As String
If c Is Nothing Then
Set c = New Collection
For i = 0 To 9
c.Add i, "c" & i
End If
On Error GoTo e:
c.Item "c" & s
IncludeNumber = True
Exit Function
End Function