grab cut是在graph cut上发展来的,作用就像PS中的魔棒。先选中可能的前景TU,剩余则是背景TB, 通过迭代使TU中可能的前景变成绝对的前景,这个筛选过程可以用最小割实现。
对于Gibbs能量的理解: (这部分是graph cut的理解,是grab cut的前提)
我们采用RGB颜色空间,分别用一个K个高斯分量(一取般K=5)的全协方差GMM(混合高斯模型)来对目标和背景进行建模。于是就存在一个额外的向量k = {k1, . . ., kn, . . ., kN},其中kn就是第n个像素对应于哪个高斯分量,kn∈ {1, . . . K}。对于每个像素,要不来自于目标GMM的某个高斯分量,要不就来自于背景GMM的某个高斯分量。
(1)用户通过直接框选目标来得到一个初始的trimap T,即方框外的像素全部作为背景像素TB,而方框内TU的像素全部作为“可能是目标”的像素。
Iterative minimisation:
argmin: 使D取最小值的k.
(3)分割估计(通过1中分析的Gibbs能量项,建立一个图,并求出权值t-link和n-link,然后通过max flow/min cut算法来进行分割(这个算法我是直接去网上下的包),邻接点就V作为权值,和sink&tank的权值用U:
(5)采用border matting对分割的边界进行平滑等等后期处理。(本人没有处理)
// #pragma GCC optimize(3) #include<queue> #include<cstdio> #include<iostream> #define mfor(i, b, c) for(int i = (b); i < (c); i++) #include "mylinalg.hpp" #include "myguass.hpp" #include "mykmeans.hpp" #include "flow/graph.hpp" #include "flow/Cut.hpp" using namespace std; const int MAXN = 1000000; double beta, lamda=3; //gama??? int image_n, image_m, left_up_x, left_up_y, right_down_x, right_down_y; int totcode; triple pixel_z[MAXN]; int label_k[MAXN], label_alpha[MAXN], pixel_code[2101][2101];//!!! GMM_model G[2]; int di[8]={0,-1,-1,-1,0,1,1,1}; int dj[8]={-1,-1,0,1,1,1,0,-1}; void Readimage(); void Initialization(); void Iterative_minimisation(); void Biggest(); void Writeimage(); void debug1(){ freopen("debug1.out","w",stdout); mfor(i, 0, image_n) mfor(j, 0, image_m) printf("%d ",label_k[pixel_code[i][j]]); } int main(){ Readimage(); printf("read done "); Initialization(); printf("init done "); Iterative_minimisation(); printf("cutting done "); Biggest(); // printf("Biggest done "); Writeimage(); // printf("writing done "); return 0; } void Writeimage(){ freopen("data.out","w",stdout); int tt=0; mfor(i, 0, image_n) mfor(j, 0, image_m){ // tt++; mfor(t, 0, 3) printf("%d ", int(0.1+pixel_z[pixel_code[i][j]][t] * label_alpha[pixel_code[i][j]])); puts(""); } // cout<<tt<<endl;/ } void Readimage(){ freopen("","r",stdin); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d",&image_n,&image_m,&left_up_y,&left_up_x,&right_down_y,&right_down_x); printf("%d %d ", image_n, image_m); mfor(i, 0, image_n) mfor(j, 0, image_m){ int a,b,c; scanf("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c); pixel_code[i][j] = ++totcode; pixel_z[totcode] = triple(a, b, c); if(i>left_up_y && i <right_down_y && j>left_up_x && j<right_down_x) label_alpha[totcode] = 1; } } void Build_GMM(bool fg = 0){ G[0].init(); G[1].init(); mfor(i, 0, totcode) G[label_alpha[i]].component[label_k[i]].cal_1(pixel_z[i]); G[0].Process(); G[1].Process(); mfor(i, 0, totcode){ G[label_alpha[i]].component[label_k[i]].cal_2(pixel_z[i]); } G[0].Done(); G[1].Done(); } void Build_graph(CutGraph& _graph){ // freopen("mybuildg.out","w",stdout); int vcnt = image_n*image_m, ecnt = 2*(4*image_m*image_n - 3*(image_n+image_m) + 2); _graph = CutGraph(vcnt, ecnt); int bt=0; mfor(i, 0, image_n) mfor(j, 0, image_m){ bt++; int now = pixel_code[i][j]; triple pixz = pixel_z[now]; int vnum = _graph.addVertex(); double Sw = 0, Tw = 0; if(label_alpha[now]){ Sw = G[0].getD(pixz); Tw = G[1].getD(pixz); } else Sw = 10000; //break with T, inf with S(belong to S) // if(Tw) // printf("%d %d %lf %lf ", i, j, Sw, Tw); _graph.addVertexWeights(vnum, Sw, Tw); //V(α, z) = γ * dis(m,n)^(−1) [αn != αm] exp(−β(zm −zn))^2 double val = 0; if(i){ val = lamda * exp(-beta*square(pixz - pixel_z[pixel_code[i-1][j]])); _graph.addEdges(vnum, vnum - image_m, val); } if(j){ val = lamda * exp(-beta*square(pixz - pixel_z[pixel_code[i][j-1]])); _graph.addEdges(vnum, vnum - 1, val); } if(i&&j){ val = lamda/1.4142135 * exp(-beta*square(pixz - pixel_z[pixel_code[i-1][j-1]])); _graph.addEdges(vnum, vnum - image_m - 1, val); } if(i&&j<image_m-1){ val = lamda/1.4142135 * exp(-beta*square(pixz - pixel_z[pixel_code[i-1][j+1]])); _graph.addEdges(vnum, vnum - image_m + 1, val); } } } void Minimization(CutGraph& _graph){ Build_graph(_graph); printf("build graph done "); _graph.maxFlow(); printf("maxflow done "); } bool change_alpha(CutGraph& _graph){ bool ans=false; // freopen("debugchangealpha.out","w",stdout); mfor(i, left_up_y, right_down_y) mfor(j, left_up_x, right_down_x){ // printf("%d %d %d %d ",i, j, _graph.isSourceSegment(pixel_code[i][j]-1), label_alpha[pixel_code[i][j]]); } mfor(i, left_up_y, right_down_y) mfor(j, left_up_x, right_down_x){ if(!_graph.isSourceSegment(pixel_code[i][j]-1) && label_alpha[pixel_code[i][j]]){ label_alpha[pixel_code[i][j]] = 0; ans = true; } } return ans; } void Iterative_minimisation(){ int cnt = 0; while(true){ cnt++; printf("This is %d GMM ", cnt); // debug2(); mfor(i, 0, totcode) if(label_alpha[i]) label_k[i] = G[1].argminD(pixel_z[i]); Build_GMM(1); CutGraph graph; Minimization(graph); printf("minimization done "); if(!change_alpha(graph)){ // cout<<"nochange"<<endl; return; break; } printf("this is %d times!!!! ",cnt); if(cnt == 20)break; } } void Initialization(){ // beta(alpha != ???) mfor(i, 0, image_n) mfor(j, 0, image_m) mfor(t, 0, 4){ int newi = i + di[t], newj = j + dj[t]; if(newi < 0 || newj < 0 || newi == image_n || newj == image_m) continue; int newpos = pixel_code[newi][newj]; beta += square(pixel_z[pixel_code[i][j]] - pixel_z[newpos]); } beta = 1.0/(2*beta/(4*image_n*image_m - 3*image_n - 3*image_m +2)); KMEANS(0, label_k, label_alpha, pixel_z, totcode); KMEANS(1, label_k, label_alpha, pixel_z, totcode); Build_GMM(); } void Biggest(void){ int* bel = new int[image_m*image_n]; int* count = new int[10000]; int cnt=1; mfor(i, 0, image_n) mfor(j, 0, image_m){ if(label_alpha[pixel_code[i][j]]){ bel[pixel_code[i][j]]=0; } } mfor(i, 0, image_n) mfor(j, 0, image_m){ if(label_alpha[pixel_code[i][j]]){ if(!bel[pixel_code[i][j]]){ bel[pixel_code[i][j]]=++cnt; count[cnt]=1; std::queue<int>rQ; std::queue<int>cQ; while(!rQ.empty())rQ.pop(); while(!cQ.empty())cQ.pop(); rQ.push(i);cQ.push(j); while(!rQ.empty()){ int nowi = rQ.front();rQ.pop(); int nowj = cQ.front();cQ.pop(); for(int d=0;d<8;++d){ int nxti = nowi + di[d]; int nxtj = nowj + dj[d]; int nxtc = pixel_code[nxti][nxtj]; if(label_alpha[nxtc]&&(!bel[nxtc])){ bel[nxtc] = cnt; count[cnt]++; rQ.push(nxti); cQ.push(nxtj); } } } } } } int maxt=1; for(int i=2;i<=cnt;++i) if(count[maxt]<count[i]) maxt=i; mfor(i, 0, image_n) mfor(j, 0, image_m){ if(label_alpha[pixel_code[i][j]]&&bel[pixel_code[i][j]]!=maxt){ bool fg=0; for(int d=0;d<8;++d){ int nxti = i + di[d]; int nxtj = j + dj[d]; int nxtc = pixel_code[nxti][nxtj]; if(bel[nxtc]==maxt){fg=1;} } if(!fg) label_alpha[pixel_code[i][j]]=0; } } delete [] count; delete [] bel; return ; }
#include<stdlib.h> #include<ctime> using namespace std; double getrandnumber(int lower, int upper){ return lower + (upper - lower) * (rand()%10001) / (10000.0); } triple miu[5], low, up; int num[5]; void KMEANS(int opt, int *gpk, int *alpha, triple *pixel_z, int tot){ srand(time(NULL)); low[0] = low[1] = low[2] = inf; mfor(i, 0, tot) if(opt == alpha[i]){ mfor(t, 0, 3) low[t] = min(low[t], pixel_z[i][t]), up[t] = max(up[t], pixel_z[i][t]); } mfor(k, 0, 5) mfor(t, 0, 3) miu[k][t] = getrandnumber(low[t], up[t]); double newJ = inf, oldJ = inf; int tt=0; do{ tt++; oldJ = newJ; newJ = 0; mfor(k, 0, 5)num[k] = 0; // asign k mfor(i, 0, tot) if(opt == alpha[i]){ int ret = 0; mfor(k, 1, 5){ if(square(pixel_z[i] - miu[k]) < square(pixel_z[i] - miu[ret])) ret = k; } gpk[i] = ret; num[ret]++; } mfor(k, 0, 5) miu[k] = triple(0); mfor(i, 0, tot) miu[gpk[i]] = miu[gpk[i]] + pixel_z[i]; // for empty cluster mfor(k, 0, 5) if(!num[k]){ int ret = 0; mfor(t, 1, 5) if(num[t] > num[ret]) ret = t; int now = 0; double maxdis = -inf; mfor(i, 0, tot) if(opt == alpha[i] && gpk[i] == ret){ double dis = square(pixel_z[i] - (miu[ret]/num[ret])); if(dis > maxdis) maxdis = dis, now = i; } num[ret]--; num[k]++; miu[ret] = miu[ret] - pixel_z[now]; miu[k] = miu[k] + pixel_z[now]; gpk[now] = k; } //renew miu mfor(k, 0, 5) miu[k] = miu[k] / num[k]; mfor(i, 0, tot) newJ += square(pixel_z[i] - miu[gpk[i]]); printf("iterate %d ",tt); }while(oldJ - newJ > 1e-3); }
#include<cmath> #include<cstring> #include<algorithm> const double eps = 1e-10; // #define mfor(i, b, c) for(int i = b; i < c; i++) struct triple { /* data */ double mat[3]; triple(){ } triple(double x){ mfor(i, 0, 3) mat[i] = x; } triple(double a, double b, double c){ mat[0]=a;mat[1]=b;mat[2]=c; } double& operator [] (int idx){return mat[idx];} triple friend operator + (triple A, triple B){ triple ans; mfor(i, 0, 3) ans[i] = A[i] + B[i]; return ans; } triple friend operator - (triple A, triple B){ triple ans; mfor(i, 0, 3) ans[i] = A[i] - B[i]; return ans; } double friend operator * (triple A, triple B){ double ans = 0; mfor(i, 0, 3) ans += A[i] * B[i]; return ans; } triple friend operator * (triple A, double k){ triple ans; mfor(i, 0, 3) ans[i] = A[i] * k; return ans; } triple friend operator / (triple A, int k){ triple ans; mfor(i, 0, 3) ans[i] = A[i] / k; return ans; } }; double square(triple A){return A * A;} struct Matrix { double v[3][3]; Matrix(){} Matrix(bool t){ memset(v, 0, sizeof(v)); if(t) mfor(i, 0, 3) mfor(j, 0, 3) v[i][j] = (i == j); } Matrix(triple x, bool form){ memset(v, 0, sizeof(v)); if(form) mfor(i, 0, 3) v[0][i] = x[i]; // x x x // 0 0 0 // 0 0 0 else mfor(i, 0, 3) v[i][0] = x[i]; // x 0 0 // x 0 0 // x 0 0 } double* operator [] (int idx){return v[idx];} Matrix friend operator *(Matrix A, Matrix B){ Matrix ans; ans = Matrix(0); mfor(i, 0, 3) mfor(j, 0, 3) mfor(k, 0, 3) ans[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j]; return ans; } Matrix friend operator +(Matrix A, Matrix B){ Matrix ans; mfor(i, 0, 3) mfor(j, 0, 3) ans[i][j] = A[i][j] + B[i][j]; return ans; } bool friend operator ==(Matrix A, Matrix B){ mfor(i, 0, 3) mfor(j, 0, 3) if(A[i][j] != B[i][j]) return 0; return 1; } Matrix friend operator *(Matrix A, double k){ Matrix ans; mfor(i, 0, 3) mfor(j, 0, 3) ans[i][j] = A[i][j] * k; return ans; } Matrix friend operator /(Matrix A, double k){ Matrix ans; mfor(i, 0, 3) mfor(j, 0, 3) ans[i][j] = A[i][j] / k; return ans; } }; double det(Matrix M){ return M[0][0]*(M[1][1]*M[2][2]-M[2][1]*M[1][2]) + M[0][1]*(M[1][2]*M[2][0]-M[2][2]*M[1][0]) + M[0][2]*(M[1][0]*M[2][1]-M[1][1]*M[2][0]); } Matrix inv(Matrix M){ Matrix Inv; for(int i=0;i<3;i++) for(int j=0;j<3;j++) Inv[j][i]=M[(i+1)%3][(j+1)%3] * M[(i+2)%3][(j+2)%3] -M[(i+2)%3][(j+1)%3] * M[(i+1)%3][(j+2)%3]; return Inv / det(M); } double Trace(Matrix M){return M[0][0]+M[1][1]+M[2][2];}
// #define mfor(i, b, c) for(int i = b; i < c; i++) const double PI = acos(-1.0); const double inf = 1e18; ////??????????????????????? struct Guassion { /* data */ triple miu; Matrix sigma; int Mass; double pdf(triple x){ Matrix A = Matrix(x-miu, 1); Matrix B = inv(sigma); Matrix C = Matrix(x-miu,0); Matrix D = A * B; Matrix tmp = D * C; // Matrix tmp = Matrix(x-miu, 1)*inv(sigma)*Matrix(x-miu, 0); double ans = 1.0/(pow(2*PI, 1.5)*sqrt(det(sigma)))*exp(tmp[0][0]*(-0.5)); return ans; } void init(){ miu = triple(0); sigma = Matrix(0); Mass = 0; } void cal_1(triple x){ miu = miu + x; Mass += 1; } void cal_2(triple x){ sigma = sigma + Matrix(x - miu, 0) * Matrix(x - miu, 1); // 巧用矩阵乘法 } void ep(){ mfor(i, 0, 3) mfor(j, 0, 3) if(sigma[i][j] < 1e-7) sigma[i][j] = 1e-7; } }; struct GMM_model { Guassion component[5]; double weight[5]; int totMass; void init(){//checked mfor(i, 0, 5){ component[i].init(); weight[i] = 0; } totMass = 0; } void Process(){//checked mfor(i, 0, 5)totMass += component[i].Mass; mfor(i, 0, 5){ weight[i] = component[i].Mass * 1.0 / totMass; if(component[i].Mass > 0) component[i].miu = component[i].miu / component[i].Mass; } } void Done(){//checked mfor(i, 0, 5) component[i].ep(); mfor(i, 0, 5) if(component[i].Mass > 1) component[i].sigma = component[i].sigma / (1.0*component[i].Mass - 1); } double getD(triple pt){ int k = argminD(pt); double ans=-log(weight[k]) + 0.5*log(det(component[k].sigma)) +0.5*(Matrix(pt - component[k].miu,1)*inv(component[k].sigma)*Matrix(pt - component[k].miu,0))[0][0]; return ans; } int argminD(triple pt){//checked int ret = 0; double ans = 0; mfor(t, 0, 5){ double newpro = weight[t] * component[t].pdf(pt); if(newpro > ans) ans = newpro, ret = t; } return ret; } };