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  • 批量提取图片主要3个颜色匹配中文名字并写入到excel设置对应颜色的背景

    from gevent import monkey
    import gevent
    from haishoku.haishoku import Haishoku
    import math
    from colorsys import rgb_to_hsv
    import os
    from collections import OrderedDict
    import pandas as pd
    import time
    from openpyxl import Workbook
    from openpyxl.styles import PatternFill, fills
    colors = dict((
        ((255, 182, 193), "浅粉色"),
        ((255, 192, 203), "粉红"),
        ((220, 20, 60), "猩红"),
        ((255, 240, 245), "脸红的淡紫色"),
        ((219, 112, 147), "苍白的紫罗兰红色"),
        ((255, 105, 180), "热情的粉红"),
        ((255, 20, 147), "深粉色"),
        ((199, 21, 133), "适中的紫罗兰红色"),
        ((218, 112, 214), "兰花的紫色"),
        ((216, 191, 216), ""),
        ((221, 160, 221), "李子"),
        ((238, 130, 238), "紫罗兰"),
        ((255, 0, 255), "洋红"),
        ((139, 0, 139), "深洋红色"),
        ((128, 0, 128), "紫色"),
        ((186, 85, 211), "适中的兰花紫"),
        ((148, 0, 211), "深紫罗兰色"),
        ((153, 50, 204), "深兰花紫"),
        ((75, 0, 130), "靛青"),
        ((138, 43, 226), "深紫罗兰的蓝色"),
        ((147, 112, 219), "适中的紫色"),
        ((123, 104, 238), "适中的板岩暗蓝灰色"),
        ((106, 90, 205), "板岩暗蓝灰色"),
        ((72, 61, 139), "深岩暗蓝灰色"),
        ((230, 230, 250), "薰衣草花的淡紫色"),
        ((248, 248, 255), "幽灵的白色"),
        ((0, 0, 255), "纯蓝"),
        ((0, 0, 205), "适中的蓝色"),
        ((25, 25, 112), "午夜的蓝色"),
        ((0, 0, 139), "深蓝色"),
        ((0, 0, 128), "海军蓝"),
        ((65, 105, 225), "宝蓝"),
        ((100, 149, 237), "矢车菊的蓝色"),
        ((176, 196, 222), "淡钢蓝"),
        ((119, 136, 153), "浅石板灰"),
        ((112, 128, 144), "石板灰"),
        ((30, 144, 255), "道奇蓝"),
        ((240, 248, 255), "爱丽丝蓝"),
        ((70, 130, 180), "钢蓝"),
        ((135, 206, 250), "淡蓝色"),
        ((135, 206, 235), "天蓝色"),
        ((0, 191, 255), "深天蓝"),
        ((173, 216, 230), "淡蓝"),
        ((176, 224, 230), "火药蓝"),
        ((95, 158, 160), "军校蓝"),
        ((240, 255, 255), "蔚蓝色"),
        ((225, 255, 255), "淡青色"),
        ((175, 238, 238), "苍白的绿宝石"),
        ((0, 255, 255), "水绿色"),
        ((0, 206, 209), "深绿宝石"),
        ((47, 79, 79), "深石板灰"),
        ((0, 139, 139), "深青色"),
        ((0, 128, 128), "水鸭色"),
        ((72, 209, 204), "适中的绿宝石"),
        ((32, 178, 170), "浅海洋绿"),
        ((64, 224, 208), "绿宝石"),
        ((127, 255, 170), "绿玉"),
        ((0, 250, 154), "适中的碧绿色"),
        ((245, 255, 250), "适中的春天的绿色"),
        ((0, 255, 127), "薄荷奶油"),
        ((60, 179, 113), "春天的绿色"),
        ((46, 139, 87), "海洋绿"),
        ((240, 255, 0), "蜂蜜"),
        ((144, 238, 144), "淡绿色"),
        ((152, 251, 152), "苍白的绿色"),
        ((143, 188, 143), "深海洋绿"),
        ((50, 205, 50), "酸橙绿"),
        ((0, 255, 0), "酸橙色"),
        ((34, 139, 34), "森林绿"),
        ((0, 128, 0), "纯绿"),
        ((0, 100, 0), "深绿色"),
        ((127, 255, 0), "查特酒绿"),
        ((124, 252, 0), "草坪绿"),
        ((173, 255, 47), "绿黄色"),
        ((85, 107, 47), "橄榄土褐色"),
        ((107, 142, 35), "米色(浅褐色)"),
        ((250, 250, 210), "浅秋麒麟黄"),
        ((255, 255, 240), "象牙色"),
        ((255, 255, 224), "浅黄色"),
        ((255, 255, 0), "纯黄"),
        ((128, 128, 0), "橄榄"),
        ((189, 183, 107), "深卡其布"),
        ((255, 250, 205), "柠檬薄纱"),
        ((238, 232, 170), "灰秋麒麟"),
        ((240, 230, 140), "卡其布"),
        ((255, 215, 0), ""),
        ((255, 248, 220), "玉米色"),
        ((218, 165, 32), "秋麒麟"),
        ((255, 250, 240), "花的白色"),
        ((253, 245, 230), "老饰带"),
        ((245, 222, 179), "小麦色"),
        ((255, 228, 181), "鹿皮鞋"),
        ((255, 165, 0), "橙色"),
        ((255, 239, 213), "番木瓜"),
        ((255, 235, 205), "漂白的杏仁"),
        ((255, 222, 173), "Navajo白"),
        ((250, 235, 215), "古代的白色"),
        ((210, 180, 140), "晒黑"),
        ((222, 184, 135), "结实的树"),
        ((255, 228, 196), "(浓汤)乳脂,番茄等"),
        ((255, 140, 0), "深橙色"),
        ((250, 240, 230), "亚麻布"),
        ((205, 133, 63), "秘鲁"),
        ((255, 218, 185), "桃色"),
        ((244, 164, 96), "沙棕色"),
        ((210, 105, 30), "巧克力"),
        ((139, 69, 19), "马鞍棕色"),
        ((255, 245, 238), "海贝壳"),
        ((160, 82, 45), "黄土赭色"),
        ((255, 160, 122), "浅鲜肉(鲑鱼)色"),
        ((255, 127, 80), "珊瑚"),
        ((255, 69, 0), "橙红色"),
        ((233, 150, 122), "深鲜肉(鲑鱼)色"),
        ((255, 99, 71), "番茄"),
        ((255, 228, 225), "薄雾玫瑰"),
        ((250, 128, 114), "鲜肉(鲑鱼)色"),
        ((255, 250, 250), ""),
        ((240, 128, 128), "淡珊瑚色"),
        ((188, 143, 143), "玫瑰棕色"),
        ((205, 92, 92), "印度红"),
        ((255, 0, 0), "纯红"),
        ((165, 42, 42), "棕色"),
        ((178, 34, 34), "耐火砖"),
        ((139, 0, 0), "深红色"),
        ((128, 0, 0), "栗色"),
        ((255, 255, 255), "纯白"),
        ((245, 245, 245), "白烟"),
        ((220, 220, 220), "Gainsboro"),
        ((211, 211, 211), "浅灰色"),
        ((192, 192, 192), "银白色"),
        ((169, 169, 169), "深灰色"),
        ((128, 128, 128), "灰色"),
        ((105, 105, 105), "暗淡的灰色"),
        ((0, 0, 0), "纯黑")
    def to_hsv(color):
        """ converts color tuples to floats and then to hsv """
        return rgb_to_hsv(*[x / 255.0 for x in color])  # rgb_to_hsv wants floats!
    def color_dist(c1, c2):
        """ returns the squared euklidian distance between two color vectors in hsv space """
        return sum((a - b) ** 2 for a, b in zip(to_hsv(c1), to_hsv(c2)))
    def min_color_diff(color_to_match, colors):
        """ returns the `(distance, color_name)` with the minimal distance to `colors`"""
        return min(  # overal best is the best match to any color:
            (color_dist(color_to_match, test), colors[test])  # (distance to `test` color, color name)
            for test in colors)
    def rgb2hex(rgbcolor):
        r, g, b = rgbcolor
        color = "#"
        color += str(hex(r)).replace('x', '0')[-2:]
        color += str(hex(g)).replace('x', '0')[-2:]
        color += str(hex(b)).replace('x', '0')[-2:]
        return color
    # 新建一个新的工作表(未保存)。
    wb = Workbook()
    # 保存文件,若加载路径与保存的路径一致将会被覆盖
    my_sheet = wb.worksheets[0]
    row_title = ["图片路径名称","主要图片颜色","主要图片颜色hex","主要图片颜色占比","次要图片颜色","次要图片颜色hex","次要图片颜色占比","次次要图片颜色","次次要图片颜色hex","次次要图片颜色占比"]
    def get_colorname(index,path):
        single_data = OrderedDict()
            haishoku = Haishoku.loadHaishoku(path)
            # single_data['图片路径名称'] = path
            palette = haishoku.palette
            main_color = palette[0][1]
            main_color_pct = palette[0][0]
            mian_colorname = min_color_diff(main_color, colors)[1]
            tmp_main_color = rgb2hex(main_color)[1:]
            # single_data['主要图片颜色'] = mian_colorname
            # single_data['主要图片颜色rgb'] = rgb2hex(main_color)
            # single_data['主要图片颜色占比'] = main_color_pct
            second_color = palette[1][1]
            second_color_pct = palette[1][0]
            second_colorname = min_color_diff(second_color, colors)[1]
            tmp_second_color = rgb2hex(second_color)[1:]
            # single_data['次要图片颜色'] = second_colorname
            # single_data['次要图片颜色rgb'] = rgb2hex(second_color)
            # single_data['次要图片颜色占比'] = second_color_pct
            thred_color = palette[2][1]
            thred_color_pct = palette[2][0]
            thred_colorname = min_color_diff(thred_color, colors)[1]
            tmp_thred_color = rgb2hex(thred_color)[1:]
            # single_data['次次要图片颜色'] = thred_colorname
            # single_data['次次要图片颜色rgb'] = rgb2hex(thred_color)
            # single_data['次次要图片颜色占比'] = thred_color_pct
            row_line = [path,mian_colorname,"#"+tmp_main_color,main_color_pct,second_colorname,"#"+tmp_second_color,second_color_pct,thred_colorname,"#"+tmp_thred_color,thred_color_pct]
            my_sheet["C"+str(2+int(index))].fill = PatternFill(fill_type=fills.FILL_SOLID, fgColor=tmp_main_color, bgColor=tmp_main_color)
            my_sheet["F"+str(2+int(index))].fill = PatternFill(fill_type=fills.FILL_SOLID, fgColor=tmp_second_color, bgColor=tmp_second_color)
            my_sheet["I"+str(2+int(index))].fill = PatternFill(fill_type=fills.FILL_SOLID, fgColor=tmp_thred_color, bgColor=tmp_thred_color)
            # print(path,'主要颜色是:'+mian_colorname,'主要颜色占比:'+str(main_color_pct*100)+'%',' 次要颜色是:'+second_colorname,'次要颜色占比:'+str(second_color_pct*100)+'%',' 次次要颜色是:'+thred_colorname,'次次要颜色占比:'+str(thred_color_pct*100)+'%')
        except Exception as e:
            print('错误-->', path, e)
    pic_names = os.listdir('./picture')
    all_abs_picname = (os.path.join('./picture', name) for name in pic_names if name != '.DS_Store' and len(name)>4)
    greenlets = [gevent.spawn(get_colorname, index,path) for index,path in enumerate(all_abs_picname)]
    if not os.path.exists('图片颜色导出'):
        os.mkdir(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '图片颜色导出'))
    wb.save(r'图片颜色导出' + '/' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") + '.xlsx')


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