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  • 集合

    (2020年上海市高考数学练习)设$ain mathbb{R}$,若存在定义域为$mathbb{R}$的函数$f(x)$既满足“对于任意$x_0in mathbb{R}$, $f(x_0)$的值为$x_0^2$或$x_0$”,又满足“关于$x$的方程$f(x)=a$无实数解”,则$a$的取值范围为

    $(-infty,0)cup (0,1)cup (1,+infty)$

    唐代诗人李顾的诗《古从军行》开头两句说: “白日登山望烽火,黄昏饮马傍交河.”诗中隐含着一个有趣的数学问题——“将军饮马”问题,即将军在观望烽火之后从山脚下某处出发,先到河边饮马后再回到军营,怎样走才能使总路程最短?在平面直角坐标系中,设军营所在区域为$x^2+y^2leqslant 1$,若将军从点$A(2,0)$处出发,河岸线所在直线方程为$x+y=3$,并假定将军只要到达军营所在区域即回到军营,则“将军饮马”的最短总路程为

    $left| egin{matrix}
    a& b\
    c& d\
    end{matrix} ight|$.


    ding{172} $left| egin{matrix}
    1& 0\
    0& 1\
    end{matrix} ight|$;quad
    ding{173} $left| egin{matrix}
    1& 3\
    2& 6\
    end{matrix} ight|$;quad
    ding{174} $left| egin{matrix}
    -2& 5\
    10& -25\
    end{matrix} ight|$;

    $left| egin{matrix}
    a& b\
    c& d\
    end{matrix} ight|=0$;

    end{cases}(a_1a_2b_1b_2 eq 0)
    有唯一解的条件,并求出解. (结果用二阶行列式的记号表示)

    20.已知函数$f(x)=axln x+b$ ($a,b$为常数),在点$(1,0)$处切线方程为$y=x-1$.



    (3)设$g(x)=f'(x)$, $A(x_1,y_1),B(x_2,y_2)$为曲线$y=g(x)$上不同两点,记直线$AB$的斜率为$k$,证明:
    $k>g'left(frac{x_1+x_2}{2} ight)$.

    21.已知$S_n=left{A|A=(a_1,a_2,a_3,cdots,a_n),a_i=0\, ext{或}\,
    1,1=1,2,cdots,n ight}\,(ngeqslant 2)$,对于$U,Vin S_n$, $d(U,V)$表示$U$和$V$中相对应的元素不同的个数.

    (1)令$U=(0,0,0,0,0)$,存在$m$个$Vin S_5$,使得$d(U,V)=2$,写出$m$的值;

    (2)令$W=underbrace{(0,0,0,cdots,0)}_{n\, ext{个}\,0}$,
    若$U,V=S_n$,求证: $d(U,W)+d(V,W)geqslant d(U,V)$;

    (3)令$U=(a_1,a_2,a_3,cdots,a_n)$,若$Vin S_n$,求所有$d(U,V)$之和.

    (东城区2019—2020学年第二学期期末高二数学试题)设集合$S_n={n,n+1,cdots,2n-1}$,若$X$是$S_n$的子集,把$X$中所有数的和称为$X$的“容量” (规定空集的容量为$0$),若$X$的容量为奇(偶)数,则称$X$为$S_n$的奇(偶)子集.


    (II)求证:当$ngeqslant 3$时, $S_n$的所有奇子集的容量之和等于所有偶子集的容量之和;

    (III)当$ngeqslant 3$时,求$S_n$的所有奇子集的容量之和.

    (I)解:当$n=3$时, $S_n={3,4,5}$.



    设奇数$kin S_n$,对于$S_n$的每个奇子集$A$,

    当$kin A$时,取$B={x|xin A ext{且}x eq k}$.

    当$k otin A$时,取$B=Acup{k}$,则$B$为$S_n$的偶子集.


    所以, $S_n$的奇子集与偶子集是一一对应的.

    所以, $S_n$的奇子集与偶子集个数相等.

    对于$forall iin S_n,i>1$,含$i$的$S_n$的子集共有$2^{n-1}$个.

    其中必有一半是奇子集,一半是偶子集,从而对于每个数$i$,在奇子集的和与偶子集的和中, $i$所占的个数是一样的.


    (III)解:由于每个元素在奇子集中都出现$2^{n-2}$次,故奇子集的容量和为$(n+n+1+cdots +2n-1) imes 2^{n-2}=n(3n-1) imes 2^{n-3}$.

    (北京市西城区 2019—2020学年度第二学期期末试卷)设函数$f(x)$定义域为$D$,若函数$f(x)$满足:对任意$cin D$,存在$a,bin D$,使得$frac{f(a)-f(b)}{a-b}=f'(c)$成立,则称函数$f(x)$满足性质$Gamma$.下列函数不满足性质$Gamma$的是

    (A) $f(x)=x^2$ (B) $f(x)=x^3$

    (C) $f(x)=e^x$ (D) $f(x)=ln x$


    (北京市西城区 2019—2020学年度第二学期期末试卷)已知函数$f(x)=lnx+ax-a$.



    ding{172} $[-x]=-[x]$; ding{173} $[x+1]=[x]$; ding{174} $[2x]=2[x]$; ding{175} $[x]+left[x+frac{1}{2} ight]=[2x]$.









    (1)元素与集合之间的关系有“属于$in$”或“不属于$ otin$”.


    (i)包含关系:包含关系与子集的概念等价,即集合$A$包含于集合$B$等价于$A$是$B$的子集,记作$Asubseteq B$;集合$A$真包含于集合$B$等价于$A$是$B$的真子集,记作$Avarsubsetneqq B$;特别地,空集$emptyset$是任何集合的子集,是任何非空集合的真子集.


    (ii)不包含关系:若集合$A$中至少有一个元素不属于集合$B$,就称集合$A$不包含于集合$B$,记作$A subseteq B$.

    (iii)集合的相等:若$Asubseteq B$且$Bsubseteq A$,则集合$A,B$相等,记作$A=B$.



    $Acap B={x|xin A ext{且}xin B},Acup B={x|xin A ext{或}xin B}$,

    $complement_UA={x|xin U,x otin A, Asubseteq U}$.也可记为$A'$或$A^c$.


    (i)交换律: $Acap B=Bcap A,Acup B=Bcup A$;

    (ii)结合律: $Acap (Bcap C)=(Acap B)cap C, Acup (Bcup C)=(Acup B)cup C$;

    (iii)分配律: $Acap (Bcup C)=(Acap B)cup (Acap C), Acup (Bcap C)=(Acup B)cap (Acup C)$;

    (iv)吸收律: $Acup (Acap B)=A,Acap (Acup B)=A$;

    (v)反演律(摩根律): $complement_U(Acap B)=complement_U Acup complement_UB,complement_U (Acup B)=complement_U Acap complement_UB$.



    对任意两个有限集合$A,B$,有$|Acup B|=|A|+|B|-|Acap B|$,

    $|complement_U(Acup B)|=|U|-|A|-|B|+|complement_U(Acap B)|$.

    此结论可以推广到任意$n$个有限集合$A_1,A_2,cdots,A_n$ (称为容斥原理),并在组合数学、数论等领域有非常重要的应用.

    (2019 AMC 10A) Problem
    For how many integers $n$ between $1$ and $50$, inclusive, is[frac{(n^2-1)!}{(n!)^n}]an integer? (Recall that $0! = 1$.)

    $ extbf{(A) } 31 qquad extbf{(B) } 32 qquad extbf{(C) } 33 qquad extbf{(D) } 34 qquad extbf{(E) } 35$

    Solution 1
    The main insight is that

    is always an integer. This is true because it is precisely the number of ways to split up $n^2$ objects into $n$ unordered groups of size $n$. Thus,

    is an integer if $n^2 mid n!$, or in other words, if $n mid (n-1)!$. This condition is false precisely when $n=4$ or $n$ is prime, by Wilson's Theorem. There are $15$ primes between $1$ and $50$, inclusive, so there are $15 + 1 = 16$ terms for which

    is potentially not an integer. It can be easily verified that the above expression is not an integer for $n=4$ as there are more factors of $2$ in the denominator than the numerator. Similarly, it can be verified that the above expression is not an integer for any prime $n=p$, as there are more factors of p in the denominator than the numerator. Thus all $16$ values of n make the expression not an integer and the answer is $50-16=oxed{mathbf{(D)} 34}$.

    Solution 2
    We can use the P-Adic Valuation (more info could be found here: Mathematicial notation) of n to solve this problem (recall the P-Adic Valuation of 'n' is denoted by $v_p (n)$ and is defined as the greatest power of some prime 'p' that divides n. For example, $v_2 (6)=1$ or $v_7 (245)=2$ .) Using Legendre's formula, we know that :

    [v_p (n!)= sum_{i=1}^infty lfloor frac {n}{p^i} floor]
    Seeing factorials involved in the problem, this prompts us to use Legendre's formula where n is a power of a prime.

    We also know that , $v_p (m^n) = n cdot v_p (m)$ . Knowing that $amid b$ if $v_p (a) le v_p (b)$ , we have that :

    [n cdot v_p (n!) le v_p ((n^2 -1 )!)]and we must find all n for which this is true.

    If we plug in $n=p$, by Legendre's we get two equations:

    [v_p ((n^2 -1)!) = sum_{i=1}^infty lfloor frac {n^2 -1}{p^i} floor = (p-1)+0+...+0 = p-1]
    And we also get :

    [v_p ((n!)^n) = n cdot v_p (n!)= n cdot sum_{i=1}^infty lfloor frac {n}{p^i} floor = p cdot ( 1+0+...0) = p]
    But we are asked to prove that $n cdot v_p (n!) le v_p ((n^2 -1 )!) Longrightarrow p le p-1$ which is false for all 'n' where n is prime.

    Now we try the same for $n=p^2$ , where p is a prime. By Legendre we arrive at:

    [v_p ((p^4 -1)!) = p^3 + p^2 + p -3]and[p^2 cdot v_p (p^2 !) = p^3 + p^2]
    Then we get:

    [p^2 cdot v_p (p!) le v_p ((n^4 -1)!) Longrightarrow p^3 + p^2 le p^3 + p^2 + p -3]Which is true for all primes except for 2, so $2^2 = 4$ doesn't work. It can easily be verified that for all $n=p^i$ where $i$ is an integer greater than 2, satisfies the inequality :[n cdot v_p (n!) le v_p ((n^2 -1 )!).]
    Therefore, there are 16 values that don't work and $50-16 = oxed{mathbf{(D)} 34}$ values that work.

    Solution 3 (Guessing)
    First, we see that $n=1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14$ work. This leads us to the conclusion of $50-16 = oxed{ extbf{(D)} 34}$

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/Eufisky/p/13691795.html
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