在介绍HBASE flush源码之前,我们先在逻辑上大体梳理一下,便于后续看代码。flush的整体流程分三个阶段
2.第二阶段:flushcache阶段,这个阶段主要是将第一阶段生成的snapshot flush到disk,但是注意这里是将其flush到temp文件,此时并没有将生成的hfile move到store实际对应的cf路径下,move是发生在第三阶段。
3.第三阶段:commit阶段。这个阶段主要是将第二阶段生成的hfile move最终正确的位置。
上面是HBASE flush的逻辑流程,flush是region级别,涉及到的类很多,下面我们开始介绍一下Flush相关的操作。
- 在regionserver启动时,会调用startServiceThread方法启动一些服务线程,其中
// Cache flushing
protected MemStoreFlusher cacheFlusher;
private void startServiceThreads() throws IOException { 。。。。其他代码省略。。。 this.cacheFlusher.start(uncaughtExceptionHandler); }
- 而cacheFlusher是MemStoreFlusher类的实例,在梳理上述逻辑之前首先介绍两个MemStoreFlusher的变量
//该变量是一个BlockingQueue<FlushQueueEntry>类型的变量。 // 主要存储了FlushRegionEntry类型刷新请求实例,以及一个唤醒队列WakeupFlushThread实例对象。 private final BlockingQueue<FlushQueueEntry> flushQueue = new DelayQueue<FlushQueueEntry>(); //同时也会把加入到flushqueue中的requst加入到regionsInQueue中。 private final Map<HRegion, FlushRegionEntry> regionsInQueue = new HashMap<HRegion, FlushRegionEntry>();
- MemStoreFlusher的start方法如下:
synchronized void start(UncaughtExceptionHandler eh) { ThreadFactory flusherThreadFactory = Threads.newDaemonThreadFactory( server.getServerName().toShortString() + "-MemStoreFlusher", eh); for (int i = 0; i < flushHandlers.length; i++) { flushHandlers[i] = new FlushHandler("MemStoreFlusher." + i); flusherThreadFactory.newThread(flushHandlers[i]); flushHandlers[i].start(); } }
private class FlushHandler extends HasThread {
private FlushHandler(String name) {
public void run() {
while (!server.isStopped()) {
FlushQueueEntry fqe = null;
try {
wakeupPending.set(false); // allow someone to wake us up again
fqe = flushQueue.poll(threadWakeFrequency, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
if (fqe == null || fqe instanceof WakeupFlushThread) {
// 如果没有flush request或者flush request是一个全局flush的request。
if (isAboveLowWaterMark()) {
// 检查所有的memstore是否超过max_heap * hbase.regionserver.global.memstore.lowerLimit配置的值,默认0.35
// 超过配置的最小memstore的值,flush最大的一个memstore的region
LOG.debug("Flush thread woke up because memory above low water="
+ TraditionalBinaryPrefix.long2String(globalMemStoreLimitLowMark, "", 1));
if (!flushOneForGlobalPressure()) {
// 如果没有任何Region需要flush,但已经超过了lowerLimit。
// 这种情况不太可能发生,除非可能会在关闭整个服务器时发生,即有另一个线程正在执行flush regions。
// 只里只需要sleep一下,然后唤醒任何被阻塞的线程再次检查。
// Wasn't able to flush any region, but we're above low water mark
// This is unlikely to happen, but might happen when closing the
// entire server - another thread is flushing regions. We'll just
// sleep a little bit to avoid spinning, and then pretend that
// we flushed one, so anyone blocked will check again
// Enqueue another one of these tokens so we'll wake up again
// 如果是正常的flush request
// 单个region memstore大小超过hbase.hregion.memstore.flush.size配置的值,默认128M,执行flush操作
FlushRegionEntry fre = (FlushRegionEntry) fqe;
if (!flushRegion(fre)) {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
} catch (ConcurrentModificationException ex) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.error("Cache flusher failed for entry " + fqe, ex);
if (!server.checkFileSystem()) {
//结束MemStoreFlusher的线程调用,通常是regionserver stop,这个是在while循环之外的
synchronized (regionsInQueue) {
// Signal anyone waiting, so they see the close flag
LOG.info(getName() + " exiting");
- 只要rs不挂,就一直循环判断有没有flushrequest
- 通过flushqueue.poll来阻塞,应该flushqueue是阻塞队列,当队列为空时会阻塞,直到超时。
- 如果不为空,取出一个request,调用MemStoreFlusher.flushRegion(fre)
private boolean flushRegion(final FlushRegionEntry fqe) { //在FlushQueueEntry中取出region信息 HRegion region = fqe.region; //如果region不是metaregion并且含有太多的storefile,则随机blcoking. //tooManyStoreFiles默认的阈值时7,同时也要看hbase.hstore.blockingStoreFiles配置的值,没有配置取默认值7 if (!region.getRegionInfo().isMetaRegion() && isTooManyStoreFiles(region)) { //判断是否已经wait了设置的时间 if (fqe.isMaximumWait(this.blockingWaitTime)) { LOG.info("Waited " + (EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - fqe.createTime) + "ms on a compaction to clean up 'too many store files'; waited " + "long enough... proceeding with flush of " + region.getRegionNameAsString()); } else { // If this is first time we've been put off, then emit a log message. //如果当前flush是第一次加入到flush queue if (fqe.getRequeueCount() <= 0) { // Note: We don't impose blockingStoreFiles constraint on meta regions LOG.warn("Region " + region.getRegionNameAsString() + " has too many " + "store files; delaying flush up to " + this.blockingWaitTime + "ms"); //flush前判断该region是否需要split,如果不需要split,同时因为又太多的storefiles,因此调用过一次compact if (!this.server.compactSplitThread.requestSplit(region)) { try { this.server.compactSplitThread.requestSystemCompaction( region, Thread.currentThread().getName()); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error( "Cache flush failed for region " + Bytes.toStringBinary(region.getRegionName()), RemoteExceptionHandler.checkIOException(e)); } } } // Put back on the queue. Have it come back out of the queue // after a delay of this.blockingWaitTime / 100 ms. //如果有too manyfile的region已经超过了随机延迟的时间,加入flushqueue队列,唤醒handler开始flush this.flushQueue.add(fqe.requeue(this.blockingWaitTime / 100)); // Tell a lie, it's not flushed but it's ok return true; } } //正常情况下的flush return flushRegion(region, false, fqe.isForceFlushAllStores()); }
该方法中会判断要flush的region是否有过多的hfile,如果是则随机wait一定的时间。wait完成后加入flushqueue唤醒handler开始flush。在正常的情况下最终是调用MemStoreFlusher的重载函数flushRgion(region,flase, isForceFlushAllStores),那我们继续跟进该重载函数。
private boolean flushRegion(final HRegion region, final boolean emergencyFlush,
boolean forceFlushAllStores) {
long startTime = 0;
synchronized (this.regionsInQueue) {
FlushRegionEntry fqe = this.regionsInQueue.remove(region);
// Use the start time of the FlushRegionEntry if available
if (fqe != null) {
startTime = fqe.createTime;
if (fqe != null && emergencyFlush) {
// Need to remove from region from delay queue. When NOT an
// emergencyFlush, then item was removed via a flushQueue.poll.
if (startTime == 0) {
// Avoid getting the system time unless we don't have a FlushRegionEntry;
// shame we can't capture the time also spent in the above synchronized
// block
startTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
try {
notifyFlushRequest(region, emergencyFlush);
HRegion.FlushResult flushResult = region.flushcache(forceFlushAllStores);
boolean shouldCompact = flushResult.isCompactionNeeded();
// We just want to check the size
boolean shouldSplit = region.checkSplit() != null;
if (shouldSplit) {
} else if (shouldCompact) {
region, Thread.currentThread().getName());
if (flushResult.isFlushSucceeded()) {
long endTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
server.metricsRegionServer.updateFlushTime(endTime - startTime);
} catch (DroppedSnapshotException ex) {
// Cache flush can fail in a few places. If it fails in a critical
// section, we get a DroppedSnapshotException and a replay of wal
// is required. Currently the only way to do this is a restart of
// the server. Abort because hdfs is probably bad (HBASE-644 is a case
// where hdfs was bad but passed the hdfs check).
server.abort("Replay of WAL required. Forcing server shutdown", ex);
return false;
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.error("Cache flush failed" +
(region != null ? (" for region " + Bytes.toStringBinary(region.getRegionName())) : ""),
if (!server.checkFileSystem()) {
return false;
} finally {
return true;
//flush cache,参数意义为是否需要flush所有的store public FlushResult flushcache(boolean forceFlushAllStores) throws IOException { // fail-fast instead of waiting on the lock //判断当前region是否处于closing状态, if (this.closing.get()) { String msg = "Skipping flush on " + this + " because closing"; LOG.debug(msg); return new FlushResult(FlushResult.Result.CANNOT_FLUSH, msg); } MonitoredTask status = TaskMonitor.get().createStatus("Flushing " + this); status.setStatus("Acquiring readlock on region"); // block waiting for the lock for flushing cache //此处加了锁 lock.readLock().lock(); try { if (this.closed.get()) { String msg = "Skipping flush on " + this + " because closed"; LOG.debug(msg); status.abort(msg); return new FlushResult(FlushResult.Result.CANNOT_FLUSH, msg); } if (coprocessorHost != null) { status.setStatus("Running coprocessor pre-flush hooks"); coprocessorHost.preFlush(); } // TODO: this should be managed within memstore with the snapshot, updated only after flush // successful if (numMutationsWithoutWAL.get() > 0) { numMutationsWithoutWAL.set(0); dataInMemoryWithoutWAL.set(0); } synchronized (writestate) { //此次flush之前 该region并没有在flush,是否还处于write状态 if (!writestate.flushing && writestate.writesEnabled) { this.writestate.flushing = true; } else {//否则表示该region正处于flushing状态或者不可写,abort flush if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("NOT flushing memstore for region " + this + ", flushing=" + writestate.flushing + ", writesEnabled=" + writestate.writesEnabled); } String msg = "Not flushing since " + (writestate.flushing ? "already flushing" : "writes not enabled"); status.abort(msg); return new FlushResult(FlushResult.Result.CANNOT_FLUSH, msg); } } try { //根据参数forceFlushAllStores判断是否需要所有的store都进行flush,否侧按照flush策略进行选择 //非全局flush的选择策略:flushSizeLowerBound是参数hbase.hregion.percolumnfamilyflush.size.lower.bound,默认16M或者不满足大小,
//但是该memstore足够老 Collection<Store> specificStoresToFlush = forceFlushAllStores ? stores.values() : flushPolicy.selectStoresToFlush(); //调用internalFlushcache进行flush FlushResult fs = internalFlushcache(specificStoresToFlush, status); if (coprocessorHost != null) { status.setStatus("Running post-flush coprocessor hooks"); coprocessorHost.postFlush(); } status.markComplete("Flush successful"); return fs; } finally { synchronized (writestate) { writestate.flushing = false; this.writestate.flushRequested = false; writestate.notifyAll(); } } } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); status.cleanup(); } }
核心逻辑在FlushResult fs = internalFlushcache(specificStoresToFlush, status);里面涉及到了具体的三个阶段,其中prepare的第一阶段是调用了region.internalPrepareFlushCache()实现的,第二阶段flush以及第三阶段commit阶段,是通过internalFlushAndCommit()进行的。我们现在看下具体的internalFlushCache方法的逻辑:
protected FlushResult internalFlushcache(final WAL wal, final long myseqid, final Collection<Store> storesToFlush, MonitoredTask status) throws IOException { //internalPrepareFlushCache执行snapshot,打快照 PrepareFlushResult result = internalPrepareFlushCache(wal, myseqid, storesToFlush, status, false); //返回的result中的result是null.因此会执行internalFlushchacheAndCommit方法执行第二和第三阶段。 if (result.result == null) { return internalFlushCacheAndCommit(wal, status, result, storesToFlush); } else { return result.result; // early exit due to failure from prepare stage } }
现在我们看一下第一阶段: internalPrepareFlushCache。里面有一把region级别的updatelock。,这个里面代码比较多,可以先忽略不重要的部分
//该方法用来执行flush的prepare阶段 protected PrepareFlushResult internalPrepareFlushCache( final WAL wal, final long myseqid, final Collection<Store> storesToFlush, MonitoredTask status, boolean isReplay) throws IOException { if (this.rsServices != null && this.rsServices.isAborted()) { // Don't flush when server aborting, it's unsafe throw new IOException("Aborting flush because server is aborted..."); } //便于计算flush耗时,记录开始时间 final long startTime = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime(); // If nothing to flush, return, but we need to safely update the region sequence id //如果当前memstroe为空,不执行flush,但是要更新squenid if (this.memstoreSize.get() <= 0) { // Take an update lock because am about to change the sequence id and we want the sequence id // to be at the border of the empty memstore. MultiVersionConsistencyControl.WriteEntry w = null; this.updatesLock.writeLock().lock(); try { if (this.memstoreSize.get() <= 0) { // Presume that if there are still no edits in the memstore, then there are no edits for // this region out in the WAL subsystem so no need to do any trickery clearing out // edits in the WAL system. Up the sequence number so the resulting flush id is for // sure just beyond the last appended region edit (useful as a marker when bulk loading, // etc.) // wal can be null replaying edits. if (wal != null) { w = mvcc.beginMemstoreInsert(); long flushSeqId = getNextSequenceId(wal); FlushResult flushResult = new FlushResult( FlushResult.Result.CANNOT_FLUSH_MEMSTORE_EMPTY, flushSeqId, "Nothing to flush"); w.setWriteNumber(flushSeqId); mvcc.waitForPreviousTransactionsComplete(w); w = null; return new PrepareFlushResult(flushResult, myseqid); } else { return new PrepareFlushResult( new FlushResult(FlushResult.Result.CANNOT_FLUSH_MEMSTORE_EMPTY, "Nothing to flush"), myseqid); } } } finally { this.updatesLock.writeLock().unlock(); if (w != null) { mvcc.advanceMemstore(w); } } } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { LOG.info("Started memstore flush for " + this + ", current region memstore size " + StringUtils.byteDesc(this.memstoreSize.get()) + ", and " + storesToFlush.size() + "/" + stores.size() + " column families' memstores are being flushed." + ((wal != null) ? "" : "; wal is null, using passed sequenceid=" + myseqid)); // only log when we are not flushing all stores. //当不是flush所有的store时,打印log if (this.stores.size() > storesToFlush.size()) { for (Store store : storesToFlush) { LOG.info("Flushing Column Family: " + store.getColumnFamilyName() + " which was occupying " + StringUtils.byteDesc(store.getMemStoreSize()) + " of memstore."); } } } // Stop updates while we snapshot the memstore of all of these regions' stores. We only have // to do this for a moment. It is quick. We also set the memstore size to zero here before we // allow updates again so its value will represent the size of the updates received // during flush //停止写入,直到memstore的snapshot完成。 MultiVersionConsistencyControl.WriteEntry w = null; // We have to take an update lock during snapshot, or else a write could end up in both snapshot // and memstore (makes it difficult to do atomic rows then) status.setStatus("Obtaining lock to block concurrent updates"); // block waiting for the lock for internal flush //获取update的写锁 this.updatesLock.writeLock().lock(); status.setStatus("Preparing to flush by snapshotting stores in " + getRegionInfo().getEncodedName()); //用于统计flush的所有的store的memtore内存大小之和 long totalFlushableSizeOfFlushableStores = 0; //记录所有flush的store的cfname Set<byte[]> flushedFamilyNames = new HashSet<byte[]>(); for (Store store : storesToFlush) { flushedFamilyNames.add(store.getFamily().getName()); } //storeFlushCtxs,committedFiles,storeFlushableSize,比较重要的是storeFlushCtxs和committedFiles。他们都被定义为以CF做key的TreeMap, // 分别代表了store的CF实际执行(StoreFlusherImpl)和最终刷写的HFlile文件。 //其中storeFlushContext的实现类StoreFlusherImpl里包含了flush相关的核心操作:prepare,flushcache,commit,abort等。
//所以这里保存的是每一个store的flush实例,后面就是通过这里的StoreFlushContext进行flush的 TreeMap<byte[], StoreFlushContext> storeFlushCtxs = new TreeMap<byte[], StoreFlushContext>(Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR);
//用来存储每个store和它对应的hdfs commit路径的映射 TreeMap<byte[], List<Path>> committedFiles = new TreeMap<byte[], List<Path>>( Bytes.BYTES_COMPARATOR); // The sequence id of this flush operation which is used to log FlushMarker and pass to // createFlushContext to use as the store file's sequence id. long flushOpSeqId = HConstants.NO_SEQNUM; long flushedSeqId = HConstants.NO_SEQNUM; // The max flushed sequence id after this flush operation. Used as completeSequenceId which is // passed to HMaster. byte[] encodedRegionName = getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes(); long trxId = 0; try { try { w = mvcc.beginMemstoreInsert(); if (wal != null) { if (!wal.startCacheFlush(encodedRegionName, flushedFamilyNames)) { // This should never happen. String msg = "Flush will not be started for [" + this.getRegionInfo().getEncodedName() + "] - because the WAL is closing."; status.setStatus(msg); return new PrepareFlushResult(new FlushResult(FlushResult.Result.CANNOT_FLUSH, msg), myseqid); } flushOpSeqId = getNextSequenceId(wal); long oldestUnflushedSeqId = wal.getEarliestMemstoreSeqNum(encodedRegionName); // no oldestUnflushedSeqId means we flushed all stores. // or the unflushed stores are all empty. flushedSeqId = (oldestUnflushedSeqId == HConstants.NO_SEQNUM) ? flushOpSeqId : oldestUnflushedSeqId - 1; } else { // use the provided sequence Id as WAL is not being used for this flush. flushedSeqId = flushOpSeqId = myseqid; } //循环遍历region下面的storeFile,为每个storeFile生成了一个StoreFlusherImpl类, // 生成MemStore的快照就是调用每个StoreFlusherImpl的prepare方法生成每个storeFile的快照, // 至于internalFlushCacheAndCommit中的flush和commti行为也是调用了region中每个storeFile的flushCache和commit接口。 for (Store s : storesToFlush) { //用于统计flush的所有的store的memtore内存大小之和,而不是snapshot的getCellsCount() totalFlushableSizeOfFlushableStores += s.getFlushableSize(); //为每一个store生成自己的storeFlushImpl storeFlushCtxs.put(s.getFamily().getName(), s.createFlushContext(flushOpSeqId)); //此时还没有生成flush的hfile路径 committedFiles.put(s.getFamily().getName(), null); // for writing stores to WAL } // write the snapshot start to WAL if (wal != null && !writestate.readOnly) { FlushDescriptor desc = ProtobufUtil.toFlushDescriptor(FlushAction.START_FLUSH, getRegionInfo(), flushOpSeqId, committedFiles); // no sync. Sync is below where we do not hold the updates lock //这里只是向wal中写入begin flush的marker,真正的sync在后面做,因为这里加了update的写锁,所有耗时操作都不在这里进行 trxId = WALUtil.writeFlushMarker(wal, this.htableDescriptor, getRegionInfo(), desc, sequenceId, false); } // Prepare flush (take a snapshot)这里的StoreFlushContext就是StoreFlusherImpl for (StoreFlushContext flush : storeFlushCtxs.values()) { //迭代region下的每一个store,把memstore下的kvset复制到memstore的snapshot中并清空kvset的值 //把memstore的snapshot复制到HStore的snapshot中 flush.prepare();//其prepare方法就是调用store的storeFlushImpl的snapshot方法生成快照 } } catch (IOException ex) { if (wal != null) { if (trxId > 0) { // check whether we have already written START_FLUSH to WAL try { FlushDescriptor desc = ProtobufUtil.toFlushDescriptor(FlushAction.ABORT_FLUSH, getRegionInfo(), flushOpSeqId, committedFiles); WALUtil.writeFlushMarker(wal, this.htableDescriptor, getRegionInfo(), desc, sequenceId, false); } catch (Throwable t) { LOG.warn("Received unexpected exception trying to write ABORT_FLUSH marker to WAL:" + StringUtils.stringifyException(t)); // ignore this since we will be aborting the RS with DSE. } } // we have called wal.startCacheFlush(), now we have to abort it wal.abortCacheFlush(this.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes()); throw ex; // let upper layers deal with it. } } finally { //做完snapshot释放锁,此时不会阻塞业务的读写操作了 this.updatesLock.writeLock().unlock(); } String s = "Finished memstore snapshotting " + this + ", syncing WAL and waiting on mvcc, flushsize=" + totalFlushableSizeOfFlushableStores; status.setStatus(s); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(s); // sync unflushed WAL changes // see HBASE-8208 for details if (wal != null) { try { wal.sync(); // ensure that flush marker is sync'ed } catch (IOException ioe) { LOG.warn("Unexpected exception while wal.sync(), ignoring. Exception: " + StringUtils.stringifyException(ioe)); } } // wait for all in-progress transactions to commit to WAL before // we can start the flush. This prevents // uncommitted transactions from being written into HFiles. // We have to block before we start the flush, otherwise keys that // were removed via a rollbackMemstore could be written to Hfiles. w.setWriteNumber(flushOpSeqId); mvcc.waitForPreviousTransactionsComplete(w); // set w to null to prevent mvcc.advanceMemstore from being called again inside finally block w = null; } finally { if (w != null) { // in case of failure just mark current w as complete mvcc.advanceMemstore(w); } } return new PrepareFlushResult(storeFlushCtxs, committedFiles, startTime, flushOpSeqId, flushedSeqId, totalFlushableSizeOfFlushableStores);
interface StoreFlushContext { void prepare(); void flushCache(MonitoredTask status) throws IOException; boolean commit(MonitoredTask status) throws IOException; void replayFlush(List<String> fileNames, boolean dropMemstoreSnapshot) throws IOException; void abort() throws IOException; List<Path> getCommittedFiles(); }
public void prepare() {
this.snapshot = memstore.snapshot();
this.cacheFlushCount = snapshot.getCellsCount();
this.cacheFlushSize = snapshot.getSize();
committedFiles = new ArrayList<Path>(1);
public MemStoreSnapshot snapshot() { // If snapshot currently has entries, then flusher failed or didn't call // cleanup. Log a warning. if (!this.snapshot.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("Snapshot called again without clearing previous. " + "Doing nothing. Another ongoing flush or did we fail last attempt?"); } else { this.snapshotId = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime(); //memstore使用的mem大小 this.snapshotSize = keySize(); if (!this.cellSet.isEmpty()) { //这里的cellset就是memstore内存中的数据 this.snapshot = this.cellSet;
//构造一个新的cellset存储数据 this.cellSet = new CellSkipListSet(this.comparator); this.snapshotTimeRangeTracker = this.timeRangeTracker; this.timeRangeTracker = new TimeRangeTracker(); // Reset heap to not include any keys this.size.set(DEEP_OVERHEAD); this.snapshotAllocator = this.allocator; // Reset allocator so we get a fresh buffer for the new memstore if (allocator != null) { String className = conf.get(MSLAB_CLASS_NAME, HeapMemStoreLAB.class.getName()); this.allocator = ReflectionUtils.instantiateWithCustomCtor(className, new Class[] { Configuration.class }, new Object[] { conf }); } timeOfOldestEdit = Long.MAX_VALUE; } }
protected FlushResult internalFlushCacheAndCommit( final WAL wal, MonitoredTask status, final PrepareFlushResult prepareResult, final Collection<Store> storesToFlush) throws IOException { // prepare flush context is carried via PrepareFlushResult //进行flush的store的cf:storeFlushImpl映射 TreeMap<byte[], StoreFlushContext> storeFlushCtxs = prepareResult.storeFlushCtxs; //flush生成的hfile的路径,当前key是有的,为cf,但是List<Path>为null,是在internalPrepareFlushCache中初始化的 TreeMap<byte[], List<Path>> committedFiles = prepareResult.committedFiles; long startTime = prepareResult.startTime; long flushOpSeqId = prepareResult.flushOpSeqId; long flushedSeqId = prepareResult.flushedSeqId; long totalFlushableSizeOfFlushableStores = prepareResult.totalFlushableSize; String s = "Flushing stores of " + this; status.setStatus(s); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) LOG.trace(s); // Any failure from here on out will be catastrophic requiring server // restart so wal content can be replayed and put back into the memstore. // Otherwise, the snapshot content while backed up in the wal, it will not // be part of the current running servers state. boolean compactionRequested = false; try { // A. Flush memstore to all the HStores. // Keep running vector of all store files that includes both old and the // just-made new flush store file. The new flushed file is still in the // tmp directory. //迭代region下的每一个store,调用HStore.storeFlushImpl.flushCache方法,把store中snapshot的数据flush到hfile中,当然这里是flush到temp文件中,最终是通过commit将其移到正确的路径下 // // for (StoreFlushContext flush : storeFlushCtxs.values()) { flush.flushCache(status); } // Switch snapshot (in memstore) -> new hfile (thus causing // all the store scanners to reset/reseek). Iterator<Store> it = storesToFlush.iterator(); // stores.values() and storeFlushCtxs have same order for (StoreFlushContext flush : storeFlushCtxs.values()) { boolean needsCompaction = flush.commit(status); if (needsCompaction) { compactionRequested = true; } committedFiles.put(it.next().getFamily().getName(), flush.getCommittedFiles()); } storeFlushCtxs.clear(); // Set down the memstore size by amount of flush. this.addAndGetGlobalMemstoreSize(-totalFlushableSizeOfFlushableStores); if (wal != null) { // write flush marker to WAL. If fail, we should throw DroppedSnapshotException FlushDescriptor desc = ProtobufUtil.toFlushDescriptor(FlushAction.COMMIT_FLUSH, getRegionInfo(), flushOpSeqId, committedFiles); WALUtil.writeFlushMarker(wal, this.htableDescriptor, getRegionInfo(), desc, sequenceId, true); } } catch (Throwable t) { // An exception here means that the snapshot was not persisted. // The wal needs to be replayed so its content is restored to memstore. // Currently, only a server restart will do this. // We used to only catch IOEs but its possible that we'd get other // exceptions -- e.g. HBASE-659 was about an NPE -- so now we catch // all and sundry. if (wal != null) { try { FlushDescriptor desc = ProtobufUtil.toFlushDescriptor(FlushAction.ABORT_FLUSH, getRegionInfo(), flushOpSeqId, committedFiles); WALUtil.writeFlushMarker(wal, this.htableDescriptor, getRegionInfo(), desc, sequenceId, false); } catch (Throwable ex) { LOG.warn("Received unexpected exception trying to write ABORT_FLUSH marker to WAL:" + StringUtils.stringifyException(ex)); // ignore this since we will be aborting the RS with DSE. } wal.abortCacheFlush(this.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes()); } DroppedSnapshotException dse = new DroppedSnapshotException("region: " + Bytes.toStringBinary(getRegionName())); dse.initCause(t); status.abort("Flush failed: " + StringUtils.stringifyException(t)); throw dse; } // If we get to here, the HStores have been written. if (wal != null) { wal.completeCacheFlush(this.getRegionInfo().getEncodedNameAsBytes()); } // Record latest flush time for (Store store : storesToFlush) { this.lastStoreFlushTimeMap.put(store, startTime); } // Update the oldest unflushed sequence id for region. this.maxFlushedSeqId = flushedSeqId; // C. Finally notify anyone waiting on memstore to clear: // e.g. checkResources(). synchronized (this) { notifyAll(); // FindBugs NN_NAKED_NOTIFY } long time = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime() - startTime; long memstoresize = this.memstoreSize.get(); String msg = "Finished memstore flush of ~" + StringUtils.byteDesc(totalFlushableSizeOfFlushableStores) + "/" + totalFlushableSizeOfFlushableStores + ", currentsize=" + StringUtils.byteDesc(memstoresize) + "/" + memstoresize + " for region " + this + " in " + time + "ms, sequenceid=" + flushOpSeqId + ", compaction requested=" + compactionRequested + ((wal == null) ? "; wal=null" : ""); LOG.info(msg); status.setStatus(msg); return new FlushResult(compactionRequested ? FlushResult.Result.FLUSHED_COMPACTION_NEEDED : FlushResult.Result.FLUSHED_NO_COMPACTION_NEEDED, flushOpSeqId); }
public void flushCache(MonitoredTask status) throws IOException { //返回的是snapshotflush到临时文件后,最终需要移到的正确路径 tempFiles = HStore.this.flushCache(cacheFlushSeqNum, snapshot, status); }
protected List<Path> flushCache(final long logCacheFlushId, MemStoreSnapshot snapshot, MonitoredTask status) throws IOException { // If an exception happens flushing, we let it out without clearing // the memstore snapshot. The old snapshot will be returned when we say // 'snapshot', the next time flush comes around. // Retry after catching exception when flushing, otherwise server will abort // itself StoreFlusher flusher = storeEngine.getStoreFlusher(); IOException lastException = null; for (int i = 0; i < flushRetriesNumber; i++) { try { //调用StoreFlusher.flushsnapshot方法将snapshotflush到temp文件 List<Path> pathNames = flusher.flushSnapshot(snapshot, logCacheFlushId, status); Path lastPathName = null; try { for (Path pathName : pathNames) { lastPathName = pathName; validateStoreFile(pathName); } return pathNames; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed validating store file " + lastPathName + ", retrying num=" + i, e); if (e instanceof IOException) { lastException = (IOException) e; } else { lastException = new IOException(e); } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed flushing store file, retrying num=" + i, e); lastException = e; } if (lastException != null && i < (flushRetriesNumber - 1)) { try { Thread.sleep(pauseTime); } catch (InterruptedException e) { IOException iie = new InterruptedIOException(); iie.initCause(e); throw iie; } } } throw lastException; }
public List<Path> flushSnapshot(MemStoreSnapshot snapshot, long cacheFlushId, MonitoredTask status) throws IOException { ArrayList<Path> result = new ArrayList<Path>(); //这里会调用snapshot的getCellsCount方法,之所以这里提了这个方法,是因为其实一个prepare阶段耗时较大的过程。 int cellsCount = snapshot.getCellsCount(); if (cellsCount == 0) return result; // don't flush if there are no entries // Use a store scanner to find which rows to flush. long smallestReadPoint = store.getSmallestReadPoint(); InternalScanner scanner = createScanner(snapshot.getScanner(), smallestReadPoint); if (scanner == null) { return result; // NULL scanner returned from coprocessor hooks means skip normal processing } StoreFile.Writer writer; try { // TODO: We can fail in the below block before we complete adding this flush to // list of store files. Add cleanup of anything put on filesystem if we fail. synchronized (flushLock) { status.setStatus("Flushing " + store + ": creating writer"); // Write the map out to the disk //这里传入的cellsCount实际并没有用,可能是预置的变量? writer = store.createWriterInTmp( cellsCount, store.getFamily().getCompression(), false, true, true); writer.setTimeRangeTracker(snapshot.getTimeRangeTracker()); IOException e = null; try { //真正的将snapshot写入临时文件 performFlush(scanner, writer, smallestReadPoint); } catch (IOException ioe) { e = ioe; // throw the exception out throw ioe; } finally { if (e != null) { writer.close(); } else { finalizeWriter(writer, cacheFlushId, status); } } } } finally { scanner.close(); } LOG.info("Flushed, sequenceid=" + cacheFlushId +", memsize=" + StringUtils.humanReadableInt(snapshot.getSize()) + ", hasBloomFilter=" + writer.hasGeneralBloom() + ", into tmp file " + writer.getPath()); result.add(writer.getPath()); return result; }
public StoreFile.Writer createWriterInTmp(long maxKeyCount, Compression.Algorithm compression, boolean isCompaction, boolean includeMVCCReadpoint, boolean includesTag) throws IOException {
。。。。。忽略不重要逻辑。。。。。 //这里传入的maxkeyCount没有用 StoreFile.Writer w = new StoreFile.WriterBuilder(conf, writerCacheConf, this.getFileSystem()) .withFilePath(fs.createTempName()) .withComparator(comparator) .withBloomType(family.getBloomFilterType()) .withMaxKeyCount(maxKeyCount) .withFavoredNodes(favoredNodes) .withFileContext(hFileContext) .build(); return w; }
generalBloomFilterWriter = BloomFilterFactory.createGeneralBloomAtWrite( conf, cacheConf, bloomType, (int) Math.min(maxKeys, Integer.MAX_VALUE), writer); this.deleteFamilyBloomFilterWriter = BloomFilterFactory .createDeleteBloomAtWrite(conf, cacheConf, (int) Math.min(maxKeys, Integer.MAX_VALUE), writer);
public static BloomFilterWriter createDeleteBloomAtWrite(Configuration conf,
CacheConfig cacheConf, int maxKeys, HFile.Writer writer) {
if (!isDeleteFamilyBloomEnabled(conf)) {
LOG.info("Delete Bloom filters are disabled by configuration for "
+ writer.getPath()
+ (conf == null ? " (configuration is null)" : ""));
return null;
float err = getErrorRate(conf);
int maxFold = getMaxFold(conf);
// In case of compound Bloom filters we ignore the maxKeys hint.
CompoundBloomFilterWriter bloomWriter = new CompoundBloomFilterWriter(getBloomBlockSize(conf),
err, Hash.getHashType(conf), maxFold, cacheConf.shouldCacheBloomsOnWrite(),
return bloomWriter;
public boolean commit(MonitoredTask status) throws IOException {
if (this.tempFiles == null || this.tempFiles.isEmpty()) {
return false;
List<StoreFile> storeFiles = new ArrayList<StoreFile>(this.tempFiles.size());
for (Path storeFilePath : tempFiles) {
try {
storeFiles.add(HStore.this.commitFile(storeFilePath, cacheFlushSeqNum, status));
} catch (IOException ex) {
LOG.error("Failed to commit store file " + storeFilePath, ex);
// Try to delete the files we have committed before.
for (StoreFile sf : storeFiles) {
Path pathToDelete = sf.getPath();
try {
} catch (IOException deleteEx) {
LOG.fatal("Failed to delete store file we committed, halting " + pathToDelete, ex);
throw new IOException("Failed to commit the flush", ex);
for (StoreFile sf : storeFiles) {
if (HStore.this.getCoprocessorHost() != null) {
HStore.this.getCoprocessorHost().postFlush(HStore.this, sf);
HStore.this.flushedCellsCount += cacheFlushCount;
HStore.this.flushedCellsSize += cacheFlushSize;
// Add new file to store files. Clear snapshot too while we have the Store write lock.
return HStore.this.updateStorefiles(storeFiles, snapshot.getId());
这里之所以总是提到cellscount变量,是因为给其赋值调用ConcurrentSkipListMap.size()方法在flush的第一阶段中最耗时的,同时持有hbase region 级别的updatelock,但是通过梳理并没有太大的用处,可以干掉。否则会因此一些毛刺,pct99比较高。已有patch,但是是应用在2.+的版本的、